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© KYODOJapan sees record cannabis cases in 2023; 70% among young people
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Bit of mary jane never hurt anyone ,its the stimulants that harm and they are more or less legal
Just decriminalise it! The yaks and serious criminals are commiting far worse crimes than a few kids smoking a spliff?
Double standards. Media frets and tears its hair at the uninhibited youth and the uni admins apologize for this unforgivable loss of trust. Meanwhile the uni pres gets the usual suspended sentence for massive fraud and bribery. Natch he was involved with the Olympics too.
Actually saw one of those police posters that just said in English "Dangerous Drugs are Dangerous".
I guess it is about on the same level as 80's America with "Just Say No" and D.A.R.E.
Those people are Japanese right?
Wonder if this official has ever tried it. I always wonder if those who pontificate against it have tried it and really know what they are talking about. Don't they think, "well, in some places it is legal for a reason and it has a long history of use, so I should be open-minded"? Nah, of course not. A joint might even make him more open-minded but we can't have that.
David K Anderson
Japan's antiquated cannabis policy is costing the government a sizeable sum in tax revenues. California pulls in c. $270 million per quarter in tax revenue from cannabis. The "devil's lettuce" causes far less harm than alcohol.
Typical Japanese outdated extremism. They're worried about Cannabis when they've got people passed out on train station stairways from drinking too much all over the place. It should be made legal and government regulated. Increase revenue, take it out of the hands if the criminal elements. The long tried claim in the U.S. that Cannabis use "leads to the use of harder drugs" has proven not to be true. Most who try weed end it at that. Those who get hooked on harder drugs and destroy their lives would have done that anyway with or without Cannabis.
When the LDP sees how much ¥¥¥¥ they can get from it, rather than being bribed by Big Tobacco (and anyone else) that DOESN’T want it legalized, then things will revert to pre-WWII circumstances when it WAS Legal.
Until then, you will read propaganda such as this.
Yes, because you should only listen to what those old dinosaurs say and should not, must NOT research any info yourself.
Sven Asai
It's very easy to name, count and complain the big problem. But simply there's just no real will to fight the influx of illegal drugs. While they surely have some intentions and try to give their best at police and also the customs struggles to check all of us, the innocent and little people, at airports, for example check intensively our luggage or international mail parcels etc, train even some drug sniffing dogs and make a few chemical analysis and so on, it remains a joke and useless small attempt, because the most probable sources are then ignored and cause most of the problem, which of course and namely are unchecked container freight and other bigger business mail, then of course the number two source, elite person's luggage, like embassy or diplomatic staff, congress visitors and participants of big sports matches and competitions or big scale cultural and entertainment events and such. In a few words, they make a lot of wind and show useless activity but the working measures are not applied or intentionally ignored.
Japan being so uptight, would benefit from a bit of the green. The trend will only grow as more countries reassesses their stances on alcohol which is far more damaging on every level. Huge percentage of crimes worldwide including Japan, involve alcohol.
Hello Kitty 321
Well you can blame America for the laws, they were enacted by GHQ during the occupation, before that it was legal.
This is where the youth of Japan have it right. The misinformed older generations need to learn from the younger one.
Should be changed to "correct." The whole tone and the words used in this article shows it was written by Kyodo - a Japanese news agency.
Legalization is sweeping the world, so many new consumer products, so much research on consumer preference over alcohol and tobacco.
More and more states in US, sales tax generated from pot related products more than alcohol and tobacco COMBINED!!! Govt. excited about the economic and health catalyst that also reduces crime and accidents.
Markets and logic eventually will win out over legacy corruption. Many of the largest pot companies have major tobacco and alcohol corporate backing, cross shareholdings etc.
How many instances of violence caused by alcohol? Let's have some balance here please.
This is an old trope that needs to be put to rest. Do you imagine that Japanese were stoned all the time until those baddies in SCAP stopped it? And therefore have a natural or cultural affinity for smoking weed? Even if it were true, 70 years have passed during which all kinds of cultural and legal changes have taken place. It could have been reversed at almost any time. Yes, perhaps hemp production was undermined for the sake of the US cotton industry but what was that hemp used for. It was not for smoking, that's for sure.
Japanese people who do smoke cannabis generally seem to like it. I think it's a good match - it's a society that generally has a hard time relaxing.
Times a changing, pot is on the rebound as consumers have too much info at their fingertips, know how bad for health both alcohol and tobacco are on a relative basis.
Riding the sandworm
Time to crack down.
The devastating effects of legalization in US and elsewhere are already visible and offer us a stark reminder that we are lucky it is not so in Japan. The damage to the brain, especially growing brain is taking a toll already. Just look at the average IQ going downhill in US for the past decade.
japan import canabis. good to know...
As someone who lives in Canada, where it's recreationally legal, you're being hyperbolic.
It's absolutely fine. Sometimes you smell cannabis when out and about. Oh dear, the sky is falling chicken little.
I suspect it's grown in the mountains more than imported. Japan is an island nation, not so easy to smoke a stinky plant into the country. Much easier to grow it in the rural areas.
Aaron J
I’ve been very surprised at how not rare it is in Tokyo.
Don’t assume weed is relaxing though, especially for uptight people. Personally it makes me extremely anxious. I won’t touch the stuff.
