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© Thomson Reuters 2022.Prosecutors to extend accused Abe assassin's psychiatric evaluation: report
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The timing must be tricky for prosecutors.
The finding of the investigation into the Unification Church dealings cannot come too close to a decision Yamagami is mentally incapacitated or he goes to a trial and speaks about the Church ties to the LDP.
Don't want the next LDP suit after Kishida to get wrapped up in this.
Yamagiwa? Is he the second shooter in your scenario?
A Pandora's box was opened wide with the shooting of Abe and how the prosecutors would love to send this man to prison for the shooting and yet they cannot their hands are tied, and this is almost never heard of in this country. It will be very interesting to see how this moves forward.
I wonder if they worry if the trial begins now with all of the negative information coming out about the close ties between the UC and the LDP that possible jurists might be more sympathetic towards Mr. Yamagami. Keep him on ice, and let the furor die down, then try him at a later date!
It appears by extending the examination of his mental state, paves the way for a possible future declaration of him being declared mentally unfit for trial hence a lack of culpability for his actions.
If so, I imagine the court proceedings would be short and sharp, negating the need for an intensive investigation of Abe & LDP links with the Unification Church.
A lid on the airing of dirty linen in public so as to speak.
At least Yamagami brought out into the open all the crookedness going on with this govt. and the crackpot Moonies. Abe was a part of this whole crooked scheme.
Long term saved more lives then he took. Not justifying murder, but honestly think I’m right.
William Bjornson
This is funny. We shall have an official judgement that Mr Yamagami was SANE in choosing to shoot Mr Abe. There are not a few, presumably sane, who would agree in full with Mr Yamagami's judgement. How does one judge 'sanity' in a world of Human politics, particularly where WAR is also judged 'sane'? What funny monkeys we all are...
charles chevaux
He was fully compos mentis, pre planned it with incredible detail, admitted it, explained exactly why he did it for revenge and to make publicity. He is definitely not crazy. He even said he didn't have anything personal against Abe - the high profile murder was just to make a statement. It could be classified as domestic terrorism. An insanity diagnosis is always possible if you want to believe it. What do the LDP want? To put him to death firmly or to put him away quietly?
Nuno Teixeira da Cunha
I think all the criminals are mentally hill in some way to disregard the rule of law even more in assasinations. If its determinant to make him tottally crazy with medication altough he signs aome normality its a good thing to make him suffer.
Alan Harrison
Obviously no confession of Mens Rea yet. I would have thought that a judge would decide an extension of detention rather than prosecutors.
He hasn't confessed yet.
Prosecutors cannot win without a forced confession.
The confession is the main evidence in all Japanese trials.
My bets on insane, no sane person could possibly predict the amount of impact his assassination has had.
Psychiatric evaluation? This useless charade needs to end quickly. Sending the guy to death will be more effective than using him as a pond for political gain.
""psychiatric evaluation""
No need to Evaluate any further, Since July the man is in custody available to any experts or investigators for evaluation and or questioning.
This move is just to buy time for some other reasons that we don't know, it could be related to the UC investigations.
Further more Mr. Yamagami is now a hero in the eyes of many people and it is becoming harder day by day to have a fair trial due to the overwhelming public interest.
I do have faith in the Japanese justice system and I hope that Mr. Yamagami and his mother will soon be given the justice they deserve, Peace at home with one another.
Alan Harrison
It's ironic that if he was sane at the time of his action, he will be insane by the time Japanese prosecutors have finished with him. They are real experts in psychology - psychological torture through isolation. Of course,
Aly Rustom
for sure. But it is SO nice to see the scumbag prosecutors be stuck between a rock and a hard place for a change.
Yamagami is a murderer and deserves nothing short of a five foot drop.
With his crude handmade gun, it’s hard to believe that Yamagami could have given the former PM the fatal shot that took him life. There had to be a second gunman shooting from a elsewhere. Yamagiwa will be convicted and executed and we’ll never know the truth.