Three men broke into a home in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, on Saturday, threatened the couple living there and stole 800,000 yen,
According to police, the incident occurred at around 2 a.m. at the house of a 71-year-old man and his 67-year-old wife, NHK reported. The couple told police they were awakened by three men who said if they wanted to live, they better give them money.
The couple handed over 800,000 yen in cash and their bank passbook. The gang then bound the couple’s arms and legs with duct tape and fled.
The couple were able to free themselves and called police.
Police said that about 30 kilometers away, in Ryugasaki city, also in Ibaraki Prefecture, a similar incident occurred at the residence of a couple in their 70s at around 12:50 a.m. Three intruders woke the couple up, threatened them and made off with 25,000 yen. The husband suffered a slight injury to his hand.
In both cases, the three men were dressed in black and wearing face masks.
© Japan Today
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Ore ore scam doesn't work anymore now?
Stealing bank book. They do know banks have cameras?
Scum bags
Since covid started I have been joking with my wife about this 170 cm male black hair mask black cloths put them in a line up and see who can guess who done it.
Isn't it Ryūgasaki city?
Moderator: Yes, you are correct. Thanks for pointing it out.