Japan Today

Abe expresses outrage at IS video purportedly showing Goto being beheaded


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“You, like your foolish allies in the Satanic coalition...

Who is more satanic? Funny that he should say in the same sentence that his army is "thirsty for blood". Satan is indeed involved, but the Islamic state mistakes which side he is on.

24 ( +27 / -3 )

Why just release the woman and inject her with tracking chips anywhere she would go could be traced and reveal information on these groups.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

The United Nations did not play any role in this matter. Are they worthwhile?

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

ISIS, your silly band of nobodies will all be dead in one year.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

There was a time people would quake in their boots at the thought of offending the Japanese people. Sadly those days are long gone. Now, we plead and beg as we are led to the slaughter. Like little lambs.

-36 ( +6 / -42 )

ISIS, your silly band of nobodies will all be dead in one year.

Sadly I think you are wrong, while they probably wont get much larger, they are a threat worldwide.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Abe wanted an army to defend Japan. Well, here you go. Start defending Japan.

1 ( +15 / -14 )

Blaming Abe for this? why?

16 ( +26 / -10 )

ndwariga: There was a time people would quake in their boots at the thought of offending the Japanese people. Sadly those days are long gone. Now, we plead and beg as we are led to the slaughter. Like little lambs.

I thought that just applied to Japan's neighbors, in the days when Japan was a bad neighbor. Not the Middle East?

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

My heart goes out to Japan. As an American we are use to seeing our people beheaded, and worse our leaders doing nothing. My hope and my prayer is that the Japanese people will not let this go unchecked. May Japan rain down terror on the terrorist. May a million lives be taken for one Japanese life. A full invasion and extermination of the cockroaches is the only way to deal with terrorist. Anything short is just politics. The question is now, will Japan rise up and defend itself, or become like we have in the US, and get use to a lot of talk by our leaders with little action? Our hearts ache with your hearts.

-14 ( +10 / -24 )

Despicable and truly sad...

19 ( +19 / -0 )

I think the worlds Islamic leaders need to stand together and denounce these ISIS as well as the boko harum scum and other "violent" and destructive followers.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

There was a time people would quake in their boots at the thought of offending the Japanese people.

Huh? What history books have you been reading? Sorry, I mean fantasy books. As noted, outside of it's neighbors, just who was "quaking" in their boots about offending the Japanese people? Please enlighten us.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Yubaru;Japan no longer has the will to defend herself and her people.

-20 ( +2 / -22 )

“I am at a loss for words thinking about the pain that Mr Goto’s family must feel,” Abe said.

May he rest in peace and pray that his family, especially his mother, find a way to deal with their grief. No parent deserves to lose a child, especially in such a cold-blooded and public manner.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Enough. These murderers are psychopaths and should be treated as such. They have surrendered their rights to being treated humanely. No death penalty for them, rather incarcerate them and use them for clinical trials of new medicines. At least then they will have their lives contribute something to humanity.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

ndwariga-I do not believe the Japanese people no longer have the will. The cost of war is alive and well in the minds and hearts of the Japanese people. I just think they are like America was before WW2, a sleeping giant.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

I am not shocked to see that this has happened. It seems like governments do not get upset enough until it really happens. Groups like this are a threat to all walks of life. We need to eliminate the threat immediately when it starts before the terrorists can fulfill their promises!!!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Very sad, no matter who does it. I invite you to watch the documental about the money masters in U-Tube. It is really an eye opener. Not for the purpose of siding with anyboy or justifying anyone but merely educational.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Isis barbarian, you will pay for that.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Sad ending to this story, even if it was both expected, and necessary. Hopefully this will encourage Japanese people to stay away from the region. Leave the pit of vipers to the vipers.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

ISIS: We have drones--armed drones. -Your Uncle, Sam.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

This is what Gangsters do. ISIS, the murderer of children and two men dead. Islam stands silent? ISIS has sealed their fate.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I think people need to step back and consider the origins of the IS and how they came to power in the first place. Who trained, sponsored, and provided them weapons in the first place? Surprise, surprise.


3 ( +6 / -3 )

"or become like we have in the US, and get use to a lot of talk by our leaders with little action?"

The Obama administration was blowing them up with drones on a regular basis, and taking out several key leaders in different extremist groups. Then Obama's critics, including conservatives, complained from a couple of years back that occasionally civilians were in the cross fire. that forced the administration to sharply cut back on the drone attacks...and then look what happened.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

This is beyond despicable. Time for Japan to join a coalition of the willing to wipe out these wackos.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Very sad news indeed. I was hoping for a different outcome, but I am not surprised. But I watched the video and as graphic and disgusting and disturbing as it was. In the bigger picture, ISIS wanted and needed that money, to buy weapons, feed their troops and people and fix their infrastructure. They have nothing, they can't govern properly, they can just delegate, order and kill. That is their prime function. Abe refused to bow to their demands, so they wanted to show Japan a lesson, but at the same time, what they did is part of their narrative. Seriously, what else can these guys do. They often laugh when someone is getting beheaded you can hear it in the background. These people are sick and they enjoy doing this, They didn't have to kill Goto, they knew his circumstances, they could have believed in their whacked ideology and still released him to show that at least they are merciful people. They didn't do that, they want the world to see and view them with fear, but I believe that people have more hatred and distain for these scum! Sad thing is, they have more hostages and will try to kidnap more people to further their twisted agenda. Interesting point. There is speculation that maybe both hostages were killed earlier this week, that could be a reason why they were silent for some time and did not respond to contact.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Why blame Abe? Because his sense of self-importance and tin ear have taken him way out of his depth into the shark-infested waters of international affairs. The way Abe rushed across the room to grasp the hands of that unsavory character Netanyahu ( who is privately despised by most leaders in the West) and with beaming face and warm handshake faced the cameras sent the wrong signal to the Arab world. Even worse, by publicly announcing $200 million in aid to the government in Baghdad etc, he crossed the Tigris (Rubicon) and injected himself into the Iraqi civil war siding with the Shia arch-enemy of IS which represents the minority Sunni insurgency. Calling IS names, such as "terrorists" (which the BBC refuses to do) is misleading and ultimately unproductive. War brings out the bestial side of humans. There are no "good guys" in the Iraqi quagmire. Both sides are committed to mayhem and murder. Unfortunately, Abe may now go down in history as the Japanese leader who made the biggest miscalculation since Pearl Harbor, dragging his nation into the maelstrom of international conflicts. The additional costs in security for our open society will be another crushing tax burden for the majority. For the first time in over 30 yrs in Japan I must now contemplate the unthinkable, but I sincerely hope the residents of Japan do not once more have to "bear the unbearable".

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Japan no longer has the will to defend herself and her people.

