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© 2014 AFPJapan teen murder accused 'kept cat's head in fridge'
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Magnus Roe
"No room in psychiatric clinics for this 16 year old girl with sociopathic tendencies, hmm what to do... Oh, let's have her live by herself and give her lots of money."
Well well well.....there it is.
So many posters trying to blame the father BUT as many have said..."It's the men who are attacked the most in this nation" Domestic violence against men is far more prevalent than the opposite which is orchestrated by feminist groups.
The father and his new wife did all that they could.
It was society that did not offer services to prevent such a murder from happening. IT was society that turned it's head and blew them off.
The word society includes all the readers here who are apathetic to such people. Society is doing the community a disservice. Governments are spending more and more tax money for Olympic projects than they are for the residents of this nation.
It's time to stop blaming men who are looking for peace and happiness in their lives and focus on the violent women who need help.
Those psychiatrists should be seeking advice not giving it.
Mirai Hayashi
Wow...she is really messed up. At least father tried to get her hospitalized, but that should have been done when she tried to beat him with a bat, rather than just handing her a fist full of cash and left her to fend for herself.
Michael Grant
YES! Mirai-san, you nailed it! The little monster should have been hospitalized after the baseball bat incident! That would have given the parents time to find a place that WOULD take her!
Very disturbing story and I am almost lost for words.
It's impossible to know the whole story from such a short article & the father does appear to have tried to help his daughter but setting her up in her own apartment and giving her 1M yen doesn't sound like a good idea, even though it was based on expert advice.
Surely something could have been done after she admitted to killing animals and expressed interest & desire to kill humans? Is this really the best that such an advanced country as Japan can do to help it's mentally sick people?
Do not think this is an isolated case. This is merely the tip of the lack mental health care here.
This simply defies belief. Given the long case history being leaked in dribs and drabs, you have to question the professional competency of the various people who dropped the ball. You also have to criticize the fact that child services didn't intervene because the request for help was outside normal business hours. Of course, with this girl now safely behind bars (or bouncing off the padded walls), the other national pastime of "butt covering" will commence. The various bureaucrats will duck and weave to avoid the issue of responsibility. In a couple of months all will be forgotten as the media caravan moves onto the next "big" thing.
Yeah, of course the macabre murder is a tragedy, but the bigger tragedy is, this girl's mental illness was not treated nor was she institutionalized after she was confirmed to be potentially psychopathic. Mental health in Japan is a real problem and it is just swept under te carpet. That is the real tragedy!
Mirai/Michael: They had sought the help of psychiatrists before, and it was their (the shrinks) 'genius' advice to let the girl live alone!
No, this is another example of how sick this society can be in terms of waiting for something to happen to take action (and no, FPSRussia, it does not include all readers here since many of us cannot voice our opinions in terms of voting or taking action). She poisons the school lunch? No biggie! She beats her dead? hey, let's let her live alone where she will be unsupervised! She needs to be institutionalized after admitting she wants to kill someone? Hey, get back to us after the weekend, please!
distant cousin of Dahlmer? Jeez more and more gruesome details are released every day, so young and so far gone. I hope this person never sees the light of day anymore.
Classic signs of a sociopath murderer, one that hurts/kills animals.
You'd think that Sasebo, of all places, would be more on the ball with this type of thing.
Not your typical Japanese fan of Kitty I'm guessing
I just dont get it. What psychiatrist in HIS right mind would suggest a young girl with clear sociopathic issues shuld be left to fend for herself and have money thrown at her? What on EARTH is the medical basis for that? It sounds to me like the father is trying to justify his actions.
You might be right! The more detailed article at Japantimes states this was the father's accounts through his hired lawyer. In addition, his accounts have yet to be confirmed with any of the medical facilities mentioned.
I think both the father and the medical institutions are trying to do damage control.
I don't know if the father knew about the animals... but with the combination of that possible information and the baseball incident it is completely unacceptable that mental health facilities did not do everything in within their power to get her away from the public. I find it almost impossible to blame the father, the decision to have her live alone should never have been his, it should have been resolved before then. People can argue he has a moral obligation to protect society from his daughter, but he has an individual responsibility to protect himself and his wife from her too. When state-run institutions are this poor, people die... that's the reality. Japan's mental health services have quite a bit of blood on their hands... sadly, not just from this horrific incident.
