Japan Today

High school girl stabbed to death; 35-year-old man turns himself in


Police said Thursday that a 35-year-old man turned himself in at a koban after he allegedly stabbed to death his 17-year-old ex-girlfriend in Hachioji on Wednesday.

According to police, Haruka Sakurai, a Sagamihara City high school student, was found dead at the entrance to the home where she lived with the suspect at one time, at around 10:40 p.m. Wednesday. Fuji TV quoted police as saying that she had been stabbed numerous times in the chest and back.

A man, who identified himself as Yoshio Nakata and said he was the victim's boyfriend, turned himself in at a koban in Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, at around 3 a.m. Thursday and confessed to the crime, police said.

The girl's body was found when an acquaintance of Nakata visited the house and noticed blood seeping out from under the front door, and then contacted police.

Police said a blood-stained knife was found in the kitchen, Fuji reported.

Nakata was estranged from his wife and son, police said.

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RIP poor girl.

Questions have to be asked why a 35 year old man was dating a 17 year old high school student, unless what he said about them dating was just a lie.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

I had this very conversation with a 17 year old female student yesterday. I asked why so many young high school girls date men in the their thirties. Next week my question will be, why would you trust a man in his thirties that wants to date a high school? It's just sukebe!

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

Yeesh, the thing with man-babies is just disgusting and sad. The first reaction to a girl breaking up with you is to threaten to kill her? 2nd, Does Japan have laws to enforce about underage dating or not? As for why on earth a 17 year old would actually date a 30+ person, sadly the reason is quite simple. Financial stability, "adult maturity" from a young blooded brats perspective, and the fact a person that old is considered independent to a child that has to depend on their parents and teens always want to experience independence. Disgusting this.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

So, to take a wild, wild guess: she wanted to end it with him and he went mental? Age difference aside, doesn't this happen often here? Unstable people who can't deal with rejection and go absolutely nuts, stalking, harassing and sometimes (too often) taking to killing partners who want to break up. Mostly done by men, too. Goes to show that even though you might have the age on paper, you need not be all that mature...

13 ( +14 / -1 )

I dont get how the man can do this to his woman. They were just dating, too. Until the couple are married the man cannot possess the woman. Just my rules. GP

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

doesn't this happen often here? Unstable people who can't deal with rejection and go absolutely nuts, stalking, harassing and sometimes (too often) taking to killing partners who want to break up. Mostly done by men, too

i don't think this just happens here but in other countries, too, having said that, i agree that it's mostly done by men.. when a relationship is over, women can turn around and move on but men often have a hard time moving on...

3 ( +6 / -3 )

what was a high school girl doing living with her 35-year-old boyfriend? seriously, what were her parents thinking? oh, they probably weren't thinking, that's why.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

@Gaijin playa: even if they were married he, and anybody else for that matter, will never ever 'possess' their partner. Ever.

18 ( +19 / -1 )

what was a high school girl doing living with her 35-year-old boyfriend? what were her parents thinking to allow that? oh wait, they probably weren't thinking.

Haruka Sakurai, a Sagamihara City high school student, was found dead at the entrance to the home where she lived with the suspect

according to japanese news, she was not living with him... he was living with his father who is now staying at a local hospital for chironic disease he has... the girl lived with her parents in sagamihara.

JT - could you verify the information whether she was living with the man or not?

Moderator: Our sources say she was living with him for a time but was not at the time of her death.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

It says in the story she was living with him (apologies if that was added later). The question is why. Was she a runaway? Did her parents just give her up? In any case, while there is no suggestion of motive, I'm guessing it was the classic 'she was going to break it off (and go back home)', but again, no idea. All I can say is that it's sad, and I hope the guy gets a very lengthy prison sentence.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Until the couple are married the man cannot possess the woman. Just my rules. GP

I think (hope) this is you using some gangster humor.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

How horrible and sad!! What in the world is a 17 year old girl doing with this 30 something year old scum bag?? I hope he HANGS and ASAP!! RIP young lady looking for love in all the wrong places!!

