For those times when the train is too crowded to keep your hands where everyone can see them.
"Chikan," men who grope unsuspecting women on trains, do indeed exist in Japan. Thankfully, the despicable individuals make up only a very small portion of the total number of rail passengers. However, everyone who works or goes to school in Tokyo has touched a stranger’s body on the train at some point in their life.
So what’s the reason for these seemingly contradictory figures? Well, commuter trains in urban Japan, especially in the Tokyo area, are incredibly crowded at rush hour. With millions of people heading into downtown all at the same time, odds are you’re going to be pressed up against your fellow passengers on all sides.
Sometimes, the conditions are so tight it’s almost hard to breathe, and at each stop the mass of humanity shifts and writhes as people slide out the doors and others jam themselves into the carriage. As you’re jostled around, you might find your arm pinned to your side by the people standing next to you, and on unlucky occasions, your hand can end up lying against a stranger’s body, with no chance of moving it until some of the people around you exit the train. And on especially unlucky occasions, that stranger might think you put your hand there on purpose, accuse you of being a "chikan," and call the police.
This scenario has led insurance provider Japan Shogaku Tanki Hoken, which specializes in short-term and low-priced coverage, to create what appears to be Japan’s first "chikan" false accusation insurance package. Company president Naoshi Sugimoto says the plan, officially called Legal Consultation Fee Insurance with False Chikan Accusation Hotline, has been a brisk seller since its introduction on September 10. Priced at 590 yen a month, or 6,400 for a year of coverage, Sugimoto says demand has been especially strong in the greater Tokyo area.
The idea of false "chikan" accusation insurance may seem odd, but Sugimoto explains it in a matter-of-fact manner. Insurance, he points out, is a service designed to mitigate the risks people face in society, and he asserts that men who commute on Japan’s crowded rail lines face some measure of risk of being mistaken for a "chikan" every day.
To reiterate, the insurance is designed to aid those who are falsely accused of being a "chikan," not those who actually do the crime, and doesn’t cover the cost of any damages or punishment stemming from a "chikan" conviction. Instead, the policy’s selling point is the possibility of clearing up false accusations before having to go to trial.
Policy holders register their smartphone number with the company, and, should they be unjustly accused of being a "chikan," can send a distress email at the press of a single button. Once the message is sent, a lawyer will contact the policy holder, and advise him on how to deal with the situation without unwittingly and incorrectly incriminating himself.
The insurance covers all of the attorney’s consolation fees for a period of 48 hours following the incident, which is also the amount of time that usually elapses before criminal charges are officially filed with the public prosecutor’s office. Incidentally, the policy also covers legal consultation within a 48-hour period for those who are the victim of a train groping.
One final note: The distress signal hotline service can only be used once during the policy period. So if you find yourself being taken into custody for falsely being called a "chikan" multiple times, you might want to consider biking to work instead.
Source: News Post Seven
Read more stories from RocketNews24. -- Japanese schoolgirl seeking crowdfunding, art submissions to produce anti-train groper pins -- Policewoman’s posterior produces poetic justice as she arrests man she says groped her on train -- “Women who attract chikan, and women who don’t”: The illustrated guide that’s provoking debate
© Japan Today
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Do they sell gift certificates?
It is odd. No other country sells it.
@turbo, yeah really. Do they sell "kanchou" policies to Hoikuen and Youchien Staff?
Because other countries with groping problems don't take the women's charges seriously enough to destroy a man's life. I don't know how helpful 48 hours of legal assistance will be if you are falsely charged, but it's better than nothing.
Oh please. Been on many tubes in other countries where it isn't a big problem. Japan is the MOST notorious of them all. Selling this "Chikan Insurance" only illustrates my point.
Anyhow, I hope the service fails to deliver. Men who grope ought to have their lives destroyed.
Why must serious adult issues be accompanied by cute animals.
If we needed an ad to perfectly illustrate Japan it would be hard to find a better one than this.
How is India?
Talking about chikans on trains not gang rapes.
What the hell does Kumamoto have to do with groping on trains?
Dan Lewis
Useless! If you're considered innocent, you're free to go - with our without insurance. If you're considered guilty, the insurance doesn't cover you. Genius product! It's 100% profit for the insurance companies!
