Japan Today

Man arrested in road rage case assaults victim, threatens ‘I'll kill you’


Police in Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture, have arrested a 42-year-old company employee for threatening to kill a driver in yet another road rage case. 

Police said the suspect, Yoichi Hayashi, and another driver were apparently involved in some traffic dispute before the trouble escalated.

According to police, the incident occurred at around 10:30 p.m. on Aug 3 in Ampachi, Gifu Prefecture. Hayashi suddenly cut in front of a car being driven by a 52-year-old man, causing him to stop on the road. Hayashi then opened the door of the man’s car and said to him: "Are you making a fool out of me? I'll kill you.” After that, Hayashi punched him in the face and grabbed his hair and pulled him out of the car, injuring his neck.

The victim’s wife, who was in the car with him, called 110.

Police said Hayashi has denied the charge, claiming "I don't remember."

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Japan is becoming more and more like the west. It use to be you could cut someone off without fearing for life...

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

"I don't remember."

So probably is was drunk too.


8 ( +9 / -1 )

I should keep a toy gun in my car to point at people who become a little too aggressive. Being a foreigner and all, they’d likely believe it was real.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Japan is becoming more and more like the west.

No, it's not. These types of cases are so rare, that they appear in the national news. If this were like "the west", you wouldn't be reading about this issue. I would prefer not to use a term as broad as "the west", except that in this case, Japan is one of, if not the, safest countries in the world, so nearly you pick in "the west", Japan is probably still safer.

It use to be you could cut someone off without fearing for life...

And you still can.

...not that you should.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Just lock your door .... don't leave your car.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Summer of road rage?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Japan is becoming more and more like the west. It use to be you could cut someone off without fearing for life..

No, I think Japanese are becoming more bold, more direct, but becoming like the west, not a chance, Japan is still safe, clean, clean, clean, orderly, a strong sense of unity as a nation, a strong adherence to conformity, a strong paid attention to Kego, mannerisms. They may look like the west, eat food and enjoy classical music or movies like the west, but the Japanese will never approach or turn into anything to the level of craziness we see in western nations and that’s a very good thing.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

@Norman Goodman

Not all men try to justify road rage incidents... and thus you realised you were wrong in the first place, instead of walking away the tail between your legs you still blamed him AND became violent. You are clearly part of the problem, follow HBJ advices...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@darknuts - Japan is becoming more and more like the west. It use to be you could cut someone off without fearing for life...

Ah, there it is again! "The west!" What exactly does that mean? Any country that is not Japan? It may come as a complete shock to you, but Japan is not the country of angels you believe it is. In fact, there are countries in 'the west' with much better driving manners and statistics than the precious 'safety Japan'. Road rage is a serious problem in Japan. I witness it three or four time every week. This is not a new problem either. I've been driving for nearly twenty years in Japan and there has always been reckless and aggressive nut cases behind the wheel threatening other drivers. Many of them use their cars as weapons. They are all nine feet tall and made of steel behind the wheel of their car, but they are just cowards in reality.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Always keep a baseball bat/shovel at your car. Never open the door/window when you think it might be dangerous.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

well I guess if you are driving, the "I was drunk" card is not at play....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

"I don't remember". Childish and pathetic thug. Lock him up.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

All acts of road rage are totally unacceptable.

Feelings of frustration and anger are one thing, but anyone who goes that one step further and chases, tailgates, brakes in front of another driver, exits the car and approaches / intimidates / assaults another person etc. quite simply shouldn't be driving on the road.

I hope the increased use of drive recorders goes some way to identify all these imbeciles who think they can get away with it and punish them for their actions.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

One thing I can say for sure is drive recorder makers are doing the money dance after each road rage news story comes out.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

One thing I can say for sure is drive recorder makers are doing the money dance after each road rage news story comes out.

I'm amazed that the Japanese, who normally abbreviate most borrowed words, have chosen to call them "drive recorders" vs the much easier to pronounce "dashcam". (The same goes for "HDD Recorder" vs "DVR".)

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Road rage is a serious problem in Japan. I witness it three or four time every week

Seriously? I drive on an almost daily basis and have been doing so for almost 10 years and have had maybe one or two people honk at me and that's about it. For sure, I've seen a few idiots but for the most part I've found people to be polite and generous in their driving habits. I'd say this is pretty consistent with what my family, friends and colleagues have experienced. Perhaps you might be the cause of the road rage and that's why you see it so often?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

@Bugle Boy of Company

I should keep a toy gun in my car to point at people who become a little too aggressive. Being a foreigner and all, they’d likely believe it was real.

I keep one in my car. The gun is secretly named Megatron and he has been sent here to destroy all of the Autobots.

However we heard they were secretly disguised as cars, so we are just picking out each one as we see fit. Hopefully we will get the job done soon.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

JT...Where is his picture?  So we can all see who he is.  The TV news has already exposed his snapshot.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I had a case of road rage tonight, cycling up a hill (one way street) facing oncoming traffic and the driver of a People carrier decided purposely to swerve in towards me... just because I was on the road and on the right hand side after since I'd just come around a bend and couldn't cross to the left due to other traffic. Some drivers are really dumb-asses.

Where do people with those car-cams or go-pro mobile recording devices post their videos ? I guess I should get one, and post some of the daily antics I see whilst cycling around the streets of Tokyo - that may make for an interesting viewing.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Be careful out there, folks! Some nuts out there are just chompin' at the bit to let off some violent steam.

Call the police or seek out the police if you're confronted by a madman on the road. Also, write down the license number of the madman (or woman) to give to the police later.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I wouldn't advise on arming up - baseball bat or capgun.  The drive recorder and a cool disposition will be much better.

I drive a lot - for over 50 years, and have never seen road rage, though I have seen quite a few dangerous drivers - speeders, agressive lane changers, tailgaters... and the best course of action is to let them get on their way with as little fuss as is possible.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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