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© 2015 AFPJapanese tourist says guide in India raped her
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Jeff Huffman
Why do women from anywhere, including India, travel by themselves anywhere, especially India?
Travel smart! And, don't travel alone! Especially if you are a young woman. At least this girl is still alive.
Women should be able to travel safely in India - India really needs to sort this out. Show some respect for not only it's own women, but visitors as well.
The reality though, is so much different.
Watanabe Cristina Atena
Why they travel alone ?! Because they seen Bollywood movies and they think in real life it must be the same. Well lady's not. Before they travel, they should use their brain, and try to get some information about criminality level of the specific country. No where is 100% save, but yet there is country's where the percentage of being rape or killed, are extremely low.
Women should not travel alone in India. It's ok in other parts of Asia, particularly East Asia (HK, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, China).
Even that does not always work. The 2012 Delhi gang rape case. Remember the Indian girl was with a guy who was also beaten also before they raped her on the bus. She later died.
Michael Grant
If you want a tour guide, USE THE CONCIERGE AT YOUR HOTEL!!! This should be common sense!
Dear India, quit making the Middle East look good.
Love, Karl
PS, seriously stop being terribe
Mayumi Green
Why some of Japanese female tourists are so dumb stupid ? Have no common sense. she must never watched the news about India for gang rape, how men treat women badly etc. I'm sure there nice Indian people there, but how the hell she knew the guy was really a "Tour Guide" ? because he said he was a tour guide, doesn't mean he was !
I would love to travel India one day, but not while I am hearing all raping news !!!
Hey Mayumi, you have never made a mistake in your life? Stop being harsh! I pitty this young japanese lady as she has probably never been exposed to such predators in Japan. I hope she will go over this difficult time.
Mayumi: The only one being stupid is the one criticizing the victim. She thought she had a guide to show her around - how anyone can blame her for being stupid is really low.
Thousands and thousands of women travel by themselves all over the world, including in India, incident free, all the time.
If I were a man traveling alone, and I got mugged, would you ask why men anywhere travel alone anywhere? Not likely. Of course it sucks when incidents happen like this, but when compared with the amount of women who are out their traveling alone, the number of incidents like this is very, very low.
If you cut out everything in your life where someone, somewhere, has had a negative experience, you would never be able to experience anything in your life at all.
It seems to me these kinda crimes happen to a lot of Japanese. If they wanna be mostly safe (lots of stabbing and weird "I wanna see what it feels like to kill" going on around here) they should stay in Japan. If they wanna travel around the world then they need to learn the goods and bad of each place.
In India, the rape culture is fuelled by an acceptance of inequality and of embedded violence. So far, it's been hard to even change small things. People in charge of enforcing the law are not listening to the women, so the government's thinking about policies towards women in India, remains regressive. India has one of the lowest numbers of judges and police in proportion to population, and expansion needs financing. Failures to convict rapists are due to insufficient competence of police and prosecutors. Women have to be given a sense of security in public places and this can only happen if there is social change. Is there more support today in India for rape victims? The answer is 'No'”.
Amongst rational people it is quite the normal thing to do, to get some information about a country, BEFORE going there.
Given the news about India that we all got in 2014... don't you think a little research would have saved her?
Im sorry but I think this time this is already stupidity... this is not the first time, she shouldve seen the news recently about the other j-girl who was travelling alone and got raped too,if she's a loner or really cannot be stopped to travel alone then at least she souldve been more cautious about dealing with strangers, especially offering some food! why can't she be cold as how they are here in Japan when avoiding nanpa guys on the streets?
Have you ever talked with any women who have traveled in India alone? I've known at least four, and while I was initially under the belief that traveling alone in India as a woman would be dangerous, one thing consistent in all of their stories was that they felt very safe traveling there.
There are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of women traveling along in India at any given time. We hear of the occasional incident. You can also be assured that we don't hear of the incidents that happen in other countries, as rape in India is a hot topic these days, while it's not a hot topic in other countries.
