Police on Tuesday arrested a man in Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, on suspicion of attempting to kidnap two elementary school girls with the intent to commit obscene acts. Police said the 58-year-old unemployed man, identified as Kiyotaka Miura, took the third grade girls by the hand and led them as far as the front door of his home on Oct 3.
Police said the girls told them that Miura approached them on a road near his house and said, "Give me a kiss. Why don't you come play at uncle's house?" before grabbing them both by the hand.
According to police, Miura has denied there was any lewd intent behind his actions.
© Compiled from news reports
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Sounds as if he was up to no good, but the question is how do know he was intent on committing obscene acts?
Miura, took the third grade girls by the hand and led them as far as the front door of his home
What or who stopped them from entering?
“Give me a kiss. Why don’t you come play at uncle’s house?” This pick-up line works about 80% of the time with 20 to 40 year old women here.
"Give me a kiss?" said the 58 year old stranger to the 8-9 year old little girls.
How do we know he was intent on committing obscene acts???! This alone is obscene - as far as a mother would be concerned at least.
I would like to know how come he got them as far as the front door but they didn`t go in. Did they escape? Were they being dragged against their will?
kirakira25; Would a kiss on the cheek be obscene?
I guess once he got to the door he had to let go of their hands to open the door and they ran away. Stupid obscene man outwitted by 8-9year old girls. Well done.
I'll wager that proposing to kiss a young girl(or maybe even kissing her on the lips) isn't against the law in Japan.
I read an article recently about how to train kids to deal with pedophiles. Basically, parents need to rehears the situation with their kids on what to say and do. It may seem cruel exposing too much of the real world to them, but it makes sense if you want to make sure they don't come close to falling victim to freakoids like this.
what so ever Thank God the girls are safe. Search his home and u will find the answer. Child pronograpy photos and posters. Stolen women underwear and shoes.
@bababooey; you are right.
Right?! What happened at the front door that the girls didn't enter? He was arrested for what actually? Oct 3? Arrested Now? Kidnap? I agree that it's great that no harm was done to the girls, but a little more info would be great.
Has it occurred to anyone that this could be early onset senile dementia? Or possible Alzheimers?
I see a lot of grandparents picking up their grandchildren from school and walking them home, and if this fellow was confused and mistook these children for his relatives then his comments and actions would seem entirely in character.
I'm not saying this is definitely the case, merely that a trip to hospital to check for signs of early onset dementia or alzheimers would seem to me to be more logical than locking up and harassing (hours of questioning, threats, etc) an old man who may well not be completely in his right mind and would be terrified.
If this guy has dementia or alzheimers then questioning his family, friends or neighbours would be a logical first step to see if he's known for acting erratically or irrationally.
This sort of "training" needs to be handled very delicately or you risk scarring your child for life and sexualising even the most innocent gestures. The UK discovered this the hard way. Done incorrectly this can result in children realising that if they yell "he touched me" (or threatening to do so) they have tremendous power... and children are no little angels when it comes to getting their way. Children also lack any understanding of the long-term consequences of their actions, so if a teacher is strict with them they may perceive it as a fair reprisal. It got so bad in some places that many schools had to install cameras so that teachers could prove their innocence.
I grew up with the standard, "Don't talk to strangers, don't go anywhere with strangers" advice, and it works well. It doesn't traumatise the child simply makes them aware that not everyone is trustworthy. A little dose of caution, and entirely age-appropriate. The other line that sticks in my head from my childhood is, "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do", and that was repeated very often, and stopped me getting into any manner of stupid things, like caving to peer pressure, or even pressure from teachers to engage in sports that I thought were stupid.
It really isn't necessary to make these sort of warnings pedo-specific.
"Police said the 58-year-old unemployed man, identified as Kiyotaka Miura, took the third grade girls by the hand and led them as far as the front door of his home"
I think Peter Jackson should make a movie like this. He could call it Lovely Bones, and have S. Tucci play 58 year old unemployed man. I think it might be a popular movie.
Anyone who thinks this was all about innocent cuddling could then go and watch the movie and see what they think.
I couldn't agree more, the "Don't talk or go with strangers" is some of the most sound advice that a child can be given and also to add onto that I was taught "take take presents from strangers, that includes candy" I wish that Japanese parents would teach their kids these lines of advice it might save children years of torment.
@paulinusa YES!!!!!!!!!!!! are you crazy. was he related to them. was he their real uncle. Then the answer is YES YES YES. I never ever touch any of my female students in any way. A pat on the head or the back. They poke my gut all day long. think I poke back. No way. a kiss on the cheek. I would fire myself.
The girls were smart to find out were he lived....eh!
Another sicko
A kiss on the check from a much older stranger, with a comeon line like 'Let's play with the old man' as he grabbed your hand and pulled you toward his house? How can that be construed as obscene? /sarcasm
@frungy @babahooey This is indeed a very delicate balance. In Japan they tend to dive right in. Went to pick up my daughter from the kindergarten (hoikuen) one day when she was 5. The teachers and a policeman were in full flow about "stranger danger". Pretty over the top stuff and she was terrified to walk around the streets even with me after that. They had even been warning about perverts (chikans) on trains. A bit unecessary I thought but then again so much goes unreported here who knows how much really goes on. Maybe the kindergarten knows more than me
Honestly under-reporting is the main issue in my opinion. The solution is not to terrify kids with scenarios about chikan and pedos, but rather to have regular discussions with your kids about what they did that day, and make it clear that no topic is off limits.
