Japan Today

Man arrested for assaulting wife after she asked for divorce


Police in Ebetsu, Hokkaido, have arrested a 26-year man on suspicion of assaulting his wife, after she reportedly asked for a divorce.

According to local media reports, the incident occurred at around 7 p.m. on Saturday. The woman, who is in her 20s, told police she and her husband were arguing about various matters and when she told him she wanted a divorce, he became enraged and punched her forehead with his fist several times.

The victim immediately ran out of the house and called 110. When she returned home, her husband was nowhere to be found.

Police found the husband later that night in Sapporo. Police said the suspect had beaten his wife in the past.

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bass4funk Today 09:24 am JST

I think you’re seeing this through a skewed prism, I think you’re a bit paranoid or have your own prejudices, fears or insecurities towards men and think that just because they critique and or want to debate your comment you feel they’re being hostile or antagonistic.

The posters I'm referring to are openly hostile: I've been called a bad person and an extremist, among other things, and I've been told to stop posting.

Please don’t label all men as hostile, it’s wrong.

I did not say or even imply that "all men are hostile". I used the passive voice in reference to it as a general experience.

The fact is, I am always clear exactly who I am referring to because I always post their name along with the comment I am calling out. I don't see how anyone could make a claim that I attack all men when I aim my remark at and directly quote a particular poster each and every time.

They don’t, I think that’s how you personally perceive it.

The post count on these types of articles is always higher than the post count on any others in the crime section. The number of posters per article is quantifiable, so denying this is nonsensical.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

painkillerToday 09:29 am JST

Gotta wait for the facts. Still only allegations.

And it is possible the female hit her husband, and he didn't report it.

Two sides.

This comment is a good example.

Certain posters here continually make comments like this one, that accuse outright or imply that the female victim is lying about abuse and rape.

However, I've never once made a comment that either states or implies that men exaggerate or lie about the violence done towards them by women.

Yet certain posters keep calling me out for downplaying the abuse of men; but say nothing at all to the men making comments like the one above about women.

Why is that, I wonder?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

bass4funkToday 09:05 am JST

But you want to also ignore violence towards men

You keep saying this and it keeps not happening.

I think the problem is, you’re once again generalizing the issue and making it seem that men are on an all out frontal jihad assault against women.

You keep saying this, but it keeps not happening.

Yes, but women that commit violence towards men should not be dismissed or overlooked, ever.

You keep accusing me of this, but it keeps not happening.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The woman, who is in her 20s, told police she and her husband were arguing about various matters and when she told him she wanted a divorce, he became enraged and punched her forehead with his fist several times.

Gotta wait for the facts. Still only allegations.

And it is possible the female hit her husband, and he didn't report it.

Two sides.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

What I see is continual hostility and resentment towards me for calling men out when their comments are aimed at blaming women for the violence, downplaying the harm done, or trying to absolve the man, by making excuses, calling the woman a liar, and so on.

I think you’re seeing this through a skewed prism, I think you’re a bit paranoid or have your own prejudices, fears or insecurities towards men and think that just because they critique and or want to debate your comment you feel they’re being hostile or antagonistic. Please don’t label all men as hostile, it’s wrong.

I wonder why so many men flock to these types of news articles and then flood them with comments that attempt to paint the female victim of male violence in a bad light.

They don’t, I think that’s how you personally perceive it.

And I wonder why when a woman points that out, the men making those victim blaming comments attack that woman. Gee, what is the word I'm looking for here...


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I don't know what you mean by "you can do both." Men see stories about male violence against women, and inevitably, some of them try to change the topic away from women. Why? 

But you want to also ignore violence towards men, that should be given a pass because it’s a woman? Why?

Because they feel, for some reason, that men must always have center stage? 

The majority of men don’t think like this.

Because it offends them that men get called out on violence?

Because they resent women talking about their experiences of male violence?

They should get called out if they indeed committed a crime against women.

