A 49-year-old high school teacher from a well-known competitive sports school in Kanagawa Prefecture has been arrested for drug possession, police announced Tuesday.
According to police, a small amount of illegal stimulants was found at the teacher’s home in Kanagawa Prefecture earlier in June, as part of an Osaka Prefectural Police national investigation into drug trafficking routes, Fuji TV reported.
The teacher, identified as Takatomo Imai, is employed at Tokai University Sagami Junior and Senior High School, one of the most prominent competitive sports secondary schools in the Kanto region.
Up to very recently, Imai was also the adviser for the school’s famed rugby team, which took part in the All Japan High School Rugby Championship a total of eight times in the past.
Imai was quoted by police as saying that he bought the drugs online and was planning on using it with a friend.
© Japan Today
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The kind that get you arrested. Online can be anything from a simple e mail address to a dodgy website. Idiot just tainted his schools reputation.
As a teacher, students can really drive you to drink. I guess in this guys' case he took it even further.....
Peter Qinghai
Jlaw has drug sniffing dogs that work in the post office?
Jlaw is tapping the masses online activities like the US's NSA?
Wht don't we hear stories about Jlaw cracking down on uncensored internet porn watchers!?!
His friend ratted him out. I would never ever touch an illegal drug in this country. Ratting is the norm.
By the way, I do not do illegal drugs in any country. I am high on oxygen and life and love.
Well, he's no celebrity, J-cop, or politician, so he might actually face some punishment.
Stimulants also cover innocent over the counter drugs such as codeine. I suffer from cramp at times and I can't take those particular drugs to Japan as they are deemed illegal stimulants. So it could be anything from Codeine up to Heroin I suppose
got a link to the story?
He didn't buy them online. He's just keeping his trap shut on the source. However, I reckon his career is over at Tokai.
There was a case of 200 grams of weed smuggling by Bangladeshi students in Oita last month that has never been reflected on national news, just local. Here we have this relatively small case reported on national level. Is it about bribing the news media?!
Say No To Drugs.....particularly in countries with stiff penalties.
Find a tenth of a gram of speed and it's national news, disgraced school and teacher.
Turn a blind eye to bullying that leads to suicide and it's a "regrettable situation."
I just think that as a teacher of any school, people should know better. I get that there are stresses from work but who doesn't have stress?
And a small amount of anything illegal is still illegal. Having small or big amounts of something doesn't make it less or more of a crime.
I hope he gets his rightful punishment
randomnatorJUN. 29, 2016 - 05:01PM JST ..... Idiot just tainted his schools reputation.
Why would he care about the school's reputation? Do you think anyone in his or her right mind would think about not braking the law just because, "Oh my god, my company's reputation will suffer if I do something illegal"? When will people in this country stop being slaves to their corporate masters?
What matters to him now is that his teaching career is over because of some asinine thing.
azn_twinkieJUN. 30, 2016 - 08:52AM JST I hope he gets his rightful punishment
What is a "rightful" punishment?
What the man puts in his body in the privacy of his own home is none of your or the government's business.
David Blue
Anyone that age knows better and there is a problem with this mans brain. His students learned one lesson from him in the end.
Kobe White Bar Owner
Zamo says no.
David BlueJUN. 30, 2016 - 09:44AM JST Anyone that age knows better and there is a problem with this mans brain. His students learned one lesson from him in the end.
Which is that in this country you have no control over your own body. The government owns you.
Random: That is how it works in this country. Irate wives and girlfriends turn people in too.
Random: That is how it works in this country. Irate wives and girlfriends turn people in too.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Sumobody speaks for me in this thread. So many people say they are pro-freedom, but when it comes down to it, not really. The man only stood to harm himself with these drugs, and maybe not even himself since the drugs are unnamed. Yet people support this and say he should know better? My single biggest concern here is how did the cops even get the idea to go searching his residence? Its got red flags drawn all over it. I am far more concerned about police raiding my home on a whim than a neighbor doing some drugs. You should be too.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Both drinking and smoking by teachers have been cracked down on severely in recent years. I guess some people have the idea that teachers are just going to be good little robots now and fall in line like a pack of ducklings. Nope. Teachers are humans and humans have and need a few vices. Expect more of this...and worse. The hell of it is that the goody-two-shoes types with the fewest and most "benign" vices tend to be somewhat empty in the head, and there will be more of them left standing. So you can expect school to become even less of an education than it already is as this puritanical push for social purity continues on its foolish way.
No different than that former pro baseball player Kiyohara's arrest for possession. His 2 poor boys were ostracized by their so-called prestigious school. This is how japanese think -don't pin it on the individual. Everyone is guilty by mere association.