So if we are speaking of doing a little research, then maybe some actual numbers would be good - the number of rapes reported of solo female travelers in India, compared with the number of solo female travelers in India. Reading a couple of news stories on the net and making judgement cannot be considered research.
Japanese girls are so naive there is nothing spiritual in India and traveling with a man or other girls is also not safe ... Stop it
Terrorist and rapist both wasted on earth
Cortes Elijah
Sad and sick. Yeah it's true, it's not that you don't travel alone.... It's called not traveling there at all. Boycot this country until they sort this filth out.
This is act of moral deprivation has got to stop.
I believe there is common good among people on this Earth. However, that good is overshadowed by the evil that is within us. Our urge to torment, abuse and humiliate each other is sickening.
One of my life's dream is to visit a country that is rich in culture and people such a country that includes India. However, how am I suppose to feel that way where there is rape in a regular basis with no action on inhibiting such actions from occuring?
Knox Harrington
Geez, are they OK over there in India? Seems these sex crimes have taken epidemic proportions. Perhaps time to take some action?
She's not stupid i think she just thought that the local guy is just being friendly you know trying to be close to her doing good stuff then when opportunity is there they drugged her out, you can never really tell someones motive towards you. I also think that japanese people are friendly and polite so maybe this rapist showed those types where this girl thought that she can trust this guy.. Calling her stupid won't change things.. I pity her.. Hope she can go back to her normal life in japan.
For all of India's dangers, I think the lady in question was being too naive. I know many Japanese women who will not accept some man's offer of showing them around IN JAPAN. While trust is a undeniably good trait, we normally teach children (across the world) to be careful while dealing with strangers. My sympathies with the lady that she paid a horrible price for her trust.
Yup, the WHOLE country is unsafe and dangerous now. This never happens in Japan. At least, I've never heard of an incident like this one (sarcasm, folks). They put up stories like this to demonize poor countries. Is this type of crime a problem over there? Seems to be but this will get more publicity than the one man who drugged and raped more than one hundred women in...where was that country again? Can't remember the name but it's on the tip of my bero (more sarcasm). I hope they catch the guy and he gets the book thrown at him but it seems that other country may have just as big a problem. They are just in the elite so we give them a pass most of the time.
"She's stupid" is not an appropriate response to news that a woman was raped. She's not responsible for what happened to her, the person who raped her is.
The article says that the man "introduced himself as a tourguide." But earlier it directly calls him an Indian tourist guide. For all we know, she could have arranged this through reasonably legitimate channels. Perhaps she was referred to the man because he was friends with some of the hotels staff. We don't know What's more, even if this was totally on the up and up, it still could have happened. Just getting into a taxi puts you in someone else's power.
My point is, we ought to expect from any country that a woman should be able to travel alone safely. When we hear about cases like this, we shouldn't blame the woman, but the perpetrator and the society in which it happened.
I don't think it's sarcastic. A solo woman traveler would be safer roaming around in Taiwan/HK than in India/Bangladesh. Not saying rape or eve-teasing (Google it) wont happen, but they are more likely, especially eve-teasing, to occur in India/Bangladesh. Basically, women tourists are a lot safer in East Asian than South Asian countries.
All these news from past few years makes me wander, why Indian men can not keep it in their pants? Is it because they are deprived of sex? Is it because foreigners are seen as easy prey? Is it because the supposedly divine Indian culture actually has turned to a culture of not respecting women? My Indian friend tells me that the gap in financial ability in India is causing this clash and those who are deprived in fortune are the ones mostly finding their release by these acts, specially since they don't have much to lose. It is seen as an act of dominance where they feel like the "winner". If that is the case, India will not be safe for a long long time.
raf, Tokiyo, Maverick Ong....
there was internet, newspaper, smart phone devices, TV, that served as nice and friendly reminders for her... she wether ignored it or wasn't informed at all... but it is really hard to ignore the news about the same incedent last time, it was really recent and everyone was talking about it... we are not being harsh we are just being honest , she was irresponsible.
"Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've got their strict attention. " sometimes you have to be harsh to have people pay attention
You are being harsh. The only person to blame is the criminal that did this. No one else.
I say roll out the guillotines.
Maybe in Utopia
It is, after all, the country where the term "eve teasing" was coined, and doesn't just apply to women, an Indian friend years ago said young men avoided visiting the police stations in India (to file complaints) as they were at risk of receiving a nightstick in a sensitive place ...
Biggest mistake. Book your tour guides through a travel company, not the first stranger that shows up. This has nothing to do with India, really. You are taught not to trust strangers from when you are a small child.
Hopefully the media will use this case to inform would-be travelers not to get in a bike or car or any automobile with strangers, instead of just another example of how dangerous India is. Not keeping my fingers crossed though.
ok harsh then and so be it... if people are cautious and responsible then crimes can be prevented , period!
Dude, whats up with all these rapes & gang-rapes going on there in India? Is it really so tough for those men git laid? What a world-
"eve-teasing," from the country that also brought you "bride-burning."
No, in reality. The crime was committed by the criminal, not the victim.
shreyas karanth
That girl should not trust someone in other country if you travel in group then india is safe because i am indian
I think we should never be harsh to and blame the victim. I think Japanese govt. needs to tell Japanese folks before they travel to any country, that what kind of risks present and what will be the best choice to travel to certain place. I feel sad and sorry for her. I am glad she is alive.
Even if the 20-year-old woman was naive, there is no excuse for rape. I think they should castrate the rapist. India has a problem . It is time they fix it. Indians call harassment of women eve-teasing. Until that mind set changes, women tourists should avoid visiting India.
We're just going to have to disagree. I feel sad for the young lady, but she put her FULL trust in a stranger, and only in Utopia can you do that.
Dude, the unfortunately the truth is this world is not wonderland, this world is full of monsters, this is NO news and don't expect that it will change , There will always be criminals everywhere you go. there is nothing you can do to stop criminals.there is nothing you can do to stop criminals, however you can avoid them by being cautious and responsible.
That is not illegal. What the criminal did is.
What a sad world where some think trust is equal to a crime.
Imagine if 100% of the commentary, energy and outrage was directed against the actual criminals involved in such crimes. Imagine if the way women behave or dress wer irrelevant. Imagine if men, many of which lurk on these very threads, were shamed by all of their male family members, colleagues and mates for blaming the innocent. IOW, imagine if the discourse surrounding sexual crimes against women weren't so skewed--perhaps then we'd start getting somewhere.
B/C the she should have known better than to go there, to have dressed that way etc. is in fact, without question, a way of excusing the horrid crimes being discussed. If you can't see that, then god forbid you ever have daughters to jolt you out such thinking.
We are of course mad at the criminals, however we are also criticizing the victim for being irresponsible after all the warnings (previous incident)
It is really unfortunate that women are targeted this way and they should be able to travel peacefully but unfortunately the World is not such a nice place. I tell my Japanese female friends all the time to be careful who they trust. Some people portray themselves one way and then victimize another person when they feel they have earned their trust. One of my Japanese female friends wants to travel to Turkey alone this Summer. I looked at her and asked her why she intends to do something that crazy. India and Middle Eastern Countries are especially dangerous for women traveling alone. The Japanese government needs to inform Japanese women that the World is not Disneyland. Japan is a very safe country so many Japanese women take this for granted and think everything is that way. Movies do not tell what a place is really like. Women everywhere need to educate themselves about the places where they intend to travel and stop trusting strangers.
Well said!
First I will not hide the fact to my daughter that the world is not a great place and mosnters move around so the very first rule Im going to tell her is to not talk and trust strangers, especially if you don't speak their language.
Single women should view India the same way most people view Syria, as a no-go zone. People think this type of thing can't happen to them, but it has to happen to someone. Eliminate the risk, and just stay away until the authorities sort this out, or until you can go with a partner, or better yet, a group.