Because they think these stories give men a bad name, and so want to make sure to point out that women are violent, too, in a game of "whataboutism"?

Just because they hate women?

I think the problem is, you’re once again generalizing the issue and making it seem that men are on an all out frontal jihad assault against women.

I honestly don't know, and I assume it may be some of those reasons and maybe some other reasons. But it doesn't matter - the point is, that guy called me out for not mentioning female violence against men in an article that was about male violence against women. That's problematic.

Yes, but women that commit violence towards men should not be dismissed or overlooked, ever.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

YohanSep. 29 01:23 pm JST

Why? Because this issue is belittled and not taken seriously. It's not about 'changing' the subject - nobody denies that domestic violence does exist but it is not a one-way road from men against women

I get that more attention needs to be paid to female on male violence. You are 100% correct on that. But is that really the motivation here?

In this instance, you aimed your comments at ME personally - not at the forum in general. If your aim was really to call attention to female on male violence in general, which is a fine thing to do, you would have aimed your comments at all the readers. But that's not what happened - you singled me out, even though there was no reason to do so, since my comments had nothing at all to do with female on male violence. And for the record, I have never, and would never, downplay female on male violence - and you have no reason for believing that I ever would.

What I see is continual hostility and resentment towards me for calling men out when their comments are aimed at blaming women for the violence, downplaying the harm done, or trying to absolve the man, by making excuses, calling the woman a liar, and so on.

I wonder why so many men flock to these types of news articles and then flood them with comments that attempt to paint the female victim of male violence in a bad light. And I wonder why when a woman points that out, the men making those victim blaming comments attack that woman. Gee, what is the word I'm looking for here...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

girl_in_tokyoSep. 28 10:53 am JST

But I do know a whole lotta men who see stories about male violence against women and find a way to change the subject so that they can bring up female violence against men.

I wonder why they do that?

Why? Because this issue is belittled and not taken seriously. It's not about 'changing' the subject - nobody denies that domestic violence does exist but it is not a one-way road from men against women.

If you read back in this thread a poster was claiming that women physically abusing men are few, rare situations which are ridiculously low and was calling such arguments irrational and flimsy.

If you compare Japanese police reports you will find out easily that the number of male victims is smaller than those of female victims, but surely their number is not a 'rare situation' and by far not 'ridiculously low'.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

My wife has also shouted about a divorce when in a heated argument......an empty threat....I have heard it also used by friends wives...

It has nothing to do with domestic violence.

DV should never be tolerated whether the perpetrator is a man or a woman.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I heard my mom yelling to my father - " I will keep the house for me! " , they didn't divorce but sold the house and downgrade , nowadays they are functional wine drinkers with mood changes, i ll get them a nice funeral like of a dog. At leasr they don't fight , just yell a lot, two parasites like many around us.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

bass4funkToday 11:17 am JST

You can do both. So you have no opinion or answers on women committing violence towards men?

I don't know what you mean by "you can do both." Men see stories about male violence against women, and inevitably, some of them try to change the topic away from women. Why?

Because they feel, for some reason, that men must always have center stage?

Because it offends them that men get called out on violence?

Because they resent women talking about their experiences of male violence?

Because they think these stories give men a bad name, and so want to make sure to point out that women are violent, too, in a game of "whataboutism"?

Just because they hate women?

I honestly don't know, and I assume it may be some of those reasons and maybe some other reasons. But it doesn't matter - the point is, that guy called me out for not mentioning female violence against men in an article that was about male violence against women. That's problematic.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

But I do know a whole lotta men who see stories about male violence against women and find a way to change the subject so that they can bring up female violence against men. 

I wonder why they do that?

You can do both. So you have no opinion or answers on women committing violence towards men?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

BelrickSep. 27 07:37 pm JST

. And anyone who thinks it's only men who use abuse in a marriage, is just plain wrong!

I don't know any such people. Do you?

But I do know a whole lotta men who see stories about male violence against women and find a way to change the subject so that they can bring up female violence against men.

