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© Thomson Reuters 2021.Former justice minister's wife gets suspended sentence for vote-buying
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© Thomson Reuters 2021.
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J land gives out suspended sentences like dangling modifiers.
Why is it that South Korea punishes people for political crimes and yet in Japan, they just get a slap on the wrist?
Why even bother?
is it true that all this money was coming from the current prime minister Suga?
shouldn't they charge Suga as well?
Only to the well connected.
These politicians are like cockroaches. Mark my words, they’ll both be back.
robert maes
And she still gets paid her lawmakers salary.. by us
"former justice minister guilty of vote-buying" Ironic is the job title.
Aly Rustom
Former justice minister's wife gets suspended sentence for vote-buying
suspended sentence- surprise surprise
excellent point
lawmaker wife of a former justice minister guilty of vote-buying., Anri 47, was sentenced to a jail term of one year and four months, suspended for five years, Once again called correctly those in politics in Japan part of the elite never go to jail. white collar crime always pays and you get no jail time. the untouchables.
Well, at least she was found guilty, which means she should lose her seat in the Diet too!
Bokuda - No, not Suga, Abe and the LDP. Abe was PM when all this went down.
Stop referring to them by their first names ! They are criminals and should be referred to by their surnames . Kawai the wife and Kawai the husband would suffice for those two.
they said already the source of the money, and they were just following directions from above.
is this the end?
nobody else is gonna be held responsible?
I wonder what would happen to me if I committed fraud to this extent...
I'm certain it wouldn't include a suspended sentence.
I can't see how they could justify giving the husband a suspended sentence. His fraud is many multiple times bigger. I guess we'll find out soon how much those special connections will benefit him.
Does a criminal conviction disqualify someone from standing for election in Japan? It should!
It’s a shame she won’t do any time, but at least her career and reputations are in tatters.
No investigation how the 150M yen (taxpayer money) the LDP shelled out to the Kawais was spent. It is obvious it was spent for the bribery yet the LDP big guns are untouchable.
If this is paying campaign staff, it is a very low level of corruption and will be nearly universal.
Joe Blow
Election fraud exists everywhere, case in point.
Sal Affist
Does anyone have access to a Japanese-language version? In order to get a suspended sentence, usually some remorse and cooperation are necessary. Did she plead guilty? The above article only mentions what happened at the time of her arrest. What did she and her lawyer say in court? And most important, will she testify against her husband?