A 34-year-old man was charged with assault on Wednesday, accused of wiping saliva on a woman’s coat while she was sleeping on a Keihin Tohoku line train.
Police said Nobufumi Kamigaki, a resident of Yokohama City, wiped saliva he had put in his hand on the left shoulder of the 23-year-old woman sitting next to him, at around 7.10 a.m. Wednesday. Train security personnel on board happened to see the incident and escorted the man off the train at Tsurumi station, handing him over to police.
Kamigaki has admitted to wiping saliva on the woman’s clothes and told police he had done it to about 20 women since the end of last year, telling police: “I wanted to make beautiful women dirty.”
© News reports
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Nothing wrong this society, hey? What a freak! I wonder if the new 'Sakura Squad' will be chasing up this one.
Good job on the staff for catching this guy. That is just sick.
This has to be the funniest @$&% I have ever read on JT. This dude actually said that to the police.....hilarious. I mean this dude is sick, but to say what he said takes the cake. “I wanted to make beautiful women dirty.” ....lol. Good job train staff.
Which manga featured this hentai act I wonder. A 36 year old man. Hopeless case. Perhaps inflicting pain on this loser might set him straight.
I don't know. He is probably the type that would enjoy it. Unless you mean clipping toe nails.
What on earth will they charge him with?
Man, that is the weirdest sh!t I have ever heard.
Mz-They got him with assault. I am sure that is what they would get him with in the states.
This is beyond strange. I hope not to encounter such perverts when I visit Japan. It seems that Japan has its share of such people.
Wow.... the loonies are out in full force. Wiping saliva? First I ever heard of that one.
“I wanted to make beautiful women dirty.” I wonder myself what he will be charged with. Most probably will be suspended sentence, after his visit to shrink. Something is not clicking inside him. Why doesn't he pick up dirty women to make them clean? Never heard of something like this before and mind you he was doing this for while and never being nabbed. 'GIRLS KEEP AWAY FROM MAKE-UP
A few phone books on his stomach would do the trick! Rather than fining him or prosecuting him maybe they should get some of the new policewomen recruits to line up and let him have it with their kahunsho build up!
If you got to google and type in "Japanese people are.." and see what google fills in the blank with, you'll understand this character.
haha. what a freak. lol, such a dirty dirrrty mind..
YOu wouldnt believe the extent of perversion you have in this country.. pleace tell me you want examples of what i have witnessed
At least it was only saliva...people have been smeared with much worse on the trains here.
It could have been a lot worse. Thank goodness this perv was only wiping saliva.
"I wanted to make beautiful women dirty."
I thought the victim at least had to be aware of the unwanted contact for it to be considered assault...
What a nutter, eh?
Nippon Nation
I was on this train and saw him committing this gross act. I ride the Keihin Tohoku at around this time. I witnessed first hand. No Lie! I am still shocked it made the news.
this guy is psycho ..
you watch and did nothing.....come on....
Another day, another loony. Sometimes I come away from reading JT with the distinct feeling that somewhere along the line I became a resident of the Twilight Zone. What is wrong with these people? I wish somebody could give me a fair, unbiased insight into what goes through the mind (or not) of somebody like this.
What a freak
This kind of thing puts the crime rate up....We'll be up there with the big boys soon.
Well, he smeared spit on her. That's nasty. But reading some of the posts here, you'd think he'd raped her, cut her, strangled her pet dog, beamed her up to his UFO.....
I wouldn't like to have some pervert smearing his body fluids on me, but it's on a different level from having the pervert follow me down a dark alley.....
cleo -- so a mild perversion is OK, right? I don't agree. This was the only act he had the guts to commit. The fact that he didn't rape her is important, no doubt, but doesn't change the basic motivation behind what he did. In his mind he basically did the same thing, by physically degrading her.
No, of course it isn't. This is a seriously sad little man, and there are about 20 ladies recalling the strange stains they found on their coats and feeling yukky about it.
Respect is the issue here... If you see it happen call it, there will be one MAN that will do something about it..
Train security were there, saw it too and they took the guy away. No one else had to do anything, including McAlpine. It was taken care of properly... for a change!
I am glad someone got caught by the authorities on the train doing something disgusting! It's about time! Now, what I really want to know is if there is anything that can be done with the nose-pickers on the train...really guys, do you THINK you're invisible????
imphuqt...good point and taken...you are right.....
Arkamedes, please do tell.
As has been said, some crazy stuff... but could have been a lot worse. That being said, I'm glad the guy was caught, and only wish he hadn't had the chance to do it 20 times. Unbelievable what the guy said, but if it'll help a charge stick, so be it.
ichyawarfare: "Good job on the staff for catching this guy. That is just sick."
