Japan Today

Man arrested for beating son 'to discipline' him


Police in Yonezawa, Yamagata Prefecture, on Wednesday arrested a 42-year-old man on suspicion of abusing his son.

According to police, the boy, who is an elementary school student, walked into a koban (police box) near his home on Tuesday and told the officers that his father had beaten him on Monday night. Police said the boy, whose age was not given, had bruises on his face

Police said the father, Tomohiro Sakai, who works as a bar employee, has admitted to the charge. Sakai was quoted as saying he hit his son twice at around 6:30 p.m. Monday to discipline him.

Police are questioning him over whether he regularly abused his son.

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it takes a REAL man to beat up children. Way to go father of the year...

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Props to the kid for being brave enough to go to the police. I hope that will wake the father up

19 ( +20 / -1 )

Child welfare workers and police: Please do your jobs with a little competence so I don't read about another dead child.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

My great grandfather’s idea of disciplining children was to punch them in the face; my grandfather’s idea was to slap you with a belt; my father’s idea was to just yell; my idea is a time out when the kids are misbehaving. Generational differences.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

I agree with Gaijinland. People who lived during the early 1900's probably wouldn't even bat an eye if they saw a father harshly beating their kid. But times have changed, corporal punishment should be a thing of the past. There are more constructive ways to discipline someone

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Such an amazingly brave kid! Imagine the courage he needed to walk into that koban, defy his dad and tell the policemen what happened. The kid is more of a man than his dad.

18 ( +18 / -0 )

I'm 46 and my parents never had to "discipline" us apart from the occasional slap on the butt as a kid when we were misbehaving. Punching a kid is not discipline, it's abuse.

15 ( +15 / -0 )

Soon, kids in Japan will use the threat of going to the police if they don't get what they want. If only there were a way to stop this disgusting influence from the west...

-15 ( +8 / -23 )

Dango bong - it takes a REAL man to beat up children. 

It takes a real man to walk into a police station and tell them his father had beaten him. Good for you kid! However, I fear the kid will suffer severe retribution from his father for doing so. It's beyond me why so many parents think that beating a kid is discipline. Discipline is discipline and abuse is abuse. They are not one in the same.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

I don't suppose the new law criminalizing corporal punishment has come into effect yet, has it? Usually it takes until the next April for a law to hit the books, after it passes parliament. Anything you could add about that, JapanToday?

Good on the kid. I hope he is kept separate and safe from his dad.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Soon, kids in Japan will use the threat of going to the police if they don't get what they want. If only there were a way to stop this disgusting influence from the west...

Found the boomer.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

No doubt the father had been berated at work or scolded for some micromanagement issue. Its often the case that they come home angry and take it out someone else. Passing the anger along the chain. In the West we could kick the cat or dog. Im glad the child had the courage to tell the police and hope other kids being abused get the message.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

@Bugle Boy of Company B - Soon, kids in Japan will use the threat of going to the police if they don't get what they want. If only there were a way to stop this disgusting influence from the west...

What the heck is this joker on about? What 'disgusting influence' are you referring to?

Going to the police for protection from violence? So, you think kids should just stay home and take the beatings regardless? That's insane!

Or, are you implying child abuse is a disgusting influence from the west? Japan had serious child and spousal abuse issues long before they even opened their boarders to the west.

I cannot believe the lunacy of a comment that amounts to nothing more paranoid rhetoric! You need help!

4 ( +8 / -4 )

These are the type of steps hopefully kids can learn and know to take especially if mothers don't intervene when their child is being beaten by their husbands.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

@Bugle boy of company C: what a bizarre comment, I presume it’s an attempt at humour.

I expected better from a Carter USM fan.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Poor boy, but very brave to go to the police.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

hmm his father must be the drunk 24/7 guy who beat his kids for any reason

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Anger passed from parent to kid is sort of like the anger passed on by the older guys in Kanagawa that man the recycle areas. So abusive. Where does the hate come from.

The whole society has this built into it. Watch so called comedy on TV. So much beating and berating.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

He won't be charged, though -- he can't be. The new legislation doesn't allow for punishment. It only encourages parents not to beat their kids.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

He won't be charged, though -- he can't be. The new legislation doesn't allow for punishment. It only encourages parents not to beat their kids.

Why can't they charge him under old legislation?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

My mum beat me when I was a child, but there is no crime on it, she called it dicipline. And yes me and my siblings grown up with fear and respect with the human and animals.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Found the boomer.

Nope. Too young to be a boomer!

What the heck is this joker on about? What 'disgusting influence' are you referring to?

Going to the police for protection from violence? So, you think kids should just stay home and take the beatings regardless? That's insane!

Or, are you implying child abuse is a disgusting influence from the west? Japan had serious child and spousal abuse issues long before they even opened their boarders to the west.

I cannot believe the lunacy of a comment that amounts to nothing more paranoid rhetoric! You need help!

Disillusioned, of course I think going to the police for protection from violence is a good thing!

