Japan Today

Japan seeks Jordan's help in gaining hostage's release


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You said they KILL EVERYONE they capture! and your information was wrong!

Could you point to one individual captive that ISIS have released?

Indeed ISIS is the problem we already knew that

Yes, no ifs, ands or buts. ISIS is the problem. Finished.

but don't you support your argument that Abe was not reckless and didn't sparked the rage of ISIS for immediate execution of these Japanese hostages?

Abe is supporting getting rid of ISIS. This support is correct. Doing the correct thing is correct. Fighting evil is correct. ISIS is evil. If ISIS does not like this, too bad. If you do not like this, too bad. ISIS planned to kill the two anyway based on the fact that they have killed all the individuals that they have captured individually. If I am mistaken about this, show me how.

Really why do you think so then?

Because all the individuals ISIS have captured up to now have ended up dead. That is why.

This is NOT Abe's fault. The fault alone rests with ISIS. They deserve your ire, not Abe.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Yes, do what we say, or die. Great options.

Yes! insane options! who says that ISIS are angels? they will make things hard for non members, but there are Options! and they don't kill everyone! however You said they KILL EVERYONE they capture! and your information was wrong! so get your facts right...

you would be correct if you stopped here, but...

But what? Indeed ISIS is the problem we already knew that...but why don't you support your argument that Abe was not reckless and didn't sparked the rage of ISIS for immediate execution of these Japanese hostages?

Do you understand what the word 'capture' means? I do not think you do.

Really why do you think so then?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Christians are even allowed to live in Raqqa by Al Baghdadi,

Do you understand what the word 'capture' means? I do not think you do.

ISIS gives them options

Yes, do what we say, or die. Great options.

Now they will be killed if neither of these were complied.

Now? ISIS has been killing for some time, as you have already acknowledged.

Indeed ISIS is the problem! and it's all their fault

Yes, you would be correct if you stopped here, but...

but the problem

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


ISIS kills everyone they capture

NO you are wrong! yes they capture all and kill most of them, however they don't Kill ALL... Christians are even allowed to live in Raqqa by Al Baghdadi, ISIS gives them options... to convert to Islam or to stay Christians (but not practice it) and pay massive Taxes to the caliphate, Now they will be killed if neither of these were complied.

They are to blame. Completely.

Indeed ISIS is the problem! and it's all their fault! but the problem can be managed and handled better if the leaders like Abe are not careless! I am not saying that this is only Abe's fault, I am criticizing his recklessness and I don't know why you are so naïve to see that his announcements on funding the fight against ISIS sparked their rage against Japan and demanded to kill these Japanese hostages' immediate execution.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Amen, Oxygenated. Well said!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

We are facing extremist religious groups in the middle east where only recently, we have seen:

Asian & western civilian hostages having their heads lopped off if governments do not meet ransom demands by ISIS. A group of Muslim teenagers being killed in Iraq for watching soccer on the TV by ISIS. A child put in a bomb vest in Nigeria by Boko Haram. The brutal killing of school kids in Pakistan by the Taliban. ...and I can easily continue this list.

This is just barbaric, and nothing justifies these atrocities.

You can't bargain with these types of guys. Because they want the whole world to convert to their strict religious views, otherwise your life is worthless.

In fact, I would argue that we need all countries around the world to come together, and unite, to fight against these groups that inflict misery on the world.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@Oxygenated - Those lives are at risk already.

They are on a crusade against anyone who is not with them, there are no innocents in their eyes. It does not matter if you do not give them money, they have their own means of funding. If they do not get funding, they will use crude methods to carry out their acts. They are people willing to put their lives on the line for their ideology, just so long as they can take down even one of the "enemy".

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"A lot of the arguments being made are that if ransom is paid, people will be kidnapped left right and centre. But those who have been executed have all been caught in ISIS controlled areas. Surely the best solution would simply to not go to those areas?"

If ISIS is not defeated, "those areas" will expand to the rest of the world.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Logic If they do kill people straight away rather than holding them up for ransom, at least groups like ISIS are not gaining money, or getting dangerous people released from prison.

