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Japan vows not to give up on hostages until very end


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Don't pay it. It will only embolden them. These men knew what risks they were taking.

8 ( +12 / -3 )

At the risk of angering the gods of adult-oriented rock, is this the final countdown?

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Very strange. There were various reports that came out on Fox was that the video was or seems to have been edited, if that is the case, what does that mean and why would these guys do it?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

They're probably using a green screen, to hide their location. Filming the hostages one at a time is safer?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Very strange. There were various reports that came out on Fox was that the video was or seems to have been edited, if that is the case, what does that mean and why would these guys do it?

Lol, you use Fox as your news source?

14 ( +18 / -5 )

/@Aussieboy: There are several Fox owned channels in USA. That include CNN and several sport channels. CBS, ABC, NBC , and many other channels do not televise on Japan related stories on their own and like many other news cnannels hours, they deoend on One of CNN that use FOX has fukk coverage while others televise summary. Don;t laugh at USA people who use CNN Fox better than other channels that has news hours a few times a day for half hour each mixing with classic TV series, commedies, etc. At least CNN Fox concentrate on News without gossip entertainments and Jeopardy type prigrams. This is about Japan and hostage thread. He could be wathing other channels and just mentioned FOX because others are getting info from one of CNN FOX. How about you write your opinion if you are going to discuss? Do you realize we are talking about hostage situation?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Another countdown? Like, no more Mr nice guy? So they were lying the first time?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

just open up the coffers of these guys as its a mere drop in the bucket and pay. People wondering where your yen is, well I can say its sitting somewhere in a fat bank account along with mine. If Japan needs money below is where to go.

($15.5b)- Tadashi Yanai ($10.7b) – Nobutada Saji ($9.1b) – Masayoshi Son ($6.4b) Hiroshi Mikitani ($5.2b) Kunio Busujima ($5b) Akira Mori ($4.7b) Takemitsu Takizaki ($3.4b) Han Chang-Woo ($3.3b) Keiichiro Takahara ($2.8b)Masatoshi Ito

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@nandakanda: I don;t think they will execute. ISIS is a crude oil sales organization beside trying to conquer all Yslamix=c based countries. It needs oil hungry countries as its customers. Which ciybtries are hungry fir oil and syoer rich> Syria based ISIS goofed. The time passed so another 72 hours, and this will go on and on as Japan is not interested in paying ransom.


-6 ( +1 / -7 )

You pay to get them off your backs and onto some other lot. Two lives maybe spared in the process. In the meantime you have fed the troll and it grows bigger and more nasty.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

25psotJan. 24, 2015 - 09:33AM JST

Abe should tell ISIS release hostages in 72 hours or we will add another $200 millions for military operations against ISIS....it could work like a boomerang to soften ISIS....

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Lol, you use Fox as your news source?

I was thinking the same thing!

Abe should tell ISIS release hostages in 72 hours or we will add another $200 millions for military operations against ISIS....it could work like a boomerang to soften ISIS....

You have obviously entirely misunderstood the resolve of ISIS. If they were worried about people fighting against them, they would have quit the moment the USA decided to attack. Japan investing money into attacking them is not going to be anything close to as scary as a US attack.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

"The posting which appeared Friday shows a clock counting down to zero" - article

More proof, ISIS is treating human life like a game show. ISIS isn't Islam and it's time for Muslims everywhere to recognize these fascists are destroying their faith and their communities.

It's convenient to make stories about great Satans in the desert for ignorant amusement. It's quite another to show the world the crude intellect that creates a puppet show for beheadings. Note these psychopaths want the world to act as they do, that's what their "religion" is, murder and the slaughter of children.

1 ( +3 / -3 )

IS do not understand the Asian importance of face. What they have done, if they kill these hostages, is to embarrass Japan in the eyes of the world.

Japan will never forgive this, and what will remain rooted in their hearts is 恨み Urami, as the Kanji shows.

-8 ( +0 / -7 )

nandakandamanda - 12:25PM "if they kill these hostages, is to embarrass Japan in the eyes of the world"

Far worst, nandakandamanda, far worst. These men are held by maniacs, Japan cannot change that and the outcome is already decided. ISIS sees all life as a play thing to put a countdown clock on.

8 ( +7 / -1 )

Paying for the hostages is a terrible, terrible idea. Sure, those 2 lives might be saved, but it would mean that all Japanese citizens all over the planet would suddenly be fair game for hostage takers. Japanese people in places like South America, which has a high rate of kidnapping for ransom, will suddenly have big fat yen signs on their backs. Will the Japanese government pay for all of them, too?

It is sad for these 2 men, but paying kidnappers/terrorists is never a good long-term strategy for protecting one's citizens abroad.

Actually, Japanese people have a pretty good reputation around the world and are rarely the target for these kind of attacks/actions. A Japanese passport is safer in many more countries than most Western passports are.

6 ( +7 / -2 )

There are rumors going about that Japan has been doing some back room dealings and money has been exchanged after all in exchange for a possible extension and/or resolution. All gossip, of course, but given Suga's comment that "we never received such a message" from the US saying it's opinion on paying ransom to terrorists and the insistance Japan does not, it's dubious.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

Very strange. There were various reports that came out on Fox was that the video was or seems to have been edited, if that is the case, what does that mean and why would these guys do it?