I wonder why they do that?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

TokyoJoeSep. 27 06:11 pm JST

Funny thing is you only show up in the comments of stories about women being attacked or abused and are nowhere to be seen on the stories of women perpetrating violence and murders.

Yeah, how funny is that? It is just so weird that a woman would most concerned by news that involves violence against women. Huh. I wonder why that sort of thing would concern women?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

BelrickToday 07:37 pm JST

It happens. And anyone who thinks it's only men who use abuse in a marriage, is just plain wrong!

The issue about violence from women against men is seriously underreported, a grey zone, but this is slowly changing.

“I also think that men in the past did not want to talk about being the target of domestic violence because it was embarrassing, but also because there was no help available to them.

Now we see coverage on the television and in the papers and they know that they can report these cases to the authorities and that they can get help.” - Ms Tomoko Suga, a professor at Rakuno Gakuen University in Hokkaido, who has studied trends in domestic violence for two decades. (2019)

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

MilesTegToday 07:33 pm JST

Yes there are the rare situations where a few women physically abuse men but the rate is so ridiculously low when compared to men physically abusing women that it's an irrational and flimsy excuse.

Not so rare if you check out the report of the Japanese National Police Agency 2020.

Domestic violence cases among the 8,778 investigated found that 75.9 percent of the alleged victims were women, 24.1 percent were men. - It means about 3 or 4 violent men vs. 1 violent woman.

Maybe google the internet using for your search 'Domestic abuse soars in Japan, and it’s men reporting women for the violence' - You will be surprised what you will read. Yes, violent women are the minority as abusers, but surely these are not so rare situations of a few women and they are not so ridiculously low as you claim them to be.

There are more violent women attacking men than you might think. The reason is that often men are ashamed or shy to report them to police.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

If a man punches a woman on forehead several times, she can’t run out to call for help. Unless the punches were like patting.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Um... I've never once threatened divorce during a disagreement with my husband. Have you ever thought maybe your wife just wants a divorce?

No he's right, my wife does the same, just empty threats.

Mrs. Affist did the same while she was going through menopause. But she got better.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

My own wife stopped doing it on the day I agreed: "OK, let's divorce."

Mine too!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I've never once threatened divorce during a disagreement with my husband. Have you ever thought maybe your wife just wants a divorce?

You're a star!

It happens. And anyone who thinks it's only men who use abuse in a marriage, is just plain wrong!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

YohanToday  01:30 pm JST

Why to single out men? Women are violent too. Domestic violence is not a one-way route from men to women. Do you think that violent women who beat up their husband and their children deserve jail time too?

Yes there are the rare situations where a few women physically abuse men but the rate is so ridiculously low when compared to men physically abusing women that it's an irrational and flimsy excuse. Check world wide statistics on murder, violent crime, physical abuse, stalking, rape, and sexual assault. The statistical differences between women and men are clear and obvious.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

In case you didn't read, this story is about a man who beat up his wife, not about a woman who beat up her husband - so I'm not singling out men; I'm simply commenting on the current story.

Funny thing is you only show up in the comments of stories about women being attacked or abused and are nowhere to be seen on the stories of women perpetrating violence and murders. It's almost like you choose what you want to see.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Um... I've never once threatened divorce during a disagreement with my husband. Have you ever thought maybe your wife just wants a divorce?

No he's right, my wife does the same, just empty threats.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

GaijinjlandToday 03:04 pm JST

@commanteer thanks for the support. My marriage is good. I’m just saying, not in a sexist way, that women tend to throw around the divorce word much more often in an argument than men.

My ex-husband (Japanese) LOVED to say, "Well, then, let's get divorced!" whenever we'd fight. Then he'd stomp around like small child throwing a tantrum.

So according to this informal and definitely not scientific and rather silly poll, it seems that it's Japanese who throw around the word divorce the most. Of course I mean this tongue in cheek, since this entire tangent is just dumb.