Receiving either money, or dangerous people, puts even more innocent people's lives at risk.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@Oxygenated - Thats the thing though, instead of capturing them they will simply kill them. These aren't people who are killing innocents for money. They are killing people based on an ideology. The money is only an opportunistic grab.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@Logic - It's a bad idea, because it will encourage groups like ISIS to capture more innocent civilians to get their own way.

You can't bow down to bullies. It makes them worse.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Here is a question to all who think paying the ransom is a bad idea:

If ISIS kills anybody they capture anyway, and if they capture (and subsequently kill) anybody who is not part of ISIS, why are people any safer if a ransom is paid or not?

Surely, the only difference is that right now the lives have a chance of being saved?

If it is made clear to them that these lives have no value, they will be killed immediately.

A lot of the arguments being made are that if ransom is paid, people will be kidnapped left right and centre. But those who have been executed have all been caught in ISIS controlled areas. Surely the best solution would simply to not go to those areas?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Sadly, if Japan and Jordon gives in, it will give ISIS more reason to capture even more civilian hostages and use them as bait to release more dangerous nutters behind bars.

Not only that, she will only be used again to kill more children, women and men.

I really feel for Goto-san, but I can't see what else can be done.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

You didn't answer my question but its fine

Which question is that?

who led ISIS found the use/value for these captives

Nothing did. Japan is not going to pay any ransom for them. ISIS kills everyone they capture. They do so more quickly with those they suspect of having no value. They do so later with those they suspect of having some value.

I see no difference in the outcome when it comes to ISIS.

They are to blame. Completely.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


They kept them alive because they could prove valuable in the future. They are not a liability. They have value otherwise they wouldn't be alive after getting caught.

That is my point! Yes they are waiting for that moment where they can make use of these captives, And Abe just gave them that. Ive been saying that over and over above. If they don't have a use for them then they are just a liability and got killed already before, but no, ISIS was waiting for THIS situation like now, and Abe bit the bate!… My point is, Japan could've buy more time if Abe was just discreet about his plans (200 million funding) I am not saying that ISIS will let them walk away!


No, what drove them to execute one of these guys was the fact that the two Japanese were not members of ISIS. You are falling into the trap of believing what ISIS wants you to believe. If they were not interested in Japan and their anger was not focused on Japan, they would not have captured these two in the first place ISIS will kill anyone who is not ISIS. The length of time the person stays alive depends on their future value to ISIS. Most Muslims have no value to them and are quickly executed.

You didn't answer my question but its fine… Yes, I just said these over and over and now you are agreeing with me that ISIS is waiting for when these captives become valuable to them and now my new question for you is… who led ISIS found the use/value for these captives??? What or who triggered it???

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Sadly for Kenji Goto, he will suffer a far more grizzly death than his cell mate had to endure all due to Abe's disastrous treks abroad.

? There is nothing about what you have written that seems to make sense.

1) Yukawa was killed after Abe's trip.

2) Yukawa had his head cut off. What exactly do you think is 'far more grizzly' than that?

3) They were captured way before Abe made any trips or promises. Yukawa was beaten and tortured way before that, too.

Put the blame squarely and 100% where it belongs-- on ISIS. Stop letting them off the hook.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

ISIS had them for months already


Indeed! if they're main intention is to kill these guys, then they've killed them right after when they got caught, like what they did to their other enemies....Ask yourself, why would ISIS Keep these guys for months??? why keep a liability when they can just kill them anytime they want??? think!

They kept them alive because they could prove valuable in the future. They are not a liability. They have value otherwise they wouldn't be alive after getting caught.

ISIS will kill anyone who is not ISIS. The length of time the person stays alive depends on their future value to ISIS. Most Muslims have no value to them and are quickly executed.

We mostly hear about the valuable hostages, like the Jordanian pilot and these poor fools, who are kept to make a point.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Dude it came from ISIS themselves what drove them to execute these guys.

No, what drove them to execute one of these guys was the fact that the two Japanese were not members of ISIS. You are falling into the trap of believing what ISIS wants you to believe. If they were not interested in Japan and their anger was not focused on Japan, they would not have captured these two in the first place.


Look at this video and article.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


You admit you know they were going to be killed no matter what. Abe did not change anything.

