Japan Today

Lawyer arrested for flashing woman on train in Kanagawa


Police on Wednesday arrested a 35-year-old lawyer for flashing a 27-year-old woman on a train in Kanagawa Prefecture. Hiroshi Sumiya, 35, was charged with indecent exposure on a JR Tokaido train between Yokohama and Kawasaki around 11:25 a.m.

According to police, Sumiya unzipped his pants in front of the woman passenger. Sumiya was caught by a 19-year-old vocational student who was sitting next to the victim. Police said he tried to run away as he was being taken to the stationmaster's office at Kawasaki, but staff held onto him until police arrived.

Sumiya was quoted as saying: “I was stressed out from work and got horny on the train.”

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“I was stressed out from work and got horny on the train.”

hahaha. brilliant defence.. must be one hellova lawyer..

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At least he's honest.

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He has shot his career over a blank load.

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haha, stressed out from work again (plus added horniness)

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Yeah, he's honestly going to do some time. Also, how do you let a 19yr stop you?

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At least wait until you get home. No self control.

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When did the 'I was drunk' excuse change to 'I was stressed from work' ?

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His career has taken attorney for the worse.

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Not from I was drunk- went to 'I was horny'. thats the new one, soon it will catch like wild fire.

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One would hope that he was too drunk to remember to say that he was drunk. Just think, if he was sober - now that would be scary.

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"Sumiya was caught by a 19-year-old vocational student"

The student took his picture? Grabbed his meat? What if Sumiya just put his meat back in his pants and zipped up? Their word against his...

"I was stressed out from work"

Yeah, aren't we all.

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getting horny on the train- i think he has touched on a very important issue

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He now has the opportunity to offer apologies for any misunderstandings and can sincerely reflect on his actions.

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Let's look at the positive side: he had stress at work, but at least he did not stab anyone

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one less lawyer...

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“I was stressed out from work and got horny on the train.”

May require expert's opinion as it is said that stress has 'depressing' effect and not 'stimulating' effect when it comes to sexual behavior.

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I guess he knew his rights when he was arrested. none. better just fess up.

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arrested for his apparent short comings I guess

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Spanishwoman at 02:18 PM JST - 24th July

Let's look at the positive side: he had stress at work, but at least he did not stab anyone

Not with a knife no, but maybe with something else if he wasn't caught

I tought a lawyer would know how to circumvent the law.

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if he hadn't been stopped, we would know of his circumvention

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His career has taken attorney for the worse.

Altria for "Best Pun-ist" award!

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Does this come under the penal code?

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Lawyer arrested for flashing woman on train in Kanagawa Let's be fair enough here. Of course he must have had some mental disorder that made him practice his "flashing talent" in the train. that is understandable. But I'm always flashed by young ladies riding their bicycles almost half naked. I need the help of that 19-year-old vocational student. Anyone who knows his where abouts should mail me.

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the lawyer for best "puny-ist" award

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Do people believe being stressed at work excuse their bad behavior? Do they expect sympathy? What about the millions of other workers here in Japan who are stressed, but don't stab people, expose themselves, or beat their classmates to death?

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You wanted a reason; whether it's true or not, he gave you one.

What if they put this guy on suicide watch and then he flashes the female jailer?

I can see where this thing is just gonna go on exponenchully.


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Its depend on the situation and person.They may have identified each-other or they have made disturbance to others.If this is reported by others, both has to be arrested for inquiry and if woman is true or the man did really flash at her also i don`t see any big matter or case.Now, there has to be mutual understanding between both or if women really want to make a case to flasher, the court can judge and can find the truth however this is seems just wast of time.

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Give him some jail time. Sure to be plenty of guys to help him with his horn problems....

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I have a couple of questions. Why is it that exposing yourself has such a negative sound and feel to it, yet streaking, is seen more as relatively harmless, by comparison?

Does anyone else see that or find it weird? It's funny how that works, I think.


