Japan Today

Kumamoto man arrested after fatally stabbing his daughter’s 38-year-old boyfriend


A 42-year-old man was arrested for attempted murder on Tuesday night, after he allegedly stabbed a 38-year-old man who was seeing his 16-year-old daughter, police said Wednesday.

Yusai Ueno called police at about 11.30 p.m. Tuesday and told them he had stabbed a man in his home. Police rushed to the house in the town of Ueki and found Masashi Suzashi, an unemployed resident of the town of Nagasu, bleeding from several wounds to his stomach. He was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead about three hours later. Ueno was arrested at the home for attempted murder, but police said they will pursue a charge of murder and file papers with prosecutors on Thursday.

Ueno told police he was opposed to his daughter seeing the man, who she became acquainted with through a cell phone website. He said that when he learned his daughter had met Suzashi again on Tuesday, he got angry and called him to his home, where they had an argument before Ueno grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed the man.

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I don't condone killing but I can understand his anger. The guy is almost the father's age and unemployed. If the girl is going to date an older guy at least let it be someone who has something positive to offer that most boys her age cannot.

A perverted bum is not a good choice for a love interests. Unfortunately, now she has lost a boyfriend and a father.

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I'm not sure I'd be too happy if I had a 16 y/o daughter and she was dating a 38 y/o, but whatever, that's no reason to stab someone.

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I agree. The murder should not have happened, he should have controlled his anger, but one can understand his frustrations. He was just trying to look out for his daughter, it seems. Not that parents should hold total sway over who their children love, but maybe the guy was a skeeze. Unemployment doesn't make you a dirtbag-- but going after girls half your age is, kinda. And that girl was too young to see this. Unfortunately, murder was not the best way to get the father's point across. What a sad turn of events.

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I know I would be very unhappy if my 16 y/o daughter was dating an unemployed man more than twice her age. It may not be a reason to kill someone, but I'd sure want to stab him.

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REALLY biglittleman??? I would be all good and happy if the douche had a job? Had something to offer? LOL But, I would have just kicked the holy living shit out of that guy and all would have been fine. No cops involved if it's just an ass kicking.

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One can definitely understand the father's feelings, but stabbing the guy and ending up in jail himself means he will be no help at all to his daughter for the rest of her teenage years.

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Dad should have been more concerned that his sixteen year old angel was trolling for unemployed men twice her age on a cell phone dating website.

I don't blame the 38 y/0 one bit. Being 38, unemployed and meeting a 16 y/o honey on cell phone site is like hitting the jackpot.

It could very well be that this whole incident was a ploy by the girl to anger her dad. It did go down at her place after all. If that's the case, I feel even worse for the victim. Lured to a girl's house into some family-head-trip and end up getting stabbed to death.

Beware those seemingly sweet j-girls, they can be deadly.

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Dad took it too far, but it's understandable why he was angry. I wouldn't want a 38 year old around my 16 year old daughter either.

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Kumamoto man arrested after fatally stabbing his daughter’s 38-year-old boyfriend

Boyfriend??? That's using the term loosely. Seems that boys would be about her age, not 38.

He should be charged maybe with defense of the family. Suspended sentence, max.

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I'm not really sure what you are getting at. You are not making sense. I would prefer my daughter to date someone her own age. Actually I wouldn't want her date anybody at all.

If my daughter did fall in love with someone and they were older then I would prefer someone with a positive influence on my daughter. That is only after I have tried my best to prevent it from happening. By some chance I fail then a positive relationship is better than a bad one.

Would prefer your daughter to date someone her age and job but treats her like crap?

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Got to love those cell phone chatclubs don't you? If it was my daughter i would kick "my own" ar#s for bringing her up wrong and then give the 38 year old the flogging of his life. As for the 16 year old......if i had of brought her up better she wouldn't have been in this situation.

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Suspended sentence.

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No reason to kill the guy. Give him a good thrashing YES! 38 unemployed and dating a 16 year old. LOSER!!... dead loser now I guess.

Again goes back to the whole infatuation so many Japanese men have with the sexualization of children. This age group are the ones going nuts over 13,14 year old singers in Akihabara. Or like a nut we saw on TV with his entire room covered in Morning Musume photos.

Get a life losers and learn to deal with adult women. Move out from Mom's house and become a man. Childhood is over. Get over it and get on with life before you end up like this loser, dead and buried over something that someone with half a brain would see as wrong from the start.