NO, I didn't say that...I said 'maybe' , we never know... they are finding a way on how to use these guys, and now yes they Killed one and will kill another because and Abe gave them a reason to.. Dude it came from ISIS themselves what drove them to execute these guys.

ISIS had them for months already.

Indeed! if they're main intention is to kill these guys, then they've killed them right after when they got caught, like what they did to their other enemies....Ask yourself, why would ISIS Keep these guys for months??? why keep a liability when they can just kill them anytime they want??? think!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

WilliB Jan. 27, 2015 - 03:00PM JST

All that Abe`s announcement did was give them a convenient reason to increase the price dramatically;

That's is a very simplistic assessment. IS was never after the money, $100,000,000 dollars a piece, do you really think they expected Japan to pay up, it wasn't even on their minds! Abe's Middle East diplomacy stunt to bolster Japan's, that's incorrect, his image as an international player and tout "Proactive Pacifism", whatever the hell that means, is what brought Japan into the war on terrorism and has made Japan a target from her on out! Abe's $200,000,000 dollar pledge to support the fight against IS triggered this all and their was NO need for Abe to have done it except for his own ego trip. IS's main goal is to send the most unimaginable fear into anyone that stands up against them and that my friend is what Abe has given IS the ability to carry out!

Sadly for Kenji Goto, he will suffer a far more grizzly death than his cell mate had to endure all due to Abe's disastrous treks abroad. Maybe he should spend a little more time at home trying to unravel the mess of things he's made over here and think of more pressing needs to spend our tax money on than flashing it around overseas getting Japan into hell knows what!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

enlighten yourself.

You first. ISIS had them for months already. You admit you know they were going to be killed no matter what. Abe did not change anything.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


No, you come on. Who provoked ISIS to take these guys hostage in the first place? Just grabbing random visitors and keeping them as hostages (and subjected to regular mock executions; that is why they always appear so calm on camera) is normal behaviour? How do you come up with things like that. All that Abe`s announcement did was give them a convenient reason to increase the price dramatically; to think that ISIS would let these guys simply walk after enjoying their forced hospitality is ridiculous.

Where did I say that ISIS will let the captives go!? Read my posts carefully, No doubt that ISIS is insane, everybody knows that and they will take anyone who is not ISIS, however they don't kill IMMEDIATELY, I didn't say they will let these guys walk away, NO! but they will find a way how to use these captives and Japan was not on their top enemy list and not their priority until Abe's announcements. That is very obvious, Maybe yeah someday they will kill these Japanese guys (and yes they did) but if Abe didn’t provoke them, Japan could've bought time to save these guys while they were not on the priority list as US and Europe.

so you don't think that Abe's 200 million aid fueled ISIS' rage? Didn't you watch the video? didn't you hear what the ISIS guy in mask said about what pissed them off? Watch the video again bro, enlighten yourself.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Thanks for answering.

Would like to add that nobody forced these guys to go. In fact, there have been official warnings not to go. So blaming the government for the lives of the 2 who actually went on their own accord is ridiculous.

Yeah, it's a shame about what's happened, but ultimately the responsibility is with the guys that went, and like WilliB says, the people who grabbed them.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


" Oh come on! .... Who provoked ISIS to suddenly have these Japanese hostages got executed immediately? If Abe didn't announce to the whole world that they are contributing 200 million dollars to help fight ISIS I think Yukawa is still alive right now. "

No, you come on. Who provoked ISIS to take these guys hostage in the first place? Just grabbing random visitors and keeping them as hostages (and subjected to regular mock executions; that is why they always appear so calm on camera) is normal behaviour? How do you come up with things like that. All that Abe`s announcement did was give them a convenient reason to increase the price dramatically; to think that ISIS would let these guys simply walk after enjoying their forced hospitality is ridiculous.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Having ISIS adding Japan to their main enemy list because of Abe's announcement of 200 million aid

ISIS kidnapped Goto and Yukawa months before Abe's announcement.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

noypikantoku Jan. 27, 2015 - 02:16PM JST


-1 ( +3 / -4 )


It's irresponsible to increase the risk to all Japanese tourists for the sake of one man who went into a volatile situation, knowing he was risking his life.