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Oh yeah, its just to be the age difference! And when a 35 year old man stabs his 35 year old wife (which happens more often) its just got to be that age similarity! And when a 75 year old man stabs his 68 year old wife, it was the old age! Or was it this marriage thing?

I am going to guess this guy had mental problems because he stabbed his ex-girlfriend to death, top of the list. I have known legal adults who dated girls below 18, but I cannot remember any of them stabbing anyone. Or looking like they were capable. And all this talk about ages is no better than looking at a crime and blaming it on race.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

What a piece of scum... I hope they execute him.

RIP Haruka... no-one deserves what happened to you.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

" at the entrance to the home where she lived with the suspect at one time…"

So she was his former underage live-in girlfriend? I can't count count how many ways that's just not right.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

"I dont get how the man can do this to his woman. They were just dating, too. Until the couple are married the man cannot possess the woman. Just my rules. GP"

Gaijin playa, I have huge issues with your comment. Putting aside the fact that your username is a bit of an irony, you have no context of the situation and have no idea how mentally unstable the man, or the woman was. There is no justification for what the man did, but we don't know if the girl was mentally manipulative or if this man had mental issues. Secondly, its not about man doing this to women, its about humans to humans. And you don't even know how poorly their dating went. (It apparently was awful!) Lastly, you cant ever possess a woman, even after you marry them. Women aren't property. And although I imagine your hearts in the right place, waiting until marriage is an archaic, old tradition that makes no sense. Im not promoting promiscuousness, but love making is a vital part of a relationship and men AND WOMEN end relationships because that part doesn't work for them like that.

So yeah, your post is filled with jumped-conclusions and false advice. From the sound of your post you see you have the heart in the right place but in times like this I hope you remember the quote "The road to hell is paved with good intentions". Please, think through what you say and accept the uncomfortable before you post things that seem feel-good on the surface but actually are terrible advice.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Too many fools are walking time bombs!! Ready to pull this kind of crime on the weaker ones for?? Who knows what idiotic reasons so it would be nice if this almost 40 something year old scum bag criminal were skinned alive and then for good measure had $#%€£%!! Done to him and all on live TV!! Poor poor young girl! What kind of messed up family did she have???

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Why everyone says 17 is underage? i think age of consent is 16 in Japan, no?

1 ( +6 / -5 )

RIP, The guy is a loser.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

My question is during this dating that was going on where were the girls parents at, what advice did they give her if any and why did they not seek to give their child better guidance ?

Maybe the parents were wayward too, often in situations where the kids are wayward the parents are also absent as parents and also were wayward youth.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

fishy says:

when a relationship is over, women can turn around and move on but men often have a hard time moving on...

This comment, consciously or not, plays into the sexist nonsense of rejected man as emotionally vulnerable and somehow 'driven' to attack, and woman as heartlessly provoking him. This is wrong, and dangerous. If you ever thought it might be true, stop it.

Domestic violence happens while a couple is in a relationship, and has nothing to do with a woman wanting to leave a man, but with a man wanting to make sure she is under his control for ever. Domestic violence can come out of the blue, regardless of a woman's behaviour, and death threats are what often keep her there. Domestic violence does not happen because the woman did something to upset the man's sensibilities or feelings, but because he is unstable and violent and has no idea how to maintain a normal relationship or have a discussion or deal with his frustration...

He does not become violent because she left him. She left him because he is violent.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Wow Japan! No one turns himself/herself for doing a crime in my home country. But this is just common here among criminals. It's a good thing, but crime is crime. You have to pay what you did no matter how honest you are.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Until the couple are married the man cannot possess the woman. Just my rules.

A man cannot "possess" a woman. Period. If you're hoping that any of that changes in marriage, then you're better off avoiding marriage.