So why are we even talking about this? Oh, wait, yeah, it's because a male poster wanted to make sure he could get in a point against women in a story about domestic violence against women, because of course he would. That's par for the course here.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

‘Police said the suspect had beaten his wife before’……you missed the bit ‘but the police did nothing about it’…

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Being physically abused on a regular basis is no "light" matter if you are the victim.

The same goes for mental (verbal) abuse, too.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The D word is too easily thrown around these days during arguments.

Better off to Divorce than be Dead.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Why do men who are physically stronger, more powerful and, bigger than women, often beat their wives all over the world? Does this unreasoning brutal behaviour carry us back to the time when we lived in Caves? And men beat a woman of his choice unconcious in order to carry her back to his cave to impregnate her with their first child?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

@commanteer thanks for the support. My marriage is good. I’m just saying, not in a sexist way, that women tend to throw around the divorce word much more often in an argument than men. And I’m not talking about only Japanese women. And women can be violent too and kind men tend to take the beatings and not fight back. Gaslighting. But the guy in this story sounds truly violent.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Around 60% of Japanese are divorced now.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Well, now it's a sample of two.

Stop the presses!

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

YohanToday 01:30 pm JST

Why to single out men? Women are violent too.

In case you didn't read, this story is about a man who beat up his wife, not about a woman who beat up her husband - so I'm not singling out men; I'm simply commenting on the current story.

You're the one who is trying to change the topic.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

girl_in_tokyoToday 10:43 am JST

It's rather ironic for men on a post about domestic violence to attempt to paint women as being histrionic. Maybe instead we should focus on how men who beat their wives deserve jail time. Ya think?

Why to single out men? Women are violent too. Domestic violence is not a one-way route from men to women. Do you think that violent women who beat up their husband and their children deserve jail time too?

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Woman is victim of domestic violence, wants a divorce.

Men complain women use the word divorce lightly or inappropriately.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

commanteerToday 10:26 am JST

@save the gaijin. Um... you are a sample of one.

Well, now it's a sample of two.

It's rather ironic for men on a post about domestic violence to attempt to paint women as being histrionic. Maybe instead we should focus on how men who beat their wives deserve jail time. Ya think?

2 ( +16 / -14 )

The millions of times I’ve heard the divorce word during an argument...

Um... I've never once threatened divorce during a disagreement with my husband. Have you ever thought maybe your wife just wants a divorce?

@save the gaijin. Um... you are a sample of one. My own experience and what I have heard from others is that it is not unusual for the word "divorce" to be thrown out during an argument with a Japanese wife. My own wife stopped doing it on the day I agreed: "OK, let's divorce." That was many years ago and we are happily married. No reason to cast aspersions on Gaijinland's marriage.

2 ( +6 / -4 )


The millions of times I’ve heard the divorce word during an argument. Women use that word as a weapon and they’re almost always empty threats. But since he physically attacked her and had in the past, she was probably serious and had a good reason.

Um... I've never once threatened divorce during a disagreement with my husband. Have you ever thought maybe your wife just wants a divorce?

11 ( +14 / -3 )

The millions of times I’ve heard the divorce word during an argument. Women use that word as a weapon and they’re almost always empty threats. But since he physically attacked her and had in the past, she was probably serious and had a good reason.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

The D word is too easily thrown around these days during arguments.

Being physically abused on a regular basis is no "light" matter if you are the victim.

17 ( +19 / -2 )

Go figure why she wanted out.

16 ( +17 / -1 )

My wife lightly assaults me for just having the sunroof open, after reading this, no way I would ask for a divorce. Japanese people seem to get very angry sometimes.

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

Why ask??? Just do it!?

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

The D word is too easily thrown around these days during arguments.

-14 ( +8 / -22 )

a lot of action in Hokkaido lately....

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Hopefully the wife will now be free from this violent criminal and he will have to respond for his lack of self control and violent tendencies.

20 ( +22 / -2 )

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