A 27-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of inflicting bodily injury on his 8-year-old stepdaughter at their home in Koga City, Ibaraki Prefecture.
According to police, Kiichi Tsuji, a painter, grabbed the child by the arms and hurled her across the room, fracturing her collarbone and causing other injuries, on Jan 26, Sankei Shimbun reported.
Two days after the incident, Tsuji’s wife contacted her daughter’s school and said she couldn’t attend classes because she was injured. Finding the phone call suspicious, the school notified the police through child welfare officials.
Police said Tsuji has admitted to the charge. They said they are also questioning the girl’s mother.
© Japan Today
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Good on the school. I wish another school that was in the news recently had done something similar. That other girl died, by the way. Hoping the authorities in this case crate a fail-safe environment for this kid. Young kids being hurt or losing lives to abusive parents or stepparents is JUST NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!!!
Bravo to the school for notifying the authorities and having this investigated further. I bet some wouldn't.
As with the fellow who abandoned his kid on the mountain, I don't know what the punishment should be, but this is a good chance to send a clear message that this kind of parenting is not remotely acceptable any more. It might have been during grandpa's day or whatever, but it is not now.
There's just not enough love in japan. Children are treasure, not a burden.
This comes on the heels of yesterday's report stating child abuse is increasing due to more cases being reported. It's pretty obvious that is not the cases at all. Child abuse incidents are increasing and are becoming more callous. There is a nasty underbelly to Japanese society that is being swept under the carpet and has been for decades.
I guess the relevance of stating that he is a 'painter' eludes to the fact that maybe he has sniffed far too much paint thinner fumes?
Seriously however, I tend to agree with Disillusioned statement,
Family or emotional bonding seems to be a trait that is sorely lacking within this society. Many just don't have the capacity to express their emotions outwardly. This inevitably leads to many internalizing their emotions which will eventually be let out with explosive reprocuctions.
Like I said before, all this evidence of extreme child abuse here in Japan will not prompt ANY changes. Too much has happened frequently that SHOULD HAVE made DRASTIC and IMMEDIATE changes in the justice system in cases such as these (or in general), but nothing has changes or shown signs of improvement. My broken heart weeps for these innocent children.
JJ Jetplane
Another monster that can’t pick on someone else their own size so they prey on women and defenseless children.
One of the key issues here may be because Japan offers such little support for single mothers. The benefits are nice if you are not working but it isn’t enough to survive on. Then for those that do work, even part time, their benefits are penalized greatly.
Because of the lack of support from the system and the difficulty of raising a child without the support, they end up with monsters like this guy.
Do the hustle
Unfortunately, changes to the justice system will do very little to prevent child abuse. These thugs do not consider consequences and many believe they are doing no wrong. The changes need to be in the education system and society in general to stop producing all these deluded and stressed out psychos.
Hiro Ueda
I hope he and the mother get punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Not like our opinion would matter but the mother has to seriously re-think her relationship with that man.
Sometimes it is best for people to open their eyes to the rest of the World instead of singling out Japan for everything just because you only read Japan news. Calling out an entire country for the acts of a certain percentage is plain discriminatory.
This 'partner/ stepchildren' thing in Japan presents a lot of issues. There should be a law that new partners are not permitted to 'step-parent' children until they are checked out by social services, approved by the grandparents, and until the relationship has stood some time. I understand that many mothers are almost desperate for the support and relationship that a new partner brings, but they are risking their childrens safety.
What has happened to Japan----there used to be a saying "Daimyou gyouretsu mo kodomo ni yuzuru" but things are different in the modern japan.!
The Golden Rule...Do unto others as you would they do unto you. Put it into practice for these monsters who mistreat their children.
The Police have to arrest this type of person and send him to Prison for besting a young girl,