Huge gap in gender proportion.Some estimates 50 million men in India will never get married!!
"First I will not hide the fact to my daughter that the world is not a great place and mosnters move around so the very first rule Im going to tell her is to not talk and trust strangers, especially if you don't speak their language."
As well you should and I'll do the same. But teaching your child street smarts and caution is one thing. Condemning the innocent for straying from the safe path is another. And let's be realistic here--no matter how well your daughter behaves or dresses, no matter where she goes, she could well end up becoming a victim of predatory males, and while you and those who love her would no doubt support her unconditionally and focus your criticism on the criminal, without question there would be a sizeable cross section of society questioning her judgment and intelligence, her way of dress, the looseness of her morals. That IMO is equally vile.
In lieu of attacking the men who either create or excuse these conditions, who tell women and girls that they have to live in boxes largely selected by men, and who need not restrict their own freedom of movement, this mindset is a big part of the problem. It is, indirectly excusing the larger threat to full female freedom, essentially saying, well, boys will be boys. And I reckon a big part of it is its easier to shame sl-ts than it is to call out male scum.
You are wrong for doing so. Blaming the victim is wrong. 100% of the blame goes to the criminal. 100%.
Bartholomew Harte
Women and girls are mere chattel to this race of buffoons This lady would have done well to be informed as the crimes committed against women in india& is truly lucky to get out alive!
Well said @Strangerland & jcapan.
I also agree with people saying that we need to do more research before we travel & be more on guard when we are in other countries (this is coming from someone who likes to travel alone). However, sometimes you can do everything right & still become a victim of crime. My heart goes out to the Japanese woman & I hope she recovers soon.
Japan's government should create a website like Australia's "smartraveller" which alphabetically gives a run down of each country & includes travel warnings of various degrees. It also gives specific advice to women travellers, lone travellers, backpackers, LGBT travellers, couples, etc to cover many situations.
Take a look at the "smartravellers" write up for India, I would not travel to a country with that many red flags.
Commodore Shmidlap (Retired)
What a horrible thing to happen to someone. What's also horrible is that even now, in the 21st century, there are still people who don't get it-- the victim is not to blame. The rapist is. Women are taught to be safe but we're talking about human beings here. You trust someone who seems relatively harmless and they rape you, then THEY are to blame, not you for trusting them.
so how did she not get the news about all of the sexual assault cases going on against tourists in India over the past couple years? pro tip for traveling in India or pretty much anywhere in general: don't go alone.
Mirai Hayashi
Hard to believe that this chump was really a tour guide...
Harry Chang
all woman in the world traveling to India alone must know it is the most dangerous journey of their life, stay away from the indian man , better stay away from India at all cost, it not worth it , the country is still in the ancient mentality, woman are treated like animals . beaten and discarded like trash .
What should be and is here are two totally different things. Japanese have that "heiwa-boke" streak in them and are naive.
Incidents like this should be a wake up call for the government to EDUCATE the people, not stop them, not take their passports, stop treating it's citizens like children and teach them about the world!
Only problem is to do that, they have to start being honest about how things are here too!
Alex Einz
I wonder if some people are totally oblivious to the rape reporting that is coming weekly from India ... you must be seriously ignorant not to know the situation there?
Exactly!!!! That's why responsibility and being extra cautious is important to avoid becoming a victim! And don't expect that these monsters will go away, NO! but you can avoid them!
No one in this thread is asking what women should wear and how should act… Our points are simple, Don't go out with strangers especially if an incident (gang rape) happened there recently!
Yes we are blaming the rapist 100%! But don't be too naïve to think that there was no irresponsibility on the victim's side! If you swim with sharks you should expect the risks.
See that 'but' above in your sentence? That is where you start taking percentages off that 100% you claim you are blaming the criminal and where you attempt to put a percentage of the blame on the victim. Incorrectly so, I might add.
? What sharks? This does not even make sense.
Trust is not wrong. Trust is not illegal. You know absolutely nothing about this woman. You know absolutely nothing about the criminal. You know only know a criminal committed a crime. Blame the criminal for the crime.