Honestly, men are better off just avoiding relationships with women beyond the first romp in the bedroom. Just do your business and then get out of their way. If they want to stick around, they'll make the effort themselves. Men aren't supposed to be domesticated.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )


Would have been better if this loon searched help before he went on hos killing spree. I suspect quite a lot of the people battling with mental problems would like to do this. Unfortunately, Japan is one cold, unforgiving society. If you'd go to the crazy house for a couple of months, no chance in hell you'd be able to go back to normal life after...

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

TV news just said that the guy said he decided to kill her because he ran out of money and felt that he couldn't date her anymore, so he wanted to kill her AND THEN to kill himself... money wasn't my first guess that he killed this girl, but messed up in any ways, this is so wrong.

6 ( +6 / -0 )


You don't necessary need to be a mentally incapacitated person to commit a crime. Anyone can!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Lots of mental illness here. Not much support besides the gamman thing. Quite a mental pressure cooker. I feel sad for the girl, her friends, and her family. I sorta feel sorry for the guy too, in a way. To become that weird and violent takes time and a real lack of compassion from society. So sad all around.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

This is SOB did not have to kill the poor girl but he HE DID!! Let him hang and burn, and burn in HELL!!!!!!!!!

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

I don't see why a boyfriend murdering a girlfriend has national borders. Very common. There was a case in Spain where an estranged boyfriend murdered his girlfriend on a TV program. There are cases where a boyfriend waits outside a work place for an ex or a girlfriend for attack in other countries. In Osaka, a non-Japanese boyfriend waited for his girlfriend at her work place and beat her up for others to see. To bring it closer to home, my friend's sister-in-law was in an interracial relationship with a married man in my home town (not in Japan). They broke up. The man murdered her, threw her body in the trunk, drove out to the boonies and dumped the body, only to drive back to a police station, and guide them back to the abandoned body. This is a crime. There are situations of abused women all over the world. Japan has a problem of young girls dating for love or money. They break up and get abused or murdered. In this case, the man says he ran out of money. Maybe he told her they had to stop meeting. She may have gone there to beg him to let her stay. Poor dear child. A sad life. He may have provided something that she longed for or had lost. Where indeed were her parents? I have met any number of high school girls who actually, for one reason or another, do not live with their parents. Shocking, but that is a reality here, too. Sometimes they cannot take a child with them into a new marriage. A young girl hoping for stability with an older man. Just so very sad. Other news says her father could not contact her via cell phone and became suspicious of the man she was dating! He knew about this relationship? The man was intending to kill himself, too. His wife and kindergarten son had moved out after they had all moved into his father's house. They seem to have had debts.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

A long time ago I had a breakup with a girl I really loved, but you know what happened? I felt angry and sad, but not once did I consider going out and getting "revenge" by harming her physically. I thought to myself, "She's a human being that has to make her own choices on how she lives her life, and I need to move forward as well."

If a person doesn't respect another person or even consider the rights of another person in and beyond their own selfish perspective of a relationship you end up with overly possessive, and maniacally obssessed ex-bf/gfs like this that believe somehow they can force their relationship to re-activate through insane actions. I can understand crimes of passion, but even where I live it's rare to see extreme situations like this.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

One more case of a stalker killing the girl that doesn't want him.

Until the couple are married the man cannot possess the woman.

So if he had killed his wife that'd be OK for you ?No wait, you're a dude. So if your wife kills you, no problem with your rules ?

I asked why so many young high school girls date men in the their thirties.

You are a 12 yr old boy ? In their 30's , they have a car and they can pay stuff... unlike 16 yr old school mates. they are not all looking like ossans, some could pass for 20~something and some girls look more mature. BUT if guys of that age don't realize their GF is under 18, or if they don't mind, they are not better off than a kid for mental development.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Wow I am not saying that its OK for a 35 year old man to date a 17 year old GIRL, but my question is this? Why would a 17 year old GIRL date a 35 year old man. The logic goes both ways, both seem to have a problem and that was seeing nothing wrong with enjoying one another. I'm lost!!!

