Police in Kikugawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, on Sunday arrested a 34-year-old man on suspicion of attempting to kill his girlfriend by strangling her at his apartment.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 1 a.m. Saturday, TV Shizuoka reported. Police said the man, a company employee, is accused of pushing his girlfriend, who is in her 20s, to the floor and then strangling her with his bare hands.
The woman was able to break free and fled from the apartment and contacted a friend who called police later Saturday.
Police said the victim suffered minor injuries such as abrasions on the skin of her neck.
© Japan Today
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I'll take a wild guess, and assume she told him that she wanted to break up with him.
It is fortunate the victim is alive and with minor physical injuries, if the accusations are accurate I hope for the criminal to be incarcerated for a long time.
finally rich
No, the victim still in her 20s suffered a lifelong scar by being strangled by the person who was supposed to care for her, this scar won't go away even after getting married and having kids. Dodged a bullet.
Where do these women find these losers?
Trusting she may seek counseling for a traumatic experience.
If she is able she may well steer clear of such an unhealthy person.
Some are not so wise. Moth to flame.
Wish her well.
Why didn't she call the police herself??