Japan Today

Man arrested for assaulting U.S. Marine in Kanagawa


A man was arrested in Ayase City on Friday, accused of assaulting a U.S. Marine from Naval Air Facility Atsugi at around 11 p.m. on Jan 2. Yu Saiki, a 28-year-old resident of Ayase City and president of a building company, is accused of punching and kicking the 28-year-old private, breaking a bone in his face that will take one month to heal.

Police said the private was returning to the Naval Air Facility Atsugi after drinking with colleagues, when he realized he had lost his sunglasses. He headed back and was searching for them, when Saiki called out to him from outside his home and claimed the Marine had hit his dog, and kicked and punched the private, police said.

Saiki said the Marine had hit him first, but security cameras captured footage of the incident which showed the Marine never hit Saiki.

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Hahaha! Nice try, Saiki, but it appears your grudge against whomever the powers that be won't win you any prizes this time. I'm happy to see, for a change, that an incident involving a US military service-person was actually not committed by him/her. Thank god for the camera, though, otherwise people probably would have jumped to Saiki's defense first (some probably still will).

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Will have to refrain from condemning all Japanese for the action of one.

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"assaulting U.S. Marine"

The guy must have a death wish.

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Yet another crime involving a Marine.....When will these Japanese finally learn how to behave themselves.

Curfew ON.

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28 years old and President of a building company...Starts in Y and ends in aaaaah!

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Broken bones and never hit back? I think that the marine showed a commendable self-control, that I doubt that I can emulate under the same circunstances.

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My guess is that the marines have been grilled on not getting into any confrontations with a zero tolerance policy. He was very lucky indeed that the incident was caught on camera.

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Broken bones and never hit back? I think that the marine showed a commendable self-control, that I doubt that I can emulate under the same circunstances.

what? did it ever cross your mind that the marine was incapable of fighting back against a superior opponent?

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This whole story is weird. Why does anyone need to wear sunglasses at 11:00 pm? Were they government issue? If not, what's the point of trying to appear like Joe Cool in a backwater like Ayase?

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Beelzebub: Did it occur to you that he might have left the base earlier when the sun was still out. Do you think he should have just written off the sunglasses even if he knew where they were? As you suggest, they might have been ballistic glass (as required in Iraq) and cost a couple hundred dollars.

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what? did it ever cross your mind that the marine was incapable of fighting back against a superior opponent?

No, I think that a marine is human trained with the pourpouse of killing another human even if he is outgunned and/or outnumbered. I am complimenting him for not fighting-back a weaker civilian even in self-defense.

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my guess is, the marine was sucker punched then this wacko laid into him while he was concussed. That would fit the bill of a young Japanese guy.

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It is good that the action was caught on CCTV. The assaulted non-Japanese would have had virtually no chance of proving he didn't hit the instigator of this attack. As many other posters have noted, the victim did well not to resort to violence. It does appear that the assailant is practised in the art of violence, he broke a person's bone. Nose? Jaw? Perhaps it was better to live to fight another place. Who called the police?

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This story is typical of the Japanese society being a bunch of drunks and violent people. That and being prejudiced against those that do not look japanese.

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Broken bones and never hit back? I think that the marine showed a commendable self-control,

Or he was too pissed drunk to realize what was going on.

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wow... You almost never read any thing like this... Well hope mr. Yu Saiki, (28) from Ayase city watches his back... It won't go unanswered...

I'm trying to get an idea where this might have happened... And security camera's... That's awful quick to get camera footage and arrest the guy..

Usually these things can take months to figure out even if you have in on camera, unless it happened right outside the base, where it was caught by base security cameras...

Anyone know any details..?

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Semper Fi. Hope you make a full recovery aoon.

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kicked and punched the private

Sounds rather painful...oh-that`s his rank

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I've seen too much bad behavior by the US Marines and others from the services to believe the Japanese guy did it randomly. Most likely this Japanese man had had some sort of problems with the Marines wandering drunkenly in his town before. Something probably set him off.

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This Ayase J dude is lucky he did not get into a fight with Marines down in Okinawa, but this whole story sounds wierd, Atsugi is a US NAVAL base, not a Marine base, what the heck was a leather neck doing around an octupus joint?