I'm just glad to hear you're not blaming it on the victim this time.
at least he called her beautiful wahhahahha. crazy dude!
smithinjapan-someone holds a grudge. Did not blame the other person, was talking about perception. You missed the words probably and might have. Read all of the comments, not just what you want to read. Don't know full story on the other, this one we do. This guy is 100% guilty. No doubt in anyones mind on that. This guy has something wrong with him and thankfully he was stopped now. This could have built into other things and we all know it could have been a lot worse and thankfully it was not.
Sounds like the anti-hero of a Japanese novel.
Just another sorry episode in the catalogue of poor manners, inconsiderate behaviour and downright rudeness found on the trains here.
don't sleep on the train.
ahahahahaha sick
Today wiping spit on a woman's coat, tomorrow stealing underware, after that who knows? Time to put this guy away.
Dennis Bauer
eeeeeeeh? this is so strange i am at a loss for words on this
Hey, these trains run wonderful for being so crowded. Better to have saliva rubbed on you than something else. I saw that happen and gagged.
Ichyawarfare: "smithinjapan-someone holds a grudge. Did not blame the other person, was talking about perception. You missed the words probably and might have."
Relax! I was just having a go at you. But I didn't 'miss the words' at all, you said the old woman probably deserved the beating, and so I said I was happy to see you were not proclaiming the criminal the victim again.
You're right that it's fortunate the guy was caught and things were not worse, though. Too many assaults and crimes on trains these days... doesn't seem to matter if you're asking someone not to be loud, or just sleeping during the commute.
smithinjapan-lol. not losing sleep or anything over it man. To little time in the world.
This is just a sad day in a country we normally do not worry about things. I hope we can get back to that peace and state of mind, where we only complain about the TV and fashion here. JT did a good job on this article so I can't play devil's advocate, not that I would for this guy.
Cuckoo season has begun!
I think that is the intentions of every man who likes women intimately
Train security personnel on board
Sorry..I've lived in Kansai for 18 years and never seen any train security personnel on board ANY train.
eeeeewwwwww! Another sicko man on a train. There are so many, and their anti-social behaviour seems to know no bounds these days. Cuckoo season is all year round in this country, biglittleman!!!
that's disgusting.
Doesn't he realise how difficult it is to make a beautiful woman and to keep her that way?
geesh- Hats off to the jr crew.
Who are these "train security personnel"? I've never seen one. ARe they plainclothed? Are they JR employees, police, or private security?
Joselito Asi
may be it'll be something out of the nose next ?
he can always says the girl is sooooooooooo beautiful he can't bloody help but starts drooling all over her.
Everyday JT posts such disgusting stories. My day starts with kimochi varui feeling. There are millions of chikan occurrences everyday in this country, must you post every story here?
You know, this problem would disappear if people didn't sleep (or pretend to) on trains. Japan is the only country I have been to where it is common practice. This sick little twit would have to find some other way of getting his jollies.
Wonder if it were really saliva.
I have seen security on the keikyu line which are 90year olds dressed in smart blue uniforms 2 sized to big
should be more of them
what can they see in a crowded train.
there are these kind of people everywhere getting off on this kind of stuff
another day in the life of Japan
Waiting for the movie version on this one..."Salivanator"... Maybe this guy is on the minor league baseball team of the Swallows...The Spitters. What a sick, sick person.
Yuck. This guy need a good shrink, preferably somewhere under close supervision. The only good news is that he didn't make them dirty by burying them somewhere.
"the train crew 'happened' to overlook the incident' or put another way, were busy leering at the sleeping woman themselves.
They should round up the 20 or some women and have them surround him. Then at the signal they all spit on him at the same time. That'll fulfil his fantasy.
That would be fun 20 women in a circle spitting at each other
I believe I have a seen a Japanese porn where the very thing you are talking about occured. So you never know what might blow someone's hair back.
Save us.
To LoveUSA
"There are millions of chikan occurrences everyday in this country, must you post every story here?"
Why bother to read them?
and as usual, nobody else was in the train, just happened that train security saw him. Again, he had admitted as many here. Good for Police, case is closed, no further investigation needed. Confessed=guilty
One commenter here said they saw it so there was at least 1 other person there.
Den Den
I agree. They need to do more with their free time on trains other than sleeping and makeup. I do Sudako!
Elbuda Mexicano
This country, like every every country, has it's fair share of sick, twisted, lost souls. Getting excited by putting your own saliva on sleeping beautiful women? Sick! Sick! Sick! Someone should put a bit of gasoline on this sick fool and maybe throw a lit match? See how fun that would be sick disgusting smelly, dirty looser!
Are you he didn't mix in some snot, earwax, chicken and rice to make chicken flied rice? What a complete nutcase! He deserves to be locked up forever. Someone with that mentality can never change or be helped. How sad.
Beautiful women should not sleep in train!
Train department should publish a "Do it at home" or "家でやろう!" poster with a picture of "Beautiful woman" sleeping in train.
So, if woman is not beautiful only "avarage" looking or "ugly" this "crime" is not so bad???