A 42-year-old man has been arrested for throwing a condom full of his semen at a 19-year-old girl, police said Wednesday. The suspect, who has been identified as Yasutaka Imai, allegedly threw the prophylactic at the victim from a moving car in Akishima in Tokyo on Thursday.
Imai was quoted by police as saying: "I did it to fulfill my sexual desire in some way. I've done it more than 100 times over the last three years."
Police have not ruled out the possibility of Imai's involvement in other similar cases that were reported in the area. Investigations are now underway to establish whether Imai was involved in a similar case that took place on May 23 this year, in which a 20-year-old woman was the victim of the same crime in Tokyo's Hino.
© Compiled from news reports
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What a charming guy. Must have watched "Silence of the Lambs" and gotten some ideas...
“I did it to fulfill my sexual desire in some way. I’ve done it more than 100 times over the last three years.”
I guess they all secretly want to be caught. What a total weirdo!
Wow, definately some weird people out there. I don't even want to know what he was doing in his car before "hand".
Elbuda Mexicano
I would be funny to go up to idiot Japanese like this hentai and have everybody just start throwing used condoms, but the scary thing is, this idiot must be so perverted that he may even enjoy his little experience.
This is as close as he will ever get to being intimate with a female.
so either lots of victims never reported this crime, which is lame, or the police are complete nincompoops, which is even lamer!
how was he caught?? or did he turn himself in...
Sounds like Japan needs to return to the 70's era, where companies took sex tours to other countries so these perverts could release themselves.
ew w w w w w yuk
Man, the sick people here. I hope the guy can be charged with SOMEthing, since he claims to have done it so often. But what?
Sick Puppy, needs help!!! Get this man a hooker.
Another crazy story that makes me laugh. Well, make my day good.
smithinjapan -- agree. As strange/perverted as this may be, what crime exactly did he commit? Littering? I can't see how it is sexual assault. If he had been driving along and tossed out an empty beer can that hit her, would they charge him with a crime? Is it legally different because it was a condome?
Asahi.com is saying he was charged with assault. Not necessarily SEXUAL assault.
Could have been worse, I suppose. It could have been a condom filled with someone ELSE's semen.
We should all rejoice that this is the closest his seed will ever get to a woman.
Police have not ruled out the possibility of Imai’s involvement in other similar cases that were reported in the area
It would be hard to imagine that there is more than one pervert in the area that would even think of doing something like this.
The sperminator...
Only one word for this guy; it begins with w............
A scene similiar to "silence of the lambs" except for "Clarice" gets slung semen at from an inmate behind bars; where this clown needs to be.
This is very disturbing news. I hope the women involved are coping okay. What a disgusting individual.
Sorry, this is just sooo gross. hope it didn`t hit her in any mucous membranes....yuck!
Grottie to the max :0
I don't get it...you get busted once, but why would you admit to doing it over 100 times?!
He admits to doing over 100 times and the police:
Well, since he just said he did it over 100 times, I guess the police are right not to rule out that he may have done it before... Holmes would be impressed. And Colombo.
"a condom full of his semen"
Um, am I the only one who wonders if the condom was really 'filled' with his genetic material? The word 'full' implies occupying the entire container, in this case a condom, which are, as we all know, stretchy little things. They can even, according to experiments conducted when I was eleven, hold up to a liter of water.
So, yes, I question this man's, uh, output, and wonder if 'containing' is not a more appropriate, and accomodating, word.
share the load!
Best condom thrower.
sick sick, lock him up before he escalates to lord knows what..........sicko!
weird, just weird....
If you fling an empty beer out of your car and it hits someone then it's assault. It's up to you to prove it was accidental in Japan (whereas in other countries it would be up to the prosecution to prove it was intentional).
An interesting question though. Has this guy been tested for STDs? Because if the condom was left open (rather than knotted or sealed in some way) throwing the condom could have posed a health risk. If the guy had minor STD it could still bump the charge up to "aggravated assault" as the condom might now be considered as a weapon capable of inflicting harm.
