A 58-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of property damage after he was caught inserting a condom full of semen into a girl’s bag, police said.
According to police, the incident took place in May this year at Kokkaigijido-mae station in Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward. Kiyoshi Kuroda, a 58-year-old janitor company employee from Toride, Ibaraki Prefecture, dropped a condom full of his own semen into the bag of a high-school student, who was standing at the station’s platform while on her way to school, Fuji TV reported.
Kuroda has reportedly admitted to committing the act, telling police he was “stressed from work” and has been doing the same since two, three years ago, police said.
Investigators are currently checking on several similar reports in the capital, looking into the possibility that they are related to the same suspect.
© Japan Today
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Please send this guy to the loony bin, stress isn't the reason for this.
I agree with Gogogo.... on both counts.
Serial wAnker with a dubious sense of humour. Seriously what a weird thing to do (and plan!). Where's the turn on? Thinking about the girl's reaction when she finds 'it'? Right
I guess we all have our own forms of deviance but some J blokes are just on another planet!
Ps: those guys are a nightmare for lawmakers > how do you punish this type of crime?!
"Kokkaigijido-mae station in Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward. Kiyoshi Kuroda, a 58-year-old janitor company employee from Toride, Ibaraki Prefecture"
It traveled far to drop off a condom full of his own semen into the bag of a female high-school student.
Nutcrack " was “stressed from work” and has been doing the same since two, three years ago...... wa fn wah baby pooh. What J system mommy and daddy didn't take care of it?
Sweet JC that's horrific. There are plenty of affordable outlets for (ahem) stress relief without resorting to this depravity.
I know it's the initial charge, but this is sexual and psychological assault
Another gray grown arse idiot running around.
Can you imagine if this freak had an infection, an STD or HIV, etc... What kind of warped, twisted person would ever consider it let alone actually DO it. Lock him away!
WTF, time for Japan to build prison industrial complexes, and put these clowns endangering the public to free labor.
Thunderbird: "Can you imagine if this freak had an infection, an STD or HIV, etc."
You do know how those diseases are transmitted, right?
I find it truly hard to believe anyone would get off on this kind of thing. Lock the guy up... At the very least in a nut-house where he can't do this again.
Stella Duce
property damage?? How about psychological damage!
Thunderbird, I was thinking the same thing. Assault - or better yet, sexual assault - would be a much more appropriate charge given the chance of biological injury and the underlying motives.
That'll be enough internet for me today...
Dear god.. Obviously wasn't a spur of the moment thing if he's walking around with a condom full of semen..
He probably saw it in a manga series about that activity.
Creepy just doesn't cut it for this one. Unfortunately, the charges don't quite fit the crime. Destruction of property is not a severe offense. In Australia he would be facing a string of charges that probably would extend to assault and public indecency and, he would be entered onto child the sex offenders list because ease is a minor. This weirdo will only receive a slap on the wrist and 'possibly' a small fine for damages. Sad, but true!
Utterly disgusting.
Manuel D. Valencia III
Only in Japan.
Oh, come on!
Kobe White Bar Owner
"arrested on suspicion of property damage"
Is there no law like (arrested for being a messed up pervi little creep)....
Alistair Carnell
The creep was probably trying to introduce himself as a potential sugar daddy.
Castrate this clown !
Me too, and I just woke up.
OMG This just about sums up how many sick twisted Japanese men there are that walk, w__k and put their dreadful seeds where they want. I got my skirt soiled with this stuff on a train once and it is horrific once you get to the office and someone tells you about it.
I guess "stress" is the go-to cop-out in Japan nowadays. Stress doesn't make you do something so gross and bizarre. Either this guy is a creeper or he's loony as a loon. Either way, I would recommend this guy go through immediate mental evaluation.
Do you seriously think HIV or STDs can survive in a cold condom full of jizz? Poor dude should have paid someone to "relieve his stress". Cheaper than the costs of court case and prosecution but he hardly deserves jail.
