Japan Today

Japan deports convicted NZ anti-whaling activist


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Shall wait for the news confirming his 'safe arrival' in NZ.

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What was the point of all of that? Arrest, try, convict, suspended sentence, deport.

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Sounds like standard process for foreign criminals.

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"Bethune was convicted of several offenses, including assault for throwing bottles of rancid butter at whaling ships, trespassing, vandalism and possession of a knife"

AP, as well as many other news sources continue to perpetuate this "rancid butter" myth propagated by SSCS. Does anyone really think that "rancid butter" can cause eye and skin injury to the extent that Bethune would be found guilty of assault? Rancid Butter contains a small amount of Butyric Acid, not enough to harm anyone. But Watson himself has stated that Sea Shepherd purchases Industrial Strength Butyric Acid. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ipcsneng/neng1334.html

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But Watson himself has stated that Sea Shepherd purchases Industrial Strength Butyric Acid. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ipcsneng/neng1334.html

which is diluted. Ossan your passion for the pro whalers is well known but propaganda myth spreading goes both ways.

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eye and skin injury to the extent that Bethune would be found guilty...

even the japanese called it mildly injured - he went to the doctor and then again a week later. it wasn't even suggested he received any treatment.

contrast with an australian woman who was found guilty of assault in america after she tapped a woman on the shoulder in the cinema to ask her to stop talking on her mobile phone

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When Watson opened his big mouth about Bethune being welcome back to SS and how his banishment was just a ploy, I wondered if Bethune was still in country? I guess I have my answer. That must have been a little nerve-racking for Bethune, eh?

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He was in country, but Paul Watson can spew what he wants.

No impact on the legal process. Still wonder how true is the statement of his that SSCS made a deal with the Japanese goverment that Bethune won't be back in the antartic for a year.

Sounds like SSCS has got a good line of communications with Japanese goverment. :P

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Well if Bethune is identified attacking Japanese whaling vessels within the next three years, he will be placed on the INTERPOL wanted RED list since he is on a suspended sentence which will becomes active with the next strike of offense.

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Zenny11 - You have a wonderful imagination. The SSCs and the J-Gov in communication??? Thanks for a morning chuckle.

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spudman at 08:07 AM JST - 10th July But Watson himself has stated that Sea Shepherd purchases Industrial >Strength Butyric Acid. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ipcsneng/neng1334.html

which is diluted.

Really? Can you post a link?

Ossan your passion for the pro whalers is well known but propaganda myth >spreading goes both ways.

No you're confusing it with my passion against eco-terrorists and criminal behavior. Something you obviously support.

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Zenny11 said: He was in country, but Paul Watson can spew what he wants. No impact on the legal process.

You might have doubts if you were sitting in a cell being prepared for deportation. You might also wonder if you might be treated a little more roughly from now on. You might even consider that someone might decide to petition for a re-trial, or other method of extending your visit. All I said was it would be nerve-racking.

And its going to be even more nerve-racking if another SS guy ever gets hauled to Japan, because Watson has already tainted that person's testimony.

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Disillusioned at 08:36 AM JST - 10th July Zenny11 - You have a wonderful imagination. The SSCs and the J-Gov in >communication??? Thanks for a morning chuckle.

It was Watson who said so. Yea I got a chuckle out of it too.

"Sea Shepherd leader Paul Watson told media following anti-whaling activist Peter Bethune's sentencing that because of a deal that had been negotiated with the Japanese, Mr Bethune would not be on the next Sea Shepherd protest."


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bobcatfish at 08:12 AM JST - 10th July even the japanese called it mildly injured - he went to the doctor and >then again a week later. it wasn't even suggested he received any >treatment.

Yea it must have been nothing.

"But he denied the assault, which prosecutors said left a 24-year-old whaler with chemical splash burns to his face following the February 11 confrontation in which Sea Shepherd activists hurled the stink bombs."


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No you're confusing it with my passion against eco-terrorists and criminal behavior. Something you obviously support.