Joshua Degreiff
Ohh well good luck!
Arrest anyone who purchases a policy. They don't need it (insurance) if they're not doing it !
What a scam.
I have said this before. Trains need Men Only cars. This will at least ease the problem.
Given that men who grope passengers on trains are are much more likely to be accused of groping than those who don't, I imagine they are also considerably more likely to buy this insurance than non-gropers. That way, once caught they just deny the accusation and then get free legal support through the insurance if needed.
Anyone who buys this is a fool. Unless the insurance covers all the costs of being guilty, it's meaningless. And if you're (found) innocent you don't need it anyway, so what on earth is the point? The only effect this might possibly have, besides making money for the company, is that it in essence pushes the problem instead of helping to stop it.
If I were catching a train that was packed with any regularity, I may very well buy this insurance. As it is, I always make sure both my hands visible when I'm on a crazy packed train.
Anyone who thinks that only chikans have to worry should see the movie それでも僕はやってない。 It's fiction based on reality, and it will scare the hell out of you if you're a guy.
Some people in Japan have been actively campaigning for men-only railway cars. They even managed to get a proposal for such cars on the agenda of this year's Seibu Holdings shareholders' meeting.
Here is a blurb from that: " railway carriages would enable passengers themselves to take initiative in avoiding situations where they might fall prey to a false accusation of groping, while such railway carriages also should be introduced from the perspective of equitability, given that women-only railway carriages are already being provided."
Here is a link to that proposal in full (on page 64):
I'm a strong proponent of men-only cars. If women can have cars free from worry of being groped, men should have cars free from worry of false groping accusations.
No one is found innocent. First, they heavily pressure the accused to 'confess' to doing it, so as to be able to go home. Otherwise they keep them jailed for 22 days. Then when it goes to trial, they are always convicted guilty. He said she said always results in 'she' being believed over 'he'.
Mirai Hayashi
This is what happens when you empower these sexist women's groups with too much power. Sexual segregation and the guilty before proven innocent attitudes really needs to stop.
I think this is just ridiculous. I feel like the only ones who would actually buy this insurance are the actual gropers. Then everytime they get accused they can say "Hey, I didn't do it. Look I even went out of my way to buy insurance so that I can prove I'm not a pervert".
Miguel Lozano
Only that happen to appear something like that, is the showing that laws have gone crazy against men.
That's very nice, but irrelevant since we are talking about countries where it is a problem. And since you say India doesn't count because it includes rape and murder,it seems your mind is safely made up. Japan is the worst. Got it.
Miguel Lozano
It shows the outrageous overcriminalization of men. There is not the slightest comparation between the damage caused from grop someone and the damage caused from the state punishing it. Which is the objective? Make men feel that the state is their enemy? Make men hate women?
"Anyone who buys this is a fool. Unless the insurance covers all the costs of being guilty, it's meaningless. And if you're (found) innocent you don't need it anyway, so what on earth is the point? The only effect this might possibly have, besides making money for the company, is that it in essence pushes the problem instead of helping to stop it."
I agree
Ridiculous. I'm not a groper, and I'd buy this insurance.
Is it really that hard to keep your hands in the air? If you are carrying a brief case, just hug it. duh
Miguel Lozano
Besides the disproportional violence that commit the state for something that simple as grope someone, it is even worse since it want to overreact on issues where usually there is only one word against other and no more because their nature make almost impossible to get an unequivocal proof. I ve always thought that the most fundamental principle is that its better let free 100 criminals than convict an innocent and that there is not something worse than go against it.
"especially unlucky occasions, that stranger might think you put your hand there on purpose, accuse you of being a “chikan,” and call the police."
sounds like a setup, for wealthy J men with rolex watches and nice suits. Never had a problem on the sardine packed trains, because I kept my hands on the overhead rails, and if I sat down, I usually had a vacant seat on both sides. (complexion politics) But I did hear a woman scream before, the JNs looked around me but my hand had always been in the overhead loops. Turns out it was one of them salady men.
ha ha change the mascot, on the insurance advert to a shrieked out cat.
Not sure why Kumamon had to be on that ad... But okay, I guess?
