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© (c) 2015 AFPMan arrested after hiding in drain to peep up skirts
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In the gutter where he belongs!
pathetic is the only word that comes to mind....
You can't make this stuff up. Even more material for the Onion.
David Howell
Why did he not at least get a hair cut first?
Is this the kind of case that a police officer would struggle to remember?? ;-)
Alistair Carnell
He's lucky a Kobe taxi driver didn't stop his car and take a piss in said drain. Although, he may have enjoyed that too.
Jonathan Prin
Nuts, and even more nuts to confess your deeds.
Yeah, yeah, we get it, he was stressed from work.
Harmless comedian.
Aly Rustom
Just when I think I've heard it all....holy sh*t
I was just thinking, 'wasn't there a similar case a year or two ago?' and then I read it...not getting any smarter, is he?
Alex Einz
he needs to go to mental conselling
I second that. . . . along with nostromo's comment- "pathetic".
Ffs, now I have to clean the coffee of my screen.
I've seen a lot of ojiisans here who take a slash in public. One of them could have easily done the nasty above this drain and this pervert would have had nowhere to run to.
Who would be a copper, imagine the smell after this chap had spent some time in the cells.
Words fail me, really. But in all seriousness, this man has some serious, serious issues. With so much porn readily and legally available, why on Earth would anyone squeeze himself into a tiny space for hours on end with the forlorn and disturbing aim of taking pantyshots? And it's not even a one time offense either, which would have been already strange, it's a repeated case.
He needs some therapy.
I've been in Japan for years now so it's really hard to surprise me with this stuff these days... but dayum Pavement Pete...
Commodore Shmidlap (Retired)
Has he not tried to get a job as a shoe salesperson?
Mirai Hayashi
Taking the express "mind in the gutter" to a whole new extreme
Kobe White Bar Owner
Like what Pukey2 said but i was thinking of the old men who drop the cigarette butts in the drain. or some heavy rain to wash this filth away.
Kira Minaki
"I want to be reborn as part of pavement in the next life".
I think I would rather see him literally being part of a pavement honestly...
A.N. Other
What did I just read?
Yep…what did we just read?
human cockroach!
Aly Rustom
Or Victoria's Secret.
A.N. Other
As evidenced by his singing of Shady Lane, Conduit for Sale! and Cut Your Hair from beneath the drain cover.
I don't mind a bit of Californian Indie rock, either.
Aaron Lloyd Brummett
There are too many things wrong here to even begin!
Truth is stranger than fiction. It's almost like somthing from a Monty Python sketch.
What a country!
He is just the mule, er, worm, doing what it takes. Someone will be paying him good money for the shots and then, who knows how many viewers will be happy to watch them?
LMAO! Man I love Japan. Just when you thought you seen and in this case heard it all.
When I hear the word "nuisance" I just think "annoying". So what type of sentence does a person get for being annoying? A lecture then released back to the wild?
Stewart Gale
Grade A weirdo.
Being in such a confined spot for hours at end must be physically draining.
He probably gets bragging right too in front of the competition.
"Hey man, how do you get such great shots?"
Modestly, "It's a trade secret."
As I suggested above, we may be missing the forest for the tree.
August to November! To investigate a drain grate pervert!
How many yen were spent on that???
Welcome to Japan!
Brian Wheway
if the grates are metal, weld it up and leave him.
Good grief, didn´t this freak get his punishment already? Hiding in the gutter.... and I thought I´d heard it all...
"LMAO! Man I love Japan. Just when you thought you seen and in this case heard it all."
I agree, what a deranged country, right ? Why can't crazy people in Japan be like in the US, for instance, pick up guns and slaughter people in shopping malls ?
Here we go again, the usual stories about crazies in Japan, expertly curated by the journalists extraordinaire of Japantoday and sure to get heavy internet traffic.
The thing is that stories about deranged individuals in countries like the US usually evolve around them shooting people in shopping malls. That story is pretty harmless in comparison.
What's in for tomorrow : number of suicides in japan on the rise vs antidepressant consumption at record high in the US ?!
Ah, the joy of exotic cultures...
Ha, just put a wireless camera there; didn't have to personally be there
lostrune, you'd think.
Maybe he likes the personal touch, even if it means having a wad of your hair yanked out.
Polar Cities
Fetishes are for fetishizing fethishists who lack a knack for slacking off in a more shivilized way. This guy has seen better days.
This boy needs to get his head out of the gutter and into a nice warm place, before he gets hurt.
Guess he learned this from the JFK shooter?
This article is pure gold.
You just can't make this stuff up... is there any other country on earth where a similar crime would take place?
It's winter. It's cold. Women wear thick tights under their skirts anyway. Big deal.
The Onion can't use it. It would muddle the picture for their fake news stories. At least now when people get outraged at a news article on The Onion, everyone can cry out "BAKA!" in unison over their gullibility. If The Onion starts reporting REAL news, then things aren't so clear anymore.
just when you thought the weirdness could get any weird. there are some seriously messed up minds in this country
Too much work and overtime lead to this.. tsk tsk tsk
Now why didn't I think of that.
I watched a TV show about the police arresting people who do this kind of stuffs, and it is really rampant in Japan. The place was a temple in Kyoto and they arrest/apprehend people everyday for taking stolen pictures of women and their underwear. It's almost everyday! The one they apprehend was a 30 year old man living on his parents house, and he had literally a PC full of videos he had taken, an external hard disk that is also full of pictures/video, and his camera was specialized for that purpose alone. Which is really scary.