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© 2011 AFPMan held for dropping 1-yr-old son from 10th floor apartment
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That kid is super-baby!
Wow. Speechless.
Never underestimate shrubbery.
Sometimes, like right now, I believe in the death penalty even if no one is murdered.
Hope this little boy gets lots of love from now on. Feel like taking him to Disneyland or somewhere. Everyday.
I won't talk about the father.
I don't think anyone on here, including you, would be willing to face an attempted murder charge to vent your anger.
"A little anger" is natural. Advocating an eye fo an eye punishment in the 21st century is primitive.
Mentally ill or just a man not able to control himself, Luca, I dont think that will matter a jot to the boy who was strangled and thrown off a balcony, nor to the mother who has to live with the fact that the man she trusted, married and had children with, admitted trying to kill her baby boy. I dont expect him to even get a suspended sentence, but hope that the mother will be able to walk away and take her children to safety away from this man.
There you go again, wilfully misrepresenting what other people have said and running away with your own wild speculations. You may want to take a baseball bat to this guy or hang him, and although I would agree that's a natural knee-jerk reaction it wouldn't solve a thing. Then you have an injured child, a dead father, and are still no closer to understanding what causes some people to do crazy things like this.
What you're suggesting is below even eye for an eye justice, the type of justice most advanced societies have rejected as primitive.
One thing I hope we can all agree on is that people who do this kind of thing are crazy. They're not in a state of mind where they can make reasonable decisions, so having a deterrent like the death penalty that they would need to reasonably see as a scary thing wouldn't make a blind bit of difference.
Don't know but i guess it could be the fact that babies are so relaxed and literally bounce yet an adult in the same situation would stiffen up and panic in anticipation of what is about to happen when they hit the ground. I remeber reading an article in a british newspaper years back about a guy who jumped from an airplane and before he could open his shute he fainted.......he survived the fall.
Ms. Alexander
Also forgot to add - Japan's population of children are declining because parents are killing them!
You really feel sorry for a man who strangled his own baby, and threw him off a balcony? Seriously? I feel desperately for the children and mother, but this man made a choice to harm his own child, if he is tortured by that choice for the rest of his days, then good. He deserves that much at least. If a woman had done this to her child, would you have been so understanding and supportive, Luca?
Feeling sorry for the father doesn't preclude feeling sorry for the mother and baby. I don't see sympathy as a cake to be divided between folk until there's none left.
I don't think he made a choice, not a rational one, anyway. No sane person would choose to throw a child off a balcony.
I can't understand why you want him to feel "tortured". Who benefits? And it doesn't square with your previous post whrn you said "I have no desire to hurt this man."
What he did could almost be used as a definition of mental illness. I can imagine a questionnaire at a psychiatric clinic:
"Question 1. Have you ever thrown a child off a balcony?"
"Yes? Well you're clearly a lunatic."
I hope the boy never finds out about this incident when he grows up.
What the?! A man strangling his son and deliberately dropping him ten floors is an accident?! NO WAY
@inverse hmmmm interesting point.
This guy needs some time off and some place isolated and quiet to think about his life.
Henry Geßner
I'm just happy the kid survived, seriously. Really tough story, but it could have ended much much worse. Seems like a miracle. I'll never understand how someone is capable of trying to kill his children, but some do.
10 floors? unscathed? That baby is VERY lucky. Lets see if the father is equally lucky shall we.
Hence my belief that punishment for crimes like this should be the same as those inflicted on their victims.
Bwaaahaaaaaa, Oh am I in a vicious mood today!
The worst thing about this is that one day this little boy will learn what his father did to him when he was only one year old. Thank God this child survived. I totally agree with the comment buggerlugs made.
@southsakai, would you be willing to step forward, if given the chance?
@Yubaru, don't you think that's a tad primitive?
Spare us the righteous anger, people; it's a natural reaction but it achieves nothing. The father is obviously insane and in need of a lot of help, not bullet-headed condemnation. Mental illness is exactly that :illness. Chemical imbalances in the brain. You might as well blame the guy for having a broken leg, or pneumonia. And believe me, I've had enough experience with craziness to know what I'm talking about.