Hence all your prolific postings on the crime forum here at JT, not! Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

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Really? Can you post a link?

Can you google? "Conspiracy Theory #3 -The Rotten Butter Sabotage

The Japanese public relations firm hired to depict anti-whalers as terrorists has tried to exaggerate the stink bombs Sea Shepherd crew tossed onto the deck of the Nisshin Maru. The Japanese always refer to it as "acid" tossed on the deck. This conveys an image of sulphuric acid eating its way through metal and thus the acid ate its way through the steel deck and onto machinery thus starting the fire.

Sea Shepherd Response: The stink bombs were made from diluted butyric acid which is, in fact, less acidic than citric acid. Butyric acid is butter acid and has the smell of rancid butter. It does not eat through metal. It just smells bad."


No appology needed. Have a nice free day, Pete too!

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SamuraiBlue: "Well if Bethune is identified attacking Japanese whaling vessels within the next three years, he will be placed on the INTERPOL wanted RED list since he is on a suspended sentence which will becomes active with the next strike of offense."

INTERPOL has better things to do than serve Japan's self-interests. They're not at all worried about SS and are only interested in REAL criminals.

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spudman: You are bang on, my friend. I remember reading Japanese news articles about 'acid' being thrown on the deck of the ships, and them conveniently leaving out the Butyric part. Haha...

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i can understand the feeling of the activist, but in a way they are like terrorist because of the way they are doing things to block the japanese from Whaling. Don`t misunderstand me, I am totally against whaling and Dolphin killing, it is just the way they do their things to stop the Japanese is in a way like a terrorist act. The person who made the movie the Cove went about it in the right way and I am so proud of him for doing that. That is the vest way to reveal the truth about these Japanese people who thinks about nothing but themselves.

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"deported" to his home country?

About the only thing that sounds tough about that is the word "deported."

I'm wondering whether the deportation order included instructions for Air New Zealand flight crew to give him glaring looks whnever they walked past his seat?

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Sea Shepard exists because Greenpeace doesn't have the stomach for dirty work.

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Wonder if the video of the 2 Japanese whalers shooting themselves in the face with pepper spray on the same exact day & time got shown in court? Congratulations Pete on your release, am sure there will be quite a welcoming party at Aukland airport for you.

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I'm sure in NZ there is a huge party awaiting Capt. Bethune! Job done, got some free publicity - and his freedom. He will be back in the Southern Ocean next season, causing the "researchers" all manner of headaches!

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He sucked it up. Bow and apologize, done. I have gotten myself in a few jams here and as long as you admit guilt- have shame- its over. I still see myself bowing in the future (with a grin). The Japanese tend to take things overboard on some issues but will still fill a rack of smut in the conbini. Thing is... it only works in Japan. I see this fella right back at it after some time home. He was dumb indeed, but imagine coming home to your kids a hero for whales. You know this guy is a sick dude back in NZ...

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@Mistwizard and Disillusioned.

What I posted was based on PUBLIC statements made by Paul Watson(posted here on JT). There is way more trying to justify his expulsion of Bethune, etc.

Just read the SSCS site and you will see much info that contradicts itself. Same as some posters here(didn't point it out at the time), said the the cove desrves the Oscar but a few minutes later said it was X(english term) that by their own previous posts would have disqualified it according to rules they posted to justify the Oscar.

Granted 2 different terms were used but they are linked and carry the same meaning(check thesaurus).

Just saying many, many of those iconsistencies appear in many arguments here(from both sides).

Example: Reason for expulsion for Bethune was the bow and bolts, yet it happened 6-months after the fact and MONTHS after he was shown holding them on worldwide TV and his statements about his intent for using them.

Sorry, NO way in hell that no-one would have notified SSCS and told them it was against their rules, also doubt that no member from SSCS watched the footage.

SSCS thinks we are all brain-dead if they think any person with reasonable logic can't spot their inconsistencies.

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In a tearful closing statement at his trial in June, Bethune apologized for the trouble and said he never intended to hurt anyone.