Mr Goodman
Calling cannabis a dangerous drug seems ridiculous when comparing Japanese laws to other countries.
With mental health being an epidemic in japan decriminalization of cannabis would benefit society
Time for japan to embrace modern times
If you’re worried about the devastating effects of something maybe try focusing your ire on alcohol. The actions of sheer stupidity and violence caused by those under the influence of alcohol are too numerous to count, yes, even on these fair isles.
Legalize, tax, and regulate.
Regulate it and tax the hell out of it. Jobs a good un. The fact that the stuff grows here naturally could make it a budding industry, pun intended.
share some seeds, please!
Sven...duuude posted a long response to the ""border security " for ganga...but wait....Japan has lots of uninhabited mountain areas where people locally grow ""the devil's weed ".
I would wager hard drugs come in container ships as per every other nation world wide.
Decriminalization of marijuana, which subsequently led to other drugs, has worked wonders in North America and Europe. Thankfully it is unlikely Japan will make the same mistake.
Maybe. I really don't know, it's all speculation. On that note, while I've read of cannabis growers being busted in the mountains of Japan, I've never read of cannabis being caught imported into the country.
Cannabis is not easy to ship, it really, really stinks.
"The widespread use of smartphones has led to greater exposure to incorrect information about marijuana, potentially reducing the psychological barriers to its use," an agency official said.
Say no more...LOL!
Alcohol and oyajis not remembering does a lot more damage a year that people trying weed. Honestly the fake “omg I’m so high bro” crowd is the only reason I’d want bans against it lol. But seriously weed is least harmful compared to the other stimulants and variety of sedatives used to spike drinks etc that is pretty rampant in Japans night life. Focus on the stuff that hurts people.
I didn't say that - more along the lines of a gateway policy decision.
First decriminalize marijuana, then a few years later ecstasy, and then meth, then crack/cocaine, then more recently opioids such as fentanyl. All of these have been decriminalized in some places, such as Vancouver, and the result this has had on society speaks for itself.
Surprisingly you don't really see them in public. Apparently the young people don't even really smoke it in much in Canada; it's not risque anymore. It's actually older people who drive the market here.
Don’t assume weed is relaxing though, especially for uptight people. Personally it makes me extremely anxious. I won’t touch the stuff.
When supply is controlled and regulated, the rubbish can be filtered out. Shops in the US will sell to your needs. It's fantastic. If you want skunk to be kicked into next week its then your choice, not the illegal dealers.
Being Canadian this is laughable. It's legal here like alcohol and it's really not a big deal. But whenever I visit Japan I can't get over how many really drunk people I see especially late at night on the trains.
Anything has it use. I work with heaps of maintaince crews and smoking of weed was encouraged after work. It severely cut back on drinking and no hang overs on site the next morning. In the late 90,s random drug testing were introduce which included alcohol testing. At one place I worked was an Island with had a strict behaviour policy and even soft rules like smoking in a non smoking areas would see you on the first plane off the island. I remember one new starter was all kitted out to start on his first morning but on one told him about induction which includes drug testing to the mine and that a bus will pick him up at 9:00.. So he went back to his quarter the and hook into a few cold ones before, induction , The first on the list is drug testing by 10:00 he was on the first plane off the Island.
Hervé L'Eisa
The "incorrect information about marijuana" part made me chuckle.
It's correct that pot is illegal in Japan, but the fact is that it's not harmful and has medicinal value, especially with those who suffer chronic pain, certain neurological disorders, and others.
I personally dislike the stench, but that goes for any kind of smoking.
Can't we just all get a bong?
The younger ones could perhaps learn a thing or two from the older generation such as how not to get caught.
This cracked me up. These buffoons will make up anything to avoid the truth. Pot has been popular in Japan for decades, long before smart phones. It’s not the use has increased. It’s just the cops are paying more attention and catching more.
"The widespread use of smartphones has led to greater exposure to incorrect information about marijuana, potentially reducing the psychological barriers to its use,"
Yup! They should stick to the 1950s Panic video on the subject and realize that marijuana is the same as cocaine or heroine. They should instead indulge in safe things like Asahi Superdry.
It's the exact opposite. The widespread use of smartphones, and the Internet in general, has led to greater knowledge of the facts, and has exposed the anti-cannabis propaganda for the bs that it is.
Mr Goodman
Yeah thanks alot to Nancy Reagans war on drugs really screwed up Japanese appreciation of Marijuana
However CBD is cannabis and available all over japan
Of course the article just says cannabis not thc
It is time for Japan to legalese Marijuana! And stop with all the stupid arrests and public humiliations! 99% of adult tourists that come to Japan are either using Marijuana on regular basis or have used it within the year.
De-criminalize, regulate, educate
joe fronckowiak
Making it legal has taken all the fun out of scoring.
Gene Hennigh
Joe -- Yeah. we used to get high and listen the Beates
ain't much fun now that it's legal. (John Hartford)
Not exactly. The CBD oil that is sold in or allowed to be imported into Japan is required to be THC-free. Also, it can only be made from the non-flowering parts of the hemp plant. No leaves, buds, flowers, etc can be used. Only the stems and seeds.
I can understand the no-THC part. But, the stems-and-seeds rule is ridiculous.