I have no desire to hurt this man, but Im pretty sure his wife would very much like to. I wonder how on earth she controlled herself, having returned home to this disaster.
The Munya Times
Concerning to crimes, a high ranking Japanese government official publicly told a few years ago "Japan is facing a very dark future" .
I have no desire to have him hung, drawn and quartered, but mentally tortured by his own guilt for doing this, I would certainly hope so, and he should receive a lengthy sentence in prison.
He should absolutely not be allowed to see those children again, and a divorce granted without any contest. I would also hope he would be detained. Some people who are pefectly aware of their actions and the consequences of them, terrorise their families, and do terrible things to them and really need to be kept away from their children and spouses. This man clearly said what he had done to the child, and seems perfectly aware.
"that a defendant should not be held responsible for his actions only if, as a result of his mental disease or defect, he (i) did not know that his act would be wrong; or (ii) did not understand the nature and quality of his actions—" - Awareness has everything to do with the insanity defence, Luca.
So, Luca, you come home, and your wife has thrown your child out of the window after strangling them, and you would feel sorry for her, allow her to see her children "after treatment", and you would feel nothing but pity? Then you must truely be a better person than I am.
Getting really, really sick of reading such stories on JT. The government needs to step up and sort out these parenting issues, mental issues and whatnot. They also need to do something about their child welfare laws. This guy needs to be in jail with his balls cut off.
Chilling! Glad the kid survived. How many more kids have to be abused and killed by their parents before the Jp welfare organisations stop saying, "Shoganai"?
Yeah, I'd agree that inverse has an excellent point. Were there even any witnesses?
inverse: you'd make a good detective, I reckon.
Ramires Bourguignon Ferreira
It's gonna be hard for the boy to live with the fact that his own father (supposedly) tried to kill him...
POS, POS. Another sad day.
You tried to strangle the little kid and when you couldn't look into his eyes any longer you just dropped him 10 floors?
Nicky Washida
Oh god. This is pretty much just around the corner from me. I feel really sick. They found the poor little mite in tears?? Ill say they did. Thank God he sustained nothing more than some cuts - that is truly a miracle.
Please someone tell me this scumbag is going to get jailtime for this.
And please tell me he is never going to be allowed near his children again.
Nicky Washida
BTW JT Kiba is Koto ward, not Edo ward.
That has been corrected, thank you.
Mirai Hayashi
there's no end to it....too many mentally ill people taking it out on their kids....Please J-gov! Start a program to help mentally ill people so they don't abuse or kill their kids!!!
He needs a long spell in prison for attempted murder, and should expect to never see his hopefully soon to be ex wife or the children again. Or can a man do absolutely anything to his family in Japan and expect people to support him on the strength of him being a man who is stressed by work and life?
..and he should also be forced to pay a reasonable amount of maintenance until the youngest is out of school, like in every other civilised country.
That is indeed nothing short of a miracle. Thank God.
As for this "man," he should be locked up for good and forbidden contact ever again with his kids. Heaven knows what he'll do once he's "distressed" again.
Holy shit!
The baby probably survived because of the soft soil and the vegetation on top of it, according to TV reports this morning. If he had landed on the concrete just a few meters to the side, his fate would have been very different. Lucky indeed. For the kid.
@buggerlugs...sometimes, like right now, I believe in miracles.
What a miracle! but again I've heard stories before babies and children survived accidents when adults didn't. Wonder why...
Ms. Alexander
As if strangling the baby wasn't bad enough! Why was he trying to strangle him from out the window in the first place! What a lie!
What life force this baby has! I hope he never has to find out what his dad did to him. His mother should leave his sorry butt and just tell the kids that his dad is dead or something!
I hope this baby grows up to have a good life!
Sorry, I don't a care about his poor state of mind. He deserves to be dropped from the 10th floor himself, anything less would be a crime...
geez another scary story. amazing the kid didn't die @o@ T.T japanese are really stressed out...
I wonder if printing detials in stories like this is a good idea. This could cause mental trauma when this kid gets older and finds out that his dad intentionally dropped him out a window. Sounds like something the family might want to keep him from knowing until he is able to cope with it. As it is, some imbicel might show him this news clipping some day and ask "hey, isn't that your dad?"