To me this whole activity looks like child play. More so after watching "whale wars". At least Bethune could have shown some backbone and gone to prison to show that he is serious with his "war".

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What a lame tactic by the Seaheard organisation. Who would publicly air such comments. Anyway, I think, Sharyn should take control over this matter and educate the husband a bit. The two little girls seem more smarter than the father and they should punish him by locking him up in the garage for 2 years.

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Hope they made him pay for the flight

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Suspended 2 year sentence....comically gutless country.

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He is back home safely and now talking exactly opposite to what he spoke in Tokyo :)

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Now why I am NOT surprised. ;)

Pete the handcuffs will be ready next whaling season and they have your name on them.

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The guy landed home and spoke with an immature 9 year old child voice about why he was glad that a sumo wrestler did not shag him in Japanese prison. Pete, first rule of conflict "know your enemy". You epic failed and then when you were shown mercy you totally showed that you have not learned a single thing from your time in the can and that you have no class, and that you have no balls, and you are just an immature, racist,cry baby, NOT A HERO. I hope they find you next whale hunt season and haul your immature butt back to the can where you can learn some manners and respect for others.

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Yeah he had a HUGE welcome party at the airport! 3 supporters!! That guy is a joke.

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spudman at 09:16 AM JST - 10th July ossan Really? Can you post a link? Can you google? "Conspiracy Theory #3 -The Rotten Butter Sabotage The Japanese public relations firm hired to depict anti-whalers as >terrorists has tried to exaggerate the stink bombs Sea Shepherd crew >tossed onto the deck of the Nisshin Maru. The Japanese always refer to >it as "acid" tossed on the deck. This conveys an image of sulphuric acid >eating its way through metal and thus the acid ate its way through the >steel deck and onto machinery thus starting the fire. Sea Shepherd Response: The stink bombs were made from diluted butyric >acid which is, in fact, less acidic than citric acid. Butyric acid is >butter acid and has the smell of rancid butter. It does not eat through >metal. It just smells bad." http://www.seashepherd.org/news-and-media/news-070217-1.html

Sorry I can't stop laughing. I post the CDC as ecvidence and you post the Sea Shepherd site. So much for credibility.

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smithinjapan at 09:20 AM JST - 10th July spudman: You are bang on, my friend. I remember reading Japanese news >articles about 'acid' being thrown on the deck of the ships, and them >conveniently leaving out the Butyric part. Haha...

Well I guess Bethune's defense attornies didn't have enough brains to prove in court that the 24 year old whaling vessel crewman didn't suffer any burns or injuries at all. Seems the evidence weas sufficient to for an assault conviction.

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KeikoTokyo at 10:31 AM JST - 10th July Wonder if the video of the 2 Japanese whalers shooting themselves in the >face with pepper spray on the same exact day & time got shown in court?

Stiull can't distinguish fire extinguishers and pepper spray? Bet you believe Watson survived getting shot with a bullet, ans Sea Shepherd didn't have any idea abnout the crossbow and bolts on the Ady Gil.

Congratulations Pete on your release, am sure there will be quite a welcoming party at Aukland airport for you.

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spudman at 05:04 AM JST - 11th July You epic failed and then when you were shown mercy you totally showed >that you have not learned a single thing from your time in the can and >that you have no class, and that you have no balls, and you are just an >immature, racist,cry baby, NOT A HERO. Two kids would prove he has more balls than your hiding behind a false >name on an internet forum. Have a pooh big fella you'll feel better for >it!

You mean like "spudman"?

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spudman at 09:09 AM JST - 10th July No you're confusing it with my passion against eco-terrorists and >criminal behavior. Something you obviously support. Hence all your prolific postings on the crime forum here at JT, not! >Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

Have you ever seen me post anything against Greenpeace? Or WWF? Or any other so-called "conservationist organization" other than Sea Shepherd?

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Send a bill to the Kiwi gov't for the room, board and airfare!!!

I hope the idiot is labelled Persona Non Grata so the next time he's in the vicinity of the fleet or Japanese territorial waters/land, the guy gets incarcerated for real.

