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© 2014 AFPJOC officials 'astonished' by Tomita's theft denial
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The JOC here deserves serious kudos for their extremely dignified and swift response to Tomita's denial. Nakamori and other JOC officials who have gone public to address this matter head on will doubtlessly face a backlash and threats from Japan's vocal uyoku (right wing) elements.
It is quite obvious that right wing forces have emboldened Tomita, and are aiming to twist this incident into one where a Japanese person is yet again a victim of a widespread conspiracy to defile "utsukushii nihon" (beautiful Japan).
It was stupid to steal the camera. Yes. But I'd have more respect for him if he admitted it, said sorry and that it was spur of the moment and thoughtless. End of story
Anyhow, well done JOC, and kudos to korean police for dealing fairly with the guy despite the political sentiment thats been festering
From the outside looking in, I believe there is some credence with his denial...what motive would he have of stealing a camera? When was the last time a Japanese stole a camera--bakachon or digital? Just another thought.
Time to change his 18 month ban into a lifetime ban. See how long it takes to earn $7600 working at Lawson.
JOC should just stick with facts and evidence. If JOC has nothing to hide, they should release the video survelliance footage.
Two points. First, you use the word 'bakachon' which is considered by many to be a racial slur. (Here is one definition: ‘bakachon’, a compound comprising baka ("stupid") and chon (an abbreviation of Chōsen, a term for Korea), a once widespread term for simple things, so easy, even ‘stupid Koreans’ could do them.)
Second, to you or anyone else who argues that it makes no sense that he would steal the camera — you are absolutely right, it makes no sense. However, that is the exact nature of impulse control disorders like kleptomania. Those with such disorders do things that are completely irrational.
Here is part of the definition of kleptomania as provided by the Mayo Clinic on their website: "Kleptomania is the irresistible urge to steal items that you generally don't really need ... [it is] a disorder in which you can't resist the temptation or drive to perform an act that's harmful to you or someone else."
Stewart Gale
Why didn't he just say he was drunk and couldn't remember doing it?
Tomita should keep his mouth shut, then his theft will be yesterday;s talks.
This is amazing. I understand irrational compulsions, so I could forgive the theft if he showed good character otherwise. But he has just scrapped what was left of his swimming career and his integrity. I can have sympathy for a pathological kleptomaniac. I have none for a guy who is willing to stoke racial and nationalist tensions to cover his tracks. Who would want anything to do with such a person?
Take a guess.
I think implying he's a kleptomaniac is unnecessary. If he stole the camera then he stole it. That's all. I'm guessing someone gave him the advice to say it was a foreigner who slipped it into his bag, but whoever did that is an idiot. If he'd apologized and been done with it, then he could've gone on with his life, especially after paying the measly $915 fine he got, which was obviously the Korean legal system showing leniency for what they saw as a young kid who did something stupid on impulse but wasn't really a serious criminal. But now he's risking everything, and for what? Silly.
I guess what Tomita's real goal is is to redefine the word "disgraced" to mean so much worse, because that's how pathetic he is in reality. Good on the JOC for pointing out the facts as they were and still are, and explaining step by step how sad Tomita's current denials are.
1) “He was identified from the security videos by a JOC official and from the pictures seen putting the camera into the bag,” Nakamori said."
2) "Naoya Tomita previously confessing to the crime"
A) “I didn’t steal the camera,” he told reporters in central Nagoya as Japanese officials watched in disbelief on television in Tokyo, JAPAN
baby trying to save face, and country honor...rt wings, wing nuts, left wings, and nationalsit support his concoction
better put him on suicide watch once HIS irreversible reality sits in, along with demise of swimming career, and embarrasment to JP
Christopher Glen
Why are they astonished? He comes from a culture where if you're "drunk" or "can't remember", people automatically believe you and all is forgiven
My understanding of the situation is that they (JOC) did just that.
Did the JOC release ALL the video and surveillance footage?
If yes, case closed; the guys a low life idiot.
If no, we have the word of a man of questionable ethics, vs others (politicians) of probably even less than honorable ethics.
I would prefer to be sure All the evidence has been disclosed. Comments from anyone about this last point - please.
The theft happened in South Korea and the video evidence was from security cameras operated by the venue, in SOUTH KOREA. This video evidence does not belong to the JOC and is not theirs to give even if they have it which I'm sure they don't. The matter was dealt with by the South Korean authorities, why is this so difficult to comprehend?
Which "politicians"?
From the media reports he appears to be guilty but Id like to see the video evidence before passing judgement. Admitting guilt to get himself back in Japan is reasonable (not saying i agree with it, but it is believable).
If, as has been reported, the video evidence is not clear enough to identify him, and assuming he has an "exemplary" past, surely he has a good chance to beat this? He has nothing to lose in defending himself.
