Japan Today

Man arrested for using smartphone to film up teenager’s skirt


Police in Sapporo have arrested a 48-year-old man on suspicion of creating a public nuisance after he was caught filming up a teenage girl’s skirt in a store.

According to police, the incident occurred at around 5 p.m. Sunday at a shopping complex in front of JR Sapporo Station, Hokkaido Broadcasting Co reported. Police said the suspect, a company employee from Asahikawa in Hokkaido, approached the girl from behind as she was looking at some items in a store, and pointed his smartphone up her skirt.

A security guard spotted the man and called 110 and kept an eye on the man until police arrived. Police said the suspect has admitted to the charge and that an inspection of his smartphone found up-skirt images of several other girls.

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FFS. Stop calling it a "public nuisance". It's at minimum, sexual harassment and the penalty for indulging in such disgusting behavior should be harsh to discourage would-be predators from finding more victims.

12 ( +24 / -12 )

The only unusual thing about this article is that he got caught. Many thousands do not.

-6 ( +13 / -19 )

The worst thing is that the clumsy criminal still got away with doing this several times before according to the evidence, fortunately he did it one time too many and got caught at least.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

LindsayToday  07:31 am JST

The only unusual thing about this article is that he got caught. Many thousands do not.

I'd love to hear how you know this; some special place to see the pics online that you go to?

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

How grand that purple_depressed_bacon got 6 downvotes for calling this behavior what it is - sexual harassment. With a side of child pornography, if this girl (and the others he filmed) is a minor. To the downvoters, did you downvote because you engage in this behavior too and thus do not want the crime to be called what it should be called, and treated as seriously as it ought to be treated?

18 ( +22 / -4 )

This is sadly a big social problem of Japan.

The problem can be contained from the very core which is the education.

Forbid the distribution and sell of the weird manga that are almost pedophilic and the animation.

Stop idealiIng in medie young girls as sexual dolls and have a good education of respect toward any gender.

There is so much to do,only arrest and send these pervs to jail is not enough.

1 ( +19 / -18 )

Yea hentai manga and porn (the perp may well have intended to upload to a porn site).

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

My friends and family are totally amazed when I send them links to such articles as this. The fact that such stories get written about in news media is such a contrast when compared to other developed nations such as the United States where this would be drowned out by more severe crimes. Makes me feel much safer to live here in Japan when I read or watch the news, a testament to how much safer we really are compared to other countries!

-9 ( +11 / -20 )


A lot of posters here obviously do not view this type of behavior as a problem, and also resent it when it is brought up that porn is a major driver of sexual crimes.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

I think it's perverted to send family and friends links to upskirt filming in Japan.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

FairToday  10:55 am JST

My friends and family are totally amazed when I send them links to such articles as this. The fact that such stories get written about in news media is such a contrast when compared to other developed nations such as the United States where this would be drowned out by more severe crimes. Makes me feel much safer to live here in Japan when I read or watch the news, a testament to how much safer we really are compared to other countries!

-7 ( +4 / -11 )


A great post of whataboutism and ignorance.

Has nothing to do with the article and compared to Japan most Western countries (have you heard of Portugal,Denmark,Liechtenstein for example)

Don’t have as many pervs as here.

-6 ( +11 / -17 )

How grand that purple_depressed_bacon got 6 downvotes for calling this behavior what it is - sexual harassment.

Do not be surprised.

There are always unshakable Japan supporters who downvote every comment which not confirm their image of "all perfect Japan".

After many years spent in Japan, and after meeting hundreds of western living or studying in Japan, I can firmly say that almost 90% of them are anime-manga-games lovers, thinking that Japan will solve their incompetence in their home country, seeking a Japanese partner and believing in “Japan is heaven, the rest of the world is hell”.

I can also say that almost all of them have a traumatic awakening after the honeymoon phase of living abroad finishes and especially after starting to raise children in the Japanese school system (and, concerning the topic of this article, especially if they are raising a girl).

-6 ( +19 / -25 )

As with the kindergarten children Japanese have proven to perverted tendencies (ranging from life threatening to a sexual high from bodily excretions)

Racist or what?

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Dave FairToday 10:55 am JST

My friends and family are totally amazed when I send them links to such articles as this. The fact that such stories get written about in news media is such a contrast when compared to other developed nations such as the United States where this would be drowned out by more severe crimes. Makes me feel much safer to live here in Japan when I read or watch the news, a testament to how much safer we really are compared to other countries!

Let your friends and family know that only 4% of rapes in Japan are even reported, and that when they are reported, they rarely end in convictions and instead end with suspended sentences even in cases of gang rape.

Then tell them about all the foreign women who have straight up disappeared, and how the police tend to disregard those reports unless forced to investigate (see Lucy Blackman, Carita Ridgeway).

And make sure to tell them that women get molested on the train every day, and that some women are targeted by the same man over and over.

And oh, don't forget how the police tend to ignore the concerns of foreigners in general, and particularly are dismissive towards foreign women reporting sex crimes.