Where are your examples of people quaking in their boots at the thought of offending Japan? You are rather naive to think that any government of any country can defend their citizens against these roaches.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Jefflee-Drone attacks do not work alone. Never have and never will. Also it is true a lot of times innocent people are killed. Had we not invaded Iraq none of this would probably be going on, but it is what it is. We and every free nation have an obligation to defend against terrorist. They should be eradicated off the face of the earth. Also to try and say war hawk conservatives are less about fighting ISIS is just ignorant. We never should have invaded Iraq, but we did. That is no longer the point. The point is a hornets nest has been opened up and now it needs to be closed by any means necessary. The reason terrorist are so active are because there are those like raf that feel sorry for them, and do not want to hurt their feelings. This does not work. We need to take the gloves off and get rid of them. War is hell but sometimes it is necessary!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Hey, you! Middle East countries! Clean up your backyard!

Turkey, do you want to become another Syria? No western country or eastern country should set one boot on the ground until Jordan or Turkey or Muslim world leaders step up and join the Kurds and take care of business.

You don't want America or Western powers to tell you what to do, so stand up for yourselves and end this threat.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Yubaru; you are naive, I was in Kenya in 2010 when they took some british tourists and a whole village was taken captive and ran off with them to somalia for slaverly. They (shaabab Islamists) had been doing this for years on a smaller scale, the government and kenyans thought it was going to go away, it became clear its not. They sent their rag tag army and navy into somalia, they have the alshaabab on the run and they have virtually wiped out piracy off the somali coast. The good thing with africans is if you are a somali on a boat, you better not be out at sea. That took care of the problem really quick.

In Japan, we beg and beg.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The death of Mr Goto is outrageous, as he had committed no crime. However, Abe is a hypocrite as he supports the death penalty, even at the cost of innocent people being killed.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Oh no ! But why am I not surprised -:( Our thoughts are with his family

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Without the beheadings would anyone in the west really care about ISIS in the Middle East? It seems that the only people who are benefiting from these beheadings are the politicians in the west who have a clear interest in gaining public anger at the beheadings... Think about it.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The problem is that terrorism is an idea, and all it needs to continue is for someone else to pick up and enact that idea. You can eliminate every terrorist from the earth, and if someone else decides they want to be a terrorist, there will be more terrorists. You cannot kill an idea. You cannot kill a method. Therefore just killing the terrorists will not bring the end that so many want. The problem needs to be understood and identified, so that solutions in dealing with the terrorists don't just create more terrorists. Unfortunately a lot of the current methods of dealing with terrorists just create more animosity and hostility in the middle east towards western nations - which increases the likelihood of more people deciding they want to be terrorists. So as long as we continue to deal with the terrorists in the methods that we are, we are just creating more terrorists. It's like a dog chasing its tail.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

And this in the name of a religion? I'm tired of repeating myself, but to use religion in order to murder innocent people is just wrong. They are not worthy to do ANYTHING in the name of Islam. I don't watch the video. Don't want to see this kind of reality show. I'm feeling terrible for the victim and his family. Nobody deserves this kind of fate. And the murderers? They are cowards first grade. I hope that the armies of the world can stop them and wipe them from the face of the earth.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I see a lot of strange reactions to this very sad event. It seems totally irrational to me to put this event down to some sort of Japanese weakness. Nationalism tends to weaken the capacity for rational thinking. Statements that include phrases like "the Japanese people" often express incoherent or nonsensical sentiments. Frighteningly, these thugs are opportunists who can pop up in any dark hole where they can get internet access. I do have a lot of respect for journalists who want to bring information about a part of the word I would never step foot in. We do need to be informed.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Why do Isis, this evil terrorist organisation always fade to black at the beheading part? Are they worried about offending? Why is there never any blood? Why are the victims always so calm? Watch the videos they are all the same. Something is rotten in Denmark...

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Why blame Abe? Because his sense of self-importance and tin ear have taken him way out of his depth into the shark-infested waters of international affairs.

Meh. This has nothing to do at all with Abe. The two were captured, tortured and possibly even killed before Abe said or did a thing.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

A very sad ending & unless the world unites Once & For All mr. Goto s death as well as so many innocents wil be just a footnote in world history.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Anything short is just politics. The question is now, will Japan rise up and defend itself, or become like we have in the US, and get use to a lot of talk by our leaders with little action?

Considering the fact that the U.S. is one of the few doing airstrikes against ISIS on a daily basis and many many other countries are only "condemning" them. The U.S. has a huge percentage of people not wanting to see U.S. drawn into another war so they attack by air instead of "boots on the ground".

If you want to be the President of the U.S. and/or fly to ISIS territory to negotiate with the releases of prisoners, go right ahead.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Well, I see a lot of well fed fat people rationalizing why we should not take serious action aganist ISIS.

First off, what did Goto go to do when he was captured? He went to rescue his friend. Where was Japan? Why were our special forces not sent to rescue another Japanese? Who is to say they will not catch another Japanese somewhere in the world and do this to them?

These kinds of people only understand one language. That language begins and ends with violence. If you do not get it yet and think this is an American or Israeli problem, you wait and see. This problem is going to be your problem too soon.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Englanders should be ashamed of themselves for producing murderers such as the "star" of this video. What the heck is wrong with your country and its educational/social systems when your people are turning toward ISLAMIC EXTREMISM of all things? Pull it together, England. Shame on you.

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

"If you're not with us, you're against us"

I think so, 100%!

The problem is that terrorism is an idea, and all it needs to continue is for someone else to pick up and enact that idea. You can eliminate every terrorist from the earth, and if someone else decides they want to be a terrorist, there will be more terrorists. You cannot kill an idea. You cannot kill a method. Therefore just killing the terrorists will not bring the end that so many want.

I agree, but if you kill them and as many as possible with the same ferocity and as many as possible, you can significantly slow them down and give them fear, angst and apprehension. Because, there is no other way, they won't stop, won't relent, won't stop kidnapping, so we can analyze these guys as much as we want, they will always want to kill infidels, so we either kill them or they will just keep doing the same to us. Abe tried to negotiate and they still killed Goto, so I have absolutely ZERO sympathy for these monsters.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I am sad on this news may his soul rest in peace. My condolence to the family of such great person. I think it is time to reflect on the deaths of all innocent people who have lost their lives in illegal wars and drone strikes and their deaths were never given any publicity; May their souls also rest in peace.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Je Suis Charlie ! Your journalist was a hero on the quest for truth , he was not political ,not military ,no threat to anyone ,only weapon in a war zone a camera ,a mobile and a microphone ! That takes a lot of courage !!! チャーリーからの多くの涙 I am from the UK and ashamed that one of my citizens was involved though he is no longer one ! The Superpowers are playing games again , China threatening Japan , Russia threatening Europe and Usa behaving in its its usual chaotic ways ! Respect to those that have died ,get out of this crazy mess the US has got us all involved in crazy wars ! If you go after these rreaks , i,m sure the Japanese will do 100% better than the US ! 尊敬

1 ( +2 / -1 )

so I have absolutely ZERO sympathy for these monsters.