I saw your last post before it was deleted. I liked it, actually. Funny :)
So, most people are commenting about how they'd like to see the father punished, but I have a simple question: Did he really do this? Perhaps this was simply a LOUD cry for help.
He called the police himself, and they found the child in some "shrubbery" unharmed. I find it pretty incredible that a child could survive such a fall with nothing but a few scratches. Perhaps the father just dumped him there and then called the cops. He worked way too damn hard, maybe his marriage was awful. Perhaps he wanted a quick, easy way out. Maybe he didn't have the huevos to hop in front of a train, like those you hear about with unfortunate frequency.
It's possible. The working lifestyle of the Japanese is so intense, I wouldn't be surprised if people did crazy things like that.
Wow, 10 floors down and no injuries! That is one lucky child, I didn´t even think that is possible.
No need to comment about the father.
Drop kick father, now i hope they strangle him at the end of a rope, this kid is one lucky little SOB, he should go buy lotto as soon as he is old enough.
Becoming a parent should involve more than just the "practical exam".
ReformedBasher: "If so, I'd be inclined to hear this guy out before making judgments about what steps to take (which is what will happen in real life anyway)."
Agree and disagree. I agree so long as the steps are how many years in prison he should get -- or at the very least an asylum for the insane -- but disagree strongly if it's just some medical supervision, a few meds, and he's let go to be reunited with his family. The guy tried to kill his infant son -- it's attempted murder at the LEAST. He needs to be punished for that in one way or another. Stress does not justify what the man did any more than stress justifies pushing someone else in front of a train for not saying excuse me if they bump into you.
scotchegg: "What you're suggesting is below even eye for an eye justice, the type of justice most advanced societies have rejected as primitive."
An eye-for-an-eye would be strangling this guy for a bit then throwing him off the ten-story balcony of his apartment. I agree with you that this kind of person is crazy, and that having the death penalty (which I'm against for ANYBODY) won't be any kind of deterrent, but I hope to god this guy doesn't get off with a few pills and is reunited with his family. If he doesn't get any jail time he should at the very least be put away at a psychiatric ward until he is deemed to be no danger to his family. All too often here we hear about parents who commit horrible acts and are not properly dealt with and the end result being the inevitable death of a child under their care. Women who attempt murder or succeed in doing so are sometimes given lesser sentences if they have another child because, as one judge put it, "A child should not be without the care of his/her mother". Hence a mother who snapped and murdered one child and nearly succeeded in killing the other got a mere 1.5 year sentence so she could be reunited with the child who survived. I hope here we don't just hear a "The father regrets what he has done and the family should not be without the love and support of a parent, as well as the financial support" and that's the end of it (until the child is abused again and/or killed). As well as better psychiatric care there needs to be a better support system in general put into place for people to deal with stress/depression/suicidal thoughts, etc., BEFORE these incidents occur, not after (and far too little).
live long and prosper young jedi
Ramires Bourguignon Ferreira
my bad... the correct allocation of "supposedly" should be between "his (supposedly) own"
With Japan's population aging like it is, they should pass special laws regarding crimes against children. Japan needs to protect and nurture their youth like never before or the country is doomed.
"he recently seemed to be stressed about work"
I'm stressed from reading about this. Can I drop Hashimoto from 10 floors up?
@ thai girl, pls, this was NO accident! use the word incident.
Miracle the baby survived from falling this high. Baby's own father someone that should be loving and protecting the child. Someone please pick up this looser of a dad and throw him of a 10 story building. He deserves it and much more!
Thank the lord the infant survived -- and a 10-storey drop at that! Now, put the father behind bars for attempted murder -- I don't care if he was 'stressed about work' and found infanticide a reasonable stress reliever -- and get the wife and other child out of dodge, now!
Life is so valuable and special, I can't believe some people are given the trust and the gift of a new child and do this
Nicky Washida
Completely agree, but wouldnt mind betting he gets a suspended sentence because, after all, he is a man stressed out by work and life...
Not only am I sure he would, he would probably have to take a number and get in line -along with me.
