Japan Today

Man arrested for mailing bullet to lawmaker who gave letter to emperor


A 55-year-old unemployed man has been arrested for mailing a shotgun cartridge with a threatening note to a lawmaker last Nov 19. The cartridge, along with a note saying "I'm going to kill you," was sent to novice Japanese lawmaker Taro Yamamoto.

Yamamoto, an actor-turned-politician, caused a furor by handing a letter to Emperor Akihito during a royal garden party on Oct 31, which some critics say was a breach of protocol. At the time, Yamamoto said he handed the letter to the emperor to make him more aware of the plight of the people suffering after the Fukushima nuclear crisis.

According to police, the man who sent the shotgun cartridge has been identified as Mikio Mizutani, a former company employee from Nagoya.

TV Asahi reported Monday that the letter was X-rayed at the post office in Ginza, Chuo Ward, and not delivered to Yamamoto once the cartridge was found. Police said that the sender's name was a former boss of Mizutani who said he knew nothing about it.

Police said Mizutani has admitted to the charge and quoted him as saying he was angry at Yamamoto for giving the letter to the emperor.

After the garden party, Yamamoto received more than one death threat, including an envelope that contained a knife and a menacing letter, warning that "a group of assassins will be dispatched shortly."

Police are also questioning Mizutani over an incident in February in which his former boss received a bullet in the mail, as well as the sending of a bullet to the Asahi Shimbun's head office in Tokyo.

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Sheesh, if you're gonna send a bullet, don't list a return address.

6 ( +6 / -1 )

Lone man go crazy..... what Yamamoto did was despicable and lack of education. Yamamoto was nagged, criticized, punished and some more....That is enough. But threatening the guy for it, is going cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

-13 ( +1 / -13 )

These guys are such tools.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Good, I'm glad this looney was caught.

It's amazing how someone like Yamamoto can receive death threats. It just makes you wonder what is going on under the nuclear village world.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Yamamoto, an actor-turned-politician

He's still just an actor really.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

caused a furor by handing a letter to Emperor Akihito during a royal garden party

I don't get why this is a problem in the first place, it's not like he slapped the Emperor in the face...

6 ( +8 / -2 )

So which was it, a bullet, or a cartridge full of pellets? The article seems to use both randomly, despite being very different things.

3 ( +3 / -0 )


Sheesh, if you're gonna send a bullet, don't list a return address

But it wasn't his own address ! He was probably hoping his ex-boss would get into trouble instead of him...

Police said that the sender’s name was a former boss of Mizutani who said he knew nothing about it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yamamoto is a hero. He may or may not have exercised proper judgment, with some fellow lefties saying that in giving the emperor the letter he was legitimizing/recognizing the political power is barred by the constitution fro exercising. Maybe. There is room for honest debate among people considering the best way to deal with the criminals who allowed this to happen and want to continue to enrich themselves by selling their technology to states in the Middle East, Indonesia and Vietnam. But he also made people think, and showed concern for the people of Fukushima, who have been first abused and then abandoned by the state and the nuclear mafia. The Emperor actually has shown more compassion than most of those in power, and Yamamoto's action was not a slap in the face of the Emperor.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

What Paul Arenson said...

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Do you really think it was the bullet/cartridge/whatever that got him arrested? Or was it the "I'm going to kill you" that did it? 55 and unemployed, another person wanting 3 hots and a cot?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Perhaps send Yamamoto an invitation to join the NRA National Rifle Association, intl actor/politician division...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

@Thomas Anderson "Good, I'm glad this looney was caught." ....that's right...


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yes; I'l be HAPPY to pay for his Membership.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I don't get why this is a problem in the first place, it's not like he slapped the Emperor in the face...>

Even today The Emperor is a sacred figure, and you're not supposed to involve him in politics. He's supposed to be above that. I'm not even talking about constitution-wise, its just not done (except in rare cases). The Japanese have had an Emperor for around 1500-1600years, there are precedents for approaching the Emperor that Yamamoto clearly broke.

Also, I'm sure you understand the levels of politeness in Japanese society. Hell, even to your immediate superiors your nnot supposed to hand things over with 1 hand. I assure you, giving proper respect is not a trifle in Japanese society. Honestly, for a Japanese person to be so disrespectful toward the Emperor is actually a bit shocking.

I don't condone the reaction, but I'm not surprised by it either. Actually, after I heard about this incident, I was almost sure Yamamoto would have been physically attacked.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

has been identified as Mikio Mizutani

I am always shocked to see the name of not convinced suspects made public in Japan.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

This fool is unemployed. Naturally. Would you employ him? Of course he is unemployed. He has been and now surely will be unemployable. At the very least, he is uneducated. His demonstration of this negates the bullet for he has already shot himself in the foot. Will rich mommy and daddy's money pay for this moron's defence and incarceration too?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

"Even today The Emperor is a sacred figure, and you're not supposed to involve him in politics. He's supposed to be above that. Well what about: Emperor Hirohito gave his consent to the war and then asked: "Are you going to provide justification for the war?" and General of the Army Douglas MacArthur made him speak into a microphone, which was never done before.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This fool should be more focused on getting a job. A letter given to the emperor which has nothing to do with should be the least ofnhis worries.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@fxgaiMAR. 24, 2014 - 04:48PM JST Yamamoto, an actor-turned-politician

He's still just an actor really.


He lost acting career when he became a politician.

He did not know Emperor already visited Fukushima victims for 3 occasions. I think he does not read newspapers. So Yamamoto gave a brush stroke written his letter to the Emperor which Emperor is prohibited to read as it was a party for politicians. Kunai-Cho official took out so that the Emperor would not be punished according to Japanese Constitution, There is English Version (Official) of Constitution so you can read in Wikipedia how Emperor is restricted. But this guy threatening Yamamoto is a criminal act. Emperor is old but he can not retire. that is why he and Empress go to Foreign Countries even he is not healthy.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

There was a protest against Yamamoto in my neighbourhood last year. It made me so angry that poeple would spend there time protesting something like that and not protesting for some positive action for the poor people of Fukushima and surrounding areas. Do something positive for your country people for crying out loud!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

@Spanki not protesting for some positive action for the poor people of Fukushima and surrounding areas. Do something positive for your country people for crying out loud!


Are you sure people should protest for some positive action? Maybe you begin to organize to protest against positive action?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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