Police in Tokyo have arrested a 49-year-old man on suspicion of sexually assaulting a high school girl on a train last September.
According to police, Kazuhiro Minegishi, a restaurant employee from Yashio, Saitama Prefecture, has admitted to groping the girl on a train on the Keisei line at around 7:30 a.m. on Sept 21, 2023, Kyodo News reported. A male passenger noticed what was going on and grabbed Minegishi's arm, and held onto him until the train arrived at the next station. But Minegishi broke free at the station and fled.
Police said Minegishi was identified after an analysis of station surveillance camera footage. On the morning of the incident, he was dressed like an office worker, in clothes he does not typically wear to his restaurant job. Police believe he purposely dressed like an office worker to make it easier to blend in with other commuters.
Police quoted Minegishi as saying, “I did it because of stress from work.” Police said he also told them he had “committed about 50 indecent acts in the past two years.”
© Japan Today
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Brian Wheway
How about putting ap a big bill board on the platforms of all stations, on this bill board would be a A4 picture of the perpetrators, I know a lot of Thai and Japanese people don't like loosing face, yes we all know his name, but he could get on any train tomorrow and no one would recognise him, so a big picture of a convicted or charged henti, groper, up skirt picture taker, might just make them think if I get caught I'll be so embarrassed seeing my picture on a bill board, some perverts will carry on, ok your going on the bill board
Brian Wheway
@garypen you forgot one, I was drunk and don't remember a thing
The old ‘stress’ defense rears its head yet again…
...claims he’s done similar acts at least 50 times.
A frank and outright confession with no room for interpretation. Let's hope the courts react sensibly and use this to throw this pathetic piece of scum in a dark, dank cell.
That old chestnut. The all-purpose excuse for assaulting random strangers in Japan, whether sexually or with a weapon.
The top three criminal excuses in Japan, in no particular order:
"I don't remember doing that"
"I didn't mean to kill him/her"
"I was stressed from work"
I was groped near a junior high school while walking down the street in a rural area, in broad daylight. The perv was so fast that I had literally no time to react. All of a sudden I was in pain, and the next moment this scrawny little man was racing away from me on his bicycle. It definitely seemed to me that he'd had his approach (from behind), attack, and escape (down a side alley) planned out beforehand, and like he'd already done that kind of thing countless times before. I was disturbed by the thought that he'd probably done it to students.
Sometimes I fantasize about running after him with super speed and kicking his bicycle over with him on it. Pervs are the scum of the earth.
On a semi crowded subway in Tokyo, the seats were all taken and there was a line of people in front of them, hanging onto the straps reading. There was one guy standing very close to a girl holding a strap. My attention was on him as he really didn't need to be so close. There was space behind him. And then I saw his hips begin to move. It was so stupidly ridiculous that I burst out laughing. "Hey guy," I said, fairly loudly. "Are you in heat or something?"
His face went bright red and he bolted for the door, running out as soon as the doors opened.
Sometimes laughter is the best medicine!
He will be told not to do it again, then set free.
finally rich
because it's part of their culture, it would be the same as trying to explain why someone jumped onto the tracks.. you restrain a pervert in the train, there will be 2 or 3 more perverts looking at you, some might even hold you and try to convince you to let the pervert go, all in the name of peace.
Minegishi said “I did it because of stress from work.”.............thank dog for that, and he was not drunk. I do not think I have read that excuse before, so at least he's original, so that deserves a year off his ten year sentence.
As a gaijin, I would be scared to intervene only because I could be blamed for it. But, I could walk over and get right in the guy's face. Make him uncomfortable. That might help. Oh, and call the police.
finally rich
I rarely ride trains but honestly I don't know what would be my reaction if witness a skinny disgusting pervert groping a schoogirl on her way to school while everyone turns a blind eye, in other countries you'd be commended by everyone in the train for restraining the perv while using a bit of excessive force and other males would join to make sure the guy will be left terrified of even thinking about doing the same ever again but you know how the culture can be different here, everyone will stand still with a terrified face and the moment the police arrives they will know exactly who they will be going for, with some luck you will only lose the whole morning explaining yourself.
Ricky Kaminski13
A typical generic statement from a typically generic creep.
Good job, idiot. Incriminate yourself more.
and yet, still no sexual predators list,
This! The perp should learn to properly unwind from time to time.
Desert Tortoise
So punish his co-workers and employer? What did they do wrong?
It would be a great service if his place of employment was known, I, and many others I'm sure, would not like to eat anything from the place he works.
Brand a scarlet letter C onto his forehead with a hot iron.
Aly Rustom
“I did it because of stress from work.”
Dude, grab a few beers, work out, go to soapland, the sky's the limit. Don't be groping minors.
Gene Hennigh
50 times whatever the punishment is for one time is what he should get. When it is a high school girl, he should also be charged with sexual assault. This is one of the most disgusting crimes there is. A high school girl on her way to school. Throw the book at him. Then throw another and another and another.
How come he is still not in prison long term and with huge fines??
Those perverts are the reason the women only car trains exist, instead of dealing with those criminals with maximum fines and penalties.
Restaurant job in the kitchen really tough and hot.