Too late for that my friend, Having ISIS adding Japan to their main enemy list because of Abe's announcement of 200 million aid, wether they kill Goto san or not, Japanese tourists will never be safe again. And it's not Goto's fault that ISIS is mad at Japan now. It's about that 200 million USD aid announcement.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

ISL are savages. I don't expect a happy ending unless some lucky commando raid pulls him out of the mess.

Goto will be in this nightmare for some time to come since he is worth more alive than dead to ISL as a political wedge against further Japanese contributions to victims of ISL.

There is also the Jordanian-Japan relationship that will feel pressure as long as he is alive.

It may also work against ISL if Jordan and Japan's relationship gets stronger. In that case, his longevity will be shorter.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


What? They've not at fault here.

Oh come on! .... Who provoked ISIS to suddenly have these Japanese hostages got executed immediately? If Abe didn't announce to the whole world that they are contributing 200 million dollars to help fight ISIS I think Yukawa is still alive right now. You think that all the Middle east visit , 200 million USD announcement and ISIS suddenly executing the Japanese captives are all co-incidences?

Yes ISIS kill their hostages, but you'll never know. If they truly wanted to Kill these Japanese guys, then they've done this just right after when Yukawa was captured last year. They are waiting for a reason to have these hostages killed and Abe just gave it to them, But if they were quiet about these funding, Abe and the government can buy more time and secretly plan how to rescue these hostages If Abe really cares about them ( I assume that he knew that they have Japanese hostages)...so my question is, what is the benefit of announcing to the whole world that you are donating millions of dollars??? can these information be confidential? Of course ISIS is at fault here, but admit that Abe was reckless.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Understand what your nation has done before you comment.

@ warispeace: The US has done nothing to Syria (where these guys were captured) and have not removed Assad. ISIS is fighting in Syria trying to rebuild what they call they mandate or Caliphate as to the way it should be. If anything, you need to research and find out that the majority of the ME borders (Iraq, Saudi Arabia) were desgined after the end of WWI where the former Mesopotamia became Iraq, and the Arabs there shook off the control of the Ottomans (fellow Muslims). This conflict has been going on long before any major US involvement.

If you want to go down the road in regards to energy hungry nations in regards to geopolitics, then I hate to say but this was a long time coming for Japan. Japan gets most of it's oil from the ME region, not the USA these days since we have become somewhat self sufficient and even an exporter of oil. So Japan and other EU nations and China still get the majority of their oil from the ME, and there are major Japanese oil exporting companies that are there to take in the trade.

So like it or not, Japan has interests in the region for oil just as much as the rest of the world. And those ISIL radicals will blame them just as much as they blame the rest of the world.

Also, in regards to you thinking the US has upset the reason geopolitically, why was it then that last week ISIS executed teenage boys in their occupied territory for watching a soccer game (again Muslim on Muslim and no US team was playin) since according to the reason they were executed, the boys were not focusing on the Koran and the Islamic teachings enough and were distracted by the secular soccer game as justification.

No, ISIS is a pox on the ME and Islam, and instead of giving in to them, they need to be removed. It is sad that this man is caught up in the middle of it, but that's just the way it is.

2 ( +4 / -2 )


" I think you need to review more recent history and look at the too often violent involvement of energy hungry nations in the geopolitics of the Islamic world and the direct role they have played in creating the present conditions. It is just too easy to say this is all about Shia and Sunni differences as if these existed in a vacuum. Understand what your nation has done before you comment. "

I think you need to read up on the dogma and history of islam, and the Sunni/Shia divide, and look at often violent involvement of supremacist movements in geopolitics of the islamic world and the direct role they have played in creating the present conditions. It is just too easy to say this is all about the US and its foreign policy as if these existed in a vacuum. Understand the ideology before you comment.

In particular, you might ask yourself why ISIS Sunnis are committing genocide against Yazidis, Christians, Druzes, and yes also Shiites in the region.... for oil?? Get real. ISIS is the extention of a virulent Sunni islamist movement supported by Saudi and Qatar that is hell-bent on creating a Sunni Caliphate in the region. US policy can influence that, but to claim it is the source of Wahabism is ludicrious.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Jordan response to Japan - We have 99 problems but Japan ain't 1.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Come to think of it, these politicians trade paper for flesh all the time. They refused to pay a paper ransom....Pfft.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

*Release one ISIS = Goto goes back home (Victory for Japan), Japanese gov't can gain the trust of its people again. =New members still join ISIS the world is still under threat

This is incomplete. The next line reads:

Japanese tourists everywhere face increased risk of kidnapping as their government is known to bend to demands in such a case.

