Police on Thursday arrested 41-year-old sushi restaurant owner after he stole a police motorcycle and drove it around. According to police, Hitoshi Kotama admits to the charges but was quoted as saying, "I didn't know it belonged to a police officer."
Kotama is suspected of taking the motorcycle and riding it around between 7:50 and 8:20 p.m. on Wednesday in Kyoto's Ukyo Ward. The bike had been left alone while the officer who was driving it was collecting statements from witnesses at the scene of an incident. Although the key was out of the ignition at the time, the handle lock was released.
© News reports
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Did he just push it around? Is that a joyride?
Eh? So, did he take it for a joy-ride or a joy-push? There is a major inconsistency in this article.
So, if the bike belonged to someone else, messing with it would be okay? And if the key wasn't in the ignition, did the cop leave it somewhere near the bike?
i've always been tempted to do something like this. urayamashii!
Was it one of those very fast white bikes with all the blue lights? And he did not know it was a cops? What a loser.
What a tool :)) -_- Luckily no damage done - I hope they release him with a slap on his hands... SOme persons just never mature...
Not condoning stealing by any means, but I hope it teaches a lesson to all those idiots who leave their cars running outside convenience stores.
He had a bit of fun, noone got hurt. Fine, a slap on the wrist, and move on.
joy ride without a key. what a lie. the cop probably left it running.
Key wasn't in the ignition.....yeah, right. Two lies in this story. One from both sides. "I didn't know it belonged to a police officer".
So he hot wired it as well?
So would I eat in this guy's restaurant in the future? I mean, eating in a thief's restaurant. I hope someone puts a note at the door that the owner of the restaurant is a thief.
Pfft! I suppose the extra-large plastic windscreen with the KOBAN star on it didn't tip him off...
...Still, I'd rather read about this than some of the distressing child-abuse cases that make this column.
Why didn't the officer just leave his gun in the rusty metal box on the back? Jeez... the police in this country really need to get it together. Part of me says good on the middle-aged dude for having a bit of harmless fun, but seriously.
How can someone take a joyride on a motorcycle with no key in the ignition? Did he ride it down a hill?
Did he ride it down a hill? Both ways!
What about the big saddle bags and antenna whip? Still can't see a cops bike?
It was probably the same kind of bike this sushi chef uses to deliver his fare, i.e. a Supercub, although police versions tend to be white.
I am alwaays SOOOO tempted when I see those white bikes just sitting at the curb...
This bloke would be in pretty good shape if I were called for lay-judge duty.
well gee whiz - it was ready to ride. i sooo wanna do that too!!!!!
Cops should know to practice theft protection measures. I blame the Cop for providing the opportunity to this guy. Kind of like entrapment. For those who don't know about entrapment, it's like leaving a 10,000 Yen bill on the sidewalk to bust the person who puts it in their wallet instead of turning it in.
Legend! This is on my "100 thing to do before you die" list.
I'll bet Kotama is the only sushi restaurant owner who has ever taken a police motorcycle for a joyride.
Patricia Yarrow
Funny to the extreme!
He probably saw the thing running w/o a cop and decided to park it somewhere else just to prank the cop for being stupid. Too bad it didn't work out. Would have liked to have seen the cops face though. "Gee, I left it right here!"
I've seen cop cars with the keys in the ignition parked outside overnight.....
Some of the posters above are correct. It was a cub-type bike, not obviously a police bike. The guy tried the handlebars and they turned so he pushed it home to his apartment where the cop spotted it later. http://mainichi.jp/area/kyoto/news/20100423ddlk26040542000c.html
so u are having problems and didnt kick the cat..............ok u are forgiven. These sub 30 people kill their kids. U just went for a ride. Superb. My sort of guy.
Police all over the world have a bizarre habit of leaving the motor running.and yer the keys in the ignition. Der brains.
must be the same type of people that keep the motor running at the pump. Gas pump/petrol pump.
Elbuda Mexicano
Maybe he was just in a hurry to deliver his fresh sushi??
awesome... haha
what the above poster said.. :D
Most of the posters here obviously didn't read the article. The key was NOT in, and thus then engine wasn't running. And anyone who can sympathize with the thief is someone I would sure never trust. He wasn't even trying to play a joke on the cops by moving the bike. It was pure and simple theft. You are saying anything that is not locked down is free for you to steal. An unlocked home is an invitation to take everything in it? Anything in an unlocked car is free game? Run off with my motorcycle, and you will be needing an ambulance when I catch you!