I thought you were right but it seems the police arrested him due to investigation of a smuggling group/route (not because e.g. he was ratted by a friend). Since the police got to him via the source there'd be little point him lying about it.
There is nothing benign about drugs. They kill people, destroy families, and lay waste to whole cultures. Thus man did not stand to harm only himself, he harmed all those that respected him as a role model. Japan is one of the few places in the OECD where one can raise a family drug free, no thanks to suspect-Imai.
With regard to personal vices, Jack and the Beanstalk, and others, I do not suppose that there is any realistic way to approach a ruling that would force all teachers/educationalists into any kind of higher plain than any other part of society. The most important issue is that the children/young people in their care are given best examples and shown best choices, and that there is no general assumption that any kind of drug dependentcy, is encouraged or considered worthwhile as a life choice. This must, of course, include not only the current range of illegal drugs, but also alcohol, one of the most potent, most destructive, most easy to obtain drugs of our time, in most parts of the world. Education, life skills, would-be best taught, if up to date information about the use, abuse and effects of all of these drugs was provided, along with the opportunity for young people to discuss all aspects of the their effects, from economic to health, on societies around the world.
A teacher serves as a role model for their students and has more influence than he could imagine. Consequently a drug-impaired teacher affects the safety and security of the schools, its students and and its employees. Drugs are for losers. Be wise and smart and say no to drugs teacher.
Jumin Rhee
He needed the stimulant to keep awake after coaching rugby after school....maybe. I can think of better excuses off the top of my head than he can, apparently. Just get some monster or coffee (legal stimulants).
timtakJUN. 30, 2016 - 08:48PM JST ....Thus man did not stand to harm only himself, he harmed all those that respected him as a role model.
NovenachamaJUL. 01, 2016 - 03:36AM JST A teacher serves as a role model for their students ....
What role model? What the heck are all these people talking about "role models"?
A teacher is a stranger that has only one duty, to teach subjects to kids. Nothing else.Parents should raise their kids, not the school. When will people finally understand that? Teachers are not mythical figures with superpowers. Complete nonsense.
A parent should be a role model a to child, not a complete stranger. Especially in Japan where the home room teacher changes every year. Where teachers are pedophiles, sadist who beat kids, take naked pictures of them , etc, etc. Role model you say? Hardly.
Jack and the Beanstalk
I have know plenty of smoking, drinking teachers who were good role models. I have know plenty of people who smoked pot and did other drugs who were good role models. A person who engages in vices in moderation in a way that harms no one is a good role model. Those who excessively engage or disengage, well, neither are good role models. Those who disengage from all vices don't really live life. Those live life too much so often destroy themselves. And Jumin Rhee brought up how over-worked these teachers are and they need a break. And I will also point out that the teacher was not caught because he did anything wrong at school. Oh no! Seems he was doing just fine until police caught him for buying the drugs, and nothing at all to do with his use of the drugs. Right now, there are loads of people doing drugs and neither you nor the police have any idea. So leave them alone until they start breaking other rules and laws for the drugs, as you obviously so firmly believe is going to happen anyway. Have some faith in your own beliefs!
Aly Rustom
Jack, I completely agree.
Mate, life here in general can do that.
Cause they ALL do it! AND if they did, they would probably have to arrest 13 of the population.
Timtak, one could say the same thing about Alcohol and Tabacco, and you are FAR more likely to have your kid do those drugs here than it other OECD countries.
It's obvious that the first model a child find is his or her parents and second in his or her teachers. The influence of a teacher is immense and a teacher is one of the child's ideal. So it's important for a teacher to have qualities which impress the child and the qualities which he can imitate and thus become good. The influence of a teacher is very deep, far reaching, and permanent. Unfortunately the impact of a teacher can be felt easily when you see the present deterioration in the younger generation. This because our teachers are lacking in almost all qualities required for an ideal teacher. A good teacher helps the student develop all the qualities of civilized human beings. Thus an ideal teacher is one who leaves a permanent impact on the children he grooms, and they remember him for his great qualities at different times of their lives. In the end a student is a mirror which reflects the learning's and knowledge of a teacher and this should be kept in mind by a teacher.
Yes, but irate wives and girlfriends turn in people all around the world. I remember reading up on smugglers with brilliant and watertight plans that would never be detected by the authorities. And they weren't. Almost all were busted because somebody talked - often an irate girlfriend or an aggrieved "friend."
How sad. My son attends one of their affiliated schools which excels in science and sports as well. I pray this won't deter students beleifs and interpretations.
What kind of stimulants did Imai allegedly order via the Internet?
Meth or was it some concentrated form of caffeine (which sounds ridiculous might be against the law to order online even if available OTC in most drug stores)?