This is good. They deserve no sympathy.

Mr. Goto was a good man who got himself caught up in a bad situation. He is not the first good man that ISIS has killed. They are evil and their actions are completely inexcusable.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

A real tragedy. The possible solutions are: 1.) move on, 2.) bomb some nutters for fun, and 3.) cut off all funding to Sunni Arab countries. I don't doubt that #3 may be a non-starter, but 1 and 2 can be done. Despite what Strangerland has to say, interviews with the Viet Cong about what it was like to be in a B-52 strike seem to indicate that it struck fear in them pretty good. And they were a pretty hardened enemy, too. Remember, it is just for fun, ultimately.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

First off, what did Goto go to do when he was captured? He went to rescue his friend. Where was Japan? Why were our special forces not sent to rescue another Japanese? Who is to say they will not catch another Japanese somewhere in the world and do this to them?

Whether Japan should or shouldn't maintain special forces with the ability to conduct special operations anywhere in the world probably has nothing to do with this particular horrific event. My guess is that, like previous beheadings, special operations where impossible for various reasons, including the inability to pinpoint the whereabouts of the situation. Anyway, I tend to think that Japan is a shrinking country with shrinking resources and ballooning debt. Trying to compete militarily with world powers seems to be a misplaced priority, notwithstanding this terrible incident.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

To add up, France has seen exactly the same modus operandi. A nice guy called Hervé Gourdel, who was a trekking guide, disappeared in Algeria few months back... just few days ago they found his beheaded body... the public opinion is now prepared to the next war on terror... which will end up killing innocent people and recreate a new set of pre cooked terrorist. My condoleances to Goto family and japanese people. You are nice, you dont deserve that. Truth will prevail!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Both Japanese brought this tragedy upon themselves. They caused a lot of anguish in Japan. They should never have ventured into war-torn zones.

Years ago, a young Japanese in his 20s made this anguish cry in English just before Al Qaeda insurgents in Iraq sliced off his head...it was on You-tube: "I do not want to die."

It is foolish to go to Iraq and Syria for whatever reasons. A lot more good can be done back in Japan and many other safer poor countries.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@panyusg; I am sure poverty in Nigeria has kept Boko Haram merciful and Al Shaabab in Kenya very peaceful.

Its all the same operation folks, do you not see? Islam is on the march, the 'arab nations' are happy to let the Chaos reign around the world. They fund it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Both Japanese brought this tragedy upon themselves.

We need information to make informed decisions as electorates. If Goto was trying to bring incite into events in the region then I would have to disagree with your comment.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Jihadi John and his gang of ISIS devils are being hunted. USA does not publicize their intelligence till they have killed them via air-strikes. The end is not too far off unless they stop using all electronic devices. And without electronic communications, they cannot fight too.

The days of ISIS are numbered. Saudi Arabia and other M.E. countries are no longer giving them financial aid. The low oil prices was also meant to greatly reduce the wealth of ISIS supporters.

People think the Saudis are conducting an Oil War against USA. Not true. Obama is not reacting. It is all a big camouflage to bring Russia, Iran, Venezuela, etc. under control. The Saudis are the biggest friends of USA. Japan is also supporting this "Oil War".

By end-2015, I expect that ISIS is not longer having any territory that they can control. The tide has changed.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Mr. Abe ever the politician and actor. One poster said it best, as Japan is known for being treacherous even to its allies by shaking the hand of its main allys' opposition in Iran, followed by his pledge of money as humanitarian aide all in the hopes of intimidating the ISIS group. Well played by this administration in the hopes of agitating the peoples support to change the Constitution and increase the militarism of Japan further alienating its neighbors. If Japan is serious to eliminate this threat of ISIS then kick out the population who come from that area out of Japan. Why risk the chances if safety is the concern. Unlike other countries where square footage comes to play is quite difficult, Japan is perfect to round them up and kick them out if they wanted. The "but" is Abe and company need them to fulfill their private interest agendas. Surely a splendid "Bollywood" performance goes out to Mr. Abe and this years "best actor" award.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


"I think people need to step back and consider the origins of the IS and how they came to power in the first place."

Good idea. They formed in 2006 in Iraq, drawn to that country thanks to Bush's decision to invade it, and subsequent incompetence in prosecuting a war based on false pretenses, laying the groundwork for a horrific regional insurgency. Thanks, George!

That website you provided is a conspiracy platform, and anyone with a brain cell can rip apart the "facts" it attempts to present. It's purely anti-Obama, naturally.

One small example: The Libyans "flooded" into Syria? Well, that's a long journey, about 2,000 km and through two global regions, N. African across to the heart of the Middle East, plus a couple of different countries to traverse. Quite a stretched out and perilous "flood." if you ask me. LOL.

If a reader can't figure this kind of fiction, then they will believe anything. Including the neo-con narrative concerning the current occupant of the White House.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

"A radical Muslim wants to behead you. A moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to behead you. This is reality of Islam."

If this is true, then being as how there are more Muslims than members/followers of any other religion, it is foreboding indeed.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Looks like there is nothing the world communities can do about this.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Rwhitte... how miserable is your condition to post comments like that? Get yourself a proper life, that will prevent you to demonstrate your serious psychotic state.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

So what is the average Japanese citizen thinking now? On average they tend to blame someone, some country or something for their woes. Or are they mad.... mad that these Islamist idiots just, very publicly, beheaded two Japanese citizens? Will we se an increase of young men looking to join the military.... or will the people of Japan shy away from the world stage?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Beheading of Kenji Goto by ISIS must be condemned in strongest terms by all right thinking people in the world. If the firm determination shown by Mr Abe to deal with terrorism ,is exhibited by other nations ,this menace of terrorism can be wiped out from earth's surface in the shortest possible time.U. N must impose strong sanctions against nations which are supporting and funding terrorist activities.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Not sure UN can impose sanctions on the USA and most western countries. I have confidence in japanese people who are clever and educated and will not get dragged into this mascarade. They will realize that this is always the same story unfolding. One hand is supporting the ISIS beast while the other hand calls for eradication... Go find out? "They" are making fun of all if us, people starts to wake up already

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

With the beheading of the two Japanese citizens, ISIL have fired the first shots in a war with East Asia, in which millions of Wahhabi will perish, possibly to extermination. It will be a matter of time

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Chelim Yrneh: With the beheading of the two Japanese citizens, ISIL have fired the first shots in a war with East Asia, in which millions of Wahhabi will perish, possibly to extermination. It will be a matter of time

This really sounds like wishful thinking.

