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Hearings in $1 billion lawsuit filed by Carlos Ghosn against Nissan start in Beirut


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Another case beside this is there were people back in 2019 that went to Ghosn house in Lebanon, entering his residence illegally using tourist visa and took his documents and hard drive. Those people act based on direction from HQ. So those people that involved in that will be soon in Interpol list too.


Beside him, Greg Kelly still fighting for his case.


-9 ( +19 / -28 )

Shameless criminal rat..

-10 ( +28 / -38 )

I hope Ghosn takes Nissan for everything he can and bankrupts Nissan in Lebanon.

And then enforces the judgment outside of Lebanon.

The foreigner-hating executives and bureaucrats in Japan need to be completely destroyed!!

-11 ( +35 / -46 )

Shameless criminal rat.

This article is about Ghosn, not Saikawa.

7 ( +35 / -28 )

Aaah, glad someone brought up Saikawa... good!

23 ( +35 / -12 )

“Renault and Nissan have both been distancing themselves from the Ghosn scandal.”

In other words they are trying to run away from the issue and wish it never happened. I doubt that Ghosn is any kind of angel, but Nissan, Renault and the draconian police and justice system in Japan are also culpable.

What a mess!

9 ( +30 / -21 )

JUSTICE is the foundation for all democracies. Who ever wins this case I hope it will be a lesson for future similar ones.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

Ghosn is a very smart man.

-13 ( +17 / -30 )

Carlos Ghosn deserves every penny of that money. The lies from Nissan were real. Japanese companies always know their bottom line and who is paying what. You can't even drive a company car without logging where and when you used the car.

Nissan used Carlos Ghosn to recover and when they realized that he wasn't leaving, they started their coup de'tat. I hope he wins. Even if they never pay, he deserves his day in court to represent himself.

Unlike what they did in Japan when Nissan tried to represent forcibly.

3 ( +28 / -25 )

Nissan criminalised an internal dispute which led to Mr Ghosn being held captive and by certain standards, tortured which consisted of sleep deprivation and intense questioning, to force a confession-the most widely form of coercion leading to a conviction, widely seen in Japan.

-2 ( +25 / -27 )

Ghosn pulled the Uno reverse card on Nissan. Nissan execs and the prosecutors they colluded with would have never thought that this day would come.

4 ( +23 / -19 )

Another circus show by the criminal clown. Nobody cares about a judgement in Lebanon that can't be enforced anywhere. Lebanon is not exactly a big market for Nissan or anyone.

The Plaintiff in this case is a bail jumping fugitive from justice, who never stood before a Court to present his case for innocence. Unlike Greg Kelly or the Taylors. Ghosn is a little weasel who was accustomed to living the luxurious jet-set life and couldn't stand being treated exactly like everyone else in the detention center. So he cries torture and all the non-thinking minds believe him, a man for whom a USD 9,000,000 salary was not good enough so he had to play games with company money.

Ghosn himself is a very clever man. It's his supporters who proclaim his total innocence, despite his not having presented his case before any court who need an education. Innocent defendants don't jump bail.

2 ( +32 / -30 )

I'll never buy a Nissan product, just like I will never buy an Olympus product. Shameful what these companies did to their CEOs.

-3 ( +29 / -32 )

Difficult to trust a system that lets Saikawa go scott-free.

9 ( +27 / -18 )


Innocent defendants don't jump bail.

In case you have no clue about Japanese justice hostage system.


For Ghosn case, prosecutor using trick by breaking case into multiple cases so he need to fight his case one by one. He need to do that while deprive him from evidence document he needs. Even if he won, he need to fight in case prosecutor appeal. It will be long court battle while odds are against him.

-9 ( +21 / -30 )

sakurasukiToday  10:49 am JST


Innocent defendants don't jump bail

In case you have no clue about the Ghosn case he never made or signed any confession. The claim that the prosecution sought a confession was made by Ghosn's 24 year old son.

Innocent defendants do not jump bail.

3 ( +24 / -21 )


In case you have no clue about the Ghosn case he never made or signed any confession. The claim that the prosecution sought a confession was made by Ghosn's 24 year old son.

No, even Ghosn himself admit that they just want him to confess, he said that in many interview.