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At least this isn't another example of, 'her radio volume was too loud' or, 'she wouldn't pass me the remote control', etc.

As people have stated it's understandable that a father looks out for and worries about his daughter. It is NOT, however, understandable nor justified that he took it to the utmost level and took the man's life. He'll suffer for that, and I'm sure he knows it, but it doesn't do the situation any justice. People need to reason and control their anger. THere were probably other ways he could have got his daugther to stop seeing the man, or perhaps tried to help them improve the man's situation if he couldn't stop her seeing him.

Either way, looks like it'll be another sad news day in Japan.

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Either way, looks like it'll be another sad news day in Japan.

Why so pessimistic? Look at the bright side.

How many 16 year old daughters are not dating 38 year old losers?

The father is in big trouble, but the daughter has a bright future ahead of her.

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my friend japanese is 22 when she dated a 42 year old japanese. what the..... 笑

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He'll get a light manslaughter charge. Seems to fit.

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The father is in big trouble, but the daughter has a bright future ahead of her.

What exact bright future do you see for her? She lost her supposed boyfriend and her father? No mention if the mother lives with them or not. Who is going to support her? Life just got a lot harder, where is the bright side for her?

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What exact bright future do you see for her?She lost her supposed boyfriend and her father?

Loss is a normal part of living. But she has not lost her cell phone, so there is still hope.

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Cicada: ah, I see, sarcasm. Have fun with that.

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with the easy availability of teenage girl owning a cell phone and the advancement of internet tech, like dating sites, it has become a huge problem in japan. parents should be able to unsubscribe the internet access...actually the cell companies should be able to turn of internet access if parents want it.

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Yusai Ueno should not stab Masahi Suazashi. Yusai was supposed to call the police to stop Masahi from seeing his 16 year old daughter. She is classified as an underage girl.

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I'm confused. Does Japan not have statutory rape laws like the United States does? I'm pretty sure that if that happened here, the guy would pretty much be thrown in jail if he so much as touched her, even if it was consensual. And the legal age of adulthood there is even older than here... can anyone clarify?

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i do it too, 38 to 16 that ia bad number

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i wonder where the mother was during all this...

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if i were him i would hope for a lay jury trial.

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The father is in big trouble, but the daughter has a bright future ahead of her.

yeah, she could get a job in a pink salon, then the world's her oyster!

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38 year old sounds like a sleaze, but did not deserve to be executed for it. That's for sure.

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doombird: I believe age of consent for 'women' is 16, but I could be wrong.

fds: "if i were him i would hope for a lay jury trial."

Exactly... the way the jury trials are going, and with the questions the jurors are asking, the guy will get a medal and the deceased will be charged.

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Light manslaughter charge for this, any Dad would know, you don't go around messing with his kids...

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'the age of consent' is very blurred in Japan. I am told it varies from prefecture to prefecture, and in some places in Japan its as low as 13. Even still, I am told it is rarely enforced. Not like statutory rape in the USA which is totally ridiculous 50% of the time. I understand its to protect 50 year olds from taking advantage of 16 year old. that's good. But I have heard of countless stories where a 17 year old boy got his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant. He was arrested for rape, and the judge ordered a restraining order, so that he could never see his baby ever again because he was now a sex offender. that's just plain stupid. But I have to say I choose Americans system over japan. where 12 year 'models' are almost the norm in places like Akiba.

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But I have to say I choose Americans system over japan. where 12 year 'models' are almost the norm in places like Akiba.

America's legal system or America's sex culture in general? I'd have to say the latter but not the former. Legally the American system is complete garbage, and that has nothing to do with the sexualization of children. How about preferring American mores and the Japanese legal framework?

Moderator: Back on topic please.

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I cannot blame Kumamoto-san one bit. I am sure that the bum that was dating the 16 year old child, wasnt seeking an intellegent conversation.

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I can't blame the father either, it was a fit of rage. he probably tried to talk to bum: and it goes like this;

Father: Look, you have no job, you are clearly older then my daughter....I do not approve and I'd advise to hit the bricks.

Bum/Dead beat/ Loser: Look man, I'm just trying to hit....she gives me your money, whatelse do i need...back up and shut up. Apparently she came to me because I am a better man then you.

Father: (turns, walks to the kitchen and grabs knife)wow, you really think so, hold on one second.....would like a beer?

