Police in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, have arrested an unemployed 22-year-old man on suspicion of stealing a bag from a 77-year-old woman in a wheelchair.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 2:40 p.m. on April 4. Fuji TV reported that the woman was waiting for her husband inside the entrance to a pachinko parlor when the suspect came up behind her and snatched the bag from her lap and fled. Police said the bag contained contained 60,000 yen.
Police identified the suspect through surveillance camera footage and he was arrested at a pinball gambling facility on April 7.
© Japan Today
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Stealing from an old lady in a wheelchair, a new low. Well, now we know how he finances his hobby. Shoulda known there'd be cameras dufus.
She was waiting for her husband inside the entrance of a pachinko parlor. Good to see seniors using their pensions so wisely.
The only positive in this story is that the money stays in the pachinko addicts community.
Alec Savard
Unemployed as usual.
Front runner for the scumbag of the week and it's only Sunday! This one wil, take some beating! - as should he!
It was indeed a swift arrest. kudos to police, along with surveillance camera.
Unfortunately anybody living in Kansai will read as far as "Amagasaki" and just go, yep.
Oh ... Pachinko Obachan
What dirtbag! Get job!
@Ampas & khulifi
I waited INSIDE a Pachinko parlour once, while my fiancé took my son to the "Gents"... I very much doubt it was to play Pachinko that they were there...