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Atsugi is a Naval Air Station. It would support Naval and Marine avation squadrons and support units. Not strange at all that he would be stationed there.

I'm also glad that the Private did the right thing by not retaliating to the attack from his host nation's national.

Here is the part that may be lost on some but sure needs to pointed out to the usual Military basher crowd on J.T.

The Private did the right thing when he thought nobody was looking.

Turns out somebody was after all. He is the rule not exception and glad to see it cught on camera for all to see on this one.

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There are a few Marines here in Atsugi. I have been here a while and am a former Marine.

As far as you who automatically look for the fault of the Marine, don't. He did good, and the japanese guy is a notorious Yak. You can see him just near the base every morning in his bling blind escalade.

Do the right thing even when no one is looking. That is what the Marine obviously did. I am glad someone was looking anyways.

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I'm also glad that the Private did the right thing by not retaliating to >the attack from his host nation's national.

If he was drinking, the best thing he could have done, would be just to ignore the guy and walk away... Good old-fashion common sense... But considering he was a Marine, it doesn't really surprise me that he didn't just walk away...

Now, I've been in this area long enough to know that there are plenty of military trouble makers once they get a few drinks in them...

But I also know that Kanagawa is famous for hating Military of all types... whether you did anything at all, you get the racist treatment if they suspect you are military...

Anyone who's lived in Japan, especially Kanagawa for a bit of time can contest to that fact...

But if I was wondering down a street, sober as always and some 2-bit yakuza wanna-be started, I would first all make sure I wasn't under the watchful eye of Mr.Security Camera, and then it would be over...

But most, 99.999% of these guys will not do anything, if it's (A) Dark and (B) on a desolate road where no one will help them... Even Yakuza thugs, don't start anything unless they have plenty of help, or unless they suspect you are 3-sheets to the wind... Period... You can take that to the bank!

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Also the Marine Corps is part of the Department of the Navy. Marines serve on all US Navy vessels and work security on many, but not all, Navy bases. On any Navy base you will find Marines. The nickname "Leather neck" comes from the protective collar they wore defending the rigging of Naval ships when the great sails were still used.

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Can you imagine if he kicked an 'Officer?' Most probably the whole 'MARINE CORP' will attack 'KANAGAWA.' Remember Marine was also drinking and could by mistake kick his dog or the wrong 'DOG.' So, who is the winner?'

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Looks like the idea to put up security cameras is starting to work. Now the REAL crimes are coming to light.

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I hope JT follows this case to its end(unlikely), the marine shud be in for some compensation & the J-dude ""shud"" be in for some trouble with the J-cops.........time will tell

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"Will have to refrain from condemning all Japanese for the action of one."

And why is that? All of Japan does not refrain from condemning all of U.S. servicemen for the actions of one (well, few)"

"what? did it ever cross your mind that the marine was incapable of fighting back against a superior opponent?"

No, can't say as though it crossed my mind - nor will it ever. Funny.

"Or he was too pissed drunk to realize what was going on."

And maybe you were when writing this, what's your point?

I"'ve seen too much bad behavior by the US Marines and others from the services to believe the Japanese guy did it randomly. Most likely this Japanese man had had some sort of problems with the Marines wandering drunkenly in his town before. Something probably set him off."

Oh, you've "seen" have you? I'll bet. And, does that condone his actions, Mr. J apologist?

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Gotta say that the attitudes of some poesters here that the marine must have been responsible in some way for the incident, or that the Japanese guy reacted after persistent bad behaviour by the military in his town, are simply ignorant.

A drunk Japanese guy hit a marine, then lied and said he had been attacked first. The marine didnt retaliate, despite being injured ( he didnt know the extent of his injuries at the time I suppose, but I guess it hurt like hell).

Don't try to make anything more out of the story than it is.

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PATIENCE - things will happen big time in just a short while and you will all be happy.

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Well, going back to the original article, Saiki came out of his house to confront the passing Marine. No mention if he was drinking or not. Just the fact that he lied about being hit by the Private. He will get a suspended sentence because of a mental sickness, similar to the article earlier about the man killing the government officials 8 years after his dog was killed.

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I sure hope that Marine's Gunny commends the PFC. He showed a degree of restraint I doubt I would have been capable of.


