Japan Today

High school student arrested for sexually assaulting 4-year-old girl in toilet


Shizuoka prefectural police have arrested a 16-year-old high school student on suspicion of sexually assaulting a 4-year-old girl in a toilet last year.

Police said the incident occurred on Oct 18 at a shopping mall in Hamamatsu City, Sankei Shimbun reported. After the child got separated from her family, the boy, who lives in Fukuroi City, took her to a multipurpose restroom where he is accused of touching the girl’s body.

Afterwards, the child told her parents what happened and they contacted police. Police said surveillance camera footage showed the boy leading the girl to the toilet.

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Agreed with Smith.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

Monitored? He needs to be locked up for the rest of his life.

What’s the bed his disgusting bedroom was filled with comics featuring naked children.

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

Wrong on so many levels, hopefully he gets what he deserves!! As for the victim hopefully she’s too young to remember...

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Burning Bush, a 4 year old will go with her father to the toilet.

This predator is obviously sick, and he must be both punished, and monitored for the rest of his life. I don't think any therapy works (other than castration).

11 ( +15 / -4 )

When will this kind of news stop! What a sick thing to do. Pretty hard to police, as it would have been assumed that he was a sibling. I hope that some good can come of this.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Chalk up yet another one for the porn industry.

We all know child porn still thrives here- it's even actually technically legal to depict it in animation.

By the time people get around to shout "Lock him up!" "Castrate him now!" etc. the damage is already done, in this case to a four-year old.

If you you don't address the core influences on Japan's youth which can lead to this type of predatory behavior/maintains the status quo regarding laws and punishment for sexual assault/rape (the sexist attitude and behavior in porn is right up the conservative politicians' alley), we're going to just keep on seeing these acts repeated ad nauseum.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

I can see what you're getting at but if I'm trying to take my daughter to the toilet and she's having a hissy fit then you stick your nose in, you'd get a slap.

Kniknaknokkaer you're letting him off easy.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

This crime is gruesome.

I hope is all a big mistake and nothing happened in that toilet.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


You said what I wanted to say! Basically one bad apple spoils the whole bunch!

And the sad thing about this is that pretty much nothing will happen to this future child molester. Japan will watch him grow into a full blown pervert and only really act if and when it gets out of hand.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Another stranger than fiction story from Japan.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The darkside of kawaii culture...

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Poor kid will be traumatized for life. Nothing worse than someone who preys on innocents like this four- year- old. Whatever the maximum happens to be, that is what he should receive.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

16-year-old high school student on suspicion of sexually assaulting a 4-year-old girl in a toilet last year.

Future violent sex offender in the making here... alas, at his age there is not much they can do now.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

My son went missing in a mall at age 3 for about five minutes.

It felt like a lifetime.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

As no video, I hope the student did not just help her to go to the toilet and then had to confess about something he did not do...

I sincerely hope evidence from the student or the girl is without doubt.

Please think : a 4 year old little girl wincing and you arriving as 16 boy. Do you let the girl start crying while she says she needs to go to the toilet ?

I just say that because I am personally not sure of what I would do if I see no one around and toilet is a few meters away.

It's just the article not that clear because this situation is he said she said and no confession expressed (as what it's worth in Japan)

Of course, if due evidence (for what a 4 year old testimony can be given worth to).

Also, I wonder why it's disclosed only now, 4 months later.

By the way, I have two daughters...teens by now.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Next weeks news “Prosecution dropped, no reason given by the prosecution.” Boys parents will pay off the girls parents and call it a day. He’ll be free to do it again to another child.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

What a predator, in the small time she was separated from the family, he took advantage so quickly. Of course his family will try to reach a settlement with the parents. And Takumi is correct, he will do it again but next time will be more clever about it (some place without a surveillance camera, or a handicapped child incapable of communicating to her parents.)

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Why Japan is full of these weirdos?

I truly hope that the little girl will be too small to remember.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

As no video, I hope the student did not just help her to go to the toilet and then had to confess about something he did not do...

I sincerely hope evidence from the student or the girl is without doubt.

Please think : a 4 year old little girl wincing and you arriving as 16 boy. Do you let the girl start crying while she says she needs to go to the toilet ?

I just say that because I am personally not sure of what I would do if I see no one around and toilet is a few meters away.

It's just the article not that clear because this situation is he said she said and no confession expressed (as what it's worth in Japan)

Of course, if due evidence (for what a 4 year old testimony can be given worth to).

By the way, I have two daughters...teens by now.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


You really don't know?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

@ knik...

You are right. But the boy is 16 and at that age, ,not everyone is with swift mind. Not sure there was staff around either.

Logic and reality don't always apply you know.

If he is a creep, punishment to the level of his deed needed and God helps to know if he can be cured from his pulsions.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

So many awful reactions.

If the boy instead touch her than he needs professional help. Why lifetime lockup, is that a good solution?

It is not written about improper touching. It is written he touched her which is an explanation of a 4 year old child. Such statement of a 4 year old child need to be approached differently. This you will learn when you have children.

It is indeed strange why he went to toilet with her, but maybe he tried to help

Secondly (not mentioned in this article) japanese news articles are mentioning that police is still investigating the situation.

Most comments are based on information which is not clear and assuming is not the way for judging someone.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

The boy needs to be studied further to see where this pattern started and find the root cause vs directly attacking the boy in the media. This is a behavioral issue that needs further looking into. It is possible he was acting out on a behavior done to him when he was a youngster and now surfacing yrs later.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

My son went missing in a mall at age 3 for about five minutes.

It felt like a lifetime..

Same, my son ran away at ebisu garden place when I was putting something back on a toy rack, must if been 20 seconds I couldn't find him, it was absolutely terrifying.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Dont let your kids become seperated at the mall.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Johnathan Prim:

Please think : a 4 year old little girl wincing and you arriving as 16 boy. Do you let the girl start crying while she says she needs to go to the toilet ?

You are correct that we should not rush to judgement. You are incorrect that the reaction of a normal 16 year old boy would be to take a 4 year old girl to the potty. A much more natural reaction would be to ask her where her mom is, and if she did not know, tell some adults around her that she is lost.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

All I'm going to say for the fourth time. This article and most of the people are assuming too much. We don't know the full story. The little girl needs to be shown the where did he touch you doll. If it was in a bad place then he needs help if not the boy should be thanked for taking care of the girl. Also what would have happened if this was a 16 year old girl and a little boy. I don't think it would have gotten this much attention and the 16 year old girl would be touted as being a good girl and helping a poor boy.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


"You are incorrect that the reaction of a normal 16 year old boy would be to take a 4 year old girl to the potty".

Never said that it was the normal reaction. On the contrary.

I said it could happen because a 16 year old boy does not think yet like an adult and has not the experience of an adult, to make it clear.

And depending on your own way of life, it could be normal to help without thinking that as a man you are seen as a potential raper.

Let justice and evidence do its work but article is not with enough information

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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