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"Good on Pete Bethune. He's the epitome of a good rugged Kiwi bloke prepared to put himself on the line for what he believes.

You have to admire someone who is prepared to risk his life and liberty for a cause."


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Ossan;"Have you ever seen me post anything against Greenpeace? Or WWF? Or any other so-called "conservationist organization" other than Sea Shepherd?"

Ah YES, you quite often blame WWF for the global moratorium on whaling in your comments :)

Funny to how you never mention any of Greenpeaces boardings of vessels?

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What a waste....all this big talk about risking their lives for whales and then in the end I guess Bethune thought a Japanese prison wasn't worth the martyrdom. A few years in prison and he'd been a minor Mandela for Whales and would have gone in the annuals as a true faith believer of his cause. But instead he made the cause a joke... I still believe that what Japan is doing is wrong, but these guys just hit a homerun for the whalers...

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Not suprised they sent him home, would have have rather hard even for the arrogent Japanese government to put someone in prison after they had just destroyed his boat. They knew how stupid they would have looked after their usual barrage of lies and cry baby tactics only served to bring more international shame upon themselves.

Get ready for the next season Pete!

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Sorry I can't stop laughing. I post the CDC as evidence and you post the Sea Shepherd site. So much for credibility.

laugh away, you asked for proof and you got it. You quote the SS site when when it suits you so there it is. you posted no evidence about the strength of acid SS uses.

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So even the story about wife threatening a divorce, and bethune (with the simple "b")losing the job was all part of the clownish drama? I thought that only the guy was crazy, but seems like the whole family is involved. What a waste of time with people with no ethics and integrity. And we should beleive that this was for the loe of whales.

3 supporters at the airport, and minor Mandela for whales are just hilarious comments.

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KeikoTokyo at 11:57 AM JST - 11th July Ossan;"Have you ever seen me post anything against Greenpeace? Or WWF? >Or any other so-called "conservationist organization" other than Sea >Shepherd?" Ah YES, you quite often blame WWF for the global moratorium on whaling >in your comments :)

It's a known fact that the WWF was behind the first "bribing" of countries to get votes in order to pass the Moratorium. But I have always brought this up to how to utter hipocrisy of the anti-whalers and media in attenpting to blame Japan for bribing countries. Have you eer seen me call WWF or Greenpeace "eco-terrirists" as I, and the FBI call Sea Shepherd? The answer is no. I have not specifically "attacked" the WWF because they, along with Greenpeace and PEG conceeded that limited commercial whaling would be better than what we have now. The Whales & Dolphins Conservation Society on the other hand stood with Australia and the Latin block in demanding "zero whales killed under any circumstances".

Funny to how you never mention any of Greenpeaces boardings of vessels?

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spudman at 10:53 PM JST - 11th July laugh away, you asked for proof and you got it. You quote the SS site >when when it suits you so there it is. you posted no evidence about the >strength of acid SS uses.

I quote the SS site only to prove that Watson said something. Now where is the evidence that the Industrial Grade Butyric Acid that Sea Shepherd claims they purchase is "diluted"?

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Ossan;"Stiull can't distinguish fire extinguishers and pepper spray?"

Oh so you are saying that despite the collision alarms sounding, LRAD's going off, & a SSCS vessel in close proximity the whalers decided this would be a good time to go on deck & test out our fire extinguishers??? Funny to how the sailor in court described wearing the face shield, the exact same one that was worn when they shot themselves with pepper spray, yet in all the other footage, SSCS, ICR, & Animal Planet at no other stage at all does a whaler wear a face shield? Hmm coincidence again? I think not. & by the way at no time has the ICR stated they were testing fire fighting gear either, it has only been you to state this!

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The fact is that SS were there with malicious intent on the fleet so I wouldn't care less if he got shot for real or one of his crew got injured or killed due to their own activity. I'd only see that as a Darwin award for them. Play with fire and get burned. Their credibility has suffered from their own actions and lies.

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