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Saiki is a big wuss. He just lied and can't face the fact that he got caught commiting a crime.

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"Saiki said the Marine had hit him first, but security cameras captured footage of the incident which showed the Marine never hit Saiki."

Good ol' Big Brother helping out the U.S. military in Japan for once.

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If the guy had attacked me, I don't think I would have been able to resist dropping him. Particularly if I had a few in me at the time. The guy is lucky as hell hes only facing charges from the cops. Suspended sentence, small fine, and away he goes. I'd have put him in the hospital for an extended stay.

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I've seen too much bad behavior by the US Marines and others from the services to believe the Japanese guy did it randomly. Most likely this Japanese man had had some sort of problems with the Marines wandering drunkenly in his town before. Something probably set him off.

As opposed to the chances being that the Japanese guy is a racist member of a gang who has attacked people before and who was waiting for his chance to attack a drunken foreigner ? The Japanese wander drunkenly all over Japan every night of the week touching girls on trains and killing each other in fights yet that doesn't give an excuse to set the foreigners off every night now does it ?

Can you imagine if he kicked an 'Officer?' Most probably the whole 'MARINE CORP' will attack 'KANAGAWA.' Remember Marine was also drinking and could by mistake kick his dog or the wrong 'DOG.' So, who is the winner?'

It's not a crime to drink alcohol in Japan. There are Asahi beer commercials on the TV every 10 seconds in this country. The CCTV showed that the Marine didn't kick anyone so you are talking absolute nonsense my friend.

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Seems like a lot of people need to go back and read the article and put your racist anti-military opinions back in your pocket for now.

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Man, this article made my day!! I mean, all I can say to you US Military bashers is.... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Enjoy the process of trying to justify this j-knucklehead's actions, haven't seen anything convincing so far.

Good on this young Marine, it just goes to show you how much dicipline the Marines instill in them when going through basic. I also think it's worth noting, just to rub it in the US bashers faces as well, that since the new carrier arrived at Yokosuka Naval Base I can't recall once incident being reported in the news. Shocker huh? Hahahahahaha....

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this guy was a Second Class Petty Officer

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Are you saying that the article is wrong and that the assaulted service member is in fact a Sailor and not a Marine at all?

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Security cameras: good crime: bad

-another win for the good guys.

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Just a note and I am not sure, but all Marines have been moved off Guard duty on Naval bases to serve in Iraq, the naval bases are being Guard by Navy security, I was stationed in Atsugi/Yokosuka but a while back I went to the Base at Yokosuka and the Marines are gone, now of course the Marines are still located throughout our embassy and such, but I think this incident was not a Marine, because being a Ex Marine, I don't think he would have not Creamed the dude if hit first, then you the right to defend yourself, in other word, open a can of W.A., plus a 28 year old Pvt., Get serious, must have done some brig time or something, Shoot I got PFC when I was 19... Tezbo

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You are correct about Marines no longer performing the role of base security at Navy installations but they are still stationed at Navy bases where you wouldn't expect them. For instance in Japan you will find Marines wherever you find a large ordnance facility or wherever amphibious ships are homeported. I don't personally know of any Marines stationed permanently at NAF Atsugi or why they would be there but I wouldn't be surprised if there are a handful there for some reason or another and this Private is one of them.

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Starts in (sic) Y and ends in aaaaah!

I think it would have been funnier if you had said, "Starts with 'Y' and ends with 'akuza'".

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Hope you make a full recovery soon.

The story said it would take a month.

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Got'em coach!! Lets here you say its military guys fault now.......the man is watching you too Japan!!!!!

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meant to say hear.

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Starts with "y". Ends with "pants on fire".

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Happy to hear that this marine did the right thing. If he would have protected his self by fight back he would have gotten in trouble. Gotta watch out for the camera. The Japanese guy wasn't provoked. Didn't matter if he had some bad expirence. He was wrong and it was caught on camera. Time to open up the bank account and pay up.

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next time there is a confrontation, make sure the cameras are around, if not, then walk over to the range of one, then let the guy make the first move. with proper training, serious damage can be avoided, and then you got "carte blanche" to get some return hits in.

if this guys lives near the base, and they all know who he is, i am sure it will not be the end of the story...