The last one you can check it from Apple TV


When he refused they started to threat his family. Also they started to make his life difficult, they won't let him to meet his wife in one on one, all meeting with his wife need to be monitored by third party, that includes all private conversation. It just will continue until last judgement being finalized, which can take years since prosecutor will file appeal once they lost in lower court. So no private moment with his beloved wife for years, that if he lucky enough to live that long, he's almost 70s.

Innocent defendants do not jump bail.

For innocent defendants In Japan that can means years of life being spent for nothing, while precious time in freedom is gone. That if innocent defendants lucky enough to have enough evidences to be used.


-7 ( +16 / -23 )

He was arrested in Japan in November 2018 on charges of breach of trust, misusing company assets for personal gains and violating securities laws by not fully disclosing his compensation.

Hmmm, how does Ghosn differ from any other executive/politician here in Japan?

1 ( +16 / -15 )


Prosecutors in Japan resort to very suspect behavior which in first world countries would not be condoned.

How long do Japanese authorities need to place a suspect on remand before trial?

In Ghosn’s case it was 14 months until he got out of Japan.

Had he stayed it would have been far longer.

Don’t kid yourself!

The Japanese authorities were looking for a confession, had they evidence then he would have been charged and sentenced far earlier.

It was designed to wear Ghosn down-that’s not justice…

-4 ( +18 / -22 )

Ghosn is a criminal yes. But his criminality is/was standard among these so-called "elites".

Fact is, Ghosn is the lesser criminal here, as its not him doing the human and legal rights abuses against himself, Greg Kelly and others not even related to this case. So I support Ghosn right up until all the other criminals involved get theirs. And those who claim they do not are extremely suspect.

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

Go Ghosn San, go !

-8 ( +18 / -26 )

Highly recommend the new documentary series

"Wanted: The Escape of Carlos Ghosn" on Apple+.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Ghosn claims to be the victim of a character assassination campaign led by Nissan with the complicity of the Japanese government, aided by accomplices in France.

that sums it up pretty well. The treatment he was given for two years without being formally charged was abominable and should never happen in a modern country. Nearly a year in total isolation with almost daily interrogations from prosecuting lawyers without his lawyer present. No email or newspapers, no contact with his family. Locked in solitary confinement with an intention of forcing a confession to offenses that cannot be substantiated. What absolute joke!

-2 ( +12 / -14 )

Innocent defendants do not jump bail.

It's possible for an innocent defendant to jump bail, but all the surrounding evidence and investigations in other countries clearly point to a direction that Ghosn is at least not being arbitrarily detained. A company dispute does not mean Ghosn did not violate the criminal law.

I'd also point out that at the end of the day, Ghosn got a reprieve in getting bail at all despite being an obvious and as it turned out ACTUAL flight risk, and he betrayed Japan (or at least those who took a chance to give his [profanity] a reprieve. So I hope no Westerner complains again when he doesn't get bail - blame Ghosn!

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

Any Japanese TV channel will make a TV drama about what has happened in Nissan during Ghosan was CEO and how did he being smuggled out of Japan ....etc. That will be interesting, let the people make judgement. Like the South Korean making movies of their country's historic event!

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

If Ghosn really is innocent of all charges as he claims he is, there's nothing to fear. Fly back to Tokyo and have your day in court. Outline who the guilty parties really are, present the massive amount of evidenc he claims to have - and he'll be fine.

All this suing of Nissan will win Ghosn absolutely nothing.

-1 ( +15 / -16 )

If Ghosn really is innocent of all charges as he claims he is, there's nothing to fear. Fly back to Tokyo and have your day in court. Outline who the guilty parties really are, present the massive amount of evidenc he claims to have - and he'll be fine.

All this suing of Nissan will win Ghosn absolutely nothing.

Fly back to Tokyo. You have be kidding. Who on earth would put their faith in Japan's so- called legal system. Even Japan's imbecile judges don't have a clue about justice. They are just a bunch of scared rabbits.

-8 ( +14 / -22 )

By the way, good luck Mr.Ghosn. which ever way it goes you have won. You have exposed Japan for what it really is.

-9 ( +14 / -23 )

@Alan HarrisonToday  05:04 pm JST

Fly back to Tokyo. You have be kidding. Who on earth would put their faith in Japan's so- called legal system. Even Japan's imbecile judges don't have a clue about justice. They are just a bunch of scared rabbits.

