Japan Today

Knife-wielding man steals Y300,000 from convenience store


A man brandishing a knife got away with around 300,000 yen in cash on Thursday after robbing a convenience store in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture.

According to police, the man came into the Sunkus store in Hanabatake shortly before 3 a.m. and threatened the part-time store assistant with a knife. He then demanded cash from the register before fleeing the store on foot. Police said the store clerk was not injured in the robbery.

According to police, the robber is believed to have been aged between 40 and 50 years old, was around 180 cm tall, wearing a black, food-stained sweater and jeans.

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the robber is believed to have been aged between 40 and 50 years old, was around 180 cm tall, wearing a black, food-stained sweater and jeans.

the surveillance footage says different lol how can you see a sweater under that jacket let alone the food stain that is on it.

not to mention i need more details, exactly what kind of food is this stain composed of?

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Back in my hometown in the states in the 80's there was a rash of these types of robberies. What did the local sheriff do? He put deputies in random convenience stories with shotguns and they made a few arrests. Pretty soon, these types of robberies slowed down. Thieves didn't want to take the chance of the place being armed with a deputy.

I guess maybe more J-cops need to set up sting operations, or at least make it known that is what they are doing to at least make it appear that they are surveiling these types of stores.

But, I guess with the high number of these types of stores, that may not work either.

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Shoot! Was in that combini a couple of days ago! I wasn't wearing a 'food-stained sweater' though.

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"300,000 yen in cash"

Those conbinis are raking in the money. Sunkus you very much!

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"300,000 will get you nowhere these days." I beg to differ - it will get the thief an afternoon of entertainment in a pachinko parlour!

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"300,000 will get you nowhere these days"

Not if you're a spendthrift like me.

goddog - Yeah, but do you think he'll be smart enough to buy a different design and color?

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food-stained sweater and jeans.

Now he can buy a clean one.

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Actually the police(here and overseas) now use software that can identify a person just by taking 3 steps on a Video. All they need is to compare a video of a suspect walking and the crime video.

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That description sounds like millions of men in Japan! The surveillance footage doesn't exactly help either.

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Risking 10 years "at the Emperors pleasure" for a measly 300,000 yen is a ridiculous risk. 300,000 will get you nowhere these days. This guy is likely extremely unintelligent.

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Some people have a tendency of repeating the outfits even after committing crime. Black hooded jacket and mask is a suspicious get-up until he caught.

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I hope this guy is caught.

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