Police in Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, have arrested a 49-year-old man for making obscene images and videos of himself available to an unspecified number of people on the internet, using the name of a real woman.
Police said Shinya Koga, a company employee, is accused of uploading the images and videos to SNS on August 8, broadcaster NTV reported. The SNS account name where the images were uploaded used the name of a real woman.
The woman found an account with the same name as her, noticed that obscene images were being posted, and reported it to the police.
Police said the woman told police she doesn’t know the man.
© Japan Today
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Daniel Neagari
Probably influenced by that song of the devil... Mobscene.
That Marylin Manson is corrupting young minds!!! lol
Some dude
In today's "headlines that you just know came from Japan"....
No, this sick stuff is sadly happening in every nation. Those who do it need very long jail terms.
sorry I don’t understand the crime here… I’m sure there are more people with the same name as the woman who reported this man to the police… so is it a crime to post obscene pictures ? Or is it a crime to post obscene pictures under an existing pseudonym? I hope someone can explain to me why the police had to get involved.
I don't see the crime, aside form maybe the genitals aren't pixelated. Yeah, probably that. The woman has nothing to do with it though.
Daniel Neagari
Feels like they left out the part explaining the crime. I don't believe just using the same name as someone would do that, probably he also used her images and tried to intentionally make it seem like it was the real person that was uploading his pictures.
To be fair, you can take just about any name, enter it into the search bar on Facebook, for example, and get several results. Particularly Japanese names!
@JRO @Muramurahachibu exactly,
She need to know that Japan has many people with similar name.
Combine First Name and Last Name, so many of them are not unique
So even that person post obscene pictures online, very unlikely he doesn't have harm intent to the person who report him.
Yeah but if the lady is getting messages from family or business contacts, people surprised by the stuff ‘she’ is posting, then I can see why she would feel her good name is being besmirched.
We can only speculate about the name, but I think unique names are possible. Some may sound the same but use different kanji. Also, I think my own two kids probably have unique names in Japan, as probably do others of mixed parentage.
Michael Corleone
so if a woman has the same name as a porn-star, can she get the porn-star arrested now?
oh dear!!
In Japan, looks like this is the case.
Michael Corleone
so can we expect a queue of complaints at the local koban from ladies called hitomi tanaka?
lock her up!!