If the guy had an STD like HIV then in my opinion he should be looking at "attempted murder" (or if he successfully infected any of the 100 people he threw condoms at then "murder") as there's no cure.
Just some food for thought. It may seem funny, like throwing water balloons at people, but the worst you'll get from a water balloon is a bruise and a bit wet, while this guy's semen could literally be a biological weapon capable of killing someone.
Well said Frungy - that was what I was implying with my 'mucous membranes' post. May seem funny to some, but just imagine if he had a really nasty STD, how would you feel to get a face full of his ahem genetic material?
Guy needs help. A good whack or two might be a good start.
This is a popular movie theme in Japan, would you believe. It's a case of monkey-see, monkey-do. Lock him up in a lunatic asylum I say. I just feel sorry for all the girls he has defiled in this disgusting manner.
Frungy, Since HIV dies when it is exposed to air I think you would have a hard time proving attempted murder.
Actually ...
Moderator: Back on topic please.
if i was the girl, he wouldnt be able to throw his semen around anymore after my highheel had accidently flown through the air to his netherregions.. dirty dirty louse of a man
that dude needs to be locked up 1 year for every rubber thrown out the window. life? shucks.
sexual assault is about right.
ebonyninja at 09:46 AM JST - 28th October
Sounds like Japan needs to return to the 70's era, where companies took sex tours to other countries so these perverts could release themselves.
I AGREE 100%
It appears there are not enough mental institutions free public and private over here to address the increasing cases and spotlight the disturbed before they erupt out in public. I hope the W.H.O. is watching!
"I’ve done it more than 100 times over the last three years.”
Police have not ruled out the possibility of Imai’s involvement in other similar cases that were reported in the area.
well, the man is obviously disturbed and I can't understand the thinking, other than the fetish of spreading genetic material all over a lovers face or back or where ever they want it.
Biohazard attack!
Talk about a pocket monster. Zoinks!!! I hope what goes around, comes around! Ok, I'm out!
Monkeyz is right. In this case the guy threw a condom of semen at someone, which implies fresh semen, which would basically be a nutrient-rich bath for the HIV virus, and just a little bit of eye-splash could provide a viable vector.
To keep this on topic, this is potentially not amusing at all. If these were condoms full of blood people would see the risk much more quickly, but because it's semen I think people aren't quite getting how serious this is.
he must be pretty good at driving while juggling all the rest of it. what a bast*rd!
some people sure have bizarre sexual desires
I totally agree that this is a disgusting act, however where did this "HIV" thing come from? Something assumed or is that a fact. Do they have a Sex Offender Register in Japan?
What, so you'd be fine if you were in a bar and someone spilled, not their drink, but their semen over your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend?
The Japanese police must really know how to tort... er question suspects to get them to say that they've done it about 100 times before.
As gross as his doing is. I don't understand what he got arrested for. In a state by the rule of law, you can only arrest someone, when he commited a crime, and I don't really see, what exactly is the crime here.
Andrew Decena
Best condom throwist? Good thing he didn't use a slingshot. What a fool.
Let's see in a civilized country (ie USA, Canada, Sweden, etc..) the act of spitting on someone constitutes an Assault Charge. Flinging your semen on a victim would definetly constitute a Sex Assault charge.
The crime is most likely assault. Assault doesn't need to have actual contact or harm, as long as the victim believes that harm did or could have come to them. There is also mischief and public indecency. These can be upgraded to criminal acts.
If the subject did this act for a sexual gratification purpose... A sex assault has been committed. Pretty simple by his statement, he does it for sexual gratification.
TokyoGas; that would be best loaded condom thowerist :)
Nasty!! Throwing bodily fluids of any kind at someone is just plain vile and nasty. And such fluids could contain some kinds of virus and possibly could have deadly consequences for the poor victims and therefore such an act would be considered criminal. What a real jerk (off)!
