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© Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Indian police arrest 3 for gang rape of Japanese scholar
By INDRAJIT SINGH PATNA, India©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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I'm from India and think that India as a travel destination is great for groups but not solo travelers. I keep telling my japanese and other friends to not travel alone or to make local friends before they travel. I also try and introduce them to friends or someone I trust from where they are going to. Unfortunately, the back packer routine doesn't work there and maybe it'll change sometime in the future, but not yet. This is as good a time as any for the girls parents or any other parents, friends, relatives to take note of this news and avoid traveling alone to these places. I sincerely hope the girl is able to recover from this traumatic experience.
Bihar is apparently the bottom of the barrel in India--really a terrible state where attitudes regarding everything are pretty much medieval. There are many problems generally with Indian men. For starters, they now far outnumber Indian women thanks to years of despicable sex-selective abortions that families (mothers and mothers-in-law included) pressure pregnant women into having since, apparently, there is NOTHING on earth that could possibly be worse in Indian society than for a woman to give birth to a girl. The logic of this type of thinking--you got me.
So there's a huge surplus of men (tens of millions of them, literally), and in addition they have become completely unmoored from the traditional constraints of Indian village life as urbanization has proceeded at a fast pace. It's a dangerous, combustible mix and foreign women really should not travel anywhere in India alone.
Wow, this is awful, as it went on for three weeks. I haven't seen any media reports on this except this one, from US-based AP.
I hope the judge is severe and makes them pay for what they did to that poor innocent girl
Surinder Singh
As a Indian I would like to apologize from this innocent girl who suffered this on behalf of all Indians in japan. It's really very shameful act for humanity. Due to acts like this all Indians are disgraced around the world .
Douglas Macarthy
India is safe,,,,,,,,,,not
How many time must this happen before any Indian government really do something about women being treated like a piece of meat.
The way this sentence is worded, it looks like the Gautam Buddha was the "ring-leader"...
20 years in prison? Ahahaha, what a joke. Trash should be properly disposed of. Kill them.
Hi everyone, I am an indian guy. This is very very unfortunate and inhuman. No amount of words can express the disgust we average Indians feel at the behaviour of our some of the countrymen. There is a huge problem in our society now which is being addressed but it will be decades before it is solved. There is a massive cultural and social difference in attitudes towards women in our country owing to a large population with multiple ethnicities. I followed the news in local newspapers, there is an outrage over this incident and believe me our judges have started to give quicker and much severe punishment to these animals. The guys arrested were of muslim backgroungs, not being judgemental, but there is a massive Bangladeshi influx in Bihar and Kolkata where these guys are perpetuating such crimes. India is a beautiful country with rich cultural heritage, all are most welcome but now travelling alone especially for women is not adviseable.
Let's say that sentence is correct and/or is a genuine observational belief. Do you really think (in hindsight) it's appropriate to mention such a 'delicate' topic at this time when the news has just broke. Put yourself in the the place of this young woman's parents, imagine them reading what you wrote .....
Ali Khan
This is not a single time, it is happening in public Buses, in Taxis and other public places, the situation is more horrible in remote areas where the media cannot reach. many of the cases went unreported because of the social stigma and many influential people simply escape the law. woman is in deep trouble in this part of the world. The world media never give its due attention to such issues in India.
Todd Topolski
There are certain parts of the world simply not worth going too until after the country resolves serious cultural problems. India is one such place, especially for women. Most of central Asia, the middle east, most of Africa are definitely places where rape is basically not a crime and slavery isn't either. The problem all if these places have in common is unwillingness to admit old traditions and traditional ways of thinking are the problem and need to be removed from the culture. These animals who held thus,woman and raped her for 3 weeks did not wake up one day and decide to be evil, their culture raised them this way. I myself will never visit these places until there is change. I think countries like Japan, the US and most if europe have a naive attitude which is basically that bad stuff won't happen to me. Well it does happen, best to just stay out.
