Police in Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture, have arrested a 36-year-old man after he was caught in the women’s area at a public bathhouse early Sunday morning.
According to police, Hiroshi Nakaoka, who is a high school teacher, entered the women’s area of the bathhouse at around 12:10 a.m. Sunday, Fuji TV reported. He was wearing a long wig, make-up and had a towel wrapped around his body to hide his male features.
However, a woman bather thought there was something strange about him and summoned an employee who detained Nakaoka until police arrived.
© Japan Today
This is a cisgender heterosexual man who wanted to peek at women in the bath, and thought he could wear a wig to disguise himself.
Thankfully, He didn't enter the man section..
How do you know?
People never cease to amaze. I’m sure his employment will be terminated but was he teaching sexual diversity at his high school?
Might be trans. If so, hope he/she is ok.
This is a cisgender heterosexual man who wanted to peek at women in the bath, and thought he could wear a wig to disguise himself.
Yes ! How do you know ? !!!!
Concerned Citizen
Without details it's difficult to know the man's circumstances.
However, it does highlight the fact that most women and girls don't want biological men to enter thier safe spaces. Thier rights to privacy must be respected.
Aly Rustom
I swear- just when you think you've seen it all...
Nippori Nick
No one saw it all..he was wearing a towel !
"Mr. Nakaoka?
Um, the principal would like to see you in his office."
Now having been terminated, he'd like to go home and live with Mom and Dad, but how does he explain it? Hmm...
Michael Machida
"Man arrested after wearing wig to enter women’s bathing facility"
I agree. He just wanted to peep. Easy case to break.
We can't be sure of that, but wearing a wig to get in looks suspicious. In my experience, transgender people tend to look their gender in real life, not just when going bathing, but none of us were there or know the person (I think).
12:10 am I don't think he was actually expecting to find anybody in there most places I have been to close earlier than that. Sounds more like a cross dresser.
can not understand why he has been arrested. where is the crime???
Bjorn Tomention
Another god damn teacher, they really are in a class of their own aint they !
If he just wanted a peek, 12:10 AM is probably not the right time for it.
I am surprised someone was there at the bathhouse at that time!!
Although we don't know the full story, I tend to agree with girl in tokyo. A transgendered woman just wouldn't feel comfortable going to the public baths before complete surgery. Going to the bogs is another thing because there are private cubicles. I just think he's a dirty perverted straight guy. Could be wrong.
12:10am I doubt if you find any young attractive women in the bath at that time. Now you might come across a bunch of old women drinking Gin, Smoking Cigars and scratching their Butts at 12:10am. Bottom line I guess is he was caught.
Actually, a very amusing story.
Do the hustle
I’m probably going to go to hell for laughing at this. And, he is a high school teacher? Way to go loser! Bwahaha!
People wonder why women still a have to fight for their own space.
For me seems more like some incels or the like activists wanting infringe in improvement of trans rights. That is the kind of stuff they like to imagine doing perhaps one just decided to go for it.
Tips for why it doesn't look like a trans given earlier by other : wing and make up. They are kind of in the way if you genuinely want to wash yourself. And trans will not be so keen to go to a place where they would be seen as what they are not.
Not like the issue of trans and bathhouse are not one that should be addressed just that now there are too many people too interested in other people body, even without that regard, lets just be no-average looking in a average looking one to feel curiosity look on you from some.
Comment, he wrote
I highly doubt a trans person with male ‘features’ (as is written) would even want to enter a female bathhouse in just a towel.
And do women enter a bathhouse in makeup? Seems like a cisgender perv not thinking about these things.
He tried to turn his fantasy into reality. I guess he made his dream come true for a few minutes. It must be a crime of some kind to do what he did.
In other words.....an idiotic perv!
That moustache, beard, leg hair and unusual bulge in the front of the towel can be a dead giveaway sometimes.
"a woman bather thought there was something strange about him and summoned an employee"
I suspect that if a 36 year old woman went into the men's area, nobody would have "summoned an employee" - even if she took off her towel...
After the end of WWII, the staunch Christian American general in charge, banned mixed bathing. Before it was normal for Japanese families and friends to bath together.
Dont you love religion...
Fanny Greene
Staff were suspicious when he had clammy hands
Once had a naked woman walk into the male part of the onsen I was in - nobody complained though...
@kurisupisu Today 02:44 pm JST:
Haha. You can say that again! :‑)
Thomas Tank
It's great that we had an eye-witness to add more depth to this article!
Thomas Tank
I've seen plenty of girls in the men's bath at the onsen. (Saying 'male part' sounds weird.)
I've seen women walking into the gents while everyone's peeing and no one says a thing about it but when the situation is reversed, it's a criminal offense..so much for gender equality i guess..
The tale of the tail!
The employee should of shown this person to the men's side. Getting the person arrested was not needed. Usually only Americans have hang up about who is in whose bath.
Concerned CitizenJan. 25 07:54 am JST
I'm terribly sorry, but I must politely and gently inform you that a cisgender man entering a women's bath specifically to sexually assault women is completely unrelated in any way to the issue of transgender women who use such facilities for their inteneded purpose.
I also must politely and gently remind everyone here that prejudice and discrimination against transpeople is compltely unaceptible in a tolerant and enlightened society.
I must also put forth the considered and gentle opinion that it is cisgender men who are the perptrators of sexual harassment ,sexual assault, and other types violence towards women.
The most important question: was he wearing a mask?
Thomas Tank
I missed the part where the man assaulted someone. I also could not find any reference to the man's mental state of mind. How do you know he identified as a woman?
Thomas Tank
Prejudice OR discrimination against anyone is compltely(sic) unaceptible(sic). Or are you asking for some kind of special treatment?
Thomas Tank
Only men? Surely you want to clarify! Surely some women also commit violence towards women as well! Surely you meant MOST violence.
Back on topic please.
However, a woman bather thought there was something strange about him and summoned an employee who detained Nakaoka until police arrived.
A high school teacher, none the less, Sigmund Freud would be falling over himself to nail this wigged/made up tutor to his couch.
What was strange, he displayed an irritating male pedagogue demeanor, or perhaps he forgot to shave his armpits, it had size 15 feet?
I know, he was missing to two essential gender defining features, go on hazard a guess?
In the women’s area at a public bathhouse, without these two items nature provides from birth, without any doubt, amount to a bathhouse deal breaker.
His Mother is going to slap the back of his legs for sure.
Thomas TankToday 03:15 pm JST
Well, if you don't think that sneaking into a bath to oogle someone without their permission as a kind of sexual assault, then well... shrug. I really got nothing to say to you, except that you should probably stay away from women.
Thomas Tank
Did the article say he was there to oogle(sic) anyone?
And no, I don't think he sexually assaulted anyone. Why? Because the article did not report that he sexually assaulted anyone.
Furthermore, ogling someone is not sexual assaut.
You "really got nothing to say" to me because you realize I'm right.
Thomas TankJan. 26 10:30 pm JST
You know, you might be right!
I bet he was there to get a recipe for strawberry shortcake.
What other possible reason would a cishet man want to sneak into a women's bath by disusing himself as a woman? Obviously he was afraid the ladies wouldn't share their recipes if they thought he was a man.
We women need to be more generous with our recipes to prevent this kind of terrible misunderstanding from happening!
Thank you so very very much for the enlightening and scintillating conversation!