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I'm guessing this is an "assisted dating" relationship ending.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Legally one is adult in Japan at age 20... to his credit he owned up to what he did.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

this is very awkward moment and she was very poor girl who did not find any help to save any one from him

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So if he had killed his wife that'd be OK for you ?No wait, you're a dude. So if your wife kills you, no problem with your rules ?

Ummmmm no that's not what I meant. I just meant that if they were married he would have legal and/or financial control over her as I assume he would be the only one working. I never condoned killing one's wife as YOU suggested. As for a 16 year old girl wanting a man for their money, as you said, that's just sick.

-6 ( +0 / -5 )

As for a 16 year old girl wanting a man for their money, as you said, that's just sick.

I didn't say they were necessarily making a business of it. That exists too, it's called enjo kosai not dating. Many teen girls are interested in guys a little older, aged 18 to 25. Because if they date a 16 yr old boy, more often than none, it's a boy that will meet her at the local park, buy her a juice from the vending machine and propose to go play gameboy at his place with his parents watching TV in the back... The older guys are more likely to take them out in town, pay movie tickets, a meal, a drink in a disco, and the girls don't pay their share because they don't have money, that's not really high level gold digging. Well, that was my point of view when I was 16. In a club, some 35 yr old guys can pass for younger just like 16 yr old girls can pass for over 20.

The logic goes both ways,

No, it doesn't. Both should check who they date, but responsibilities are different. In my experience, and among people I know, few teen girls are likely to keep dating the new boyfriend when they find he is nearly as old as their dad and has kids... and otherwise, it's an immature deluded girl, but well at 18 ot 17 it's the age to be silly, her girlfriends will call her crazy and take her back home to parents. When the older guy wants to continue, that's very different. He has passed the age of being deluded, and he is an adult that should take responsibility to protect the kids.

if they were married he would have legal and/or financial control over her

Anyway, whatever the age and situation, you don't force anybody to stay with you, and you don't kill them. The guy has the mindset of a stalker. And what is scary is we see really many cases in the news. That's becoming a collective issue with a part of population (mostly men, but women do it to) that can't deal with rejection without turning insane and dangerous. Maybe we'd need some anger management classes or something like that included in compulsory education.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

As for a 16 year old girl wanting a man for their money, as you said, that's just sick.

Even female birds choose mates based on the sort of nest they can build. Well, they may not make a conscious decision, but its the males of means that impress females. Do you guys really expect women to just love you for who you are, period? Its not going to happen. Men and women have different base desires and urges and they are natural and expected. Nothing wrong with either of them. As soon as that is accepted its obvious why the tendency is for younger women and older men to get together even if the difference is just a couple years. But even with a greater age difference, there is no direct correlation between that and criminality. Sure, there may be some tendency among older males with mental deficiencies to go for teen girls, but that in no way means that a majority who do are mental. When I say tendency, I am talking about small numbers of people here. Maybe just 2 percent more of guys over 25 dating teen girls are mental compared with those dating other age groups, something like that. But people sure love their exaggerations.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

To answer AKBfan's question, technically the age of consent in Japan is 13 and girls can marry at 16 and boys at 18 even though the age of majority is 20. That being said, it also falls under the prefectures. But if you are paying for sex than the age is 18. But since municipalities and prefectures are involved, the age may differ from place to place. For instance, Tokyo, the age of consent is 17. So you can say the age of consent in Japan ranges from 13-18. In Europe it ranges from 14-18. In the US, it ranges from 16-18 and Canada is 16.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The news this morning said that he could no longer afford to keep up the relationship due to debts/shakkin so he decided to kill her and himself...only he chickened out of killing himself...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

He's good enough to romance a teenager. What's his secret? If he's that good, why fixate on an ex-girlfriend? He could just get another girlfriend, easy right?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

With M Grant's update, I'm guessing he could no longer provide the "lifestyle" which he provided at first, so she decided to move on to somebody who could. So he got that "If I can't have you, nobody can" bug up his pooter.

@ Wontond, I think the term you're looking for is "compensated dating", we've discussed it here before.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

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