Marilita Fabie-Fujisawa
It does get very frustrating you know. With the system still with it's old ways and not doing much about it. Changes are very tough for the Japanese to impose. They won't or don't usually apply to new rules in regards to just about anyhting right away. They take years of study and discussions and meetings which they seem to love.
Again with the cats? Japanese nutters sure have a beef with kitty.
So to those who say killing animals doesn't lead to killing humans... I think we have evidence here that it DOES have a link.
"Yeah, of course the macabre murder is a tragedy, but the bigger tragedy is, this girl's mental illness was not treated nor was she institutionalized after she was confirmed to be potentially psychopathic. Mental health in Japan is a real problem and it is just swept under te carpet. That is the real tragedy!"
you nailed it!
ref: A Unique Epidemic in Japan A high GDP, a literacy ...
Magnus Roe
Very few people contest that link.
I wasn't aware there was only one psychiatric facility in Japan. We really need to build more. Also, I believe 'hospitalized' is spelled with a z, not an s.
"It sounds to me like the father is trying to justify his actions."
Jeez... again people jumping on the dad. It sounds more to me like he didn't want a psychopath who beat him up with a bat anywhere near him, and if that meant her living on her own away from him and his new wife after she said she wants to kills someone and supposed 'doctors' refused to admit her to an institution, so be it. Should he have kept her at home?
I definitely agree that the medical institutions are on damage control, though. Let's see if they can finally get it through their heads that this young woman is not fit for society, EVER.
Thunderbird: killing creatures does not necessarily mean it will escalate into killing people. Lots of cruel kids, and even adults, kill animals for sport or just to be cruel, and fortunately many of these often feel bad about it later. It's those that DON'T feel bad, or feel anything at all, that you have to worry about.
This is really a symptom of grave social problem. Especially, such incidents involving youngsters are growing at alarming rate indicating some sort of major social problem.
If you go and read the Japan Times articles, dad did everything he could do. Stop blaming the dad!! Blame the system that allowed this child to poison kids in 6th grade and not be punished. Blame the system that allowed her to knowing kill cats and not be punished. Blame the system for having someone who assessed her and stated that this kid was capable of murdering someone months before she did yet the system ignore the advice and didn't do anything. Blame the system for not allowing dad and step-mom to have this child medicated and put in care the day before she killed this poor child.
Good lord it is like some of you forgot the dad was working and dead mom was the primary care giver - as usual - in this country. If you want to place blame on a parent, blame the dead mom, who but reports, pushed this kid and actually sat on an education board but yet didn't do anything to get the help her child needed. Seriously, education board and her kid poisoned classmates. Not ONCE but FIVE times!!
Jeremy Rigby
The father should be saying how he can't forgive himself too!
Slumdog, hospitalised was spelt correctly. That is how we spell it Britain and how it is spelt in many other countries, too.
this girl was obviously watching too much bad television father should have banned her from horror movies shes only 15 she couldn't do any of these things without alittle immagination she should be kept under lock and key should she has mental illness a straight jacket and alittle medicine will do the trick i think her father should give victims family a big payout. Im just relieved the situation is being sorted and hopefully lessons have been learned
This girl needed to be placed in a padded room for the rest of her sick life, but now that she has taken a life she needs to be placed in a deep dark hole never to be heard from again!
Jeremy Rigby, quote: "The father should be saying how he can't forgive himself too!"
You may be right, but read his letter to the lawyers, if not in the original Japanese then with a good English translation. The intense pain in his being can be felt throughout. Every word is an apology, and the part about her actions being unforgivable is for the parents, (not for us) from the father of a daughter who has not yet expressed a word of contrition.
Thank you for your very popular correction. I stand corrected. For some reason, my computer suggested the spelling was wrong. However, that was not really my main point. There may not have been any space in the psychiatric facility the father spoke to, but why would he not have asked them to find him another place for his daughter? I mean, how much more sense does it make to find her a suitable hospital rather than giving her a million yen and sticking her in an apartment after being told she was potentially very dangerous?
