A 22-year-old man was arrested Friday after it was found he was abusing his 5-year-old stepson by burning the bottom of his feet with a lighter, punching him in the face, and throwing him about the room.
According to police, Daiki Ishihashi of Funabashi continuously abused his son between late January and mid-February, leaving him with moderate injuries. The boy is from Ishihashi's 28-year-old wife's previous relationship.
A teacher at the boy's kindergarten noticed the injuries on his body and notified child welfare officials. Ishihashi has admitted to the charges, police said.
© News reports
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Is it just my imagination, or a lot of these child abuse cases committed by non-biological parents?
The wife should be in jail too for allowing it to happen.
5-10 yrs in the state pen where Im from... the Japanese, indeed are children to 30-40, but the lack of empathy and welfare for a child who is not their blood is doomed. Call Brad Pitt and lock this POS up...
It's a crime that the mother didn't step in, but it's a worse crime to actually perpetrate violence on a child. Kudos to the teacher! @illsayit: are you really defending the 22-year-old abusive man? Wow.
The boy is lucky that the teacher noticed the injuries, the abuse could escalate just to make the him suffer.
I mean "the abuse could escalate just to make him suffer".
No, it's not your imagination. Abuse by step-parents is not an unusual situation in any country. They often have no emotional attachment to the child, so if it annoys them and they have poor impulse control, abuse results.
Please lock this "man" in a room with a few upcoming UFC fighters for 10 minutes. He can experience what it is to be thrown around a room for a while...
fussagaijin, exactly!
Elbuda Mexicano
Horrible! 22 years old and has the brains of cockroach! This stupid step father should have a good time in jail, for a long, long time. How I wish these scummy Japanese no good child abusers could be put in a nice American jail, where we know how to treat child abusers. They would have a great time with this scum bag! I feel so sorry for this innocent 5 year old boy. His mother sounds like a real winner too, 28 years old and shaking up with a 22 year old looser? She must also have cockroaches for brains!
Wow, child abuse really upsets me, but what is equally disturbing is the general thinking that more violence is the answer.
He MUST be locked away for life. No second chances - let him rot away, the filthy maggot.
i wonder if the mom still has custody of the boy. there's a possibility that she will start being abusive toward him, if she hasn't already, because she might blame him for her husband's arrest. it's best for the boy to be in foster care.
Hats off to the sensei for taking action:))
I know a person that burned the bottom of a kids feet with mosquito coils.
It may sound better if the words "he" or "she" are used instead of "it" to refer to a child.
Many such issues were repoprted in the last three years. Government isn't doing anything about. I agree to the fact that both mother and father should be locked up for while to make them think what life is all about with children.
How I wish these scummy Japanese no good child abusers could be put in a nice American jail, where we know how to treat child abusers
My sentiments exactly, buda. But then again..we all know how messed up I get with this articles about child-abuse/child-murder. There's nothing I despise more than pieces of human garbage like this MF abusing, torturing and damaging small children for their own amusement.
what i want to know is why are there so many child abuse cases in Japan lately it seems atleast once a week I am hearing about a new child abuse case or more on an old case, it's sickening give these children to somebody who wants them don't kill them or beat them..there are so many people out there who would except those children with open arms and warm hearts.
How could this boy's mother not have known that her child was being tortured? If the teacher could see the injuries, the boy's mother certainly should have. Both of them are guilty. The punishment should be loss of custody of this child, a lengthy jail term, and compulsory sterilization.
Jonobugs "Wow, child abuse really upsets me, but what is equally disturbing is the general thinking that more violence is the answer." Well, yes, it is the answer!
So why get together with the mum if he knew she has a kid from a previous relationship? So he can use the kid as a punching bag?
I just think women with kids should be mindful of who they choose as partners. Seriously, it's common sense.
I have to wonder, if she's 28 and he's 22, if the the mom is working and the step-dad is the one primarily taking care of the kid.
Elbuda Mexicano
Thank you KyokoSmilesan! I feel the same way if this horrible step father was Mexican, black, white, purple, blue, no matter his race or color, I have to say, these child abusers are scum and do not need to be around innocent children. Imagine, these horrible men, do this to their own children, what will they do to other people's kids? Thank God this little boy was saved by his brave teacher.
Thank goodness the kindergarten teacher did the right thing and reported it. He/she saved this boy from more abuse and possibly even saved his life. Hopefully other teachers will be more aware after hearing about this news.
Such men are disgusting, despisable and sick. So sad.
To abuse a little boy such way is horrible. I hope he gets many years in prison! And I pray little boy is better future!