Ali Khan, if that had happened, I would know about it. I do not, so I conclude that what you are saying is false or wildly exaggerated.
Rape cases are too high in Inida for global standard. When I visited Amritsar( famous holy city of Punjab) and Jalandar in 2006, Bollywood movies were liberating and losing censorship and exposing fresh, lusty character and steamy scenes . I watched Jiwani Diwani during my break. Although it is not sexy enough for western standard, it was totally different from old Bollywood movies I enjoyed in 1970s and 1960s such as Sholay, Yadoki Barat, Mera Naam Joker and Mother India. In Japan, there are not many Bollywood fans except very few for 3 idiots made by Amir Khan.
Many lusty, lonely and impoverished Indian males will copy the their heroic character from unrealistic and exaggerated movies. Although Bollywood is not 100% responsible for sky rocketing rape cases in India, they are contributing with steamy and sexy scenes from greedy producers.
Censorship should be reintroduced for main steamy movies in India for lowering the rape cases.
I have backpacked through India alone, with no major problems, but I am male. I definitely agree that for single females it is a different story. I have seen enough problematic situations, even for 2 females travelling together. However, India is not the only country for which this advide applies. The countries west of India are the same or worse.
Ali Khan
here you go, here some people trying to give this a Muslim touch, do you know the whole reality. in India particularly in Hindu community female child abortion is happening in a large scale, now there is a big difference in the proportion of the male and female population, now the male are facing difficulties to find their female partner for marriage in many of the Indian states, even the Indian media and establishment considers this is one of the major problem of raping.
Muslims are scapegoats in Indian, the police and the media are just throwing their own crimes on them and by the way who believe on the statement of the Indian police, they have killed thousands of innocent people in false encounters.
Ali Khan,
you know very well that Pakistan in this respect is even worse than India. You you seriously ask a female to travel alone in Pakistan? At least India does not have Shariah law and Taliban.
It seems that Indian police forces take rape crime seriously, . Hioe other rapists are captured very soon,
Steve Crichton
A trauma that will last this womens life. Forever, And she probably thought she was going to be butchered, Like the others. She wiill never recover. Gods grace to her. Please.
John Ngo
Terrible news. I hope she recovers and gets justice.
Jeevan Timsina
being an Indian I feel really ashamed and shameful about this incident. This is a very disgraceful act of filthy worms and predators in the present society. I don't have any explanation,excuses nor can I blame any particular minority for this, it is our fault as a citizen for not able to provide protection to the tourist such as the poor lady,my heart goes out for her,but I respect her courage and valiant attempt in fighting these monsters. I hope that these monsters will be hanged till death for this heinous act. Its been 3 hours seen I heard this incident and its still heard for me to process it ,but for that lady it might take her years to forget and for that I am truly sorry!!sumimasen
Justin Goethals
I hope that those rapists will get the death penalty.
Pascal Oetterli
I hosted a Chinese couchsurfer last year. She worked for a humanitarian organisation in India. She told me, that nowhere in the world she felt more unsafe as a woman than in India. Actually, what one reads in the news is just the tip of the iceberg and females are told to be very careful in some cities and places, and should always be accompaigned by men. Sad to hear that from India, but as some commenters already explained, why the situations worsened - it's unlikely to get better, due to demographics. social behaviour and views.
I spent three months traveling around India alone in the 90s. I'm not a girl. It was a wonderful experience and many people were kind to me. Generally, the guest is a God in an Indian home. I feel horrible for the victims and also bad for Indians. I really thought India would be improving and I'm saddened that that hasn't happened. India is such an interesting country. I suppose a lot of people are avoiding it now. It's a sad situation. Yes, as some people have suggested, it is not a good idea, especially for a woman, to do anything alone in India. Even as a guy, I suppose I was young, foolish, and lucky. People here have pointed out some of the problems: low education, high poverty, demographic imbalance, tribalism, lack of development, etc. I really thought some of these problems would have improved more. How were these monsters able to keep her prisoner for so long without anyone knowing? I hope all these perpetrators will be rounded up locked away. But I fear the problems in India are quite deep to have caused this prolonged spree of violence against women from all kinds of circumstances.