It's irresponsible to increase the risk to all Japanese tourists for the sake of one man who went into a volatile situation, knowing he was risking his life.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Why do I say pay the money?

It's just paper. No matter what you say it's perceived value. It's not like they asked for NUCLEAR technology. They asked for paper. Paper with ink and faces on it. If I the stock market tells you that your yen or dollar isn't what it's worth then you cry. You believe it to be of some value.

This is the digital age. I'd love to do a Batman on these guys and trace every yen or dollar they spend.

Japan lost a life because they didn't want to fork over some PAPER. It's not even the deed to your house or control over your country. PAPER.

Yeah, I'd give them the money. I'd give them trucks loaded with it. I'd give them so much money until they realize one thing. It's only worth something if you believe in it. Where are you going to spend it? The free world would hate them and they can't use it if you track it. If you enter all of the data into a system.

I'm sorry to disagree with some of you. I respect your ideas cause I know money is a core value for you but to me....it's just paper. Tomorrow it could be worth nothing. It burns. I'd rather have a human life back.

ISIS made an example of Japan and if you open your eyes you'd see a hard lesson learned. They won't give one cent to save a life of a human being.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


The more they are discredited, the less appeal they have.

Japanese gov't can gain the trust of its people again.

What? They've not at fault here.


I'd watch that on YouTube, popcorn within reach.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The Jordanians should make the trade. They should tag her, release her, and let our TLAMs and JDAMs do the rest.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


One of them freed = a "victory" = more members joining.

Try these then... pick one

*One Killed (Goto san) = Lost 2 Japanese citizen ( dont forget Haruna) and lost confidence on Japanese ability to assure their safety in case some of their citizen got kidnapped again in the future = More members still joining. The world is still under threat

*Release one ISIS = Goto goes back home (Victory for Japan), Japanese gov't can gain the trust of its people again. =New members still join ISIS the world is still under threat

Which one would you prefer? ... I don't know about you but I prefer at least the one with victory on Japan's side.

the only solution to stop terror threats from ISIS is to eradicate them completely, period. One member won't change things.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"I think you need to review more recent history and look at the too often violent involvement of energy hungry nations in the geopolitics of the Islamic world and the direct role they have played in creating the present conditions."

Could do no better than starting here:


1 ( +1 / -0 )


I think you need to do a bit of research and look at the whole conflict in Islam between Shia and Sunni, from over a thousand years, and how even under the Ottomans it still existed before you jump to the conclusion that just because Japan gave money to one side Japan brought this on itself.

Understand who ISIS is, what they think and then make a comment.

I think you need to review more recent history and look at the too often violent involvement of energy hungry nations in the geopolitics of the Islamic world and the direct role they have played in creating the present conditions. It is just too easy to say this is all about Shia and Sunni differences as if these existed in a vacuum. Understand what your nation has done before you comment.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )


All lives are precious, its not an excuse to sacrifice one for the sake of other's and the other way around. All lives should be valued, no one should be left behind. If Goto san lives, he can inspire others with these experience, and that can influence them to live a better life. But if he dies, it will just create more hatred.

Its simple...if they don't release this woman they will kill Goto san, I know she can be a threat to anyone, however at least there is a chance to avoid it. It is hard, but it can be avoided.

As long as ISIS is active and exists there is still threat to everyone's security. they can just send another person to bomb any cities they want. Release her or not it won't hurt ISIS. However it will hurt Japan big time if they don't release her, not only they will lose one of their countryman, but they will realize that their government cannot do anything if this same situation happens to them. You don't know where and when Japanese citizen can be kidnapped by these terrorists. ISIS has connections anywhere. And if that happens to one of their citizen, they have nothing to expect but death.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

well ISIS has 39,000 more members,

Well, let's have a closer look at that number (assuming it is an accurate estimate).

One of them freed = a "victory" = more members joining.