Really - a strong commentary on society itself, when men need to take out insurance to protect themselves from the financial etc penalties to be imposed by wrongful sexual harassment.
In my early days I had to ride these hell trains, after about 8yrs I made changes & they are a thing of the past.
These trains are hellish for plenty of reasons, temperature control is awful, squeezed in with all of humanity is awful, the chance you can be accused of being a chikan is awful.
When I rode those nasty beasts I always did my best to keep BOTH hands high when super crowded to avoid being accused & also to keep from being tossed to the floor & knocking over the locals like bowling pins(if your male with some upper body weight you know how you get tossed around especially if your feet are stuck in tight on the floor)
Again glad those hellish trains are no longer part of my life they truly SUCK!
Is that pic of a pedobear?
With such a high conviction rate, the possibility of paying damages is quite low, so that's a very calculated business move.
Consolation fees? A shoulder to cry on? Or consultation fees?
I assume it still covers all the damages after the 48 hours.
What if the accused and the accuser both have the insurance? How's the company going to handle that? Which will they favor over the other? Who are they gonna side with, and who are they gonna throw under the bus?
So ya can call once per month every month for 590 yen a month? Or just once per year for 6400 yen a year?
How terrible must be the situation for men that an insurance company comes with this? I just see astonished how the things have come to that shocking extrem. Groping could be annoying, but its really hard to believe that something as simple as touch another one could be taken as a crime. And if Im saying this, its because it had happened to me and I know what it mean. It is something that wont harm you and something that you could not remember 5 minutes later without any change in your life. In general only showing that you are aware and against with what is happening will be enough to stop it, and besides even when I never felt the necessity to do it, one can always slap the one who is bothering you.
One of the worst consecuences of this, is that it can easily make people to think that government is giving an unfairly treatment to men and that its trying to put women over men, something that very easily can lead to men feel resentful toward women and an unhealty society. For what I said before I think too that many years ago when there weren’t that many laws, the society was healthier.
Azuka Yaya
Unfortunalely it is not possible to edit comments her, so I ll update my comment here:
How terrible must be the situation for men that they have come to the point where an insurance company comes with this? I just see astonished how the things have come to that shocking extrem. Groping could be annoying, but its really hard to believe that something as simple as touch another one could be taken as a crime. And if Im saying this, its because it had happened to me and I know what it means. It is something that wont harm you and something that you could even not remember 5 minutes later without any change in your life, in conclusion is only a minor offense. In addition, in general only showing that you are aware and against with what is happening will be enough to stop it, and finally, even when I never felt the necessity to do it, one can always slap the one who is bothering you. the latest could be something reasonable, but make it a crime NO NO! its wrong and eventually a source of evil!
And the screen is even worse when you consider that besides the disproportional violent overreaction that goverment put over simple offenses in their new misguided laws, it is appying it over issues where there is usually only ones person word against another persons word and there is no more because their nature make almost impossible to get an unequivocal proof. Do you see the danger if it happen that they didnt use the principle that all are innocent until proven guilty for an issue where real proves are not really expected and punishment is out proportion?
Besides of this, one of the consecuences of laws of this kind is that they can make easily and justifiably men to think that government is giving an unfairly treatment to men and that its trying to put women over men, something that could lead men to feel resentful toward women and end with a very unhealty and full of hatred society. Thats why I think it is not a surprise that many years ago when there weren’t that many laws, the society was healthier.
its quite unbelievable the number of guys commenting here who don't just have the common sense (also in order to avoid falling all over the next person when the train accelerates & brakes) to use the ring/bar and keep your hands up. What the heck are you all doing in crowded trains with your hands by your sides? Weird...
Having men/women only cars is quite frankly absurd in the developed world and quite unique as far as I'm aware. Shame on Japan for it being a necessity here. And before any of you try to flame me just remember, where there's smoke there's fire. If there were zero gropers there would be absolutely no need for crazy insurance policies like this.
life iNSURANCE --- people will die People subscrbei
fire insurance ------- home owners
Auto insurance ----- car owners- might have accidents and sued
Chikan Insurance ---- sold to any chikans just like auto insurance to any car owners Might be caught on Sec Camera
USA --- people do not commute on train.