You are making some rather defamatory claims. Care to back them up? And be careful, you need to show Japan's judges are particuarly weak. Remember that while a "pro-government" judgment doesn't demonstrate judicial independence, nor does it automatically show a lack thereof. If the governent's case is strong (as it should be), the judge is not supposed to let the need to demonstrate judicial independence (which to put it in the crudest form is to make an anti-government judgment) keep him from adjudicating as the law demands.

-3 ( +11 / -14 )

Ghosn was very clearly railroaded in a boardroom coup.

That's the real crime.

I hope he prevails.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Innocent defendants do not jump bail

If you had been arrested and kept in solitary confinement for a year and then held in house arrest for a further year without being charged and you had the means I’m sure you would have chosen to get out of Japan on the first chance you had.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

And Saikawa simply bowed against the same crimes, and is still free, thus proving Ghosn's point about conspiracy against foreigners. Hope he wins

2 ( +9 / -7 )

I guess we're going to skip the whole trying to starve him to death in jail for a year, without trial huh. His Victory against Japan Inc is something to be celebrated. The longer Japan protests the greater the victory

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Has Japan compensated Mr.Ghosn for unlawful detention as was recommended by the UN? Probably not.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

MarkToday 08:24 am JST

JUSTICE is the foundation for all democracies. Who ever wins this case I hope it will be a lesson for future similar ones.

Yeah, well justice is different for everyone and when one group controls it, you get their brand of justice. In lots of cases it's based on socio-economic status, skin color, religious and party affiliation and more. He is not Japanese and there was NO WAY they were going to put him on trial without finding him guilty. Ghosn was never going to get a fair trial in Japan and that was clear for damn near anyone to see, especially Carlos himself. When he first got here, I was rooting hard for his success and to see my favorite car company rebound. I kind of wished he had failed because he brought Nissan back but gets no credit and when he became unwanted, they looked for any way possible to get rid of him. Now he's a villlain and Nissan looks good. Ingrates.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Start there and finish it in The Hague, that’s the only way the truth will ever come out…but don’t expect any from Nissan

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I have my suspicions about where the blame lies, but I really don't know for sure.

I'm curious to know how everyone here, on both sides, seems so sure about their opinion. No one has offered any compelling evidence. Does anyone have any? (If so, you must have connections in high places. Please tell us about them.)

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I'm curious to know how everyone here, on both sides, seems so sure about their opinion.

Not me. I have no clue whether he is guilty or not. All I know is that the divide between rich/poor is the real divide, the rich push left/right culture wars to divert attention from the fact that the true enemy are the rich.

An on that note, the rich can deal with whatever BS they have to, and I'm ok with that.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

1) The usual 'progressives' assume he's guilty (presumably they hate rich people), and (2) The reasonable thinkers know he could never get a fair trial in Japan and acknowledge that before he escaped he was effectively tortured - and that is a greater crime than the white collar one he may or may not have committed.

And once again I'm a centrist then, as I acknowledge Japan's legal system not being fair to defendants, but also not caring what happens to him as one of the super elite enemy.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Anyone can file a suit. Trump sued his rape victim and lost again. Ghosn’s days are over. Unfortunately he is a wanted man by Interpol. But with his money and wealth he can find safe harbors in Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria and Belarus if he tires of Lebanon.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

what we do know, is that Ghosn was in prison for almost 2 years WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE being shown

Evidence was shown. Maybe not to you, but they have to show it in courts to justify the charges.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

LindsaySep. 19  07:25 pm JST

Innocent defendants do not jump bail

If you had been arrested and kept in solitary confinement for a year and then held in house arrest for a further year without being charged and you had the means I’m sure you would have chosen to get out of Japan on the first chance you had.

Nope. Only a guilty person or an idiot would add a charge of bail jumping to the mix. Bail jumping will prejudice my chances of attaining a non-guilty verdict of the original charge. Ask any lawyer. Since nobody thinks Ghosn is an idiot that leaves only one conclusion.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Only a guilty person or an idiot would add a charge of bail jumping to the mix. 

Only an idiot would think that bail jumping for Carlos wasn't the right thing to do, considering the joke of a justice system here.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

“Renault and Nissan have both been distancing themselves from the Ghosn scandal.”

In other words they are trying to run away from the issue and wish it never happened.


I doubt that Ghosn is any kind of angel, but Nissan, Renault and the draconian police and justice system in Japan are also culpable.


What a mess!

That's 3 in a row.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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