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This story is typical of the Japanese society being a bunch of drunks >and violent people. That and being prejudiced against those that do not >look japanese.

No one judges an entire society on the actions of one individual.

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OssanAmerica lives in a Japanese Utopia that nobody else has ever seen. hahahaha.

Loads of Japanese is being violent these days, and the society is in a shambles. No wonder this type of crime happnes often like.

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Either this Marine should be commended for his retraint. Or, he was so drunk that he was out of it. Either way, the J-guy is clearly in the wrong and it wouldn't be surprising at all if he were a trouble maker among the locals as well. Hope they bust his ass.

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no marine wants his ass kicked..could this be real..if so kick ass marine..threat level delta

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Did any of you guys actually see this video...?

You guys are making a lot of assumptions...

But just look at the guys name, "Yu Saiki," and he's a 28 yr old president of a company.... He's a yakuza scum bag... Although, I know that area fairly well, I don't remember too many Yakuza hang-out places... Unless the incident actually happened in Yamato, in which case, there's tons of them...

And they referenced his rank as a pfc, which more than likely means he wasn't a squid. There are still some marines stationed in Atsugi, I imagine not many pfc's though... He probably worked at comfairwestpac, (or what-ever the new politically correct name is now...?) marines have a bunch of odd staff positions scattered at various bases regardless of which service, even Yokota.

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Where the Japanese guy lives doesn't mean he is Yakuza or not. Most don't do business where they live. Why s*&^ where you eat, drink and sleep? If you look at past cases of high ranking criminal arrests, they usually lived in nice regular or well-off areas.

I wouldn't be surprise if his parents were there.

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Tezbo: You should be seeing the heroics of this man's deed - ie not fighting back. Far too many Marines and other service personnel get arrested in Japan for defending themselves yet nobody believes it. Thank god this guy's training worked - unlike in the guys you seem to think he should have emulated. A good marine defends the integrity of the unit and not his own dignity.

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I understand you comments. I applaud the guy if it was as you say. I also think he was little too wasted to defend himself. I suspect a little of both. I also think if was attacked he has the right to defend himself. It is universal rule "Self Preservation", Fight or Flight or whatever. Luckily, he was in the right and was able to prove it.

On a sidenote, some of the Yak groups are quite organized. The smaller ones especially to survive. Some groups do have scheduled training sessions including sparring. So, some of them are capable to open up a can of Whip A@#! Never underestimate your opponent.

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They sure the hell do, maybe not all of them, but they have "their" neighborhoods... They don't just pick any old spot or area and decide they're going live there... They do as much business from their home (offices) as they do driving around collecting protection money...

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know what kinds of places these low-life scumbags live and work, and Ayase sure isn't one of them.

If you've been around Japan a little, you should know, that the locals know "where" these areas area.... Just as sure as they know that "Yoshiwara" is the Yakuza run red-light district, people in Kanagawa also know that Yamato is famous for housing lots of Yakuza...

Have you ever even walked around some of these areas...?

It doesn't take much common sense to know what kinds of homes these people have...

So, some of them are capable to open up a can of Whip A@#! Never underestimate your opponent.

Definitely, never underestimate your opponent, but there's also a saying:

know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles

And my experience has taught me:

If you are going to slay monsters, be careful not to become one in the process.

But it's so damn FUN!

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Actually, I have walked around a lot of those places. Both here and back home. Grew up in one. How about you? I understand what are the rough parts of town. My point is even though they may set up shop in the bad area. They may be there all day everyday. Most of the guys may be from the area.

My point is those who have positions in the gangster business don't necessary have to live there despite being there 24/7. The higher up you are the farther away you live from your s%&t. Or you may just come from better off family and get caught up in it. The smart groups are trying to distance themselves from the stereotypical images of the Yakuza. The groups who are now forming corporations, wearing company pins on their suits and not getting tattoos. Lower levels usually still live in the trenches as well as smaller groups. There are also some exceptions like old-school guys but not all of them. So it would make since for the more modern gangster to present the image of a normal business man living in a regular neighborhood. With this they can provide a normal life for their family. Move through society unnoticed and not be frowned upon.

Moderator: Back on topic please.

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