Police in Kasama, Ibaraki Prefecture, have arrested a 78-year-old Buddhist priest on suspicion of attempted murder after he drove his car with a woman clinging to the hood.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 12:30 p.m. Sunday along National Route 355, Fuji TV reported. Police said the incident stemmed from a traffic altercation. Kansho Tashiro, the chief priest at a shrine in Kasama City, and another car carrying two women, were driving on the Joban Expressway when there was some trouble.
They stopped their vehicles near the Ishioka-Omitama Smart Interchange. A 30-year-old woman got out of her car while Tashiro remained in his. After an argument, Tashiro started to drive away but the woman stood in front of him and then got onto the hood.
Tashiro drove for about 960 meters, including sudden stops and repeatedly swerving, as the woman clung to the hood, before stopping. The woman was not injured.
The driver of the vehicle in which the woman was a passenger called 110.
Police said Tashiro has admitted to the charge but denied intent to kill.
© Japan Today
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A woman tries to commit suicide and the guy fleeing gets arrested.
Bjorn Tomention
Stupid and dumb meet !
Both parties are stupid here.
Thomas Tank
Hard to make a judgement without knowing what happened prior to the car rodeo.
It seems that the guy stayed in the car, while the women came and started aggressing his car. And clinging onto the hood when he tried to escape. I have the feeling they arrested the wrong person
"Buddhist monk would rather expedite one's funeral rites." You got it bub!
Craziness. But attempted murder seems quite a stretch here.
This incident of "AORI UNTEN" began on the Johban Expressway when the 78-year old Buddhist priest began to follow too closely the highly conspicuous light-green Jeep with flared fenders and raised suspension ("another car carrying two women") too closely. Very possibly he noticed it was an American-built Jeep. The Jeep exited at the Smart Interchange and the priest followed, hoping to escalate the confrontation but got more than he bargained for.
100 CPM
The car was moving somewhat fast:
She stood in front of his car... so what do you expect.
This is just absurd, the woman should've been charged. He was the one who was attacked. Another Terminator T-1000 wannabe.
She probably will be but this article leaves out a lot of other details. It doesn't state how far or even how fast he was going when she was on the hood of his car. For all we know he only drove a few feet and then stopped.
We don't even know what the "trouble" was that caused all of this.
IDK -- at least no one was seriously injured or killed (#lookingforthesilverlining)
Yeah, if a person is in front of your car, one should be permitted to floor it and keep going, regardless of what then happens! Right on!
Back to reality, I think this old priest is going to have to prove his senility to beat a conviction here.
At least part is in the article though.
Mr Kipling
Buddhist priest? Sounds like he needs to chill out a little!
Seems like some people have watched too many crime drama TV shows!
I don't want to turn this into a court room debate but, what would be the most appropriate course of action if you were in the shoes of the guy? pray that the woman can't break through the car as you call for the police? I don't know about you, but even if the assailant was unarmed and appears physically weaker than me, i'd still try to run away. God forbid if the attacker was armed and was stronger.
Someone better sign her up. Sounds like the stunt woman of the decade right there.
BOTH should be charged.
In a heated confrontation, your going to climb the hood of the opposer's car? seriously?
Both need to be charged.