Police in Nagasaki City said Saturday they have arrested a 38-year-old man on suspicion of assaulting his girlfriend in his car.
According to police, the man, a company employee, was driving with the woman on the night of Sept 23 when the incident occurred, local media reported. The woman told police they started arguing and he stopped the car and repeatedly beat her arms and chest.
The woman suffered internal bleeding and bruises to her upper body, police said. She called 110 after the incident and was taken to hospital where doctors said she will require about two weeks to recover fully.
© Japan Today
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Holy crap! Internal bleeding? This is more like attempted murder! Get this guy into prison asap!
If this happened in a relatively public space I can only wonder how much worse would it have been if done in private.
What an absolute mutt! Lock him up before he kills her! Hopefully she won’t go back to him!
Pathetic loser, send him to the yakz..
More scum that needs dealing with. As for other attacks of this cowardly nature, I'd suggest tying his hands behind his back and letting the victims' male relatives go toe to toe with him for 20 minutes. See how tough he really is.
And then throw him in jail for 10 years.
Man arrested for beating up girlfriend in parked car
He is not a man. He is a cowardly thug.
Usually police here tend to look the other way with domestic disputes- glad they seek to convict here
What did she say to him to make him go all Chris Brown on her?
You can wonder, as your personal opinion permits. The fact is, the incident happened inside a car, not in a public park. And if you read the article:
The woman suffered internal bleeding and bruises to her upper body
Typical weak-minded POS. Hope he lost his job too.
company employee + woman beater.
That is precisely why I wrote it happened in a "relatively public space", where other people can see what is happening, you should read other comments with more care to properly understand them.
@John some people are great at reacting but lack the ability to use deductive reasoning and critical skills. I get your point.
You don’t beat up your girlfriend….so this was clearly no longer his gf
John (and others thinking like him):
Only psychopaths justify aggressiveness like this. She will require two weeks of hospitalisation because he gave her internal bleedings, but "he might have been justified"? WTF?
If he wasn't in self defense (and the article doesn't say he was) then he attempted murder and anyone supporting him has huge mental issues and is a danger to society.
You might be confused, but Japan is not some middle East country where "regular wife correction, using a stick not thicker than one inch" is an accepted behaviour.
A man never has a right to hit a woman for any reason!
Agreed. But...No one has a right to hit anyone for any reason!
Logical_Fallacy_KillerOct. 1 10:44 am JST
Where does it say anyone saw what was happening?
Especially as he was driving with the woman at night . It means it's dark our.
Sounds like no one saw this incident, and if they did, they did not call the police.
The women called 110.
You misunderstood this article.
That is not an argument to refute the fact that the interior of a car is a relatively public space where the actions can be seen by other people.
If that were the case this would mean something happening in a park but without any witness would make that part "not public" which obviously makes no sense.
The only misunderstanding is you believing having or not witnesses is what makes a location public or not, that is a completely mistaken argument.