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why charge him? no harm done. she saw nothing.

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Maybe the 19 yr old kid accidentally brushed up against it

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How do you know she saw nothing. Maybe she saw nothing BIG but ... This type of behavior goes on all the time by the way.Recently I asked a female student to give an impromptu speech as part of the "finals" and we were videotaping and everything, and she talke about how she was flashed while making a phone call just the other night by a slightly elder man than this 35-year old. And it goes back to the magazines and papers that are openly read on the trains. You know the ones. And how is exposing worse than streaking? Well streaking is for all to see in a spirit of uninhibited wildness, but flashing (perhaps) has a very direct intent, and therefore more offensive, if you will.

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What is with this "I was stressed at work" excuse? I understand stress, but I don´t see what either stabbing or flashing people has to do with it.

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Well yes WilliB of course you're right. I mean personally, I sometimes have days of major stress and aggravation at my japanese company. But I never feel the urge to get it out on the train or alternatively, go on a stabbing spree. I just go out running or go down to my boxing gym. But there are all sorts of people on this planet of ours, aren't there??

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Er... what became of the woman? Did she stand up and leave at the next stop?

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maybe he wanted to "stab" her or go on with a "stabbing spree" with his member....Er.did size matter in this case

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What's the deal about show casing their privates? Aside form some menatl instability, what do they get out of it?

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Was he wearing a bra?

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started having a go


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That was a huge public disturbance...

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I think flashing has a specific victim and streaking is just adolescent lunacy....

I wonder if this guy will represent himself? If he does I hope he doesn't flash the judge.

I have no idea why a guy would do that. I also have no idea why the women don't just respond with a well placed foot.

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He won't flash the judge unless he intends to call his member to the witness stand to testify :D.

Anyhow.. there is no reason why a guy would do that, anymore than there's a good reason people rape or streak or murder. That's all a lack of self control, and you will find this in any hyper-accelerated society.

I dunno what to say about why he didn't get foot-spammed in the groin, because he almost certainly would've had that happen, where I'm from. It could be that she was stunned or feeling close to that, and nobody does what they would think to do if they have the time when caught off guard, or maybe she was offended/intimidated entirely too much.

I could be wrong, but from what I've been told, the JP woman at large doesn't really go through their day with a defense mode or a self defense protocol.. which I also understand is being changed in a few ways. That could be why he went away from that totally uninjured :D.

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This happened to me in a slightly different way - my neighbor, while I was on the phone. I was looking out the window and he - you know. Oh, man, I laughed. I actually doubled up on the floor from laughing and told my friend on the phone what was happening. She would've dashed over to my apt. but she lived across town. I'm sorry, dude, you tooks your chances and you just happened to flash me. My friend told me to open the window and say, "I've seen bigger vienna sausage!" But I couldn't, I was laughing so hard. Just an FYI to the flashers - she may be offended, or she may double over from laughing.

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The natural evolution[?] Japanese boys come from a long, long tradition of being spoiled by their mothers. There relationships with women, of course, are based on their experiences with Mom. I think this type of thing is often promoted so you have to go back to the root to find the answer.

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this kind of thing happens hundreds of times a day in trains in Japan. Its not really newsworthy.

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“I was stressed out from work and got horny on the train. hahaha. Sumiya was caught by a 19-year-old vocational student who was sitting next to the victim. what about the real girl? And it she really a victim. It's weird if that happened to a guy. He wouldn't mind at all. Even more he would be considered a lucky guy.

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I was stressed out from work and got horny on the train.


Sumiya was caught by a 19-year-old vocational student who was sitting next to the victim.

what about the real girl? And it she really a victim. It's weird if that happened to a guy. He wouldn't mind at all. Even more he would be considered a lucky guy.

ps. testing if the quoting works right

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When I'm stressed the last thing I get is horney... This story is soo wrong...

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Stressed ..get some lotion, and wait till you get home...alone.

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