What countries in East Asia will take up Japan's cause?

Will Japan even take up its own cause? Assuming the endless discussions around Article 9 result in a decisions to project force, what capability does Japan have to project force 5000 miles away in Syria?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Free the JSDF ..........to seek the people's vengeance. Amend the Constitution.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

First my deepest condolences to Kenji Goto's family, especially his children. My condolences as well to the people of Japan.

Second the media need to stop referring to these cowardly thugs as ISIS, they are Da'ish.

Next, the West has been coddling the House of Saud for way to long. It is the house of Saud along with the Wahhabi that are breeding these cretin and exporting them. The U.S. in particular needs to stop acting like a serf to the dictatorship of Saud and law down the law. The should immediately bomb a Wahhabi madras-ah as well as one residence of the House of Saud, this nonsense would end quickly.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Show me anywhere in the world massive moderate Muslim protests


Now, you have been shown.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Some extreme factions of he Arab culture are historicaly and currently a sick and twisted and very dangerous, and evil to the core. This is a sad example of their violence and I am very very sorry for the victim's family and for Japan. My deepest sympathy.

the best end for Arab extremism is for the world to band against them and wipe them out. they have had their chance and have showed nothing but anger and aggression to the other cultures for over a thousand years. This is not new. It is just more dangerous because of modern weapons and modern transportation. I hope that the US and Europe and the sane Arab countries will band together to get rid of these evil people.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

ISIS and it's ilk is an evil identity that is trying to gain power to force evil ideals. If anyone still believes that there is no such thing as evil in this world, better think twice. Their inhumanity towards humanity should be more than enough of a sign.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

This must be a blow for Muslims living in Japan. The brutal beheading of one of its citizens and "let the nightmare begin for the Japanese people" quote may well instigate feelings of suspicion towards all Muslims similar (or even worse) to those all North Koreans are under. Could also be bad news for Japanese travel agents and airlines as trips to Europe and Africa might take on a new sense of risk for Japanese holidaymakers and business people.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Islam and being muslim is not a race. If people don't want to be associated with this disgusting barbaric behavior which is undoubtly at least partly inspired by the kinds of of questionable dogma that had tormented humanity under the guise of religion thought out history then don't associate with it.... Simple.

As for this IS or whatever they are called this week, they need to be dealt with harshly and immediately, anyone, or nation that wishes to protect the gross abuses of human rights that this group is welcome to join them..

0 ( +0 / -0 )

? someone: Show me anywhere in the world massive moderate Muslim protests

slumdog: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/muslims-in-france-protest-against-extremism/

slumdog: Now, you have been shown.


link: "and many in the crowd of about 500 said they were dismayed and appalled."


0 ( +1 / -1 )

"Jihadi John" will eventually be found out and punished but unfortunately won't suffer the fate proportionate to the suffering he has caused to the victims and families.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Japan is welcome to pass the necessary laws allowing the JASDF to conduct live bombing training exercises together with coalition nations to eradicate these subhuman jihadists. Probably won't do it, but they'd be welcome.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Welcome by whom?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The only thing Japan did is to give humanitarian aid, and this is what she get in return. I strongly recommend Japan to stop giving money for aids and ODA's alike to other countries. It is wiser nowadays for Japan to just concentrate on using those monies to bring herself back on foot in all aspects. Use all the remaining funds and treasuries to bring the old samurai back and her dignity. DELETE/MODIFY ART 9 AND CREATE MORE JOBS BACK AT HOME. MILITARY JOBS!!!

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

the only think these scum understand is a rain of bombs on there heads, the quicker and the more these animals are obliterated the better the world will be.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

As long as we continue saying that the Islamic state has nothing to do with Islam then we will never see a world where sense and reason will prevail.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Some islams say that ISIS is not what islam is all about. Well then, just think of it, if somebody uses your name in the name of heinous crimes and terror, wouldn't you do something or even better everything just to clear your name out of it? Well then, TRUE ISLAMS, WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING TO PROVE THAT ISLAM IS TRULY NOT WHAT ISIS IS? CLEAR YOUR FAITH'S NAME AND REPUTATION AGAINST THIS DEMONIC DISEASE.!

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Some islams say that ISIS is not what islam is all about. Well then, just think of it, if somebody uses your name in the name of heinous crimes and terror, wouldn't you do something or even better everything just to clear your name out of it? Well then, TRUE ISLAMS, WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING TO PROVE THAT ISLAM IS TRULY NOT WHAT ISIS IS? CLEAR YOUR FAITH'S NAME AND REPUTATION AGAINST THIS DEMONIC DISEASE.!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Some islams say that ISIS is not what islam is all about. Well then, just think of it, if somebody uses your name in the name of heinous crimes and terror, wouldn't you do something or even better everything just to clear your name out of it? Well then, TRUE ISLAMS, WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING TO PROVE THAT ISLAM IS TRULY NOT WHAT ISIS IS? CLEAR YOUR FAITH'S NAME AND REPUTATION AGAINST THIS DEMONIC DISEASE.!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

This is insanity, madness, sickness. This is humanity as a dog, as a mad animal. Dogma clouding reason and rational thought.

But there is a long history behind the rise of Islamic fundamentalism that indicates very clearly to why it has taken root so dramatically in the Middle East, and it unfortunately points to the hegemony and aggression of Western countries and their continual manipulation and interference in the region since the decline of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WW1.

At times like this emotions run high and passions are aroused. But as a impartial observer and deplorer of violence of any sort, sometimes these acts of insanity need to be framed within a bigger narrative, and whether people are willing to accept it or not, the truth is that many of us are from countries that have played an active role in this manipulation and interference of the Middle East that has eventually led to a pronounced extremist backlash and the rise of an ideology that truly has the capacity to render great harm to humanity.

No one will win from any of this. We will all lose. Violence begets violence and in truth, I don't really see how we will extract ourselves from the insanity. The ideology won't disappear and neither will the belief that a war against it can eliminate it. Madness.

I feel very sorry for Mr Goto and his family and friends.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Cut their Internet & all other forms of communication and WIPE THEM OUT.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@Tamarama Thumbs up! You have summarized the situation in a brilliant way. However, i disagree on the fact that no one will win. I think there is a winner. Some people that feed from conflicts such as fear mongers, weapon manufacturer, oil companies... They are very clever, they always set themselves in a win or win situation

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Horrible stuff. A very sad result, but I think that while everyone hoped for Goto's release, most are not surprised that IS killed him. I feel so very sorry for the family he left behind.

"Abe vowed that Japan will not give in to terrorism and will continue to provide humanitarian aid to countries fighting the Islamic State extremists."