The guy tried to strangle his 1 year old baby son, and then threw him off a 10th floor balcony!!! You may want to send him on an adventure holiday to build his teamwork skills and help him manage his anger. Im with Yubaru. This was a helpless infant at the mercy of the one person who is supposed to nurture and protect him. I think people feeling a little anger and wanting to teach this guy a lesson is human and normal, not primitive.
Exactly. But that's kind of my point. If it doesn't matter to the boy, then why does it matter so much to some of the people posting here? It's just primitive, instinctive rage which gets nobody anywhere. I feel sorry for the father... I guess his only consolation in the future will be that the kid survived.
I hope he is being held out of a 10 floor window and they should just let him go.
Luckily, your opinion isn't really relevant. I'd put more weight on the views of a psychiatrist. Which I guess makes me a liberal do-gooder. Which puts me on the same side as Jesus. So I'm happy.
"Aware" is as different to "sane" as "blue" is to "narrow". Crazy people don't all run around frothing at the mouth and gibbering.Look at OCD: some of those sufferers are intensely aware of their every action., more so than normal folk. But that doesn't make them mentally healthy, quite the opposite.
I very much doubt it. But I have had intimitate experience with the unpleasantness of mental illness, which always makes me stop and think when I read about stuff like this. I hope the poor guy gets the treatment he needs and that the kid and mother live happy lives. You too, going!
Vernie Jefferies
WOW...what a kid....survived a strangulation and 10 story drop. Looks like someone didn't know he gave birth to Hercules. I hope this child becomes a sports star in the future and his father will never see one yen of his earnings.
"So, most people are commenting about how they'd like to see the father punished, but I have a simple question: Did he really do this?"
Inverse made a very good observation which I would not have thought of myself, but it is possible this was staged as a way out of his own problems. Maybe the dad didnt have the heart like some people to actually do a crime just to be put in jail so he staged a crime instead. Some people who lose hope do commit crimes just to be put in jail. It happens. Also if the man tried to strangle the baby, why werent there hand marks or bruises on the neck? The report said there were only some scratches from the shrubs on the boy`s face. And if the dad had tried to strangle a 1 year old to kill him, I think he could have done that easily. Why did he fail at that? Even a 5 year old could strangle a 1 year old to death. Anyway, it is a sad and tragic story regardless of whether it was attempted murder or not.
Didn't do a very good job in Rwanda or My Lai or Auschwitz, did they?
Unbelievable!! Poor kid was lucky to survive.....and the father loses his family and freedom in the process. Can a mother and son ever forgive such an action?
I really don't care about his mind but he does deserve to be in jail for what he did someone should drop him from a 10th floor window and see how he likes it.
It's a miracle. This little boy is a miracle baby!
This smells like desperation, and a second chance for this end-of-his-rope-dad.
If it went in another way, I'd say game over, throw away the key, for this guy-
But this man has been given a gift from God; another chance to re-evaluate what is truly precious and irreplaceable.
May this man have the providence to recognize it, and spend his life atoning...
Elbuda Mexicano
This so called father sounds like a real idiot from hell! WTF was he thinking?? I hope this guy is thrown in in jail and NEVER allowed to escape, if he does this to HIS OWN BABY, what would he do to other peoples kids?? Idiot father BURN IN HELL!
Saw the headline and first thoughts were, "I bet he's either "stressed" or drunk". Am gonna take distressed as being correct.
Japan really needs to start importing those stress relieving balls for the sake of its kids!
Get a rope ready for this guy....
Interesting that all of these accidents happen at apartment buildings. This should be investigated.
Mirai Hayashi
That's the jgov solution to the problem. Keep them isolated and away from others. The real solution is to get him into a peer group and let him talk amongst people who have similar issues and try to find ways to curb the and anger and stress.
LOL @ Mabo
Hard to say from the facts available but it does not sound like prolonged abuse, more like a singe incident (and a very serious one).
If so, I'd be inclined to hear this guy out before making judgments about what steps to take (which is what will happen in real life anyway).
Great to hear the little boy was okay and hope this situation is resolved for the best.
now i believe babys , child, or childrens, they have a guardian angel always to protect them and save them in death.
This kind of accident makes me feel really sad.
Mikhail Mozzhechkov
Strange accident