Show me the video!!
Has he backed himself into a corner where he feels he has to keep lying to extricate himself? He sounds immature, ie unable to see the bigger picture and handle the situation appropriately.
I wonder what advice his parents will be giving him, if he is even able to listen to them. Agony for all.
Could he have multiple personality disorder, where he sees someone else placing the camera into his bag?
Jonathan Prin
Show me video too.
No transparency - no proof !
Before it was Joc officials (who- how many ???????) Now, it is one Joc official
Lol . Justice so weak.
@Christopher GlenNOV. 08, 2014 - 09:36AM JST Why are they astonished? He comes from a culture where if you're "drunk" or "can't remember", people automatically believe you and all is forgiven
He is from Japan, not from your country. Sounds you are writing about your country's culture and legal system..
What's more astonishing is the nationalism and support this guy is getting, all just because he's a Japanese. Look at Tomita's lawyer's accusations without proof, of Korean conspiracy, playing to Japanese anti Korean movement. What is his motives in helping Tomita, when the case is already closed? Could it be he was hired by the right wing? If these Japanese love their country so much, then they should be trying to distance themselves from this lying thief. Instead, they're coming to support this guy - which puts Japan in a very bad light. Tomita was let off by South Korea, extremely leniently with less than $1000 fine - when he should have been jailed. And the owner of the camera also pleaded leniency for Tomita, with the JOC - and this is the thanks they get from Tomita and his company who calls them baka-chon and Korean conspiracy and other unimaginable racist insults. South Korea should have just put a hammer to him and treated him as any common criminal or a thief, and put him in jail, then they should have released the video to all the TV stations to humiliate him. That would have made sure something like this didn't happen. Because when he comes from a culture of denials, it's best to make sure you got all your angles covered so that they don't come back later to deny the truth.
@papi: You created fantasy. Majority of Japanese are not supporting Tomita. Have you checj survey? We Japanese think S Korea was polite to ask all of JOC officials to fiew video. Where did you get idea he has support of Japanese? Yhieves are always despised in Japan.
@Papi: This forum is Enhlish forum so a majority people are gaijins who know Japan and many work in Japan. They are quite fair in posting here. Thieves are despised. Sport sections in Japanese media criticized Tomita. Then follow the leader and Japanese public criticized Tomita. They don't request video. Just believe JOC.
John Galt
In fact, we can't know either way as the supposed CCTV evidence has not been shown.
2Papi: Japanese people who live in Japan use Japanese language forum. A lot and lot of kanjis and Japanese idioms foreigners do not understand.
Here we have a guy accused of stealing something with a felony theft value. Held for a few days. He confesses his guilt to the police (not to a judge) based on evidence he had not seen and without a lawyer, pays a fine of 10man and is released.
Does that not strike anyone else as a little odd? Like there might be a few procedural irregularities?
It's not about being pro Japan or anti Korean or right wing or left wing.
It's about not trusting crooked cops.
Well. video is one of evidences so we can't see. Prosecuitors office probably subpoenaed, After final court, we may be able to see video. His finger prints on camera and attachment, all of evidence, It is not easy to defend this kind of case but attorneys do not miss chances to earn money. I did not know he could go out of Korea. Someone must have paid bail money. Korean court is nicer than USA court. In USA, if criminal defender move out of area, bail money is seized and back to jail. He should be quiet until final verdict.
He may be a good swimmer, but when it comes any sort of intelligence, I think somebody forgot to give him some. He confessed! He signed the confession! JOC was present to make sure all procedures were followed! The Korean court convicted him! And now he's trying to say it was the boogeyman! A once rising star, and now a disgraced athlete with no future in Japan. No sympathy here!
christian: "Why are they astonished? He comes from a culture where if you're "drunk" or "can't remember", people automatically believe you and all is forgiven"
That's why it's such big news! Imagine how serious it's got to be if people in a nation like that you describe are astonished.
So according to his story, he told a lie to avoid trouble with the police? And rumor that the police/JOC aren't releasing all the evidence because they already got a confession? And this DIDN'T happen in Japan?
I don't know what is more astonishing; the idea that Tomita thinks his ludicrous mass of implausabilities & contradictions would be considered reasonable by any logical person, or that people actually believe it! Have you read his story?? It's absolutely cringeworthy. I really do hope the uyoku make this a cause celebre because its going to lead to them being thoroughly discredited too. This man has mass squabbles that aren't being helped by some truly rotten advice from people close to him. He should give Jonathan Aitken a call, the Sword of Truth is quickly becoming a Dagger of Deceit (or the Camera of Calamity)
toshiko: " video is one of evidences so we can't see. "
Why you keep defending this pathetic loser is something I don't think anyone can understand. Even the JOC is dumbfounded by Tomita's denial and subsequent explanation! NO, we can't see the video, and that's EXACTLY what he and his lawyer want. I bet you a million dollars that if we COULD see the video that A) he wouldn't be denying it in the first place, and B) you'd recognize him in a split second. The people who needed to see it, like the JOC, saw it and IMMEDIATELY said it was Tomita and banned him. Do you think they are wrong, and lying, or anti-Japanese or something?