Gaijin Desi
Two out of five Culprit have Japanese Wife this is the main reason She trusted on those Guides. It is not clear if their Japanese Wife also involve in this case.
Mustafa Daif
SPaul says the rapists are from muslim background. I say they are indians. In addition, were the bus rapists also of muslim background or hindu background? The problems in india are law enforcement, over population, equality, poverty, education, cultural morale, safety, etc.
There is a high probability for crimes such as rape to spread im such a huge, uncontrolled country. Hence, the Indian government should provide trusted tour guides to save tourists from being raped.
Horrible to hear that she was held for THREE WEEKS. Even three minutes is terrible.
Ali Khan
first you brought the Muslims to this issue from now where, it shows that you are just looking for ways and chances to blame all Muslims. This is a rape and simply a crime and everybody condemn such crimes. now for your information it was Mukhtar mai case, every body knows about this case and she lost the case in the court.
Sorry for India but there will be more exodus of Japan Inc branches from India. Some time ago, an auti plant closed its factory in India and got out. Not all men are rapist but story if gang rapes are scry to Japanese corporaton people nw. Entirely different from mekake culture.
Funny that China is experiencing a somewhat similar situation as India, yet foreign/domestic solo tourists can roam safely.
I hope the girl recovers emotionally and mentally. Hope that she will be able to meet a nice guy and is able to have good relationship with him.
Interesting , I wonder what will be the Japanese government response to protects it is own citizen abroad , at least making them familiar with the circumstances might occur in India or anywhere , actually this is only a reported case of rape , I am sure that there are many rape incidents not reported . I hope that the Japanese government give some pamphlet to its citizens before leaving country to familiarise them with safety manoeuvres or stay places , since Japan is a paradise . I am sure that there is not indian will be raped in Japan !! What's wrong with these people ?
The 5 guys nabbed are just tip of the ice berg. There are many such fellows fleecing innocent Japanese tourists. The concerned state governments are not doing any thing tough for reasons best known to them. I hope the central government identify the fake tour guides and make them as black listed tour guides.
What a bunch of sick, depraved worms. I'm not saying it's the woman's fault, but it's been my observation that many young Japanese women are too naive and trusting. They go overseas and if they meet a local (usually male) who speaks even a smattering of Japanese, they can rather easily get picked up. Anyway, my heart goes out to this poor woman.
There are bad people everywhere in the world. There are great people everywhere in the world too.
We cannot tell the circumstances involved, so it is hard to judge from 4000 km away, but I won't let that stop me. The crimes (there were multiple) happened in India, so that is where the legal process and punishment will happen.
If found guilty of rape, they should be physically castrated (nailed to a stump and pushed over backwards) and locked up for 20 yrs. If found guilty of kidnapping, they should be locked up for 20 yrs.
The punishments need to be widely publicized throughout the region and SMS'd to all India cell phones to make it clear this behaviour will not be tolerated.
I have many sisters. If any one of them were harmed in this way, that is the punishment I'd want for the guilty.
Will the three get a slap on the wrist while the woman suffers lifelong with the disgust of such humanity?
having spent time in India i can say this is a direct result of the decision to cut down on female births and encouragement of the rape culture that is now endemic in the country. this woman went with a tour guide from a trusted firm- not someone from the street- but in India even the police are not above reproach. though there were arrests - they were only done because of the foreigner being involved and probably will be left go quietly once she is out of the country
i pity the women living in India now
This is terrible news. This should not happen in this day and age. We must always remember there are bad people in every country. This is sad beyond mesure, I hope this young woman recovers and continues her studies on India. She seems to be a strong minded woman, she excaped and made it to the police. I hope she will be able to live a full normal life.
..what are they eating in India that spikes up the libido too much and makes people even commit crime?