I wonder if knowing all of that would make your female relatives feel Japan was safe?

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

Don't use smartphone

2 ( +3 / -1 )

girl_in_tokyoToday 04:38 pm JST

Dave FairToday 10:55 am JST

Let your friends and family know that only 4% of rapes in Japan are even reported, and that when they are reported, they rarely end in convictions and instead end with suspended sentences even in cases of gang rape.

Then tell them about all the foreign women who have straight up disappeared, and how the police tend to disregard those reports unless forced to investigate (see Lucy Blackman, Carita Ridgeway).

And make sure to tell them that women get molested on the train every day, and that some women are targeted by the same man over and over.

And oh, don't forget how the police tend to ignore the concerns of foreigners in general, and particularly are dismissive towards foreign women reporting sex crimes.

I wonder if knowing all of that would make your female relatives feel Japan was safe?

Sorry but the story is about a man filming up a teenage girl’s skirt, NOT women being molested, not being raped, not being abducted, kidnapped or murdered! Yes, this man deserves to be hauled through the legal system but what he did is not on par as the examples you cite.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Before coming to Japan, I anime/cartoon is a divine thing which is made for children to teach them moral things. But after coming to Japan, I was astonished to see how they display big poster highlighting the teenage girl’s skirt. Doesn’t this type of things (including many others) promote the perv? I am sorry if I am wrong

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The only unusual thing about this article is that he got caught. Many thousands do not.

Very true. It's normally only police officers we read about here getting busted for this sort of disgusting conduct.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Dave FairSep. 20 07:24 pm JST

Sorry but the story is about a man filming up a teenage girl’s skirt, NOT women being molested, not being raped, not being abducted, kidnapped or murdered! Yes, this man deserves to be hauled through the legal system but what he did is not on par as the examples you cite.

Ah yes, you are correct! I forgot that stalking, molestation, abduction, rape, and murder don't happen to women in Japan; the only trouble here is upskirt photography, and as we all know, that's not so bad, is it! It's not like women in Japan need to worry when they walk home at night, or change around their daily routines to make sure they aren't followed, or watch behind them continuously on escalators/stairs/train platforms, or worry that the upskirt phototgrapher will escalate the situation, amirite?

Thanks for the explanation, I'm sure glad there are men on here to correct us ladies on how worried we should be about our safety in Japan.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

It is a pity here some can´t make the difference between common pervs, which just can´t respect women, and criminals who voluntary hurt others.

Everything stems from education in Japan.

Yes Japan is much safer.

Just discussed with with a woman who was only once groped in the street when teenager. Too much but no country is paradise and my teenage girls goes to Nagoya on her own advised to shout, react physically and ask for help if needed.

Women wil always at some time attract pervs. Know it.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Jonathan PrinToday 07:00 am JST

It is a pity here some can´t make the difference between common pervs, which just can´t respect women, and criminals who voluntary hurt others.

Thanks, Johnathan, for telling women how they should feel about having pictures taken up their skirts. If we didn't have you to tell us it's a mild crime and nothing to get worried about, we might have actually felt violated and degraded, and also afraid the man might escalate to physical violence. Thanks to you, we now know it's not such a big deal and we can relax when it happens.

Yes Japan is much safer.

Great! I'll be sure to let my friend know that the guy who climbed in her window probably just wanted to say "hi", and the next time a salaryman lunges at me in the dark as I'm walking home, I'll relax knowing that Japan is "much safer".

Just discussed with with a woman who was only once groped in the street when teenager.

Wow, only once! I am sure then, that all the other women who say they've been groped multiple times or who report being stalked or raped must be lying, then.

Too much but no country is paradise

Right! No country is paradise, so thank you for reminding women of that so the next time they are groped or raped, they will realize their experience is totally an anomaly. I'm sure that will make them feel much better and much safer.

Women wil always at some time attract pervs. Know it.

Yes, this will never change, because .. well, it's NATURAL, right? That's just how it is so talking about it, warning women not to let down their guard, or discussing a need for change won't make any difference. I mean, it's not like we can tell men to stop groping, or make stronger laws, or ensure the police and courts take harassment and sexual assault more seriously! Amirite?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

girl_in_tokyoToday 06:48 am JST

Ah yes, you are correct! I forgot that stalking, molestation, abduction, rape, and murder don't happen to women in Japan; the only trouble here is upskirt photography, and as we all know, that's not so bad, is it! It's not like women in Japan need to worry when they walk home at night, or change around their daily routines to make sure they aren't followed, or watch behind them continuously on escalators/stairs/train platforms, or worry that the upskirt phototgrapher will escalate the situation, amirite?

Thanks for the explanation, I'm sure glad there are men on here to correct us ladies on how worried we should be about our safety in Japan.

Where did I state that, [stalking, molestation, abduction, rape, and murder don't happen to women in Japan]?