Good old traditions like sitting down together for dinner, with the TV off and no books or nintendos allowed, seem to have gone out of fashion, and those really hamper communication. I know I'm a bit guilty of it. I get in the door from work and I have a ton of stuff to do, like making supper, making sure everyone puts their stuff away properly, etc. But when all that is done we all sit down to dinner together and discuss the day for at least 30 minutes. Is 30 minutes really too much to ask? I know that when I was a kid all sorts of stuff came up during these dinner-time discussions, and when I got older they turned to philosophy, science, current affairs, etc. Basically anything was allowed provided that the discussion was civil and no-one threw any food to punctuate their points ;). As a kid though it was my parents' window into my world at school, the bullies I had problems with, the teachers (who were often idiotically wrong, like insisting that negative numbers didn't exist, when I knew very well that they did, etc), and allowed my parents to keep tabs and intervene where they felt necessary.
I think that the Japanese schools do have one thing right, which is that they conduct interview with the kids once a term to see how they are, unfortunately I also think this is too infrequent and it should be once a month or whenever a red flag goes up (kid looking tired, depressed, anxious, etc).
Any 58 year old stranger kissing or attempting to kiss my 8 year old daughter on the cheek or anywhere else without my knowledge and BOTH mine and my daughters permission I would construe as obscene. Sorry! Maybe I am overprotective of my daughter, and if so, I am more than happy to finance the therapy she will need in years to come. Right now my main priority and I believe responsibility is to protect her from perverts like this guy.
@michaelqtodd - you are right, a LOT goes underreported here, like the little girl I knew last year molested in a park. Her parents didnt want to report it and bring shame on the family. She was 7. They havent gotten her any help and she remains traumatised. The only reason I know is that my friend was a witness to the guy disappearing with her. Unfortunately she had her own kids to watch and by the time she realised what was going on it was too late.
He should have used the old pull the lolipop on a string technique while hiding in the bushes.
Hats off to Frungy for talking sense.
The trouble with the "don't talk to strangers" line is that most strangers are not only neutral, but also good samaritans. The "stranger danger" thing is a myth. You got more to fear from your own family and friends. Japanese schools tell kids that if they have any trouble with strangers, they should run to another stranger or even a stranger's house. Think about it: a kid knocks on your door complaining of being followed. Anyone would too surprised by that to get any funny ideas, even the few who might otherwise have some. Meanwhile the creep will head for the hills. And any random two adults who don't know eachother will keep eachother in line. The answer is more strangers, not less, and definitely not one. Usually the trouble is that the parks have ONLY kids, or only one parent (who might be suspect). Had these girls yelled for help and had there been strangers around, its unlikely it would have gone that far.
Of course children should be taught --'Don't talk to strangers' but most child molesters are known to their victims so kids also need to learn what is appropriate touching and what is not. I'm so glad these two girls got away. It might be helpful to know how they got away.
Elbuda Mexicano
This is 1 sick bastard from Kagawa! I hope they can hang him from his HUEVOS!
"58-year-old unemployed man"
He'd have had to retire in just a couple more years anyway.
"with the intent to commit obscene acts"
This is likely. But not proven.
If he'd waited 3 more weeks, he could have claimed he was tricker-treatin' 'em!
LOL 58 years old and still referring to himself as an ojisan. You need to add another vowel in there, gramps.
Of course? Just because? I think a smarter message would be to not let strangers talk to or approach them. The trouble is making a child understand the difference. "Don't talk to strangers" is to broad and becomes a message of fear as well as being counter-productive. This story is typical. It was not that the kids talked to a stranger. It was that a stranger approached them. They probably could have avoided him quite easily.
Sorry talking2U, but if there's one thing I've learnt when dealing with kids it's, "Never set an impossible rule". The kids can't stop a stranger from approaching them. It's simply impossible, unless you'd like them to run away from every stranger, and spend their days stepping off the sidewalk and into oncoming traffic to avoid getting near strangers. Now that's the very image of "counter-productive" and "a message of fear".
However, "Don't talk to strangers", is eminently possible. Sure that guy walking past them in the street may turn and talk to them, but to obey the rule they just have to ignore them and keep on walking.
Don't ask the kids to do something that's impossible, it creates fear and anxiety when they can't do it, and undermines your authority and their trust in you, because you asked them to do something impossible.
As a mother, id have to pimp slap a man like this, and my child would NEVER NEVER EVER walk home from school with just other children at such a young age, yes, stranger danger IS important, I believe its best to teach a child buddy systems and the power of numbers, I was asaulted by a stranger at 15, and I know the dangers, numbers is your best bet. Sick discusting men like this deserve to burn.