Bum: sure, then i gotta go meet your daughter.

Father (walking back with knife and no beer): Here you go, you dirty...$%&%$(%&#$%(##* (as he stabs the loser multiple times)

Bum: Damn, why did i even come here.

Couple months down the road.....

Judge: how do you plead Lawyer/Father: Not guilty, temporary insanity

Judge: Ok, don't do it again, 18 months prison...suspended sentence. Go take care of your daughter.

End of story.

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This could be a case of temporary insanity; its up there with...you coming home after a long day of work and finding your wife making the O face with another dude wearing your bath robe and slippers, inside your kitchen, drinking your juice and smoking your cuban cigar, while watching your tv and holding your remote control in one hand and slapping your wife's bottom with the other.

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The_True wrote: i do it too, 38 to 16 that ia bad number

Hmmm... sounds like me in a few years... They grow up so fast, don't they?

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To : The_true & Bokudayo-

The both of you would end up like the bum.

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If the man had raped kumamoto's daughter and kumamoto killed that man. I will be very lenient of kumamoto if I was a juror. As a father, I would praise the kuma, since I would want to do the same, but probably dont have the courage.

In this situation, kuma just got out of hand. What if his daughter and the 38old man were in love? Or if that umemployed man hit the summer jumbo lottery and didnt have to work... Or because the daughter hated his father because he has been abusing her, physically or even sexually and the daughter wanted to get out of the house(not a mention about the mother in this article)... The pt im getting at is we don't know anything from this article. It's just wrong to assume the 38old man was a sleeze ball and kuma should get off easy just by reading this simple article.

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If you notice, I said i cant blame him, it was a fit of rage...and the rest went on as sarcasm.

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To : The_true & Bokudayo-

My bad...miss read it.

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So it's ok because his daughter was young and the guy was an unemployed bum?

Hope you fellas don't run into a gaijin-hating dad, then!

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It's not okay that he killed the guy, DEFINITELY not okay. But what was the guy doing with a 16-year old? It's hard not to assume less than the best about someone who's dating little girls.

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This case once again points out the need for Japan to revise its laws to permit ordinary citizens to carry arms. Had the boyfriend been armed with an automatic weapon, this never would have happened.

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Lesson 1: Never mess around with young girls especially if you can be her dad. Always seek her dad's permission first to show your sincerity. Chances are that this dead guy was out for some fun but I better not assume.

Lesson 2: Today's teenagers are also out for some fun what with pornography on the Internet. It is very difficult for daddies these days to control their little princesses.

Lesson 3: A crime is a crime. The old man better come up with a good reason for stabbing people. If he ends up in jail for a long time, the poor girl and family will lose a bread winner and a father.

Conclusion: Unless the father is by nature an aggressive person, otherwise my suspicion is that the other fella must have said something very provocative to warrant such a violent reaction.

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Absolutely fair enough. I'd do the same in that position.

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if i had a 16yr old daughter dating a 38 yr old man, i'd stab him too

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Defending your child through civil means is the first option always. If that fails seek legal means. If the system is incapable or unwilling to defend your child then you must act to do so on your own. But murder is never justified. There are many other ways to influence people to do the right thing.

If I had a 16 yr old daughter dating a 38 yr old bum guy, I would first politely ask him to cease and desist. If he failed to do so I would file any charges possible against him. If that failed he may just meet with an unfortunate late night accident leaving him in no mood to date for a while and an ultra-vivid warning of far worst things to come if he persists.

But I would nevery think to kill him. He may wish for death, but I would not grant such an easy escape to someone so worthless as to try dating children.

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khemet: "its up there with...you coming home after a long day of work and finding your wife making the O face with another dude wearing your bath robe and slippers, inside your kitchen, drinking your juice and smoking your cuban cigar, while watching your tv and holding your remote control in one hand and slapping your wife's bottom with the other."

Dude... unless you treat your daughter as your wife (and that presents other forms of sickness) it's not like that at all! Where some people get their allusions is beyond me.

stirfry: "If I had a 16yr daughter dating a 38 yr old man, I'd stab him too"

Perhaps. The only thing assured in that situation is that you'd rightfully go to the klink as this man should.