" In USA, if criminal defender move out of area, bail money is seized and back to jail. He should be quiet until final verdict."
It has less to do with the 'niceness' of Korean courts, and more that he followed the rules (after the fact) and admitted his guilt, paid a fine, and left. He wasn't 'bailed out' in that sense. Had he not admitted his guilt and paid the fine, he would have been kept until there was a trial, and found guilty may have faced prison. And he was only let go anyway because the owner of the camera didn't wish to press charges.
As for Tomita himself -- again, what an absolute pathetic individual, and I hope he is NEVER allowed to swim as a representative of the nation again. Ever. The guy brings shame to the nation, and then he has the gall to deny it? and after denying says someone 'forced something black' into his bag, and he was scared so he ran off WITH the bag that might have contained god knows what? Then he thought it was a pin exchange (do the pins weigh THAT much and are they that big?)? and he never bothered to check or thank the guy for the pin and give one in return? hahaha.. his lies are so laughable.
I bet in a few weeks he turns around and admits he was lying about it not being him who stole the camera, especially if he catches wind of the possibility the video might be aired. I wonder what the excuses will be then? "It was me, but I thought I was someone else at the time." "Yes, it seems it was me, but actually it was me from the future going to tell me from the present not to pick up my bag, but then the me from the past got confused and carried it away after I... errr... someone else put the camera... errr... a pin in it". "Yeah, it was me. but I was actually drunk at the time."
My bet is that he will talk himself into believing his own story.
However, if I am wrong and he later does admit to stealing the camera (again), I think he'll use some version of the "Sorry, I was just under so much stress trying to do my best for Japan" line.
That won't really explain his "Some guy stuffed it in my bag" or "I only confessed because the Korean translator sucked" evasions, but if he says "Sorry" enough and promises to win Japan a medal, the "Oh, isn't he a sweet boy" ji-chans and ba-chans will probably forgive him all the same.
Knox Harrington
I have now heard that this guy was well known for this behavior. In other words, he's probably got kleptomaniac tendencies. Some of the posters here wonder what possible reason Tomita would have for stealing, but that's just the thing - there is none. A good comparison might be Winona Ryder who also stole stuff without any apparent reason to do so...
@knox, I think he is experienced thief, too. Just like thuieves who gewt caught on security camera/ In criminal court, Prosecutors office subpoena all evidence. Then video evidence etc belong to court. @smithinjapan: I just wwrote cone of criminal court procedures. Criminal law 101 Intro. That does not mean I support Tomita. I have been writing Tomita is a thief/ who was caught in security camera and lies in Japan.
perhaps Tomita could not really comprehend the fact that the culture of denying is not going to survive but is slowly dying out. societies change, for the better.
@souka: Cukture? Are you talking about Uchikubi and sarashikuni punishment for thieves in Japan until Meiji Isahi or 30 Botataki until 1948? All r=ided. Write what do you mean about culture dieing.
An innocent person will get scared if suddenly accused and got confused, it happened in Asia, most of the time in crowded place like theater, railway station, airports etc, it happened to me one time at the airport a guy came over and put a bag beside my bag on the floor I asked him what's that? he said I need go to the rest room, well he can carry to restroom it is not that heavy he didn't show up later so I got up and sit a distance away, don't know if he came for the bag or not I already board the plane, it happen to my friend at the theater a guy just drop the bag near his feet while he is waiting for his girlfriend, I asked him did he open the bag he said no they just went in to the movie.
Japan Yesterday
Here's another thought: you're a racist and should be banned from commenting.
Guilty or not, I think Tomita just jeopardized his once salvageable future in competitive swimming.
JOC identified him on video. I have no doubt he stole heavy expensive journalists' type camera.
Dennis Bauer
Will this mean the end of Tomita's international career?
Nah, I think he's just a dishonest jerk who's trying to squirm his way out of his predicament in any way possible.
ThisIz Dou
i am not sure if he took it or not but if he did so he need a medical attention cause he has two diseases kleptomania and mythomania
Christopher Glen
I really don't see why. Happens all the time in Japan. Step 1, you get caught. 2, deny everything. 3, backpedal and say you were somehow misunderstood or everyone else does the same as you. 3, apologise and say "efforts will be made....". Be forgiven and get off scot-free. 4, after a suitable period of time repeat your transgression. (Repeat from step 1)