Police in Osaka have arrested a 49-year-old unemployed man on suspicion of attempted murder after he threw a dumbbell from his home’s second-floor window at a man walking below.
According to police, Yasuhiro Kato is accused of throwing the dumbbell, weighing about three kilograms, at his 27-year-old male neighbor at around 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sankei Shimbun reported. The intended victim managed to dodge the dumbbell and was not injured in the incident.
Police said that prior to the incident, Kato and the man had gotten into an argument. Following his arrest, Kato was quoted by police as saying, “I lost my temper and wanted to kill him.”
© Japan Today
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Tom Doley
Sadly as the economy of Japan tanks further and further, this will be a frequent happening and unique to Japan
Aly Rustom
Well, I suppose we should be glad he didn't use the old I was drunk and don't remember one.
Dumb, bell
The desire to hurt someone can be quite transient. The sentence for attempting it is often much longer.
Please think of Mr. Meagles and 'count to ten' before engaging in rash actions with gym equipment at altitude.
Where I'm from, that sounds like premeditated murder!
Like The Matrix!
A ballon full of wee wee would of been more smarter.
Wow, 3 KG! Hopefully he didn't throw out his back, being a complete moron.
Sven Asai
Estimated, you cannot kill someone adult with three kilograms thrown from the second floor. Quite a severe head injury, that is very probable, but not a direct killing in the very most cases. But if that house stands quite elevated it would be possible, but the probability of hitting the targeted person is lower. Good for everyone that he is quite stupid and even admitted the killing attempt. He also could have said of only wanted to hurt the rival a little bit. lol
Often when japanese loses temper they want to kill someone. There are many cases and than not included cases where someone feels the need to kill. Japanese culture is beautiful but society is something to be worried.
Something is really wrong with japanese society
@Sven Asai
3 kg weight from a height of 10 m hits you with a weight of approx. 15 kg. Your neck breaks like a match.
This would be approximately 300 joules of force, since 80 joules are enough to fracture a skull this is more than enough to cause death even without breaking the neck. 5 meters would still be sufficient to give a 90% chance of fatal consequences.
This guy should've picked up shot put as his sport. I wouldn't waste throwing anything valuable when arguing with a neighbor aside from from foul words.
Anthony 55
What a dumbbell.
According to Dictionary.com,
dafuq, I guess he wins this week's award for jackasserry
"According to police, Yasuhiro Kato is accused of throwing the dumbbell"
I wonder who called them?
100 CPM
"wanted to kill him"
at least he remembers.
Perhaps time to build the prison industrial complex in Japan. Since the loons are throwing things out balconies.
3kg dumbbell is bad news.
two words come to mind, nut and job
I don't think that word (premeditated) means what you think it means.