@azukaya: Even American bases occupy Japan, the country is Guilty until proven innocent Perverts usually think minor offence. My suggestion to you is to restrain to touch any female body on train and if you can't do that. go ahead to insure you with Chikan Insurance. Eyes in sky is pretty accurate in distingishing groping hand and none moving hand, A majority of men are not interesting to touch a stranger female body.
Next we'll be seeing insurance to protect against false sexual harrassment in the workplace, false theft, false murder...
Japan needs "chikan only" sections. Win win situation for all involved.
Start making ghost noises when you get on the train and you'll have a nice little clear space around you, no need to buy insurance.
Oooooooo-OOOOOOO-oooo-oooo .... .... ooo ooo OOOOOOO oooo ooo oo ...
Dandy Nong
why not bring in a groping train section where they pay extra and grop as much as they want.... lol
turbotsatNov. 15, 2015 - 01:58PM JST
Wc626: Talking about chikans on trains not gang rapes.
That was an interesting read - thanks mate.
Think about it - if a country is having serious problems with rapes and gang rapes on public transportation, then gropings must be the norm.
Azuka Yaya
How terrible must be the situation for men that they have come to the point where an insurance company comes with this? I just see astonished how the things have come to that shocking extreme. Groping could be annoying, but it’s really hard to believe that something as simple as touch another one could be taken as a crime. And if I’m saying this, it’s because it had happened to me and I know what it means. It is something that won’t harm you, something that you could even not remember 5 minutes later and something that won’t be prejudicial for your life neither your future, in conclusion is only a minor offense. In addition, in general only showing that you are aware and against with what is happening will be enough to stop it, and finally, even when I never felt the necessity to do it, one can always slap the one who is bothering you. The latest could be something reasonable, but make it a crime NO NO! it’s wrong, ridiculous and eventually a source of evil!
And the screen is even worse when you consider that besides the disproportional violent overreaction that government put over simple offenses in their new misguided laws, it is applying this disproportion over issues where there is usually only one person’s word against another person’s word and there is no more because the nature of this kind of problems make almost impossible to get an unequivocal proof. Do you see the danger if it happen that they didn’t use the principle that all are innocent until proven guilty for an issue where real proofs are not really expected and punishment is out proportion?
Besides of this, one of the consequences of laws of this kind is that they can make men easily and justifiably to think that government is giving an unfairly treatment to them and that its trying to put women over men, something that could lead men to feel resentful toward women and end with a very unhealthy and full of hatred society. That’s why I think it is not a surprise that many years ago when there weren’t that many laws, the society was healthier.
Saul Mendez
It is the sign that laws in Japan have become discriminative for men. For start, talking about an arrest for something like this is just too much, unless it were a matter of at most lose the day, but until I know the laws in Japan have gone that unfair and absurd, that the law say that the punishment for it is jail (yes, you would be kidnapped by the state and be put in a place where being victim of the "crime" you committed would be laughable, and worst, you could be compromising your future for a triviality; can you see the disproportion?).
Why isn’t it expected that people act like human beings and solve this kind of problems by their own? in my country complain about it or even a slap or a punch would be enough to manage this issue, it’s not about make grow the problems stupidly. And I can claim that give it more importance than the reasonable it's the path to sow hate and end up with a violent and unhealthy society. It’s just outrageous convict a man for trivialities just because government is trying to put women over men in its laws.
And as if it wasn't enough, it is even a lot worse, because laws have become that discriminative to men that without proofs women’s word worth more than men’s worth for the law, so her only word could be enough to convict a man. Come on, it is as absurd as make a law to convict a woman because a man comes to say that she gave him a punch or rub her body up against him. Men need to do something because it’s like if government were making men second class citizens.
Mark Soyer
It's sad that a product like this is needed, but I'm not surprised. In many countries, including Japan, anyone who is accused of a sex crime has their lives ruined by the media and is unable to get a job or function in society, even if the allegations are completely false. There have been cases in the US when a woman admitted to falsely accusing someone of rape for some reason, and the accused rapist's life is ruined anyway. Insurance won't fix everything, but it's a good start.
Seems like it makes much more sense to read up on how to deal with an accusation and put a couple lawyer contacts in your phone book just in case. This "insurance plan" is kind of a joke.
So is calling a lawyer if you get accused of groping.