I spent 9 weeks in India and went all over. One thing I did notice was the large number of chaperoned Indian women. While older married women were evident, the majority of youthful women were rarely seen alone. As a male I never had a problem but I heard from the western girls of constant propositioning It is not safe.......
Polar Cities
The thing is.....remember the 6 Japanese women who were raped in Rome many years ago around 1993 when a local in Rome who was Iranian bloke who had lived in Japan and spoke Japanese offered to make some home made spaghetti at his apartment for them as a group and they thought they were safe as a group? Well, he gave them wine got them drunk had his friend stand at door and forbid departure and then took them one by one to bedroom to rape them. It was in all the J media. Don't J women ever learn? NEVER NEVER go with a foregign man who offers to be your tour guide even if for free. NEVER NEVER. it's not like these women have NOT heard these stories before and, it will happen month ....dont the schools or colleges or govt TEACH this to the women of Japan yet? From yellow cabs to this rape culture sadness? Wake up, young women of Japan! EGADS
OH my You are so Naïve as this girl. SHARKS, the predators! FYI there were monsters who gang raped A Japanese girl who did exactly the same thing! That news should make her aware that this area has predators/monsters!
My question to you and you must answer this, If there is a sign " SHARK ATTACK OCCURRED HERE" at the beach, and you see people still swimming right in front of the sign will you not criticize those people!?
Trust is a RESPONSIBILITY! you just don't give this to anyone as the price for it can be devastating! Indeed we don't know about the woman, but I know that there was exactly the same incident happened there RECENTLY, and if I have common sense and going to the same place, I would be cautious.
You are drawing a false comparison.
We cannot expect rational and moral behavior from sharks. We can and should expect such behavior from people.
I agree that some sexual assualts happen which might not have happened if the victims had shown more caution. However, that does not make it the responsibility of the victims to make sure they don't get raped. We should reasonably demand that individuals do not rape. When we hear about rape, we should be outraged at the criminal, not the victim.
noypikantoku, earlier you said that you blame the criminal 100%. You claim that, and yet most of your time on this thread has been devoted to criticizing the victim. That seems to suggest that you think the victim to be at least somewhat blameworthy.
Stupid woman. She was foolish enough to travel alone and to trust strangers. And the sex was probably unprotected. Now she has to worry about the consequences.
Her travel is traumatised and she is going to suffer years of trauma recovery. Will female tourists every learn? So much news and we hear of women from any countries being raped in India, in Malaysia, etc.
There are ways to travel safe. Rule 1: Never talk to strangers. Rule 2: If not sure, go to the nearest big hotel and ask or a big company. And never, never follow someone.
Even for men, there can be mugging by strangers. Better to be suspicious.
I'm sure this lady, who must speak at least "good" English has had some native speaking and Japanese friends, and family, warn her before she went. "Be careful. Don't talk to strangers."
So she meets this smooth talker and they decide to go together. She gets on his bike, goes to his house, then goes to his sisters house for lunch, then he drives her out to the sticks. All this with someone she's never met before. That is taking your personal safety and putting it in someone else's hands. If I decide to walk around in East Detroit at midnight, the most dangerous city in the US, then I am putting my personal safety at risk. This whole "Roman Holiday" fantasy turned into a nightmare for her. She should have known better. She does bear some responsibility for her bad decisions. And this happens everyday to many people. The person who gets behind the wheel after drinking too much. The person who gets a call from their son, but it's not their son, it's a scam artist. This is all about trusting people.
You only trust those that you know.
P.S. Before you reach for the thumbs down, take a moment and think about this logically, not emotively please. We're all sad this happened to her.
JCJapan: Imagine if 100% of the commentary, energy and outrage was directed against the actual criminals involved in such crimes.
