Japan Today

Japanese musician beaten up in New York for being 'Chinese'

By SoraNews24

Tadataka Unno, a New York-based Japanese jazz pianist, was assaulted by eight youths at a subway station on Sept 27. It’s now unclear whether the 40-year-old, who suffered serious injuries, including a broken collarbone, will be able to return to performing again.

According to the New York Police Department, the incident occurred at around 7:30 p.m. at a subway station near the victim’s house. When Unno disembarked at the station after work, he was suddenly set upon and hit by a boy, who appeared to be a teenager, at the ticket gate.

Unno managed to escape outside the station but was chased and beaten by a group of about eight boys and girls. During the attack, he heard them saying the word “Chinese”. The suspects have not been arrested.

Following the incident, Unno was taken to a nearby hospital by ambulance, which had been called to the scene by an eyewitness. He was found to have a broken right collarbone and bruises over his entire body. Though his injuries aren’t life-threatening, it’s not known when he’ll fully recover and he remains unable to perform and in pain over a week after the incident.

Unno recently became a first-time father in June, and he hasn’t been able to hold his son since the attack due to the pain from his injuries. The stress of the unprovoked attack also puts a question mark over whether he’ll be able to return to performing again, which is how he earns money to provide for his family.

▼ Unno performing in New York

While Unno became the unfortunate victim of a racist attack, people around the world responded with an outpouring of love and support. A GoFundMe campaign was set up by Unno’s friend and colleague, drummer Jerome Jennings, who describes Unno as “one of the kindest and gentlest souls”.

The campaign, which has now ended, raised $89,611 in funds to help pay for Unno’s emergency medical bills, physical and mental therapy, and moving expenses to allow him and his family to move to a safer neighborhood.

Unno said he’s unable to leave the house due to the mental and physical trauma from the attack, but he has expressed his heartfelt thanks to everyone who donated, saying he feels overwhelmed by their love and support.

Source: Asahi Shimbun via Hachima Kiko

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This is the power of the American anti-Chinese propaganda machine blasting anti-Chinese lies and hate rhetoric day in and day out. I've said this before, the US media landscape looks exactly like 1930s Nazi Germany and their disinformation and demonization campaign against the Jews. In this case, the Chinese are the Jews. Ironically, Americans believe the Chinese are the brainwashed one. It's what happens when you get fed lies every day.

17 ( +41 / -24 )

Most Americans will be appalled by this moronic violence and will wish Mr Unno a speedy recovery. Trump's widely publicized "philosophy" of "fine people on both sides" has just lost him one more vote and counting.

6 ( +31 / -25 )

Trump's America, sorry but it's the truth !!..

more like welcome to deBlasio’s New York or Gov. Cuomo’s no-bail New York.

So Rick Moranis getting sucker punched at 7:30 am in front of his apartment last week is Trumps fault to? There’s video if your interested, definitely not a Trump supporter. In your conspiracy theory mind, I suppose John Lennon will be included soon.

invalid CSRF

invalid CSRF

1 ( +33 / -32 )

Should be in the news as a hate crime.

35 ( +38 / -3 )

The usual gangs of feral youth in the cities - more BLM than Trump. And the only evidence that the attack was racial was that he was once referred to as Chinese by one of the attackers. The kids will attack anyone, any race. But people are more interested in scoring political points than addressing reality.

-4 ( +37 / -41 )

"moving expenses to allow him and his family to move to a safer neighborhood."

Unno san bring your family back to Japan. You and family will be safe here. Please come home to Japan.

15 ( +26 / -11 )

@Random. Unfortunately you are correct. On the other hand a black man has been helping Unno-san and his wife, even starting a go fund me page. He was savagely beaten, has lost his livelihood for now, and they just had a baby.

@Nihonview: You’re right. We should fight racism not only in Japan but everywhere.

U.S. cities have become dangerous and filthy and crime is on an upward trend. I blame all of the leadership chain from the local government up to the top.

17 ( +25 / -8 )

IloveCoffeeToday 07:27 am JST

This is the power of the American anti-Chinese propaganda machine blasting anti-Chinese lies and hate rhetoric day in and day out. I've said this before, the US media landscape looks exactly like 1930s Nazi Germany and their disinformation and demonization campaign against the Jews.

Trump and the far-right/ white supremacists have reinvigorated the racist Yellow Peril stereotypes from late 19th. century America.

Sadly, Mr. Unno was the victim of ignorance and hate. Let's hope he can recover soon and return to his musical career.

