Japan Today

Man arrested for abandoning wife’s body in car


Police in Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture, have arrested an unemployed 39-year-old man on suspicion of corpse abandonment after his wife was found dead inside a car.

According to police, Daisuke Ogawa, a resident of Midori Ward in Chiba City, allegedly abandoned the body of his wife Yukie, 35, in the rear seat of the car at around 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sankei Shimbun reported. The vehicle was found on the sidewalk of a road along the coast in Ichihara City.

According to police, Yukie’s neck showed visible signs of strangulation and several days had elapsed since her death.  

The body was found after police received a phone call from a passerby who said there was a car on the sidewalk. A man in his 40s who resides in the same apartment building as the couple was quoted by local media as saying, “I would often see the two of them go for a drive in their car. They appeared to have a good relationship, and I never heard them argue.”

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Unemployment has destroyed many relationships.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

 They appeared to have a good relationship, and I never heard them argue.”

My ex-wife would always be about image outside the house - people thought everything was good.

Not saying this woman was the same. But you just never know what is really going on behind closed-doors.

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