The girl is 16, and it's utterly disgusting that she was with such an older man, but that's no excuse to kill, nor is the fact that he was also jobless, etc. The girl needed a good, stern talk. Might not have worked, but I CAN say that within a year or so she would probably realize that there was something odd about her relationship compared to the girls her age who were dating highschool seniors, classmates, or college boys, and would simply dump the guy. The father had a right to be upset, but not to kill the guy.

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I agree with smithinjapan on this one. Yet might I add, this is japan. i know, the ol this is Japan excuse/logic.By that I mean, this is Japan 2009. That a 16 year old could/would meet a 38 year old on the internet and then start an affair really wreaks something wrong with this society. (ie no chances to meet people your own age, or very few non-pressure ones). If it were an 18 year old and a 36 year old, that would be bad enough, but subtract 2 to the younger and add 2 to the older, and we're talking very close to a criminal offense. In any event, unless your Jerry Lee Lewis and got tons of cash, an act and a talent, I don't get how this guy got to first base, or am I missing something? I don't by the harassement by father theory by the way.

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or am I missing something?

As some have hinted, the missing piece in this sordid puzzle seems to be the mother.

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Well, last time a mother killed her 5-years-old, she got only suspended prison. I don't think this guy should got any worse.

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I can't blame the guy. I might lose it to if my 16 year old daughter was dating and a guy only a year or 2 younger then me. That said, he should be punished for his crime. Not harshly, but definitely punished. Murder is not, and never should be the answer.

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Hahaha! Why is everybody so focused on age? Age is but a number, right? Judge by the contents of his character and all that?

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Hey lostrune2, can you add and subtract? We're talking about a 38-year old out of work, hunting the internet for some easy pickings dude, striking it up with a 16 year old chickadee, barely into her puberty, alright? 38-16=22, the guy is old enough to be her father, and she is still of an age of..... well if not, then maybe..... That's enough to make people focused, you don't agree? If the girl is 36 and the guy 58, that's a different story. So its not just the difference in ages, but the powerful meaning of dating a minor. Wouldn't you say? Or does that have nothing to do with it?

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This case once again points out the need for Japan to revise its laws to permit ordinary citizens to carry arms. Had the boyfriend been armed with an automatic weapon, this never would have happened.

errrr, let me think about that for a second....OK, done. "NO"

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isthistheend...I totally agree. Maturity vs. non-maturity.

This 38 year old guy sure sounds like a perv to me. Not to say he deserved to die as he did but he sure needed the law to nail him.

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A bleeding nose and a kicked ass would do it...

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Dad should have been more concerned that his sixteen year old angel was trolling for unemployed men twice her age on a cell phone dating website.


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Isn't it actually legal to date a 16yo in Japan, as long as it's not official prostitution? If so, the 38yo was innocent.

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Some of you guys need to seriously chill out and get off your high horses. I say so what if a 38 yr old bum was dating a 16 yr old girl. Who knows what might have happened. She might have got bored of him and dumped him, or it might have turned out to be a brilliant relationship. Japan is not a messed up society because 16 yr old girls date 38 yr old men. 38 is not old anyway! My grandfather was 32 when he met my grandmother and she was 16 and that was in 1902 and they were English and living in India. Should he have been stabbed for that or arrested and charged with something or was English society messed up? Worse things can happen I think.

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No way. If my daughter had a boyfriend 20 years her senior I would question the relationship as well. But I seriously doubt my daughter is that stupid. You have to question the upbringing of the girl from the get go and, given the current prediciment of her father, it goes to show that the parenting is questionable.

Still, I would be highly skeptical of such a relationship. I might not kill the guy but he would understand that any harm my daughter came to would be taken out on him tenfold. Then you just have to sit back and hope...

BTW, 1902 was a different time and culture. In that day and back for quite a while it was typical for a gentleman to go out and "establish himself" in the world and then look for a wife. So age differences of 10-15 years were common in the middle and upper classes. Marrying young was for laborers...

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I'm not sure I'd be too happy if I had a 16 y/o daughter and she was >dating a 38 y/o, but whatever, that's no reason to stab someone.

I agree. He should have just beaten him senseless so he never comes near her again.

This case once again points out the need for Japan to revise its laws to >permit ordinary citizens to carry arms.

You're right, the father would have shot the loser instead of stabbing him.

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Maybe the girl has a thing for older guys. She could be mature for a 16-yr-old, like some of you. Everybody has their own fetish; don't you guys and gals? Theirs just happened to match up. Haha!