-10 ( +20 / -30 )

I bet $100,000 bucks that it was 8 white kids all wearing MAGA hats.... In NYC...

7 ( +31 / -24 )

Having been around Japanese people in various situations outside of Japan, it's appalling how many people yell or mistreat them because they are "Chinese", "Korean" or even "Vietnamese". My brother-in-law was accosted by police near NYC in a Korean populated area but once they found out he was Japanese they chilled out. That freaked me out but I was glad of it.

18 ( +18 / -0 )

Better not use subway in New York day or night. Subway is always dangerous, unlike Japan.

23 ( +28 / -5 )


"I bet $100,000 bucks that it was 8 white kids all wearing MAGA hats.... In NYC..."

"incident occurred at around 7:30 p.m. at a subway station near the victim’s house"

yep the victim lives in a mostly white upper class area of NYC

There are a lot of racist attacks on Japanese by whites these day as in America.

2 ( +22 / -20 )

Despicable uneducated idiots! Completely unacceptable and the police need to be doing everything in their power to bring theses hooligans in to be punished. I wish Tadataka-san a speedy recovery!

On s separate note, when I visited New York nearly 3 decades ago I saw a cop literally everywhere I went, I am not sure if it’s the same now? I also noted that in all the places and cities I have travelled to the people of NY City were the most rude, aggressive and impolite people I have ever come across in my entire life which is in complete contrast to the folk down in Florida who were among the nicest, warmest and friendliest I have ever come across. I have never been back to NY City and it’s highly likely I never will again either.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Find the scum who attacked this guy and make an example out of them in front of the whole world.

21 ( +23 / -2 )

Trump and the far-right/ white supremacists have reinvigorated the racist Yellow Peril stereotypes from late 19th. century America.

This has nothing to do with that (even if your assertion was true). But never mind the facts - rant away.

-9 ( +17 / -26 )

It couldn't be caused in part because of the rhetoric coming from the president about the origin of the virus, could it..?

1 ( +18 / -17 )

During the attack, he heard them saying the word “Chinese”.

You know what is the reason for that?

People all over the world are angry with the Chinese because of the Corona Virus.

People have many many problems, financial problems, health problems, loosing family members and friends, loosing jobs...all these things because of the Corona Virus.

And the people knows that the Corona Virus came from China. Therefore their anger go against the Chinese.

And you know that for most of the people, all Asian looks same.

It is very very sad to see that these things happens, and we all should stand together to prevent such incidents, but I am sure that many more incidents like that will come, or came already without reporting in the news.

13 ( +22 / -9 )

Isnt Manhattan completely boarded up like 5th Ave right now? You would have to be crazy to live in any metropolitan area in the US right now. America is done for. It would take Jesus to save that place!

7 ( +14 / -7 )

From Jiji report: Although they did not make outright racist remarks, Unno heard a voice saying, "Chinese."

It's quite a leap from that to the headline that he was "attacked or being Chinese." It was a horrible and violent gang attack of the kind that is all too common in US cities these days. People here seem to want to read their own agenda into the attack. That doesn't help anyone - and will certainly not solve the problem.

I was also violently attacked this way once. They called me "whitey." I never for a second thought that race was a big factor in the attack. They were just violent thugs that needed to be put away - like the thugs who attacked this poor guy.

7 ( +23 / -16 )

And the people knows that the Corona Virus came from China. Therefore their anger go against the Chinese.

I would bet my house that Coronavirus was the last thing on the minds of his attackers.

4 ( +22 / -18 )

This is a regrettable crime and as such should be condemned. However I can understand that there is an anger in many countries around the world aimed against Chinese population. But as history showed "collective blame" is not acceptable. Soon recovery to Unno san

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Totally shameful and unacceptable behavior!

As to whom to blame, the President's daily hate filled rhetoric does not help things.

0 ( +14 / -14 )

Color, race? Not that it will help Mr unno, but why is it omitted??

18 ( +21 / -3 )

more like welcome to deBlasio’s New York or Gov. Cuomo’s no-bail New York.

So you instantly know they are criminals and not just some frat boys?


more BLM than Trump

How do you come up with this information? What makes it BLM? The only thing that can be surmised is that its a racially motivated attack. Doesn't imply a Trump supporter nor BLM.

allow him and his family to move to a safer neighborhood.

He lives in an area where the median rent is roughly $4000 per month for a one bedroom. Its also an area where NYU has rent agreements with buildings. He lives in a very safe area.

2 ( +15 / -13 )

People here seem to want to read their own agenda into the attack. That doesn't help anyone - and will certainly not solve the problem.

