A 41-year-old man was arrested for rape on Thursday, accused of putting a sedative in a canned juice a woman was drinking before raping her in his car.
Police said Takayuki Maeda, a resident of Sakai City and employee at a real estate business, was driving in Nishi Ward when he stopped his car at about 11 p.m. to ask a woman in her 20s for directions. He asked her to draw a map and bought her a canned juice from a nearby vending machine. He gave her the juice and she began drinking it, and offered to hold it for her while she was drawing the map, during which time he is believed to have mixed a powder sedative into it. The woman told police she woke up in her home about 9 hours later, but had no memory of how she got home.
Police identified Maeda’s car from a security camera which recorded footage of him stopping the car and calling out to the woman. Maeda has admitted to putting the sedative in the juice but has denied raping the woman. Police said there have been eight other similar incidents in Sakai City and south Osaka since February this year, and are investigating if Maeda was involved.
According to statistics published in the Aug 8 edition of the Weekly Osaka Nichinichi newspaper, 54 women were raped and 367 women were subjected to indecent assault in Osaka Prefecture in the first half of this year.
© News reports
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"According to statistics published in the Aug 8 edition of the Weekly Osaka Nichinichi newspaper, 54 women were raped and 367 women were subjected to indecent assault in Osaka Prefecture in the first half of this year."
I'm willing to bet the number is FAR, FAR higher, ladies and lads. The only good news in all this is that the woman got home alive. Lock the man up for a few years and let him see how it feels... minus the sedative.
She was probaby given a Rohypnol, a "date rape" drug. Comes in small pill than can be dropped into the drink of an unsuspecting victim. The pill can dissove in either alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, and the drug is odorless and tasteless. Thes memory blackouts are typically 8-12 hours long. Here are some ways to reduce your risk: Never leave our drink unattended, if you order a mixed drink, watch the person who mixes it. If someone offers to buy you a drink, go up to the bar with them to accept a drink.
First, I wonder where those data came from. I cannot believe that something like this would not be attributed. ... Weekly Osaka Nichnichi, indeed. The editor is a chainsmoking PT Barnum, I bet.
But assuming that is true, then the numbers show the total number of rapes and indecent assaults, which for a city the size of Osaka is about par for the course. Many will not report, some will report falsely.
What it does not say is how many were tied to date rape drugs. Not even a guess. Who writes this stuff? Has anybody ever read a newspaper and thought they could do a better job at putting together an article after doing at least a couple of phone calls worth of research? Why does everything I read in Japan seem about a half step up the staircase from rumor and innuendo?
Really, is it acceptable for a news story about an incident to cite what appear to be publicly available data acquired from a weekly rag?
I don't think is that difficult to check if rape was involved. If it was, lock him up and throw away the key
Don't get Rohypnol in powder form. And Rohypnol now contains a dye so you can see if someone has put it into your drink.
Den Den
"is about par for the course"? Are you shrugging off these despicable atrocities. As someone who was drugged and almost raped myself, the effects of such actions last far longer than the incident itself.
"And Rohypnol now contains a dye so you can see if someone has put it into your drink." unfortunately a canned drink would make that feature less useful.
Den Den
Also, my drink was in a dark club, with coloured flashing lights.
Yes,but like Mittsu said,it doesn't come in powder form. It must have been something else. People should still not leave their drink unattended especially at clubs and bars.
Sakai is hella dodgy. Quite a few cases of groups of guys dragging girls into their cars and then dumping them in the mountains.
OK, this guy admits to giving her the drug, but denies raping her. One question (and I'm sure this one will be the first thing out of the prosecutors's mouth)... Why the heck did you give her the drug, if it wasn't to rape her?
And a "rufie" containing dye is not going to be seen in a fruit juice of similar color.
I get the point about can or coloured drink - was just saying. Unfortunately our Japanese friends are too trusting - who would accept a canned drink from a total stranger? Like the wallets kept in back pockets, handbags just put down without thought of who might be lurking etc.
is it fun doing it with an unconscious person?
"is it fun doing it with an unconscious person?"
With some women you can't make out the difference!
Really? It's not that much of a surprise to me when you're in a small island country with thousands of years of history, and a population density of 337 per square km (Probably more if you consider how much "unlivable" mountainous terrain there is in Japan).
So sad such men exist who need to drug a woman to make her pay them attention.