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A lesson for 38-year old men, 16 will get you 20... or death by butter knife

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This case once again points out the need for Japan to revise its laws to permit ordinary citizens to carry arms. Had the boyfriend been armed with an automatic weapon, this never would have happened.

This is sarcasm, right?

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By the looks of all three of the folks involved in this, I would guess that they are all a bunch of hill-billies and trailer-trash.

The dead-man was an unemployed pedofile The 16-year old was attracted to older men The killer had a teen age daughter who had a fetish for uncle figures

So who the hell cares what happens to any of these people?

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Apparently you missed my point. I am saying that when it comes to someone disrepecting my family especially the women in my family, that person has to be dealt with. I dont know if I would murder them or whatever but there would be some sort of ramification. Granted my analogy was extreme but whatever. Please dont read into sh!t too hard. Relax.

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I just heard that the father had actually consulted with the police hours before he killed the guy... I wonder what kind of "advice" was given to the father from the police..

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the father actually visited a local police station hours before he killed the guy.. He even brought the 38-year-old guy with him to the police and said he wanted to talk to them about the relationship between his daughter and the guy!! This means that he actually went through the "appropriate" action to solve the problem... hmm.

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oops.. sorry, mistake.. the father didn't bring the guy, he CALLED THE POLICE STATION and told them he WANTED TO bring the 38-year-old man who was dating his daughter. I just read japanese article about the news..

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Damn, Memorex, how old are you?

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My girlfriend dated a 35 year old guy when she was 19, not a big difference. I dated a 37 year old when I was 21. I've been to parties where there are 18 year old girls with nearly 40 year old guys. Sometimes people just want to have some fun.

I can understand why the dad was upset. I would be too if my daughter was dating a 38 year old bum. Killing him is ... was just a bad idea. Geez, smack him around and toss him out and tell him never to come back until he gets a job. Don't slice and dice him and leave him to bleed to death.

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memorex just because your grandfather did it does not make it right.I was a 'mother Teresa' during my teen years and was seeing a man 18 years my senior. I thank my family for getting me out of that relationship. That large age gap is not alright for many reasons.

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Ha! You're selling yourself short. Who knows what wonders could've happened if it all worked out.

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lostrune2, what makes you think that? Really, some things do not work at all. Just being honest. Very glad it never worked. Maybe long time ago, and during biblical times, it was ok. Not now.

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If you think you're a good enough judge of character to have begun it in the first place....

Just sayin', if it all worked out. Obviously it didn't work out for a reason or another, so no wonders. But if it all did, then obviously lots of factors lined up together....

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When you are a teenager the head does not work properly lostrune2. I told you I was in a fantasy world. Not very different from this girl here. There should be some sort of protection for the young people. But the system here works in such a way, the naivity is exploited and money is even made from it, thanks to the cellphone dating site.

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Another domestic dispute gone wickedly wrong--people need to learn how to communicate with each other!!

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Umm... I would not call this a "domestic dispute". The 38-year old was not part of the family.

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If I'm not mistaken, isn't the age of legal sexual consent for a girl in Japan, like, 13 or something? I'm just putting that out there to point out that even though many of us have a hard time with a man of that age dating a girl that young (hell, even I disagree with it), his decision to have sex with a girl of that young an age is considered legal, at least in Japan. So while the father's actions are criminal, the daughter's boyfriend's were not.

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Most of the people here need to take a chill pill. Who cares if the guy is 22 years her senior. My current girlfriend is 29 years my junior. Should her dad beat me up? She enjoys experiencing more than she would with someone her own age. There is a good chance that this girl did too. And what is wrong with all the haranguing deai sites. Meeting someone in a bar in Roppongi or Namba is somehow better? There are slags anywhere you meet people. I hear about how dysfunctional people are for not meeting people 'the old fashioned way', but when you go to an all girls school or you work 60 hours a week, not because the culture is warped but because you are subject to an extremely high cost of living, meeting people might be hard unless you are trolling on the train. Dad was out of hand, pure n simple. Little girls need protection but there is a difference between protection and abusive control. The time for input was far before she was 16, if he cant trust her now, nothing he will do from here on out is going to make a difference. I have a 16 year old daughter and if she wanted to date a 38 year old guy I would say nothing about it as long as he had her home by 5:00 pm and he had no visible tatoos ; )

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Such an age gap means there's something wrong in their personalities. The girl is looking for a father-like figure, the guy is looking for a weak girl to dominate... Not a crime of course, but there's definitely some psychological problem. Normal people can deal with people their age. If you can't you go for a father-daughter like relationship. Not sure that's gonna work though...