A quick look on YouTube or other sites, I did not see one attack on Asian people by white supremacists wearing MAGA caps. There are many upon many incidences lately too but it doesn't fit anyone's narrative it seems.

9 ( +16 / -7 )

Find the scum who attacked this guy and make an example out of them in front of the whole world.

If the attackers are white, they certainly will be made an example of.

-3 ( +11 / -14 )

Most likely this was not race related, in spite of the race bait headline. Just a bunch of young punks who targeted someone who was an easy target.

-4 ( +12 / -16 )


A quick look on YouTube or other sites, I did not see one attack on Asian people by white supremacists wearing MAGA caps.

That is extremely specific. However, I was easily able to locate videos "MAGA supporters attack Chinese."

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

This is the reason why Japan need to ditch its alliance with the racist yanks, and move closer into cooperation with its traditional partner in Asia, China.

-6 ( +11 / -17 )

If they were white they most likely would have mentioned it in the article.

10 ( +22 / -12 )

I like it how a few posters blame the ordinary Chinese person living 1000s of miles away for these attacks.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Its the same country that is protesting racism and shouting BLM. Idiots as their president.

-7 ( +8 / -15 )

 The only thing that can be surmised is that its a racially motivated attack. 

No. Actually that's one thing that cannot be surmised. Simply calling someone Chinese during an attack means little. If he was bald, they might have called him baldy.

-11 ( +7 / -18 )

Just like Canadians wear the Canadian flag on their clothing and backpack when they travel to avoid being mistaken for an American, it may be time for Japanese to wear the hinomaru on their clothing to avoid being mistaken for Chinese.

13 ( +18 / -5 )

The CCP bears no responsibility whatsoever for any negativity towards the Chinese. None. Zero. Nada.


7 ( +9 / -2 )

Just like Canadians wear the Canadian flag on their clothing and backpack when they travel to avoid being mistaken for an American, it may be time for Japanese to wear the hinomaru on their clothing to avoid being mistaken for Chinese.

A nice thought, but unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that the type of racist, 'intellectually challenged' individuals that carry out these heinous attacks would recognize the Japanese flag and change their course of action.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Poor guy, not a good time to be in a NYC hospital filled with corona patients.

9 ( +10 / -1 )


yeah I agree, even the president got corona, and the white house is a hot spot now. The whole country is at high risk with airborne corona everywhere.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Don't be fooled. People like this do not beat up other people for any actual reason other than their desire to beat up other people. All words they say are excuses and intimidation. They will target anyone for any reason just so long as an excuse can be invented for doing it. The excuse just lends an air of credibility and helps them pull off the attack without interference in the confusion and is designed to somehow intimidate the victim. Later the excuse used to attempt to bolster credibility which won't work in a court room but may work to encourage others to do the same thing. Often even the people themselves are not consciously aware of their own subconscious lying.

Believe me, they won't start sincerely apologizing when they find out he is Japanese. They may fake apologize, but its more likely they will just say "Same thing. Anyway, he looked at me funny." or some other nonsense. These people are more animal than human. They don't know what they do.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

u_s__reamerToday  07:35 am JST

Most Americans will be appalled


0 ( +3 / -3 )

By a group of those "mostly peaceful" folks, according to the left. This is the tragedy of the left-dominated culture that supports such people.

I hope that he recover completely, both physically and emotionally from the assault by low-life brutes.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

Sadly, these types of attacks occur in various places around the world. It brought to my mind the song "Down in the tube station at midnight" by The Jam.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Conversely, Americans used to attack innocent Chinese on the streets, assuming they were Japanese.

Chinese-owned businesses had to put "We are Chinese" signs in the windows of their shops to avoid bricks and firebombs from being thrown in.

And, let's not forget all of the attacks against Sikhs after 9/11 because racist idiots assumed they were Muslims because they wear turbans. (Ironically, most Muslims in the US don't wear turbans.)

Right-wing racists will always find a group to hate and blame for their crappy lives, and take out their anger and frustrations on.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

this is horrible. come home.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

JAPAN supports AMERICA. yet AMERICANS cannot tell the difference. What a joke!.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

We can agree and disagree on many issues, but this is messed up.

I would not support weasterner being attacked in Japan it's disgusting! I hope more of you can understand and stand up against this kind of bias hate. Even if the person was Chinese and not Japanese, he doesn't deserve to be attacked and abused!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

This attack happened nearly 2 weeks ago, and a Google news search turns up exactly ZERO stories about it fro US news media sources.

Can anyone guess why that might be?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I’m sure you’ll discover a treasure trove of information about this incident.