Well, wouldn't make a bit of difference, because I doubt these predators make reading JAPANTODAY a priority. What is real is that there are predators in this world - always has been, always will be. For a woman to travel to India alone in this day and age and trust a total stranger shows not only her naivety, but also that people around her did not do a good enough job keeping her from going. The Japanese gov't should've confiscated her passport at the airport as well.
These comments about women traveling alone reek of victim blaming and sexism
that is why extra caution is needed knowing that the predators can think and plan what to do to you, unlike animals.
I hate to state the obvious but of course everyone knows that the rapist is responsible here. I am just replying to the answers on my posts above and supporting my argument that there is an irresponsibility on the side of the victim.
The victim wasn't pulled from the hotel or kidnapped inside the room, she voluntarily go with a stranger without any hesitations despite of the recent incident. If that girl is cautious and responsible, maybe the crime was prevented! the girl can go back home to Japan and enjoyed India and at the same time the rapist didnt end up in jail!
I will not use the shark argument then... if there is a sign in a cafe saying DON'T LEAVE YOUR ITEMS HERE due to previous theft cases, if one leaves his wallet and got stolen, will you not criticize the owner of the wallet?
Well i've traveled by myself on many an occasion and some of the experiences i've had have been the best of my life. Travel as a couple or a group and you tend to stay within that group, not meeting other travelers or locals.
It really can be a whole different experience going it alone, try it sometime ;)
But yes care should be taken when going to India or other such places, but to ask "why travel anywhere alone" is just ridiculous.
Travelling alone is fine, going with a stranger is the problem.
no, it's called crime prevention through common sense. it's just a good idea for anyone, man or woman, to just have some damn common sense about things like travelling abroad, or hell, even going out alone at night in your own neighborhood.
My question to you is where was this 'sign' she was supposed to have seen?
The criminal and only the criminal are to blame. No one else.
Readers, please forget about the shark analogy. It's not relevant.
not again . i don't know why japanese girls travel alone . just after a month of japanese woman being gangraped repeatedly in india, another girl travels to india alone and trusts a complete stranger . do these japanese girl not read news . i have seen indian guys molesting girls and even underage girls in japan during new year in crowded places.
There's really something wrong with this culture, their men and how they view women. These kind of atrocities have been showing up in the news in the last several years, but I'd bet it's been going on for far longer. The women are slowly finding their voice to speak up against these crimes that in the past have been ashamed to report to the authorities. Good on them.
Indian men need to speak up against these atrocities. The onus is on them. Anytime there's news like this, they will be seen as filthy, horny sleazebags who will rape at will, whether they like it or not. The world is watching.
Slumdog, your POV won't really help women avoid these kinds of situations in the future. Try to see beyond 'victim blaming' for this case and try to think more about 'crime prevention and avoidance' in general. That's where many people in this thread are coming from.
Neither is calling the victim 'stupid' or 'irresponsible', but that has not stopped posters from doing so. First and foremost, it must be acknowledged that the criminal is 100% responsible for the crime.
It is hard to do that when people are making assumptions about the victim, and Japanese victims in general, that are certainly not clear in this article.
I don't see that. I see most people making claims about the victim without full knowedge or what kind of person she is, what the exact situation was and how the attack came about.
There is nothing wrong with discussing crime prevention. However, to stretch to say that this woman did 'something wrong' or 'something irresponsible' as some above are claiming is wrong.
As another poster above correctly pointed out, there are many victims who are cautious and still become victims.
I for one thing the world is becoming a sadder place when more and more people find it easier to put blame on the victim rather than the person that committed the crime.
I'm not going to defend some of the expressions used by others, I just think the underlying point is clear, reasonable and worth a discussion. Focusing solely on who is to blame just masks the meaningful issues and promotes inaction. The criminal is always going to be 'to blame' but that doesn't mean that we, as law-abiding citizens/innocents, can't do things to reduce the risks we face. This case is a 'lesson' in that.
Wow there is no such thing as TRUST these days!