And one can kill many with a bomb as the "lady" above tried.

Frankly, they don't seem very good fighters (in a pitched battle against determined and trained combatants, rabble loses), so it's only when they pick on those who can't fight back, that they can claim "success".

However, telling them to fark off means = egg on their face, and their cunning plan fails.

Also, if they behead Goto, then behead her. She's on death row anyway, and Jordan can get way with it more than Japan publicity wise.

Don't know if this true but apparently some folk in the ME tried this kidnapping thing with the Russians (actually Soviets). The local KGB operatives didn't like that so a few headless bodies in reprisal later, the terrorists in question decided to stick with Americans and British,etc.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Now we have the absurd spectacle of Primister Abe pressing Jordan to release an islamist homicial nutjob who will murder dozens of people once she get the chance.

If he succeeds, then the blood spilt by Sajida al Rishawi is on Abe`s hands. Will we see demonstrations here? I doubt it.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I'm with noypikantoku. I wasn't for paying the money but to save Goto's life, I'm all for trading one nutjob. As if radical Islam has ever been that hard up for suicide bombers. Hopefully you can go after her and the guys asking for her release at a later date.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

do you think will it really change a lot to release one?

It would change by the number of innocent civilians this suicide bomber would kill. Their lives are precious, too. In terms of threat to public security, willing suicide bomber are at the top of the list. Zero tolerance is the standard policy toward them.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Again, I am absolutely 100% against paying ransom to murderers. Beyond releasing a convicted criminal (whose beloved husband criticized her when she couldn't blow up innocent wedding-goers, told her to leave and then went on to blow up 37 innocent victims himself), beyond demanding that another embattled country (Jordan) make itself even more dangerous in order to "help" a far away and rather insulated country and people (Japan), what would this accomplish?

Saving one life? Maybe, maybe not. But: Is it worth it? NO! The propaganda coup alone would be worth a billion dollars (think about it: how much would it cost Coke or Nissan to get the entire world talking their talking points like ISIS has managed to do already...and what would other potential hostage takers sitting on the fence think? "They got away with it! God is Great! Time for an encore: let's take some more Japanese hostages!")

One of the Japanese victims went there "to impress" future clients that he'd spent quality time in a war zone, while the other was a journalist who knew what he was doing, understood the risks (and publicly took responsibility for his actions online,) then got captured in a war zone. In future, I'd like every journalist who goes into such war zones to first sign a contract demanding that should they get captured, they will NOT be bargained for with terrorists.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Just pay the money.

If you feel that way, then are you ok with the deaths of many, many more people from the financing that would be provided from said money? Do you feel that Japanese lives are worth more than the lives of said people who will be killed?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I made a simple search for one of the foreigners beheaded and was totally shocked. It was the worst act of brutality I have ever seen in my life. Certainly hope for a better outcome with the one hostage remaining, but after watching this video, I have my doubts. Very shocking!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I mean let 's calculate the result of this crisis

1) if Japan abandons america , then ISIS eliminating is too hard , i made a second thought

japan hostage were killed in algeria and other countries , In short if u participate ( sooner or japan will be forced to due to religion spread of mass killing including every infidel and pay ransom money ) which is intolerable even in their prophet era which made wars against his friend

2)japan goes with america and risk the shutdown of ME ( many japanese is thinking of it as a disaster in short term but in long term you will gain people and crush this religion and defame it for ever useful as well

ME and African countries have no industries , people will never be used to work that is their nature ( an advantage upper hand policy , so trade will not affect japan since they will sonner or later must depend on some one even in their holy book and other books ,moreover japan has other customer for their good

so make up your mind and decide

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Freeing a suicide bomber means it's highly likely that many innocent civilians will lose their lives as a direct result of such a deal. She'll just go out to a crowded market and try it again.

well ISIS has 39,000 more members, do you think will it really change a lot to release one? they release this woman or not there are still threats of getting our cities bomb, as they can just send a new suicide bomber. the only solution to be safe is eradicate ISIS completely.

At least if all countries' intelligence are good enough, then they know who is this lady already and they can block her. Intelligence people have to work so hard for that though.

If this woman is released at least we save 1 life (Kenji Goto's). if not, we lost 1 life and the world is still under threats... so who won in the end?