I feel sorry for that Japanese scholar
I totally agree with you, Noob, and was dismayed (and actually a bit disgusted) to read what Underdawg wrote. The woman who was gang raped over three weeks may have been a bit too trusting, but what happened to her was NOT her fault IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER.
Ali Khan
WilliB,, The European media took a false case of rapping from Pakistan and showed that case millions times and awarded that woman hundreds of awards and of course movies on her case in the Hollywood, later it was found that the case was totally false and she admitted that she was encourage by the some organizations in Europe to take her false case to world stage.
now you said that Pakistan is verse, lets go straight to the statistics, do you know how many rape cases have been reported by world media from European countries, how many underage girls are there in the clubs and hotels. organizations are working to rescue underage girls from hotels in America and Europe.
Gaijin Desi
This case is not an exception. Few days back in New Delhi, India an Indian Women raped inside a UBER taxi by Taxi driver . Remember UBER is a American company govern by American standards. But just to make easy Money they didnt do any Verification of Driver and hired him for their service.
If you are a single female contemplating a trip to India alone then please reconsider. I personally know a lady that was drugged in a hotel and narrowly missed being raped or worse..........
Strange though that with recent high profile attacks involving tourists etc this is still such a problem in India. Every one I have seen in the news the police (claim to) have found the people involved.
Yoshimi Onishi
The crime described in the article is simply too appalling for words. My heart goes out to the victim and her family.
Absolutely despicable. I deplore animals who do this and think a BIG sentence is entirely warranted.
Because of the planned and organized nature of the crime it would be reasonable to assume that it's not the first time they have done it and you wonder how many local girls have suffered the same fate at the hands of these scum.
Imprisonment and rape. That's torture in my opinion.
20 years anyone?
Eye for an eye. I say gang rape them and tattoo them with "I'm a rapist" on their chests, like in the movie "The girl with the dragon tattoo".
Ali Khan:
I don´t know what case you are talking about, but the fact is that Indian law is secular, so if the police here catches the perps the will be punished. The situation is much worse in Pakistan with its infamous "Hudood" legal system, which when applied to rape actually punishes the victim. So again, I would warn women not to travel alone in India, but not even to consider even thinking about travelling in Pakistan.
When I read news stories like these from India, I notice that the cases that build up more attention result in higher prison sentences. I hope this one can get the Indian media strongly behind it and put these pigs behind bars for many many years.
The old, traditional Japanese language name for India was tenjiku, a word that means "heaven." How times have changed. That the now miserable, impoverished Indian state of Bihar was the place where Buddhism was first established and propagated more than 2,500 years ago--at a time when the inhabitants of Japan had no written language and barely any awareness of religion or philosophy--is sometimes hard to believe.
Japanese people who are seriously interested in Buddhism--and there is a hardcore small group of them--should all be aware of how troubled, crime-ridden, and depressing a place modern Bihar has become before traveling there for any reason.
India is indeed a beautiful country, but it is emphatically not "safe" for females travelling alone. Even the most unbiased visitor will confirm that to you.
India has a very bad problem that India needs to take care of before anymore women are brutalized!
Ali Khan, were you talking about this story?
Terrible. I hope she gets proper counselling after this. I'm glad she was able to escape.
This is indeed a problem in India. This is not is the first and I fear not the last we'll hear about rapes making the news related to India. Not just about crimes on Indians but increasingly on foreign women as well. Indians need to reflect on this as this has already affected their and their country's image as a nation and of their men as depraved, sick animals. The image will stick, warranted or not, and it's up to Indians themselves to correct this perception.
I've read about this awhile back. Sickening.
Not surprised. It's documented in their Qu'ran and Surah quite clearly about how women captives are treated. To even try to defend Islam at this point is idiotic.