If this case of rape actually occurred, there are many factors to take in consideration. 1st; Regardless what you have been told, India remains a Caste System Country. 2nd; Poverty is beyond belief there and some families sell off their daughters. 3rd; The general population for years had tolerated the Raping of women. It is only because of mass media and the raping of more and more foriegners that has brought this to the attention of the world.4th; The people that are responsible for the safety of their citizens are themselves raping alot of the young girls. This terrible problem will not and cannot be fixed overnight and I would advise all tourists both male and female to boycott India until they truly make changes to stop these unforgiveable acts.
Some people here use gender imbalance, large population and poverty as excuses for the rapes of foreign (and domestic) women in India. Well, solo female tourists seem to be a lot safer traveling in China than in India. China has gender imbalance, large population and poverty too.
Dude, India made an international fuss when 1 of their female diplomats was arrested & stripped search by authorities in NY. (not raped).
Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs should be stirring a bigger fuss. Isn't this incident the 2nd rape of a female Japanese National within the past couple months or so?
Japan needs India as a partner for the future. They aren't going to make a big fuss about the actions of some individuals, when you have China going around trying to rape entire countries.
Some countries are safer, some are not. Some are dirty, some are clean. Some you can roam even at night, some you better not. Most east Asians cities are great safe cities eg Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Hong Kong and Singapore. But be street smart in Karachi, Bombay, etc if you have to be there.
Likewise in Europe, in Switzerland you can relax...but in Paris you better watch out for pick pockets. In certain parts of New York after 9pm is a no, no on the streets and subway.
Sorry for her ordeal but you have to admit why would a single woman go off on a scooter ride with a total stranger. The story for many decades now is that women should have the freedom and safety to go anywhere without sexual harassment or being attacked but that is fairy tale stuff. The real world is not Tokyo Disneyland, it's a mean ugly place where the weak or naïve get in trouble especially in third world environments.
Why are so many people blaming the victim? Trusting someone doesn't make you responsible for their behaviour. Everybody makes mistakes about who to trust sometimes. In reality there are good and bad people everywhere and knowing who to trust is difficult. I know someone in the UK who was raped by two seemingly kind concerned men who told her it was unsafe to wait in the station all night for the first train (she just missed the last one) and offered to 'help' her by letting her stay at theirs till the morning. And Tokyo is not totally safe, nowhere is. I lived there for 7 years and got touched several times on the train, offered money for sex several times (when walking out of a convenience store in jeans, no makeup etc at 2pm etc) and hassled with disgusting sexual emails by someone who seemed nice so I gave my email address to them. Yes, it's a good idea to be careful, but sometimes we have to trust. What kind of life can we have if we can't let ourselves trust anyone?
Aaron Lloyd Brummett
"Why do women from anywhere, including India, travel by themselves anywhere, especially India?""
Ah shucks! I wanted to be the first one to blame the VICTIM!
John Ngo
So you're saying they should just turn a blind eye? Like they do in Okinawa? You should be a bit more careful when you use the term "rape" as a figure of speech here, because Japan and India can literally be examples of countries where rape is a problem.
This sucks to the core. I am an Indian girl who has traveled to many countries across South East Asia but my parents never allow me to travel by myself within my own country. It's horrible and shameful - the level of atrocities that seem to happen here, especially to women. By no means, I am implying all Indian men are collectively bad or that rapes only occur in India and nowhere else but when they do happen here - the justice is slow in coming. The payback is slow, or non-existent in most cases and this is why the situation keeps growing. If only there was some capital punishment for rape and the law and order system actually does its job and the courts don't take forever to serve the sentence and the society stops shaming the victim and becomes less defensive of the intrinsic flaw in the system - Gah! I am so fed up reading about gang rapes every day but never about the harsh punishments given to the criminals - because the courts are so slow, the law is asleep, the rot is deepening.
Never ever trust anyone, friendly or otherwise. never trust any stranger, always be cautious - this applies to everyone traveling to India. both foreign and local women. Don't trust people outside of family and close friends.
Article says she the guy approached her in the street and introduce himself as a "tour guide." Note to young female travelers (and guys, for that matter): Locals who approach tourists in the street, especially in tourist areas, are almost all trying to scam you in some way.
