Japan Today

Man arrested for attempted kidnapping of school girl in Osaka Prefecture


Police in Kashiwara, Osaka Prefecture, have arrested a 30-year-old man on suspicion of attempting to kidnap an elementary school girl.

According to police, Hiroya Mizobata, a company employee, is accused of attempting to kidnap the girl on Monday, Kyodo News reported. Police said the girl, whose age hasn’t been released, was commuting to school on foot when Mizobata grabbed her hand and tried to drag her away with him. 

When the girl resisted, Mizobata fled the scene on a bicycle. The girl ran home and told her mother who contacted police. The girl suffered a slight injury to her wrist, police said.

Police said they identified Mizobata after reviewing street surveillance footage from the crime scene. They said Mizobata has denied the charge.

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Good job japan, as usual.

Better Get that sexual predators list up and start making actual arrests with jail time. Get into the 21st century for once.

2 ( +16 / -14 )

He was gonna kidnap her on his bicycle???

19 ( +21 / -2 )

Another sick, perverted creep who needs to be taken out. Permanently.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Poor girl, what a horrible experience.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

pervert for sure, but wouldn't happen if little girls weren't allowed to walk to/from school alone.

-19 ( +4 / -23 )

Most parents don’t walk their Elementary school aged kids to school. I’ve walked my daughter to school everyday from Grades 1~4. I also enrolled her in Brazilian Juijitsu classes since she was 6. Japan is a pretty safe country but for young girls it’s still a little sketchy. Teach your kids & prepare them for the real world!!!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Sex offenders register NOW.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Good job japan, as usual.

Better Get that sexual predators list up and start making actual arrests with jail time. Get into the 21st century for once.

DQ Detected, lol..

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

castrate or execute. One less problem to solve.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Agreed, I would do the same if we decided to bring our daughter up in Japan. However, we deemed the risk too high and are bringing her up in NZ instead.

Very very smart of you. I WISH I could take my children and immigrate to Canada. Like you, I don't personally think Japan is all that particularly safe if you are a woman or child.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

What has been your experience?

I've been very lucky with my wife and kids. Even though my wife grew up on the infamous Saikyo line, she was never harassed. But when she gets together with her friends the subject of train molestation does come up and I have heard some pretty harrowing stories.

As for me personally, well there's more than I can put into a post here.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

welcome to contact me personally and I can go into more detail.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Little kids, girls or boys commuting to their schools on foot alone. Which country can you see this as normal in the first place?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

kennyG - Little kids, girls or boys commuting to their schools on foot alone. Which country can you see this as normal in the first place?

In the USA in NYC it's quite common, as each neighborhood has its own elementary school. So, it's typically only a couple of blocks walking distance from home. Plus, crossing guards on almost every corner, which I'm surprised I don't see here, at least not in my town.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

In the USA in NYC it's quite common, as each neighborhood has its own elementary school. So, it's typically only a couple of blocks walking distance from home. Plus, crossing guards on almost every corner, which I'm surprised I don't see here, at least not in my town.

Same experience gary. I lived for a while in Egypt and its not only common but the norm.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

so a pervert has evil intention in mind and it's the little girl's fault.

Did I say that? Don't twist my words because you want to be a JT rock-star.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

 I don't personally think Japan is all that particularly safe if you are a woman or child.

This is correct. NOT All That Particularly Safe.... even for a man. The question is where is a country All That Particularly Safe

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

letsberealisticToday  06:08 pm JST

kennyGToday  05:30 pm JST*

 I don't personally think Japan is all that particularly safe if you are a woman or child.

This is correct. NOT All That Particularly Safe.... even for a man. The question is where is a country All That Particularly Safe

For children and women almost anywhere in Western Europe, Canada, NZ and Australia. Japan, not so much.

But I love Japan and I think they can catch up with there overall safety levels.

What is your definition of " safety for a women and children" . I don't want to bother to link sources how many children got kidnapped in US, particularly in NYC .., for example.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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