Just make sure you stand behind your vows and even the wording and don't hide behind Suga trying to play down the part about 'to countries fighting the Islamic State extremists' and pretend that was not part of the provocation.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

pretend that was not part of the provocation.

You keep writing this, but you know as well as I do that ISIS never needed provoking to kill as it does.

Stop putting the blame where it does not belong. ISIS is fully to blame for this and no one else.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

'No one will win from any of this. We will all lose. Violence begets violence and in truth, I don't really see how we will extract ourselves from the insanity. The ideology won't disappear and neither will the belief that a war against it can eliminate it. Madness.'

There are still many, including posters here, who still think the Iraq invasion was the right thing to do. Your common sense and logic can't appeal to mindsets like that. Perhaps they could wear the tin hats and get over there. If they manage to survive unharmed, their services will be called upon again very soon after when the next infuriated lunatics emerge.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Still not "massive".

How many anti-ISIS marches have you been in? What is the percentage of other protests around the world compared to the whole?

I think thousands of people marching about anything is pretty massive.

I have already said that more needs to be done. I am clear about my disdain for ISIS and all that they stand for. Quit preaching to the choir.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


" But there is a long history behind the rise of Islamic fundamentalism that indicates very clearly to why it has taken root so dramatically in the Middle East, and it unfortunately points to the hegemony and aggression of Western countries and their continual manipulation and interference in the region since the decline of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WW1. "

It is so politically correct to blame the West for everything. So how do you explain islamic fundamentalism rising in Thailand, in China, in the Maldives, in Russia, and in any number of countries that have nothing to do with hegemony and aggression? For that matter, why do we have islamist radicals in Sweden and Norway, countries that have never colonized anybody (unless you count the Vikings), and have been incredibly generous to immigrants?

As long stick to this red herring that we created islamism, we will keep losing.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Did these two do anything against Islam? No Guantanamo in Japan and hundred of million dollars went to support Palestine, for now Japan sees the real face of these exclusive Muslim extremist against the Infidels. They were kidnapped for Ransom and beheading to advance Muslim extremist agenda. The Muslim Brotherhood ,Shari law, and Islamic doctrine are the source of these Muslim terrorists. Why don't the moderate Muslims declare war against them? It is a sad reality in Muslim world which lines are blurred at the expenses of all the Infidels! The West and Obama are dancing with wolfs and Hyenas with owns deception narrative pretending the end of war against these filthy evil terrorists. It is a bad wake up call for many Japanese to better understanding the twisted reality of Islamic world. R.I.P.you two.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

RIP Goto-san. Justice will come.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

slumdog: "You keep writing this, but you know as well as I do that ISIS never needed provoking to kill as it does."

They would not have made the big deal they did out of it if not given the same opportunities they were given. They would not have used the hostages as leverage and shown Japan as completely unable to do anything about it.

"Stop putting the blame where it does not belong. ISIS is fully to blame for this and no one else."

Who said blame besides you? Something you get that defensive about means it is close to the mark, and you know it. This is not, as you have said, 100% one thing or another. No one is blaming anyone but ISIS for killing Yukawa and Goto, and everyone else they've killed. But in the same way that you can say because of what ISIS has pledged to do, Jordan is now fast tracking the already decided death sentences of IS prisoners, you cannot deny (even though you try) the causal relationship between Abe very explicitly saying he would give aid to those who attack IS -- an indirect declaration of war -- and IS suddenly coming on, announcing whom they already had hostage, and demanding the EXACT amount Abe pledged or the men would be beheaded and put on video. You say yourself IS already had these men since before, right? so why now suddenly kill them and threaten Japan -- why THE VERY SAME DAY as Abe said what he said to provoke them? You know full well the answer, even if you don't want to admit it.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

So tragic! I feel so upset about this. I hope that countries will unite and just erase this heartless people on earth. Their inhumanity should be ended..

I sympathize with Kenji Goto's family and friends. May he rest in peace..**

4 ( +4 / -0 )

They would not have made the big deal they did out of it if not given the same opportunities they were given.

They make a big deal out of it every time they do it. Don't you pay attention?

Who said blame besides you?

You did. For over a week now, you have consistenly blamed Abe for what happened to these two men.

You were and are still wrong.

Of course, that was after you suggested that "Yukawa deserves whatever he gets"


smithinjapanAug. 31, 2014 - 02:44PM JST

Sorry, but the guy deserves what he gets -- you don't just march into a war-zone with suicidal tendencies and think you are being 'selfless' and 'helping others' or what have you, then expect to garner sympathy. .

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Saw the actual photo here on the internet after the beheading ... ugly, ugly, ugly ...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

My apologies to all the board for posting to raf. I will not respond to him again. This is not about he or I, it is about innocent Japanese civilians being murdered and our provocative post back and forth do nothing to help the situation at hand. I am sorry. I am certain the Japanese people will respond appropriately at the right time.

I hope the families and friends have many people with them in this hard and heartbreaking time.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Tough guys often say they will fight people with one hand tied behind their backs.

Jihadi John, and the rest of his IS mates will only take on people with both hands tied behind their backs.

Kenji Goto was 100 times the man any IS member is, or will be.

6 ( +5 / -0 )

And this in the name of a religion? I'm tired of repeating myself, but to use religion in order to murder innocent people is just wrong.

It is not about religion, it never has been. It is about men who want power. An "Islamic Caliphate" needs a caliph, a caliph's court, an assortment of imams, governors, bureaucrats, generals, soldiers, etc. These are the men who are using religion as tool of destruction and murder.

Religion has been used to control people for millennia, the priests claiming to have the ear of god, or to hold the keys to salvation, both of which they will share with you only if you tithe them enough. Some religions are benign, others are malignant, but all share the common concept of using the human need to believe in something greater as a way to bind and enslave. Ironically enough, the principle of religion is the opposite, that people, who may be bonded to their employers, or everyday life, are spiritually free. The hunger to "believe", be it a god of some sort, or "change we can believe in" allows people to be easily manipulated and controlled. The priest who gives a sermon, or a politician who delivers a speech is far from being selfless supporter of the people. You want salvation? Confess, and put some notes on the plate, you want financial equality? Give your vote, and donate some money to the campaign. In Syria, you just need to pick up a rifle, RPG, or knife, and kill as many as you can find until you get blown to bits. We need to send all of these to meet allah as soon as possible, I am sure allah will quickly hand them over to their real master, who, for the record, doesn't live in paradise.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

not only evil, but preying on innocent people epitomizes what kinds of cowards they are

3 ( +3 / -0 )

ISIS, your silly band of nobodies will all be dead in one year.

What a stunningly ridiculous comment to make. Priceless...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Goto's only crime was trying to free his very confused friend. Japan's was trying to assist refugees ... Both were worthy actions.