There are lot of discussions about the religion of the 5 nabbed culprits. All details about this case is on the internet. I am not going into those details. We Indians are extremely pained to see how the image of nation trying hard to promote relationship with Japan, got dented by the cruel behavior of few unscrupulous fellows of our society. We Indians love Japanese people and would never do harm to them. These culprits would have raped any other Indian women, if she had fallen in their trap. My observation is that there are many more scoundrels pretending to be guides are there. They will do anything to cheat innocent Japanese tourists. I sincerely wish that the authorities identify these fake guides as early as possible and make it safe for the Japanese tourists. We bow our head to our brothers and sisters in Japan in shame for what has been done to their citizen.
American Bengoshi, Your comment should make the ridiculist.Clearly,you have no idea about rape stats in your country.Rape is rampant in the military,on American university campuses.It is statisticly fact that 1 in 5 women will be raped in their lifetime
Back on topic please.
All I can say is that I hope the woman comes back to Japan and is alright, and the high-profile nature of this case pushes the Indian government to further step up efforts to deal with the problem, and I hope that includes pressure by the Japanese government on them, and the media making the news more international. The Indian government needs to get with the times. Give each of the men responsible the maximum sentences, as well as anyone else who knew about what was happening (tried as accomplices).
It will sound very bad, but the image of India now will be stained with gang rapes! India, land of IT engineers, Fabulous Curies, Holy Cow, and gang raping.
The state of Bihar today is majority Hindu, with a whopping 25% muslim population. Buddhism has been practically wiped out in Bihar, so I really don´t know why anybody would want to go to Bihar for anything related to Buddhism (except historical artefacts, perhaps).
Im horrified by this story and I am thankful only that the girl is alive and hopefully will have an opportunity to recover from her ordeal. She was not naive and stupid - read the article - she wasnt travelling alone in India - she was WORKING there, and she did the right thing by hiring a guide to take her to the area. Unfortunately the guide was corrupt - thats bad luck, not stupidity.
Having read all the comments I also want to give a shout out to all the Indian men who have commented on here and apologized and/or condemned what has happened. You have shamed me, because my first reaction on reading this was "Indian men are disgusting animals". I apologize to YOU. There are many bad men in the world, and some people have listed the very valid reasons for why they are in India above. But there are many many good men too, and I respect you for coming out to condemn your countrymen in this and show the good side of India.
As for Ali Khan and Willi Bs discussion - I just had to laugh. a) Ive never heard of the Muktar Mai case - has anyone else??! b) "In Europe and America etc etc.." classic deflection, psychology 101, and c) you want to talk statistics? How many cases are NEVER reported in Pakistan for the exact same reason Willi B stated - punishing the victim. Please - clean up your own backyard before you start complaining about someone elses. Europeans and Americans will be the first to admit there is a big problem with sex trafficking and rape. I pity anyone who cant do the same kind of introspection.
"The state of Bihar today is majority Hindu, with a whopping 25% muslim population. Buddhism has been practically wiped out in Bihar, so I really don´t know why anybody would want to go to Bihar for anything related to Buddhism (except historical artefacts, perhaps)."
Modern-day demographics are irrelevant. If you actually talk to Japanese people who are seriously interested in Buddhism, they are likely to mention India and specifically Bihar as a place they have either visited or plan to visit. Christians make up no more than 2% or so of the population of the current-day West Bank, but does that stop people who are seriously interested in Christianity from visiting Bethlehem? No, it does not. They visit, despite the overwhelming Muslim-majority population in the West Bank.
I hope that the J-gov does not do what it normally does and fall back to the old "You should have not put yourself in that position" argument you tend to see when something bad happens to Japanese overseas and try to make it so that it does not have to make a political statement from Tokoyo about conditions in another country. I think it is time that the J-gov come out with a strong statement that goes along the line of putting the blame solely on these idots who did this, and make the Indian government realize that they have a problem that they need to address, the raping of not only Indian women but any woman that it seems goes to India by a bunch of malcontent males.