Kimochi varui/
would that lady have to suffer the anxiety of getting checked for the standard range of STIs because of what this twat did?HIV virus may die on contact with air but others including Hepatitis dont ..and he has the audacity to just admit that hes done it a 100 times!japanese jails must be crawling with all sorts of sickos.
What is he being charged with? Drive by squirting. Assault with a drippy weenie-wrapper. This is disgusting.
At least he had the decency to use a condom. What a gent!
I guess he was UP for this type of crime. I digress.
It is assault, and the sexual part may or may not hold up in Japan. It may in the West, but maybe not here. Either way, the dude needs help. San Quentin could be a good landing spot.
dolphingirl at 06:24 PM JST - 28th October
What is he being charged with? Drive by squirting.
Haha funniest thing i heard all day.
Not exactly what you'd call the actions of an UPSTANDING member of society.
Ah, the legendary deductive genius of the J-cops.
ROTFLMFAO... That made my day.
He was probably one of those millions of sick manga freaks that lurk around in the stations here. Good for nothing sub-human vermin. Hope the cops smacked him around in the cell.
I wonder who was driving the car he was in? I guess they would be an accomplice to the dumbest crime ever. Imagine explaining why you were in jail at your next job interview and this was the reason you had to give.
This condom guys is going to get in trouble in more ways than he could ever have imagined now that he said he does it so much and it's for sexual gratification.
Maybe he's just a wandering seaman...
Seems like he did have a good whack or two already.
But in all seriousness, this is just nasty. Can't believe he's gotten away with it until now.
Another OIJ move - Only in Japan. Imaginative kinky boys here.
@ mikehuntez
Good point :-)
Ken Watanabe
I have a puke choked in the middle of my throat. . .
Idle hands are the devil's workshop. Ew! Gross!!
Pleasure: "We should all rejoice that this is the closest his seed will ever get to a woman."
I was actually thinking along these lines myself. This guy should get a special Darwin award. Although he is not dead, he has gotten out of the gene pool, toweled himself off, and is walking into the clubhouse for a drink.
I am just assuming that this is the only thing that turns him on, but if he is thrilled by condoms, and thinks that throwing semen in latex is a sex act, he won't be duplicating that code anytime soon.
And he is really dumb to do this, too. After a fit of barfing, I could imagine that any person could do A LOT of mischief if they had a condom full of someone's DNA and seminal fluid. Someone could have framed this guy for any number of crimes. Who is going to argue with DNA and seminal fluid found at the crime scene? Commit your favorite crime, give police an anonymous tip, and go live a happy life while getting this guy locked up in the process. Ta dah!
I was going to lunch, but I just lost my appetite. The image of this creep "fulfilling" his desire... eek
Now THIS is gross. Sick act. I cannot believe this has happened "100s of times" and this is the first time hearing about it.
Something odd here, usually most men lose the desire after ejaculation, this guy takes his fantasy beyond that, odd! Unless it's one he prepared earlier! Boggles the mind! Sick B@stard!
Nicky Washida
My god some Japanese men need lessons in how to approach a woman
miamum at 07:19 PM JST - 29th October
My god some Japanese men need lessons in how to approach a woman
Your totally right, the kinda sad thing is... This same thing happens in America ALL THE TIME, but for pranks by highschool kids, this is a grown man neather is appropriate, but this guys insane. Mid-life crissis?
"He was probably one of those millions of sick manga freaks that lurk around in the stations here."
I agree 100%
There is a lot of weirdos here at my station also, and the uniformed just ignore them, but will stare down a non-jn
"Police have not ruled out the possibility of Imai’s involvement in other similar cases that were reported in the area." Thank God Japan's finest are on the case! He confessed to doing it more than 100 times and they haven't ruled out the possibility "of his involvement." They'll probably take him with tastefully hidden face and handcuffs, to all 100 plus crime scenes.
This against the law? I would like to see that law.