ISIL are phony Muslims. I expect this will have the negative effect the extremists wanted.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

As this may be sad, it is more horrible and tragic that blindness and selfishness from some, politically correction by others. It seems it does not matter until the blood starts dripping at your door and then you are forced to put those video games and turn off that AKB 48. We allow our governments to hamper alternative fuel options as we pay for the same oil that is funding these monsters. Will it be revenge, vengeance or the right for all to live as they feel if all the countries stop this lip service about how they want to stop them and just wipe them off the face of the earth? The UN unoffically died 40 years ago. I have seen war and these guys know or care about the rules of engagement or war. This would not be war but a chance for your kids and their kids to live as they choose. You decide

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I am so sorry, no one deserves this gruesome death. We who were delivering our hopes on his rescue and begging for his life must now adress our strength to the family and to his soul. May Goto rest in peace. If the swap purpose or ransom payment had succeeded the outcome would be the same. They're not worthy to trust. Maybe Japan should raise the samurai sword against these beasts, but sure will cost more lifes of young soldiers and grief of their families and its a high price to be paid for vengeance. Support the western war against terror with technology, knowledge and patience. I trully wish it was easier to finish the IS, at least lets try to keep them at the desert, barren wasted land they call home.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

My condolences to Mr. Goto's family and to the Japanese people. We haven't seen pure evil like ISIS in a long time. I hope Japan will double down on its aid to the coalition opposing ISIS in response. If it had not been for the coalition that was started to fight ISIS these barbarians would be in control of Iraq and Syria now, the Kurds and other minorities would have been wiped out. We have no choice but to actively oppose evil.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


It is so politically correct to blame the West for everything.

Not sure why you think it's politically correct, and I don't remember writing that I blame the West for everything. Whether you like it or not, the long history of The West's interference and aggression in the Middle East is factual and well documented.

So how do you explain islamic fundamentalism rising in Thailand, in China, in the Maldives, in Russia, and in any number of countries that have nothing to do with hegemony and aggression?

You are kidding me rights?! China have brutally cracked down on some of the Muslim minorities like the Uighurs for years. The Russians invaded Afghanistan in the 1970's leading to the US arming and funding your old mate Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban in their fight against them as part of the Cold War. The others because it's an ideology and movement that some identify with. People who are disaffected for some reason by Western ideals, practices, policies. Simple. You should really do some reading and research.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

This has nothing to do at all with Abe. The two were captured, tortured and possibly even killed before Abe said or did a thing.

It has absolutely something to do with Abe. The two were captured long before Abe middle east trip. Terrorists have low priority over Japanese hostages. In the Video of Ransom demand, they were looking like normal average healthy person. Abe trip and participation of active force means death sentence for them.

Abe said that he will send peace keeping force to middle east. He promoted more assertive foreign policy. It may be promotion of getting more friends there, it has sent the clear invitation for terrorists attack on Japanese people and Japanese home soil.

That tragedy is not the natural cause like natural disasters. It is purely made by Mr Shinzo Abe.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

My heart with the family of Goto san ,, these people disregards all governmental warning and they choose to travel to conflict area.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

slumdog: "You did. For over a week now, you have consistenly blamed Abe for what happened to these two men."

Nope -- that is your continued personal twist of words. I HAVE, on the other hand, said that IS is 100% responsible for the men's murders. You seem to think that this would have happened had Yukawa and Goto not gone where they went, and it would have happened had Abe not provoked IS (and yet it happened just after he did, which you cannot bring yourself to admit, and cannot bring yourself to admit that the Japanese experts agree, as do many others), and that Abe and the way he said things with the Israeli flag at his back is 100% the victim here. I recall you saying, "IS is 100% to blame. Japan is not". No one has said Japan is to blame. NO ONE. But only fools will say Abe's -- not Japan's, but this man's, and even Suga has had to water it down! -- vows had ZERO to do with what the IS did, when they did it, and how.

I suppose if Abe uses this incident to push for his personal desire to revise the constitution, and then sends troops overseas to 'help the nations who are fighting IS' and troops die, their deaths will have absolutely zero to do with Abe putting them there and promising to fight terror, either. Same logic.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

I dislike Abe in general, as I believe he is an incompetent war-crazed idiot. However, in regards to this Daesh (ISIS) issue, he has my full support. Hunting down and killing terrorists is peacekeeping, and a crucial part of self-defence not only for Japan, but for the rest of the world now. Unleash hell on the Daesh!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Unfortunately, this was expected. Goto's life came to an end when he was captured by the terrorists. It's a sad day today. May Kenji Goto rest in peace. I send my condolences to his family and friends.

Japan will not bow down to terrorists, and will do everything in its power to protect its people, and help aid against fighting the terrorists. These thugs want to anger us and taunt us to make irrational actions, but we will not succumb to their vile tactics. They will ultimately be defeated, because the world fronts are united to put a stop to them.

They're playing a losing game, and will ultimately fall.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

this knife will not only slaughter Kenji, but will also carry on and cause carnage wherever your people are found. So let the nightmare for Japan begin,” the man says.

So a not so veiled threat right here, in fact its a very clear and open threat, I hope Japan and its citizens take note and remain aware and vigilant because some nutbag may just take up the cause as we saw in Australia and france recently.

You think japan is safe from this threat you must be joking, it is a very real threat, these people would love nothing more than to spread their fear and create more headlines, japan is now a target too.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

It might have been a hoax? not that Goto was killed, but he was killed off camera.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

After reading some of the comments, I think we need to set the record straight! First, Goto decided to go to a place where he would be at risk. Second, Abe did more than most leaders would have done under the same circumstances. Third, if you want to be mad at somebody, be mad at ISIS! And last but not least, for those of you who think JAPAN can't take care of itself, you're gravely mistaken! Japan has one thing that so many other militaries don't have, and that's heart!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

In despite of this tragedy, stupid people are giving thoughtless comments and pointing fingers other than to ISIS. No one is to blame but IS, not even Abe for giving humanitarian aid in the Middle East. Every country can do that. But no one should kill for the sake of extreme adherence to own beliefs and to scare people who wants to help a race. Gets?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Ultimately... Japan's reaction to these unfortunate events is the most important thing to consider. From my experience... I believe what happened will give Abe a further excuse to venture out into the world and increase its military scope. I don't think what happened will... at this point.... change the minds or views of the average Japanese citizen. However at some point, if events similar to this increase, obviously, the average Japanese citizen may become quite angry. Usually when a country and its politicians / government are confronted with a difficult future. In Japan's case, an economically debilitating ageing demographic, increased corporate competition in industries they once dominated, and the Fukushima disaster which greatly increased the need for imported oil, they try to take people's minds off of their reality and provide a nemesis. Something else to focus on.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Tamarama-You seem to be excusing or blaming the brutal behaviour of these people on the West. You do realize the West was not the West while they were rising up and brutally murdering other peoples and taking their land right? They have a very bloody past and unfortunately a very bloody today. After studying history in college I find it shocking that you make claims that the West is to blame. It's always someone elses fault right?

