Japan Today

Man arrested for killing 80-year-old wife in Toyama

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Police in Toyama have arrested a 75-year-old man on suspicion of stabbing to death his 80-year-old wife.

Police said they received a call at around 6 p.m. on Sunday from Kotaro Matsumura who said that he had just stabbed his wife Yoshiko with a kitchen knife, NTV reported.

Police arrived on the scene shortly after and found Yoshiko collapsed and bleeding on the floor. She was taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead.

According to neighbors, the couple moved into the neighborhood in 2012 and have seldom spoken to anyone during that time.

NTV quoted police as saying that Yoshiko -- who suffered from dementia -- had consulted them in August about being beaten by her husband. After that, she moved to a protective facility but decided to go back home in November.

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Sad, and nothing will happen to him because of his age.

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