Well you guessed wrong. Have you ever heard of leading by example? I am surprised you gave such advice but did not check for yourself. I did a search and found only one other site covering it called NextShark. It is also a new article. Nothing from two weeks ago. Also I see he has a GoFundMe now, to, uh, support his family which includes a new born baby.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

19 year old stabs parents and mother dies in japan, Japanese musician chased down in New York and beaten because he was mistaken for being "Chinese". No matter where you are in the world we are seeing this kind of behavior over and over. Something is wrong, and we don't know why but these kids need help. Its a different world very fast, and a lot of them can't cope and this is the only way out. They see violence as a means to satisfy their wants and or needs. We have a world of problems and they will get worse before they get better.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The New York Times had some statistics lately about politically motivated murder in the USA. In the last year, 42 murders appear to have been politically motivated, with 38 of them committed by right-wing kooks, and 4 of them by left-wing kooks. Of course, the NYT did not use the word "kooks."

Besides the senseless assault described in this article, we also have in the news today the attempt to murder the Governor of Michigan by right-wing militias, a group formerly praised by the President of the US.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Most likely this was not race related, in spite of the race bait headline. Just a bunch of young punks who targeted someone who was an easy target.

Why was this man an easy target?

$89,611 in funds to help pay for Unno’s emergency medical bills, physical and mental therapy, and moving expenses to allow him and his family to move to a safer neighborhood.

That won't go very far, unless he has excellent health insurance.

I wish him well.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

NYC, never been there, never will.

Life in “The Big Apple”

2 ( +2 / -0 )

NYC has some really nasty people and 8M normal people.

The yutes need to be found, charged, and prosecuted to the fullest extent the law allows. Sadly, that won't help Unno-san become gainfully employed and it is unlikely the yutes have any money worth going after in a civil lawsuit to get some sort of recompense. Perhaps a few are from wealthy families? Musicians in the US seldom have money to go after people/parents like that.

Hopefully, he will take some of that money an move away from NYC - perhaps the NO for Jazz or Atlanta. Don't know that those are any safer, but gangs of kids only roam in specific neighborhoods in those places. Plus, the cost of living is a fraction of NYC costs.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

hepersoniamnowOct. 9  07:50 am JST

Should be in the news as a hate crime.

You better believe it is!

Puff_the_MagicOct. 9  08:31 am JST

Having been around Japanese people in various situations outside of Japan, it's appalling how many people yell or mistreat them because they are "Chinese", "Korean" or even "Vietnamese". 

I have never been to the Orient but I know enough that there are some notable differences in cultures, languages (for sure!), and even outside looks amongst the various ethnicities and peoples from there. Not all people in one race even look alike, there is diversity. This 'Yellow Peril' / China-bashing crap is ignorant, juvenile and inexcusable.

MontyOct. 9  09:03 am JST

During the attack, he heard them saying the word “Chinese”.

You know what is the reason for that?

People all over the world are angry with the Chinese because of the Corona Virus.

People have many many problems, financial problems, health problems, loosing family members and friends, loosing jobs...all these things because of the Corona Virus.

And the people knows that the Corona Virus came from China. Therefore their anger go against the Chinese.

And you know that for most of the people, all Asian looks same.

*It is very very sad to see that these things happens, and we all should stand together to prevent such incidents, **but I am sure that many more incidents like that will come, or came already without reporting in the news.*

The coronavirus manifested itself in Wuhan, China but it could've started anywhere on Earth. As rotten as the Chinese CCP government is, they are fighting this too. It's everybody's bag. And our immature excuse of a POTUS with his uncouth 'Kung Flu' jokes and boorish hate screeds ain't helping matters one single bit. He is a stupid racist and his stupid hate talk and actions only provoke more stupid violent incidents like this because these violent clods are too stupid to recognize Japanese from Chinese and they're just a bunch of pathetic punks looking for an excuse to beat someone up.

1glennOct. 9  09:29 am JST

Totally shameful and unacceptable behavior!

As to whom to blame, the President's daily hate filled rhetoric does not help things.

And he will not condemn this evil action, either. He openly encouraged the white supremacist militia trash last week and look what they tried to do in Michigan yesterday. He won't say anything about this incident either because he's a fascist RACIST!

Even if the person was Chinese and not Japanese, he doesn't deserve to be attacked and abused!