Wandering off with someone you meet in the street - especially in a country like India - is suicidal. She's lucky she's alive.
So far as the 1000s of women Strangerland says are travelling in India and feel perfectly safe: Feeling safe and being safe are not the same thing. I often hear from people who travel to very dangerous areas and come back saying, "It's not bad at all. Everyone was nice to me." Why not play Russian roulette.? A gun with 6 chambers and one bullet is perfectly safe for up to 5 people.
Which is why it's important to rely on real numbers, and not the number of articles you read in the news. Remember, the more sensational media is, the more money the media makes from advertising. It's in their best interest to make you afraid.
Not really the same thing is it. Tens of thousands of people travel in India without incident. Of course if you are absolutely afraid of everything, then you won't want to go there, but for many people, the experiences of visiting India are worth the minimal risk in doing so.
Already been there. I was having dinner with a high ranking law enforcement official in Delhi and a fairly wealthy woman, about 10 years ago. She was going to catch a taxi and go home, as she assumed Delhi was safe. He told her she was mistaken, that Delhi was very dangerous for single woman, and that many of the better off residents simply don't realise it. He insisted on arranging a ride for her. I assume he knows more about the situation than anyone posting on JT.
Maybe when you have a daughter who wants to travel alone to India, you'll see my point.
Well you win this time, as a good anecdote always trumps actual numbers. I bow to your superior debate skills.
Dude! it's all over the news 2 months ago! everyone is talking about a Japanese girl who was gang raped in didnt know?..and actually these things don't need SIGNS, it's COMMON SENSE, the first lesson our paqrents teach us is Not to talk to strangers.
For those who think India is being picked on I personally feel otherwise. Of course I know of many women who travelled in India/Bangladesh/Pakistan and all felt safe....because they took more precautions than they would at home. On the travel blogs I frequent advice is given to feel safe in these places as women are not respected to the same degree as in western countries no matter how many politicians or female leaders you can point out. Look at the English blogs and media from India and see what the LOCAL women say. Sexual assault is a problem everywhere but in India where the average guy doesn't get it easily, like most any guy in a western country with liberated women who sometimes decide to "do you" when all you did was say hello. Talk to local in India who are western country experienced. India is not sexually liberated as a whole the way we are. Many men are inundated with internet porn making you think that women outside their countries are so easy. This is a country where revenge rapes and honor killings are still common (though outlawed). I can tell you of times where Indians tourists show up to a friends hotel room hoping and expecting to participate in sex with a girl who thought it was only one guy. And they automatically thought it would be OK. I live in a large metro are in the US. Over 4 million. I watch Asian girls here for English school and country small town white girls walk/travel through so called ghetto areas with dangerous reputations and while and occasional rip off/purse snatching or mugging may occur.......rape of a tourist/ foreigner/outsider is rare. Because these guys get laid daily if not weekly. (Sure thats just a partial reasoning) Education around here about sexual harassment etc is very good actually. I would feel safer with my female loved ones travelling alone in many places.....just not India and the like.
I agree with Virgo, this didnt happen just in Inda, remember it also happened in Romania where the girl was acutally murdered too. And it was the same situation, a girl travelling alone and went out with a stranger. Travelling alone is fine, but it's common sense to take proper precautions and information. I know that human beings must be free to go wherever they want and do what ever they want to do... however the truth is, our world is really not a safe place, as it's not the place and country that are dangerous... it's the people! and dangerous people move around! so travellers need to be cautious at all times no matter where they are!
It was not this woman's fault, with one tiny caveat. India is a dangerous place for women, it is very rapey, and she should have known this before she visited, and taken extra care if she still wanted to go. No daughter of mine would ever be allowed, I dont care how old she was, no way would they be allowed to take such willful risks with their safety. I dont care if I have to beg or guilt trip, she simply would not be going.
Incredible India!
wigga are comparing things that have happened to something that might or might not happen.