Where did I state that, [women in Japan DON'T need to worry when they walk home at night, or change around their daily routines to make sure they aren't followed, or watch behind them continuously on escalators/stairs/train platforms, or worry that the upskirt phototgrapher will escalate the situation, amirite]?"

It would be much more helpful if people would stay within the context of the message and not make incorrect assumptions or misinterpretations of others' statements when their is clearly no evidence to do so. I SIMPLY eluded to the FACT that in other countries, like America or lets say Ukraine for example, the level of crime is on a different scale! Do parents in Japan worry that their children will be killed in a mass school shooting? Do families in Japan worry that they will be murdered while shopping in a mall or restaurant? Do people in Japan worry that a missile will blow up their home or will be shot by a sniper while walking to a supermarket?

Where did I EVER say that stalking, molestation, abduction, rape, and murder DON'T happen to women in Japan or that it WASN'T a problem? Please refer me to these words of mine.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Starpunk, I hope you realize that my reply to Jonathan was purposefully sarcastic. :)

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

FFS. Stop calling it a "public nuisance". It's at minimum, sexual harassment and the penalty for indulging in such disgusting behavior should be harsh to discourage would-be predators from finding more victims.

Public nuisance is actually correct. Rape and indecency are, in the modern age, Crimes against Sexual Autonomy. From that viewpoint, a camera pointed up your skirt which you are not supposed to even know about, like it or not, does not infringe on that. All that can be said is that the Defendant is infringing on public order - the right of a citizen to feel safe. Thus public nuisance.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

A great post of whataboutism and ignorance.

Has nothing to do with the article and compared to Japan most Western countries (have you heard of Portugal,Denmark,Liechtenstein for example)

Don’t have as many pervs as here.

you said it William!

Do not be surprised.

There are always unshakable Japan supporters who downvote every comment which not confirm their image of "all perfect Japan".

So true. But let me say this. Whatever happens guys, always speak truth to power. Never be concerned with up and down votes. What's important is that we all speak our minds unhindered.

After many years spent in Japan, and after meeting hundreds of western living or studying in Japan, I can firmly say that almost 90% of them are anime-manga-games lovers, thinking that Japan will solve their incompetence in their home country, seeking a Japanese partner and believing in “Japan is heaven, the rest of the world is hell”.

Yeah. they are usually VERY wet behind the ears with a minimal grasp of the language and culture outside of their Anime/Manga/Cosplay bubble, and think they know it all.

I can also say that almost all of them have a traumatic awakening after the honeymoon phase of living abroad finishes and especially after starting to raise children in the Japanese school system (and, concerning the topic of this article, especially if they are raising a girl).

Oh their rude awakening happens even before that, and they are usually the first people to hightail it back home after singing the praises of this country for so long. Go figure.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Dave FairToday  11:29 am

I SIMPLY eluded to the FACT that in other countries, like America or lets say Ukraine for example, the level of crime is on a different scale!

And I SIMPLY pointed that comparison is completely meaningless because a) we don’t live in those countries; b) stats don’t tell the entire tale.

And I SIMPLY explained that women who have been victims of crime in Japan aren’t comforted by stories of crimes elsewhere.

I know men like to think of themselves as bearers of useful knowledge, but in this case everything you wrote is not at all useful for women in Japan.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Kazuaki ShimazakiToday  12:24 pm JS

Public nuisance is actually correct. Rape and indecency are, in the modern age, Crimes against Sexual Autonomy.

Correction. They are crimes against women,

From that viewpoint, a camera pointed up your skirt which you are not supposed to even know about, like it or not, does not infringe on that. *

Correction. 1) Our right to exist in public free from sexual harassment is infringed upon. 2) Our peace of mind is infringed upon. 3) Our right to go outside our homes without taking preemptive countermeasures against sex attacks (tights under skirts; pants instead of skirts; avoiding rush hour; etc) is infringed upon. 4) Our right to not have our bodies violated by sexual predators is infringed upon. 5) Our right to images of our own bodies to not be used to fuel a sex predator’s sexual fantasies is infringed upon. 6) Our right to control who gets to see images of our private area is infringed upon.

Sorry, but only a man who has never been sexually harassed or assaulted or had to live in fear of being sexually assaulted or harassed would define upskirt photography as a mere nuisance, or think that women don’t notice when it happens or aren’t strongly affected just hearing about it and knowing that it happens, and needing to be afraid and take precautions against it.

In case you’re wondering, this is exactly what women mean when we beg, plead, shout, and even curse for men to PLEASE take sex crimes seriously. It’s obvious you don’t.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Upskirt is not groping or rape.

You cannot give a sentence harsher than the ugly deed to somebody because you think so. It is called justice.

Trying to give working and adapted advice but some are not listening, and think that men shall close their eyes when happen to cross a lady. Yes eyes help store pictures of bodies by the way.

A public nuisance like taking upskirt is not a crime. And objectively speaking, some men can´t help doing it because it is Japan.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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