I am saddened also that people are venting at Abe. This cowardly act of murder was not Abe's fault. The Japanese people have a very high honor code they live by and I could not imagine him contributing in any way or being anything other than distraught; however, I do not follow politics in Japan so maybe the anger at him is coming from some other area and latching onto this current tragedy.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I HAVE, on the other hand, said that IS is 100% responsible for the men's murders


You seem to think that this would have happened had Yukawa and Goto not gone where they went, and it would have happened had Abe not provoked IS (and yet it happened just after he did, which you cannot bring yourself to admit, and cannot bring yourself to admit that the Japanese experts agree, as do many others), and that Abe and the way he said things with the Israeli flag at his back is 100% the victim here.

Hmmm... You just suddenly claim you have been saying that ISIS is 100%. Then you write the paragraph above. Let's look at it, shall we?

You seem to think that this would have happened had Yukawa and Goto not gone where they went

? I have never suggested any such thing.

and it would have happened had Abe not provoked IS

Yes, that is what I believe. ISIS planned on killing these people.

However, you claim above that you suddenly believe ISIS is 100% responsible and then in the next paragraph explain why Abe is responsible.

My question to you is: Do you understand what the expression "100%" means?

ISIS is 100% responsible for the deaths of these men and no one else.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

**First of all, my condolences to the family of Kenji. My heart goes out to you. No-one should have to witness the murder of a family member, especially in such a barbaric way.

I do, however, take exception to one post by couversaka... **

Englanders should be ashamed of themselves for producing murderers such as the "star" of this video. What the heck is wrong with your country and its educational/social systems when your people are turning toward ISLAMIC EXTREMISM of all things? Pull it together, England. Shame on you.

You, my friend, have absolutely NO IDEA what your're talking about. As an English guy living in Japan for the past 20 years, I'm utterly disgusted with your comments. Do you really think that my country's educational and social systems are to blame for Kenji's death? One guy with a British accent kills someone and suddenly we should all feel ashamed? Why should I feel ashamed? That cockroach probably wasn't even born in England! Maybe he was just educated there? Maybe he was influenced by his family? Maybe he always had radical ideals? However, to blame my country when hundreds of people are flocking to join those ISIS devils from many countries (the US, Australia, France and...dare I say it....even Japan!), shows just how misguided and ignorant you truly are.

My countrymen and I truly feel for Kenji and his family, totally condemn any and all violence perpetrated by the ISIS, but we won't apologise for the actions of one radical, won't change our love of democracy, free speech, school systems etc for you or anyone.

If you are going to comment in the future, think more thoroughly before putting finger to keyboard.

R.I.P Kenji and all the other poor souls slaughtered by these foul beasts.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This is yet another tragedy, and not just for Japan or the West or for 1st world nations, but for EVERYBODY. These ISIS/ISIL terrorists are naught but cowards, attacking, kidnapping, and beheading aid workers, journalists, and other civilians. My heart breaks for Japan at having had to experience two of their citizens being publicly beheaded by these terrorists and my heart breaks for the families of the two men who were murdered like this. Ms Ishido, his mother, and his wife, Ms. Rinko Jogo, are in my prayers, as are the rest of Mr. Goto's family and friends, as well as the other Japanese man's families and friends. Same for Mr. Haruna Yukawa's family and friends and loved ones.

There is no negotiation with these ISIS/ISIL thugs. None. What. So. Ever. What someone else stated in this story is true: these two were basically dead men the minute they were captured and shown on video. There are no deals with terrorists. Period. There's really only one way to deal with them, but so long as we have leadership in certain countries who are "kind" and "compassionate" to terrorist states, wanting to "sit down and talk": with them, these ISIS/ISIL thugs and other groups like them will not only continue to do their thing, but will also grow, thrive, and flourish.

GOD rest the soul of Keji Goto, and give peace and comfort in his family's time of sorrow.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Jason-Well put my brother! You have spoken the truth and some may not like it but it is still the truth.

Shaolin74-You are right. I am not sure where some get their education at but they need to ask for their money back. As an American I am proud to call Englanders my brothers. I am also proud of our relations with Japan even though we fought a world war with Japan. That was then and today is today. An attack on Japan is an attack on America! I feel as much anger at the cowardly killing of the Japanese men as I did when it was an American. We need to step up and end this by using the might of the free world.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Some islams say that ISIS is not what islam is all about. Well then, just think of it, if somebody uses your name in the name of heinous crimes and terror, wouldn't you do something or even better everything just to clear your name out of it? Well then, TRUE ISLAMS, WHY DON'T YOU DO SOMETHING TO PROVE THAT ISLAM IS TRULY NOT WHAT ISIS IS? CLEAR YOUR FAITH'S NAME AND REPUTATION AGAINST THIS DEMONIC DISEASE.!

Exactly. With all these terrorism occurring with Islam mentioned along with it, you'd think muslims would be more pro-active in clearing their religion's name. The onus is on them to do so.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I'm so saddened by the killing of Kenjo Goto...First, let's go back to the source of this mess. America opened a can of worms! (Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Rove & Rice) and others are responsible for attacking Iraq (Saddam had the terrorists in check)...all the hijackers were SAUDI ! Not Iraqi's...How is it Americans (most of) feel they are real patriots? Why did we attack Irag? Still many are dying in terrorists attacks almost every day...no freedom, work, education, electricity, we really helped them out.... Why no responsibity_? And we still support Saudi Arabia with weapons...Who cares if a woman has No equal rights, can't even drive....Yes, the USA stands for freedom & equal rights, right! I'm sad to see people such as Kenji dying trying to help those in need. WTF!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Abe is upset that an innocent man has been murdered, yet Abe supports the death penalty, thereby assuring the murder of innocent people in Japan. Abe is a hypocrite.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


You seem to be excusing or blaming the brutal behaviour of these people on the West.

Absolutely incorrect. If fact, I refaced my first comment with:This is insanity, madness, sickness. This is humanity as a dog, as a mad animal. Dogma clouding reason and rational thought.

I'm not sure how I could have condemned the act any more clearly.

After studying history in college I find it shocking that you make claims that the West is to blame. It's always someone elses fault right?

Unfortunately, there are many versions of history. You can be sure that the history you studied in Illinois varies greatly from the history course currently on offer at Baghdad University. But the long history of Western meddling and aggression in the Middle East is 100% factually correct. What is also absolutely accurate is the almost equally long period of intense frustration and objection to that in many, many of those countries. I have experienced it firsthand and I know it to be true - long before 9/11 took place.