It's a race thing, simple as that. I wish this guy a full recovery and compensation, and long prison sentences for his assailants.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@Maria, a guy who gets in the middle of eight Harlem hood rats who are purposely blocking a turnstile is an easy target...in my opinion.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Ask me several years ago about my feelings on this incident; I would of joined the posters who sympathize

Ask me now...Im just neutral about it. Having been verbally abused and even assaulted in Japan, and watch people who have a different skin tone than me suffer much worse, then ask Japanese what they think about it, the reply was always..."maybe they cant speak English?"....kind of changes your perception.

For the posters saying "its Trumps America" thats just ignorant because much worse happened during GW2 America during post 9/11

If you dont look like the natives, in any country, and your an immigrant, this kind of thing can happen to you at any time. Its part of the collateral of being an immigrant, and looking different

Allot of Japanese crave honorary white acceptance, only to find themselves in an enviroment where Asian Americans are in one category, with their unique struggles in US society.

Ive been hustled for money in the US. Best be culturally aware of where your at. "Hey give me some change for gas"

"WTH for? go get a job"

out comes the piece

Risk vs Reward, I reward myself with my life and reply with. "ok I aint got much but give this 2$."

Acting shook or arrogant...your not in Japan buddy.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

TheLongTermer - I don’t understand your logic. You think assaulting people on account of race is wrong, but because you experienced being assaulted in Japan, it’s OK for people to be assaulted on account of their race?

Does not compute.

Surely assaulting anyone, for any reason, is wrong? Whatever their race, wherever they are?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Ask me several years ago about my feelings on this incident; I would of joined the posters who sympathize

Ask me now...Im just neutral about it. Having been verbally abused and even assaulted in Japan, and watch people who have a different skin tone than me suffer much worse, then ask Japanese what they think about it, the reply was always..."maybe they cant speak English?"....kind of changes your perception.

I get that. I mean, it was wrong when it happened to you, but because it happened to you, it's now right when it happens to other people who didn't do it to you. Makes sense. Carry on.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

People get assaulted in big cities all the time.

In my mind, racial motives have little to do with it, but being different does.

Accent, clothing, hairstyles; even ways of walking are all reasons for assaults.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Totally right.

And I know what I am talking about having lived in an area where you were asked a cigarette often, not for "help" to a smoker but to test you each time if you were "one" of them.

The way you reply counts most.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Find the scum who attacked this guy and make an example out of them in front of the whole world.

Yep. And arrest their dear leader who has made it a thing to spew out anti-Chinese sentiment all during the pandemic. Who has refused to condemn racists, white supremacists and the far right and has stirred up extreme bigotry resulting in this heinous attack.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Many years ago I got beaten up by a group of teenagers looking for something to do on a Friday night. This was in Boulder Colorado, and I heard them shouting 'hippy'. When they realized from my accent that I was not a US citizen, they apologized and gave me a lift to where I was going. It doesn't take much to set off a group of borderline and bored kids, and the actual reasons are usually secondary.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Trump's America, sorry but it's the truth !!..

8 youths in the NYC subway system have nothing to do with "Trump's America".

I guarantee once they are ID'd, the leftist hordes will be quite silent.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Japanese love the cultural pull of NYC,

but there's danger there, that matches pitch.

Full recovery wished, and move out of The Bronx, Unno-san.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Reply to

TheLongTermerOct. 10  09:23 am JST

" Ask me several years ago about my feelings on this incident; I would of joined the posters who sympathize

Ask me now...Im just neutral about it. Having been verbally abused and even assaulted in Japan, and watch people who have a different skin tone than me suffer much worse, then ask Japanese what they think about it, the reply was always..."maybe they cant speak English?"....kind of changes your perception. "

You do realize that Japan is known as one of the safest country in the world. Did you left out any informations like drunk or rudeness ?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

NEWS MEDIA QUOTE in NYC: "The police have made no arrests, although Mr. Unno said the assault was captured on camera in the subway station. " So if there is CCTV footage of the attack inside the station, let's see what race the attackers were. Not one media outlet has said what their race is. Why?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

UPDATE from NYC newspaper: “I have been touched by so many kind people,” said Unno. “I even received an email from somebody in Mainland PRC China, saying, ‘Sorry that you were mistaken as Chinese.’ I don’t have any negative feelings, and now feel bad that somebody feels bad for me.” 

Unno struggles to decide if he wants to raise his son in the United States. He noted that his assailants were ****Black, and also that he has partnered with many Black musicians over the years.

“I saw the dark side and the light side of this country,” he said. “I consider Black people to be my brothers. They’ve allowed me to be part of their group.” Yet at the same time, “the truth is, I was assaulted. They happened to be Black, and that does not change my feelings about the community.”

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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