Its lame for Japanese governement and UN to demand ISIS to free Goto san unconditionally, don't they get it!? these guys won't suddenly take pity! wake up! If Abe cannot convince Jordan to free this lady, then stop acting that he cares and be straight to the point that Goto san will be killed.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Japanese lives matter?

Japanese lives DO matter. That is why Japan cannot pay the money. It would be putting a price tag on every Japanese citizen abroad and would make those citizens the equivalent of a roaming cash cards for ISIS to withdraw from when they needed money. That is not to mention the fact that the money given to ISIS would be used to buy weapons and create even more violence and would really make things even worse than they already are.

12 ( +11 / -0 )

Just pay the money. Japanese lives matter?

-9 ( +1 / -9 )

Actions have consequences. The rise of IS and the attempt by Iraqi woman, Sajida al-Rishawi, to bomb Amman hotels are directly tied to an illegal invasion and occupation, which Japan supported logistically and financially.

I think you need to do a bit of research and look at the whole conflict in Islam between Shia and Sunni, from over a thousand years, and how even under the Ottomans it still existed before you jump to the conclusion that just because Japan gave money to one side Japan brought this on itself.

Understand who ISIS is, what they think and then make a comment.

3 ( +4 / -2 )

If I read about this news in Yahoo News, it will be exactly the same word bu word. If I go to any newspaper, it is the same. The news is already a monopoly. How do you know that the ISIS Management is not the same that has started so many wars for the sake of freedom and democracy? And what a coincidence that they are asking for somebody who is in the hands of a US puppet to save the life of a citizen of another US puppet. Believing too much in the news will get you to believe their "realities" that they create.

“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” Kevin Rove This says it all. Whoever cannot understand it is watching too much TV.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Freeing a suicide bomber means it's highly likely that many innocent civilians will lose their lives as a direct result of such a deal. She'll just go out to a crowded market and try it again.

6 ( +6 / -1 )

Stay the course, Jordan. We don't need to encourage kidnappers.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Why their Dead already and possibly Left to Rot in The desert some where

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Do the swap with a drone deployed above. Follow the unpleasant people home. As they are celebrating their "triumph", an odd sound is heard from above. It's the last thing they hear. (assuming it's not drowned out by their celebratory gunfire, I'd prefer their last moment to be thinking "Oops")

Everyone else on the planet wins.

1 ( +4 / -4 )

The deluded wretch looks like one of the Pythons from Life of Brian.

Is ISIS trying to court Al Qaeda - who disowned them for being too violent - and if so, why?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Why isn't the Japanese Gov using Mei Shigenobu's assistance in negotiations ? Are they so frigging misoginistic ?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Agreeing to any terrorist demand is a guarentee of an increase in hostages and deaths. Kenji is free and this woman will try to kill hundreds again. It's not a fair trade.

Any country who pays what a terrorist wants with money or prisoners is then an accomplice in future murders. Whoever this woman kills in the future will be on Japan's head.

If you want to honor Kenji or any hostage who has been executed or is being set up for death is to locate the area where IS is and obliterate it from the sky.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Actions have consequences. The rise of IS and the attempt by Iraqi woman, Sajida al-Rishawi, to bomb Amman hotels are directly tied to an illegal invasion and occupation, which Japan supported logistically and financially.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

They are discussing exchanging her for Goto and a downed pilot who's been held for quite a while.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Japan is unlikely to seek the release of a suicide bomber nor pay millions of dollars. Just what will the outcome be this time?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

IS has given Abe an easy out and handed over the Japanese's fate to Jordan. How could Abe have asked for a better scenario! As Jordan will NEVER release Sajida al-Rishawi, who sits on death-row, to save the life of a Japanese citizen, Abe is just playing the role of concerned government trying to free it's own knowing very well that there is chance of a prison exchange happening.

Some half-clever journalist ought to ask what is the purpose of the talks with the Jordanian government non-other-than to negotiate for the release of Sajida al-Rishawi for the purpose of a prisoner exchange! And if Japan was unwilling to pay a ransom for the two's release, how is a prison swap NOT giving in to the demands of the terrorists, making Japanese a more desirable target?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

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