Where did you get this statistic? Is this a national statistic? In Tokyo it is 3,000 people per square kilometer and jumps to 5,000 in some areas.
The number of rapes and sexual assaults is alarmingly high even when compared with countries that are notorious for female abuse like some African countries. Japan does have a serious problem with abuse of women and children that has been ignored for way too long! Hopefully, when the government (this week's) gets back into session they will address this and child porn to make some sort of dent in this most disgusting part of Japanese culture.Wakarimasen
Probabaly alittle off topic, but more Japanese women should deal with inappropriate advances in the way that this Greew woman did
Fadamor, you should read a novel called "Sleeping Beauty" or something like this, by Kawabari or Yushima (sorry, that was long time ago). It's about a club were dude go and stay with a sleeping, drugged women, without any contact
In Japan, Rohypnol does not include the dye used in other countries. It is routinely prescribed to those who want a strong sedative to help fall asleep (as a sleeping pill). You can ask for it by name, and get a prescription filled very quickly and easily.
Didn't realise Rohypnol is easily obtainable in Japan - it is a scheduled drug in US....
Disillusioned: National stat. You're probably right about metro areas.
Could not agree more. My "incident" was 10 years ago. You never "get over" it but you learn to live with it as part of your life, what makes you the person you are now. I am VERY aware, always very careful, and yet it happened to me. It can happen to anyone in any situation. Please Please Please be careful out there.
For anyone who is struggling to come to terms with it - it helped me to know that the experience can be used to send a positive message to other people. I never told anyone for a long time - too ashamed. Felt maybe it was my fault. But now I am happy to talk about it - if my experience prevents even one other person getting caught out it somehow makes it seem less of a bad thing and more something that was supposed to happen somehow to make me who I am now.
And once you start talking you would be amazed how frequently this happens, and how many other women - and men - are out there not talking and feeling like it is all their fault too.
I have no memory of that night either. And proof is very difficult to find because the drug metabolises so quickly, and usually the perpetrators are very careful to leave little physical evidence, plus the fact that for a long time you feel so ashamed and just thing you got too drunk and did something totally out of character - until the flashbacks start at least.
well, then let's see some scientific proof.
Crush the pill and it becomes powder - Duh
Seems as though the solution is easy. Don't drink in public. If "society" is such a shark filled cesspool, wear an iron wetsuit... or whatever... insert metaphor here.... If the cops don't get you for drunk driving, then the rapists, muggers and unscrupulous shop owners will.
Seems like a no-brainer to me. Some posters here are giving advice on how to dose someone with illegal substances. If that is acceptable, I will party with people I know, thanks.
Wow terrible.
The woman told police she woke up in her home about 9 hours later, but had no memory of how she got home.
Smthin not right ...How did the stranger know where the womans house was??
she drew the map to her home
Address on her drivers license and GPS.
It remains unclear how this guy managed to find her home, but perhaps he rifled through her belongings afterwards. Needless to say, condolences to this innocent lady for such a terrible violation. We can only hope the perpetrator gets a maximum sentence without reprieve.
For the women here relating their own nightmare experiences: this is a brave thing, and your resilience of spirit is admirable. Good on you girls.
" Police identified Maeda’s car from a security camera which recorded footage of him stopping the car and calling out to the woman "
it's not like that babe passed out totally.
In North America here, women have been advised not to leave their drinks out of sight and they should also take them to the toilets if possible. In the case of they have left the drinks, discard them. That's because there have been cases of their drinks were tempered and got raped.
That even occur when some poor girl date a guy and the guy spiked her drink and raped the girl. I guess that's the name "date raped drug" comes from.
Yep, that's why a "rufie" is called a date-rape drug. Guys put it in the girl's drink, let them drink a bit and before it fully hits, leave the bar with the girl. By the time she's at the car, she's practically defenseless and once in the car she's out of it completely. I think it must be a power-trip kind of thing. I don't understand those guys because I know I'm not interested in someone who is just laying there unconscious. How they can even get aroused is beyond me.
I've had enough 'maguro' in Japan to know this can't be much fun. I want action
"Hits head on wall", why the hell do some guys go to these lame ways to get a date. Some ways are legal while others (like this) are not!
The guy is stupid. It's not even necessary. Especially if the girl is not real hot out-of-your-league. Just ask her out.
what drug did he use? Must be the same crap those b@stards in Roppongi use to steal money from peoples credit cards.