I am not trying to say that the West is solely to blame, but I AM saying that the West has some responsibility in this because the situation is complex, layered and absolutely lightyears beyond a simple equation of 'They hate us because we are free' or someother equally intellectually vacuous and ignorant statement.

And I hate what they do. I deplore religious fundamentalism/extremism of any sort - they are true evil In my opinion. But they didn't just shoot up from nowhere - these is a history to their rise, and it's an uncomfortable one for many of us.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Tamarama- I commend you for calling evil evil, but I must say I see an about face when you start with it's is anyone elses fault. When you say,"I am not trying to say the west is solely to blame" you are inferring the "west" along with others are to blame, but not Islam. The fact is Islam from its foundation was a bloody people and they did "just shoot up from nowhere." Islam tried to conquer the world long before America came onto the seen. Terrorist tactics came along and were used by Islamist long before the birth of America. In fact America is a relatively new nation compared to the many others. Have we meddled in the world? yes! Does that have anything to do with islamic terrorist? absolutely not. That is like saying a criminal who has been a criminal for centuries will be able to blame his behaviour on some future person. What land is there that Islamic people live on that they did not occupy by killing and forcing into their religion. One can say that even America entered North America and killed the natives, but it was a short period and today those natives are free and can worship anyway they want to. I dare you or any muslim in a muslim country to convert to Christianity or spread the Christian Bible around! They talk about peace and tolerance yet this is not an idea they practice. We in America do meddle around in the world, but guess what we keep the Islamic terrorist from taking over the world. It is America that does this not Islam. It is America that is feeding the hungry in the world. It is America feeding and sending doctors to help the poor of the world, many of them Muslim! Where are all the Muslim missionaries? Why do they talk tolerance and then murder those who disagree with their religion?

You are correct about university studies being different around the world. But they do agree on the major parts of history as it relates to other nations. Where you get disagreements is where history is watered down by a country that hides its past. I can assure you where I went to college in the southern United States they did not water it down. We have made mistakes in the past but our heart is good and we make up for it when we can. Just like in Japan.. When we fought the Japanese we did not just turn and abandon them after the war. We stayed and today I feel like they are just like one of the states in the United States. I think most of America feels this way. If you attack Japan it is an attack on America! But notice that after we fought them we do not require them to become Christian. In fact most are not. When Islamist attacked nations its sole purpose was to force them to embrace Islam or die. And so it is to this day when Islam becomes the dominant power in any part of the world.

So I disagree with you that terrorism is complicated, layered, and lightyears beyond a simple equation. I believe you can look at their past and predict the future. Don't listen to what they preach but what they do and have done. Actions speak louder than words. Their history and present conduct is there for all of the world to see. There is really no reason to take anyones word for what kind of tree it is when we have fruits from the tree.

I am glad to hear you condemn the violence however and you should know many of us in America did not agree with the Iraq war. It was a colossal mistake and created a vacuum for terrorist, but not the terrorist themselves. Now I feel like it is our problem and we need to put a stop to it. Regardless though Japan did not attack Iraq and there is no excuse for killing Japanese citizens. I gave you a thumbs up though as I believe you are an honest person and have actually contributed to helping the problem of terrorism.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

But the long history of Western meddling and aggression in the Middle East is 100% factually correct. What is also absolutely accurate is the almost equally long period of intense frustration and objection to that in many, many of those countries. I have experienced it firsthand and I know it to be true - long before 9/11 took place.

You're not forgetting to study Muslim incursions into Europe all the way to Vienna and Spain, in your history course, I hope. The short version-


Looks like history repeating itself....

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Himajin-That was my point exactly. Thank you for a more concise way of putting the truth.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Goto-san, may your kind spirit journey harmonyically to your celestial ancestors!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )


The fact is Islam from its foundation was a bloody people and they did "just shoot up from nowhere."

Firstly, you seem to confuse Islam with an ethnic group - Islam is a Religion obviously, not an ethnicity. Which 'bloody people' are you referring to? Secondly, you have confused my reference to Islamic Extremism as a reference to the birth of Islam - not what I was saying.

Does that have anything to do with islamic terrorist? absolutely not.

This is one of the most naive statements I have read on JT, I'm sorry.

One can say that even America entered North America and killed the natives, but it was a short period and today those natives are free and can worship anyway they want to. I dare you or any muslim in a muslim country to convert to Christianity or spread the Christian Bible around! They talk about peace and tolerance yet this is not an idea they practice.

We in America do meddle around in the world, but guess what we keep the Islamic terrorist from taking over the world. It is America that does this not Islam. It is America that is feeding the hungry in the world. It is America feeding and sending doctors to help the poor of the world, many of them Muslim! Where are all the Muslim missionaries?

Have you ever heard the Dylan song 'With God on our side'? It was written in 1964 and shines a light on the naive evangelical patriotism that exonerates responsibility for killing people and justifies it in a Nationalistic framework.....I can't help but think of it as I read your response.

US interest in the Middle East has virtually nothing to do with justice and goodwill to all and everything to do with hegemony. wealth and.....oil. In my humble opinion.

We have made mistakes in the past but our heart is good and we make up for it when we can. Just like in Japan.. When we fought the Japanese we did not just turn and abandon them after the war. We stayed and today I feel like they are just like one of the states in the United States.

Did the US do this solely as a measure of goodwill towards the Japanese? Was that the sole motivation?

When Islamist attacked nations its sole purpose was to force them to embrace Islam or die.

This seems to be a very superficial understanding of conflict and Islam to me. Islam is a complicated religion with many factions and subsets. They most certainly do not all sing from the same song sheet. ISIS are currently operating in and fighting other Muslims in Syria/Iraq/Kurdistan - they are all Muslim countries already.

So I disagree with you that terrorism is complicated, layered, and lightyears beyond a simple equation.

Sigh. Again, you have misread my post. I am referring to the general sociopolitical SITUATION in the Middle East, not just terrorism.


You're not forgetting to study Muslim incursions into Europe all the way to Vienna and Spain, in your history course, I hope.

No, not forgetting that. What's good for the Goose is obviously good for the Gander, evidently.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I agree, but if you kill them and as many as possible with the same ferocity and as many as possible, you can significantly slow them down and give them fear, angst and apprehension.

"Jihadi John" will eventually be found out and punished but unfortunately won't suffer the fate proportionate to the suffering he has caused to the victims and families.

Christians and other non-Muslims are easy prey. They KNOW we won't do what they do. We won't behead them or burn them alive, we won't kidnap and slaughter their children. We'll put them on trial. Not that I would have it any other way, but it's not anything to make Jihadi John shake in his boots.

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