More Pulitzer material. How blessed we are.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

anybody you pays ransom money to these scum is a moron, even $1 million will buy them a lot of weapons which will in turn kill many more than the ransom s intended to save. $200million is just plain crazy

2 ( +3 / -1 )

How about the rest of the world start a countdown to eliminate these terrorists?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Here's an analogy I'd like to try out: the previous problem of pirates around Somalia. (Admittedly a non-religiously motivated hostage-taking situation, but nevertheless anchored around a predominantly Sunni Muslim country...)

What happened when individual companies and then governments tried to appease the pirates demanding millions of dollars for their terrorized innocent hostages and hijacked ships? More hijackings, more demands, and more pirates willing to take innocent people hostage for western cash.

When did this awful situation begin to finally subside? When US Navy Seals decided enough was enough and in a widely-publicized action riddled Captain Phillips' abductors with bullets (and other countries' forces began to follow suit.) Once payoffs became anathema and force was systematically and cooperatively applied without exception, what happened to the number of hijackings around the Horn of Africa?

One can only conclude that, to paraphrase another pirate-fighting general, Pompey the Great, "More worship the rising sun than the setting one." ISIS is moving from strength to strength because it has acquired the resources to do so. Cut off their resources and its membership will be severely tested. When money is involved, appeasement creates more, not less, terrorists and terrorist activities.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Information that the video had been edited came from several sources and was reported by multiple outlets, yes including FOX and JT.

If indeed any hostages have been killed, I hope that in the very least the remains of the deceased would be returned to the families for proper burial.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Not a dime should be paid. The government should inform all citizens that if they decide to visit these regions of the world they are on their own.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

maybe not money but, well hardware,or artifacts

or better sit it out as usual and claim V

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

"Japanese officials have not directly said whether they are considering paying any ransom. Japan has joined other major industrial nations in the Group of Seven in opposing ransom payments."

So... they're not saying whether or not they'll pay the money, but have joined other major industrialized nations opposing ransom payments. In other words, the usual lip-service and double-dealing if they've in fact paid. They want to be said to be among the other G7 nations who don't give in to terrorists, but when they are the target do so and hope for understanding (well, no doubt will when it's revealed). I pray they have had the common sense not to pay. I only say this because even if they do the two hostages will likely be killed if they have not already, and Japan will be painted as a target that is not only NOT a threat, but is a pushover. No, please don't give up 'until the very end' (and then keep going still), but please also include not giving in under the 'not giving up' thing.

Suga looks like the stress is getting to him in this photo. Likely paid the ransom and have nothing to show for it.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I think that we have lost focus on these two poor guys, their friends and family must be distraught with worry, for there safe being. Iam sure that they could do with some one to comfort them. lets hope things work out for these guys.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

How many bombs can you artisan-ally make with $200 millions dollars? That would be even more leverage for the terrorists, for further threats. The only thing we should negotiate with them is real peace.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

If Abe pays one cent in ransom, it's one cent too many. Shame on the Japanese government if they do so.

The only good thing you can say about this sad situation is that, along with their multitude of other heinous crimes, it further hastens the destruction of the perpetrators. The defeat of IS / Daesh is now certain, sooner or later. Every hateful thing that they've fought for will have been a totally wasted effort, and hopefully their legacy will be a world more determined than ever to eradicate extremism and intolerance.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

...IS probably doesn't plan on having the deal happen. they just want Japan to stay away to war-torn Iraq-Syria.

...anyway, I hope these testosterone boosted criminals be killed soon.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

DAESH - their day will come.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Yet another massive fail for Abe:

Nikkan Gendai describes Abe's response to the crisis: “Japanese Prime Minister Abe committed a triple fiasco”

1) Abe dispatched a notably pro-Israel Japanese lawmaker to Jordan to deal with the crisis.

2) Abe delivered his response to ISIS's demands standing in front of an Israeli flag.

3) By immediately stating Japan would never pay a ransom, Abe effectively delivered a death sentence to the two men.


-2 ( +5 / -7 )

By immediately stating Japan would never pay a ransom, Abe effectively delivered a death sentence to the two men.

So the madmen who captured Goto and Yukawa and have threatened to brutally murder them by cutting off their heads are not the one's responsible? Attempting to blackmail the Japanese government doesn't make Abe the executioner. It is wrong to shift the blame away from the Islamic extremists that are the cause of the situation to begin with. No more excuses for terrorism.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

BertieWooster 2) Abe delivered his response to ISIS's demands standing in front of an Israeli flag.

Yes - this closes the deal ...

He show that he doesn't care about hostages

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Events will dictate the outcome, as usual the J Government are hopeless at making any decision. Let's see what they don't do, this time?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

We will not give up until the very end. Is this a statement of boldness or is it a statement hopelessness? Whether Megumi comes home (or can come home) is out of the control of Japan. And so it also is with the Japanese hostages in the hands of IS.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Lol, you use Fox as your news source?

Yup! Either that or listen to 95% of liberal one-sided echo chamber. Been there, done that. NO, thank you!