India also needs to realize that it is not just the "rape" problem that it has, but it's culture of families chosing to abort a female fetus over the preference of a male fetus in the hope that when the boy comes of age and marries, a proper dowery will be given to the boys family. What this has done and been proven by demographers is that there is a higher ratio of men to women, that leaves the poor men (which will be the case in this case) with no options since there aren't enough women to go around. Also you have these same men who will treat other women like possessions for them to "have" and all along if something happens to a female relative of theirs they are ready to carry on some blood feud over the honor of their family.
India has a lot of problems, and I hate to say it some people there may be advanced, but it seems like the majority are stuck in the past in the mindset of how to treat women.
I hope that this young lady recovers and the dirtbags that did this get thrown into jail or worse.
@noypikantokuJAN. 05, 2015 - 11:19AM JST WilliB:
the report didn't say that the suspects are muslims, this incident happened in India and not Pakistan, I don't see the point of comparing Pakistan to India and blaming muslims for this. I think it's foolish that some people here assumed and added Islam as one of the factors of the problem
It also said Japanese scholar but some writers were writing as if she was a tourist.
Whilst a woman should be able to work anywhere in the world, it is clear that India is particularly dangerous for women. I hope this lady recovers physically and mentally and can move on with her life. Ali, using this case as an opportunity to defend Islam is distasteful to say the least. It has been reported that the attackers were muslims - not widely, of course.
Sahih Muslim. Chapter 29: Title: It is permissible to have sexual intercourse with a captive woman after she is purified of menses or delivery. In case she has a husband, her marriage is abrogated after she becomes captive.
Thanks for your honest statement Gyroman. I say the same thing of my place to meet I meet:just do not go out alone and avoid being out at night away from the tourist belt. I had some close Indian friend in Okinawa, Willy, Murli, Peter, and Prakash,(from the Fijian indian population).The later passed away many years ago but I would like to contact any of his surviving relatives. Keisa he.
@UnderdawgJAN. 03, 2015 - 07:31AM JST What a bunch of sick, depraved worms. I'm not saying it's the woman's fault, but it's been my observation that many young Japanese women are too naive and trusting. They go overseas and if they meet a local (usually male) who speaks even a smattering of Japanese, they can rather easily get picked up. Anyway, my heart goes out to this poor woman.
Your comment indicates you are accusing that it is this scholar lady;s fault.
She was not just a tourist or careless Japanese female wondering in India./ She reported to Indian authority and these rapists were caught. Unlike you, Indian LEA did not dismiss her complaining/
@Jeevan: but police men in Your country does not ignore victims. You shiukd be proud ot pilicemen in Your country. And quick action.
Incidents like this make me worry about the fast growing Indian population in the US. Take a look at state sex offender registrys and you will see them littered with Indian men in areas with high Indian populations.
the report didn't say that the suspects are muslims, this incident happened in India and not Pakistan, I don't see the point of comparing Pakistan to India and blaming muslims for this. I think it's foolish that some people here assumed and added Islam as one of the factors of the problem.
It's a fact that It's risky to travel alone wether you're a Male/Female to ANY places on earth! Anyone can be a victim if they are alone in a wrong place with wrong people in a wrong time. People should be more extra CAUTIOUS when you are not familiar with the place you are IN. Even Japan can be dangerous, death will come to you only once, so be extra cautious and don't assume that any place is safe.
May justice be served to this girl and other victims of rape!
Sorry to hear about her ordeal, I am glad she is alive and hope she tells the story on Japanese TV. Hopefully Japanese will learn from her experience.I think they should be extradited to Japan and serve their term here. India has never and will never come to my mind as a travel destination. Not even for a connecting flight and if the route of flight is over India, then I will change it. Now return to Japan and get some therapy.
Indian police arrest 3 for gang rape of Japanese scholar
Why is this the first we have heard this horrible case?
India has a long history of tolerance of sexual violence.
And that is why folks shouldn't travel to India.
My heart goes out to her. This could have easily happened in japan or anywhere else so saying she was naive is very insulting. India is a beautiful and relatively safe country.