FPSRussia has a controversial, yet very interesting point.
What it is the most regrettable is that for that girl to get institutionalized is that they waited until she killed someone "just because she was bored" or "wanted to know what it feels like to kill a person", there were many signs, and now because she actually did it, she is put behind bars and before they denied it ("no space"). Somehow, I feel that psychiatrists waited until was "another´s" problem, in this case the girl had to be captured by the police to get her confined. I kinda understand that the father set her an apartment and let the girl live alone, if he was beaten by her, it is kinda easy to picture a rebellious girl that's angry, asking her father to leave her alone and promise not to bother, nevertheless the advice of the shrinks was kinda irresponsible.
I cannot bear the idea of killing animals, especially cats, let alone the idea of such a youth killing another young girl...
Sad to say but after reading the facts that I have read I have come to the conclusion that the girl needed serious help and the father did the best he could and the SYSTEM failed both of them! sad but true
Jeff Huffman
yildirayAUG. 06, 2014 - 03:41PM JST Again with the cats? Japanese nutters sure have a beef with kitty.
No. It's availability. There are abandoned/stray cats everywhere.
It's sad that someone who was once the joy of her parents' lives, turned into this. Of course we mourn the victim, but can we take even a moment to mourn the loss of this young person too? Was she predisposed to do this, or did her upbringing turn her into a monster? I don't know. But, for a time, she was sweet, innocent, and lovely.
Simon Phillips
I think a lot of you need to watch the news or read a Japanese newspaper as the information here and on most English website is missing a lot of detail.
Firstly, what I picked up on the news was that the new wife took the daughter to get help more than the father did. And the reason why she sent her to live by herself was from the advice from friends and people living in the father’s neighborhood.
When the wife took the daughter to the local shrink it was to admit her for only a day, but the center was full.
When they called the local child services an employee told them to call back when the center is operating in business hours.
I don’t remember reading or hearing about a psychiatrist advising the family to let the girl live along. It was done to save face and the father/wife reputation in their area. But, my Japanese is not all that good so I could be wrong, so please do correct me is I’m wrong.
This girl just should not be around. Honestly she will never be a productive member of society, even if she did "change" still would not want her in society. Mercy has no place for people like her.
Why would Sasebo be more on the ball with this than the rest of Japan?
No sympathy from me. All I see is one less problem for society.
Because in 2004 a 6th grader in Sasebo cut her fellow 6th grader friend's throat during school lunch.
They might be a bit more aware of the possibilities of children turning into vicious killers.
A country with one of the lowest crime rates... but also with a high unreported crime rate. Just ask Osaka.
After watching some heavy duty shows on the net, then ending with Jeff Darma yesterday, it is usually not the parents at fault. Just a broken genetic makeup.
CGB Spender
Capital Punishment!
Marilita Fabie-Fujisawa
Mental illness..a lot of it around and in the environment. It's the new disease of the era...but...apparently when you mention such on such incidents like murder, you still get a majority if thumbs down,,,I guess people don't want to accept that being mentally unstable with severe chemical imbalance can really lead you to do things unimaginable. No normal being battered with problems left and right will come to a conclusion of committing murder.
Japan teen murder accused 'kept cat's head in fridge'
Ladies and Gents what we have here is someone that needs to be tossed into a deep-dark-damp hole and left to rot. She is a worthless example of what kind of animals are out there.
Some folks will be upset by what I said, but those same people wouldn't want this little psycho living next to them. But, they would want her right to be a psycho defended.
Defending psychos like this is just insane, one would have to be a psycho to think that this psycho can be helped.
Again, toss this piece of fecal matter into a deep-dark-damp hole and let her rot!
What is it with these posters that rate negatively any post that shows some sympathy for a teen that's clearly sick (whether she is a psychopath, sociopath or has another kind of mental disorder?). Sure, the crime is hideous, and she shows no remorse at all, but still she's a child, and she has to be confined and treated, and maybe never let out, but to condemn her in such a way shows, that these posters are so merciless that think that such a thing could never happen to them!
I'm disgusted!