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The 38 year old man that came over to the girls fathers house, and got into an argument with him was real foolish. Most fathers are natrually going to protect there daughter from dating an adult. This man dosen't want his daughter ending up in some porno industry shaming his family name. Many older guys in Japan try to recruit younger girls into that life style. The father was only protecting his daughter from being taken advantage of by some potential child molesting. Even if the 38 year old wasn't a pervert, you never go to the fathers home when he dispproves of you dating his under age daughter, that was a grave mistake. I personally would never meet a father of an under aged girl, your just asking to get stabbed, shot, or punched. Dating an under age girl has to be kept discreet. I'm not saying its OK either, but sometimes real love does happen, absent pervert intentions.

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An UNEMPLOYED 38 year old man at that .....this father should get a medal!

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May the girl go on to live a worth while life and appreciate what her dad has done for her.

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There is nothin wrong dating OLDER man/women...

But, as long as my daugther is living under my house, eating my food or using my money(like paying for cell phone bill). She needs to follow rules set out by the family. That includes "NO dating 18 & older".

If she has a problem with that. I would take away her cell phone previledges.... man...I hope it s that simple...

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May the girl go on to live a worth while life and appreciate what her dad has done for her.

Yeah, sure she appreciates the fact daddy has just murdered an innocent man who she was dating in cold blood, will spend the next 20 years in the slammer, and won't be there to support her through college and everything else. Give this guy Father of The Year!

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As long as he killed a man, no one will get too worried about it. If it were an older woman and younger man, it would be fine.

Young girls love to mess around with older guys. It's an old story. The only ones who have trouble with it are the families of the girls. They feel justified in ruining the guys life. (or in this case ending it)

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Like mansen said, there's nothing wrong with dating an older man or woman, but in this case the girl was only 16 and still living with her family. I would invite anyone out there who has or has ever had teenage children to imagine what YOUR reaction would be if you found out your sixteen year old daughter was going out with a man twenty-two years her senior. I can almost guarantee you would be furious with her, and equally if not more furious with the man in question. The differences in life experience for a sixteen-year-old and a thirty-eight-year-old are astronomical. That same age gap between, say, a thirty-year-old and a fifty-two-year-old is still quite striking but nowhere near as shocking as a grown man dating a teenager who hasn't even reached the age of maturity yet. Nine times out of ten, a relationship like that is borne for the thrill-factor, not the odds of finding a soulmate.

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Am I the only noticing that they have a tendency to die either immediately on the scene or they die 3-4 hours later in the hospital, they don't die within one hour or 10 hours or 5 hours its always within the 3-4 hour timelimit. Whats up with that?

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I cannot agree with any murder. I am likely to be there next week.

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Can't agree with the murder, but I can understand this Dad's anger. Its interesting that some postors here are defending the 38-year-old beau and saying that the 22-year difference isn't that big a deal. Did we miss something? The girl in question (yes, GIRL) is a minor - 16 years old. Now, were she 20 or 21, then, yes, by all means, let them go.....but 16? A High School Sophomore or Junior? Defenders of this relationship, are we missing something?

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Murder is wrong! Why was he murdered? He was killed by someone else in an obvious rage. We don't know anything about the victim. There's so little information given about the circumstances that it's impossible for any of us to really say anything remotely sensible.

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I still say so what if a 38 yr old guy was dating a 16 yr old girl? Whats the big crime? What awful things were going to happen to that 16 yr old girl? As if teenagers can't be little psychos to each other or even more so that the society that they live can't drive them nuts. She couldn't do much worse dating a guy her own age when it comes to taking a risk with what might happen to her in that relationship. Teenagers have proven to be just as capable as any adult of committing heinous crimes. So once again I say so what? Whys everyone treating teenagers like precious little things. You all think they are walking around with their hands over their eyes and ears and ignoring everything that is going on around them? Whats so dangerous about 38 yr old men? My beef is with murder. Murder is a crime too don't forget and the 38 yr old hadn't committed any crime if I am not mistaken. The only illegal thing that happened in this whole mess is that a 42 yr old guy stabbed a 38 yr old guy and killed him.

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