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

It is Saturday in USA today and only CNN Fox has all day long news while others are filled with Sports and Shows, , Only topics related to this is Japanese PM is not going to pay.

if threatened to kill them by pistol shooing, Abe etc may be more shocked.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

3) By immediately stating Japan would never pay a ransom, Abe effectively delivered a death sentence to the two men.

So by your logic then Abe should have agreed to pay the ransom, and then watch the world over as Japanese all over the place become easy targets for any fools looking to make some fast cash by kidnapping Japanese citizens.

Oh and using taxpayers money too.

Next time think.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

I hope Japan hunts down these terrorist, kills them. A nice countdown for that would be nice.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Wolfpack: " It is wrong to shift the blame away from the Islamic extremists that are the cause of the situation to begin with."

No one is NOT blaming the extremists for the kidnapping of these guys and for their deaths (if they have been killed or if they will be), but to outright dismiss the causal relationship between what Abe has said and done and what IS is doing would be foolish and even dangerous when asking how things got to this and how it could affect Japan in the future. If you went with your big friend onto someone else's lawn and cheered him on and gave him bandages or other support for starting a fight because you guys didn't like what they were doing, and later that someone else attacked you both back, of COURSE that person is responsible for what he has done to you (and your friend), but that doesn't mean your actions didn't help bring about the result. Do you think it's just a coincidence Abe says he'll give 200M in aid to nations that "fight IS", then IS the very same day gives threatens two Japanese hostage and demands a ransom for the exact same amount? Are you saying the exact same thing would have happened had Abe not pledged what he did?

Yubaru: "So by your logic then Abe should have agreed to pay the ransom, and then watch the world over as Japanese all over the place become easy targets for any fools looking to make some fast cash by kidnapping Japanese citizens."

No, you are reacting emotionally to Bertie's comment. His main point was that Abe, since you say 'next time think', made his speeches and promises with absolutely no clue as to what he was doing. Maybe standing in front of a flag of the sworn enemy (Israel) of these radical Islamists, and sending pro-Israeli ambassadors to deal with heads of state Israel does not get along with, is NOT the greatest choice given the circumstances? Ya think maybe standing instead of something more neutral might send a better message? I mean, next if he stands in front of a map of the Senkaku islands with a Hinomaru over it in a speech promising aid and industrial contracts with nations that will isolate China and hoping China will understand you'll be saying the subsequent outrage of the Chinese government had nothing to do with Abe's actions.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Lip service from both sides. The hostages are already dead.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


if this is real, do you think Japan negotiated for them to kill the lunatic Haruna so they could "save face" while they changed their demands? Also, the video says Japan already has people in Jordan.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

No idea if real of course (but I think it is), but I'm pretty sure the death of Haruna is planned to lower the price. Also can't imagine Jordan releases the prisoner... Just hope this outcome will causes less japanese Hostages, as can't make benefit from them.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

ISIL already beheaded one of Japanese hostage Haruna Yukawa. it is very strange that powerful countries only waiting and watching these sick brain terrorists massacres.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


One is already dead (sadly). Japan isn't giving an IS a thing. The other hostage is already gone.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

They think japan will pay... RIP Haruna... Will japan pay? No...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Japan vows not to give up on hostages until very end

Actions speak louder than words.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Japan should help the coalition eliminate isis and any radical muslim

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Do you think it's just a coincidence Abe says he'll give 200M in aid to nations that "fight IS", then IS the very same day gives threatens two Japanese hostage and demands a ransom for the exact same amount? Are you saying the exact same thing would have happened had Abe not pledged what he did?

The Islamic militants have certainly used Japan's non-military support as a pretext for their barbaric PR stunt. But you cannot make a rational case for any kind of support to justify their actions. These guys have acquired hostages from many countries and their are many foreign aid workers around that can be taken if they wanted to. Any pretext will do. The may think that Japan is an easy target for blackmail so they were chosen instead of the people of some other country.

It really is disheartening to know that there are apparently many people in the world that are willing to give justification to terrorists by suggesting they either submit to such intolerable blackmail or be blamed for the evil actions of others. The lesson would be to not allow your citizens to travel abroad and risk capture and having your country blackmailed.

Are nations to simply rollover in the face of such disgusting people? Once every nation is taught a lesson by the random beheading of their citizens abroad what comes next? Nothing good can come from such weakness.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

time is out http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4618617,00.html the hostage is executed

0 ( +0 / -0 )

From the Guardian: "In the brief tape, a man claiming to be the surviving hostage, 47-year-old journalist Kenji Goto, says his “cellmate” is dead and pleads for his own life. Speaking in English with a Japanese accent, he says Isis has dropped its demand for a $100m ransom and instead now wants to organise a prisoner exchange for a woman held in Jordan. The still image released with the tape shows Goto apparently holding a picture of Yukawa’s body. However, the video was quickly deleted, and one militant writing on a website affiliated with Isis warned that the new message was fake. Another said that the message was intended only to go to Goto’s family."

RIP Yukawa and here's hoping they can work out that exchange of prisoners, if the offer is real.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I really hope they can save the other one.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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