The 'disgusting influence' I refer to is people like to play the victim card whenever they can. This idea pervades the US and is spreading. If it's violence, report it. If it's discipline, take it and do better. Children ignore teachers in schools, disrupt class, do whatever they want - because they are minors and know they have nothing to fear in this sue-crazy society. "Oh, no! You hurt my feelings! I'm gunna sue you!" "Oh no! You took away my Playstation and gave me a swat on my deserving a**! I'm going to report you to child services!"

I expected better from a Carter USM fan.

Okay, you got me there. What's Carter USM?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Soon, kids in Japan will use the threat of going to the police if they don't get what they want. If only there were a way to stop this disgusting influence from the west...

There is not. Because the west is innovative and and advance civilization. So the influence goes on.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Beating up kids is wrong, period. The data shows this and it makes no difference where the research is done. You beat up your kids and they beat up theirs. It does not improve kids despite the fairly tale people tell themselves about this, it makes kids more likely to fail at life. This is fact. Not bible based or fantasy based speculation as seen above in many inane posts.

Beating up kids is akin to hitting women, only cowards and losers do it.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Beating up kids is wrong, period.

That’s a subjective opinion, disciplining a child and beating a child out of anger or hatred are two entirely different things.

The data shows this and it makes no difference where the research is done.

Thats also subjective as far as what each parent does, what works and what doesn’t.

You beat up your kids and they beat up theirs.

That doesn’t necessarily happen, if the child listens there would be no need for that.

It does not improve kids despite the fairly tale people tell themselves about this, it makes kids more likely to fail at life.

Most of my friends were spanked and most were successful, I’m not buying that, it’s the same old argument that if you grew up in a smoking household you’ll also be a smoker. Pure None sense.

This is fact. Not bible based or fantasy based speculation as seen above in many inane posts. 

Beating up kids is akin to hitting women, only cowards and losers do it.

For individuals that want to exert power over others, perhaps, but for millions that doesn’t hold water.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Funny how a society that disciplines people with death thinks it's wrong for a parent to discipline their own child with a mere slap.

Well, I believe that one should never strike the face or head. But yes, the hypocrisy is astounding.

I think it would be great to do away with corporal punishment in general, but people thinking that can be done with simply a ban on corporal punishment are amazingly ignorant. To be able to manage an average child with nothing but words, examples, time-outs, love and a boat load of patience takes a lot of thought even for a smart person, and for most people, a lot of training. And that is not talking about the more difficult kids. What worked for you and your kids may not work for others. That fact should be obvious.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

So who trained this kid on how to be a parent and how to discipline correctly? The answer is either nobody or his parents. Until there is formal, universal education on how to discipline a child without corporal punishment, we will keep seeing cases like this and we are also going to see a lot of unruly, out of control kids...and then more punk teenagers...and then more useless dysfunctional adults. Being all starry-eyed and hopey dopey about this issue is not going to get good results I am afraid. Its going to take hard work.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

It is thanks to these kind of psychos that the government is forced to go overboard regarding measures how to discipline children.

I personally think there is nothing wrong with a mild spanking or light slap on the wrist when a small child does something wrong.

When the child reaches a certain age one must always try to reason with the child until the situation is resolved.

It stands to reason that any kind of violence which seems to be the case here is totally unacceptable.

I hope the authorities step in by placing the boy under their care away from his father until the father sees the error of his ways.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

What a brave boy for going to the koban!

And with the rate of non-action by the cops recently, good on these cops for doing something about it!

I hope the boy won't suffer any repercussions by his dad for going to the cops though. They need to keep an eye on him.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Raise your kids right and you won't have to discipline them. My 5 siblings and 2 beautiful daughters are living proof.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I wonder whether there is a lot to do with the Family Genes rather than environment ?

I'm not going to defend the Father, but I do have to say we dont know the details in order to know if abuse is going on, or if the Father simply reacted to an out of hand event which resulted in those injuries. Hopefully the Police will determine this correctly - but it should remain a Family dispute issue, and not be subjected to Public scrutiny.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

You want to beat on something pick up some boxing gloves and go to the g'damned gym,

you don't beat on your child.

Brave boy, he has respect for himself.

I hope he doesn't ever have to make a return trip!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The first step is admitting there is a problem. At least the man did not deny it. Next step is to get some anger management help. It wasn't long ago ,in the US, when it was the norm to beat your kids with a belt. I grew up in that culture in the sixties. As a father of 5 children, I can say that they can try your patience from time to time. The threat of physical violence usually work with my kids. Now I will speak very frankly, IF IT MEANS MY SON OR DAUGHTER WILL NOT TURN INTO A SERIAL KILLER, I WILL NOT HESITATE ON WHIPPING THEM. Aside from that scenario there is nothing that a child (Under 18) can do to make me that angry as to beat them. I need only look at myself and remember how I tried to manipulate my parents into getting my way and use that knowledge with my kids. Eventually Japan will become more open to the group dynamic and be more receptive to therapy.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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