By contact with bodily fluids?
Logged in to say something about this.
Read the other comments first. Close enough.
Decided I had nothing to say.
Frederic Bastiat
Words fail me... Wha.....?
Come again?
. . . it could have been a woman in her 20's or 30's. But just like the up-skirt photos, school aged girls are always targeted in Japan. . . . and some posters say this kind of HS Girl fetish has nothing to do with the lolita pop music culture in Japan-
yes. I clicked. Still, My evening would have been fine without this headline. JT is a business though. I feel dirty all over.
If you're saying the pop music culture is the cause, then I'd say you're wrong. The schoolgirl fetish was around long before the music thing. It has something to do with it, but I'd guess the music thing is the result, not the cause.
That'll be enough internet for me today... see you tomorrow, another day, another looney story courtesy of some deranged middle aged guy as reported by JT!
And people say Japan is a safe place. I agree totally because the people are safe to do crazy things like this!
Just Japan things.
Fred Wallace
No compadre, I believe a quick google search should set you straight. Use it!!
Ahh the good ol I will jack off into a condom and dump it into a school girl's bag to relieve stress excuse. Couldn't make this stuff up if you tried.
David Blue
The brain disease is strong with this one.
Read my comment. Im not saying its the cause, just that the music, costumes, uniforms and doe-eyed underaged replicas are fueling the fire. Prob almost as much as the porn industry. Which, by the way, recently banned child pornography. Wasn't Japan one of the last modern nations to do so?
Aly Rustom
We really need a WTF crime section here to prepare us for this kind of ###.
Women always seem to be worried about the gaijin on the train seated next to them or the gaijin walking nearby. Better be more worried about the guy who is from the same place as you.
Alex Einz
Janitor stressed from work? What the floor mopping project is over budget? wtf?
Mocheake, makes a good point here. If I had a 10000 yen bill for every time I have been in a similar situation, I would take a long vacation.
Brian Wheway
well its going to hard for him to denied the allegation just a quick DNA test will prove this, I hear a lot of weird things coming out of Japan about sexual habits IE upstart filming, cutting hair, but putting a used condom in a bag...what the f, is going through peoples heads?
Ian Duncan
It was full?
Dear Japantoday editor,would you please let us know how this plays out?I'm damn near speechless with disgust.I want to know what happens to this creep.Charging him with property damage is a joke.He needs to be charged as a sex offender and do some serious time.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Yeah, its weird and gross. But it beats getting shot or stabbed, the first very, very rare in Japan, and the second relatively rare. Better in general to be a victim of weird, gross J-crime than brutal, sure death crime in my country, including that of the police force!
In the US this would be battery and possibly assault. Couldn't get him for indecent exposure unless he made his deposit in public.
WTF???..i wish if i can go back in time to unsee this...lock him away.there must be some consequences for what he have done.that have been said,he needs some mental help for sure no one on his right mind will do this.
Where does one find the time to FILL a comdom with semen?
And who said romance was dead.
Just when I thought I heard it all!!
Dennis Bauer
The heat is bringing out the loony's again
Just sickening. Please lock this guy up and throw away the key.
Yes, goldorak, a dubious sense of humor, and that’s the crux of why it’s disgusting. And not only in Japan, Manuel.
In my youth, I picked up my girlfriend at her house one day, and she was distraught. Her uncle, he also admitted to it, had gone into the girl’s underwear drawer and smeared the crotches of her white panties with Dijon mustard. When she told me I started laughing uncontrollably, and then so did she, so convulsively, the both of us, that I had to pull the car over so we could compose ourselves.
This is so gross and the fact is there are sick, twisted, and perverted people not only in Japan but in all countries throughout the world. Why is there so much evil and disgusting people. Unfortunately in this modern world we don't have enough inspirational, good, upbeat and positive news stories. Instead we seem to love bad news and may be hard-wired for bad news. So sad.