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© KYODOCouple arrested for leaving 2 children unattended while they played pachinko; 1 child dies
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More tragic neglect and abuse in Japan by selfish … “parents”.
Disgusting parenting
So, mathematically... shes at most 17, meaning her first child was born when she was 15, possibly pregnant at 14... to a man in his 30's...
Excuse me?
Unclear here with: “leaving two children...”
Their two children, her, his ?
“a 2-year-old boy and…”.
Their 2-year-old, his, her… ?
Please sterilize both of them.
Then lock them up for life.
They might as well say her name. The guy's facebook pictures are all over Yahoo news, so it's only a matter of time before the wife is identified.
Mitsuhiro Abe and his wife are suspected of leaving a 2-year-old boy and his 4-month-old brother alone at the home Wednesday in Kushiro, Hokkaido, from around 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. while they went to a pachinko parlor, the police said.
Substitute "pachinko" her with another social ill, say with illicit drugs sales, and how would the penalties, outrage and calls to action differ?
Pachinko is an addictive, regressive economic drain on the lower income members of society.
Another pachinko related death of a child. I remember one from a few years ago where the parents put a baby under the seat on their scooter in the middle of summer while they played pachinko. Of course the baby died. There have been many cases of kids being left at home alone and left in cars while their parents play pachinko. Is the problem poor parenting or gambling addiction? Or, is it a combination of both?
If she was underaged surely they wouldn't be allowed to get married in the first place, unless the town officials were complete idiots. Oh wait...
The Japan news states he is not the father of the children so whilst still disturbing he did not get her pregnant, based on the age of youngest child it would appear she was pregnant with someone elses child when she married him.
If the idea was to protect the teen wife, it failed. If you release the husbands name, her name is also known.
To the issue nothing, to the comments speculating on her age when he got her pregnant everything.
And the government actually wanted to introduce casino's to the nation. As if these gambling places aren't troublesome enough already
This sad event happens several times every year. So messed up. It seems accepted just like brake / accel machigai that ends up killing a couple of innocent kids several times a year too. What a society when such things are just shrugged off.
Excuse me?!! His "teenage wife"? What the actual hell?
Aside from that extremely worrying fact, they also have two children under the age of 5, whom they left to go gambling. Yeah...great parenting all around. Not. Arrest these two poor excuses for humans and throw the book at them. I hope they are severely punished. Disgusting.
Disgusting lack of parenting really.
Is the teenage girl 18, 17 or 15? Why leaving that info out? Pretty sure they can legally add that to the article.
Fully agreed. This whole story is screwed up. RIP to the defenseless child...
These parents are a disgrace. So sad...lock them up!!!
We don’t know what age she was when they actually got married, but we can calculate she got pregnant with her first child at age 14/15 max, with a guy who was 32/33? Isn’t there something wrong with that? If that is legal, it shouldn’t be.
Now at most she is 17, which is legally not an adult. He should be fully responsible for the death of this child.
First of all the man should be charged for marrying an underaged wife. I don't blame so much the teenage mum for the ignorance, but the 35 year dad?
It's just what happens in Japan, in Summer.
One question; so? What relevance does this have to the issue?
The story does not specify to whom the children were born...the young woman might be the stepmother of the 2 children.
Teenage mother / wife and the guy is 35....
So it means he got married with a teenager which is illegal in japan.
Strange story but really awful if this is true about the children. To often children are treated bad because parents have other priorities.
AlbertToday 07:17 am JST
actually it’s not illegal, the age of legal marriage for male and female is different. The girl clearly needed help. Issues with her parents, leading her to leave home? Maybe they left her alone? Was this man controlling and abusive? A man grooming her. We don’t know enough about her situation, apart from, they shouldn’t have left the kids. These articles that Japantoday post are really just tabloid articles, no background information that gives nuance.
Teenage wife? Jesus. I’m 35 and felt like a pedophile having a lunch date with a 25yo. Poor kids.