A 31-year-old man was arrested on Monday for pushing a 25-year-old woman into a dam in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. The victim was found alive after the 13-meter fall into the dam, police said, adding her injuries were not life-threatening.
Rikiya Kobayashi was charged with the attempted murder of the woman, who was an acquaintance, by pushing her into the dam around 5:30 a.m. after he kidnapped her in the city around 4:30 a.m. Police said Kobayashi grabbed the woman after she finished work at the bar where he was drinking. Police said that Kobayashi beat her inside the car as well.
Kobayashi has so far given no motive for the attack.
© Japan Today
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That's a damned outrage.
Shall we have a guess that the guy was unemployed and probably living with his parents?
And likes manga?
and of course, he was drunk
I hope the throw the BOOK at him for DRUNK DRIVING too!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's try a couple of potential motives:
He was angry at his mother for not washing his underwear.
He was angry with the bar staff for not putting the mandatory four inch head of foam on his beer.
The barmaid told him to p/off and stop being a drunken scumbag.
He is just another psychotic member of this society who preys on women.
Ah... I should have seen the drunk one. He was drunk, which justifies anything he has done. Go to bed Japan, the wa is back in order and you are safe once again!
****Maybe he took a swig of beer and she neglected to fill his glass back to the brim immediately. Or, she could be extremely ugly. Some motive is necessary to make sense of it.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh---Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have an idea!! She spurned his advances!!...Oh..I have another she IGNORED him!!!
The article lacks detail. How were they discovered? Was it witnessed by someone? Did she manage to climb out and escape? Did he go to the nearest police station to confess? Details please.
Dennis Bauer
another bad day at the office?
They should find the biggest book and through it at his nuts.
Pushed into a dam must hurt but not as much as being pushed off a dam - that could be a long fall for sure.
He was arrested for attempted murder. Will he also be charged with kidnapping or is that not a crime anymore?
13 meters - its quite high
Japanese women will one day acquire the kick to the crotch technique. I just hope its soon and the way thing are going, they should teach it at school. A kick to the crotch would have spared her getting wet over nothing.
She is lucky she survived...
That would take a lot of training and a damn good eye if you consider the size of the target area in Japanese men.
"Pushed into a dam". What does that even mean? Was she pushed off the top of a dam and fell into the reservoir? I doubt she'd still be alive if she went off the other "nothing but air and vertical concrete side".
A fine quibble, Velocity.
Elbuda Mexicano
Here, young Kobashi kun, is an excellent candidate for the DEATH PENALTY! He beat the poor girl, push her off 13 meters into a dam, say no more, hang him high!